[The Official RPN Character Challenge 2015]Group A!

Kenneth took stock of himself as quickly as he could after he had slid out his empty magazine for a fresh one. The good news was that it was going well as it possibly could, which Kenneth admonished himself for actually thinking. Their group of fighters had gone out and had taken to engaging any beast they came across with a fierce response. He could see them go suffer their own blows, but nothing that looked as bad from where he was. Kenneth didn't want to think on the bad news, but the overhanging fact that there still seemed to be so many more outside his field of sight messed with his head quite a bit. As he finished checking his rifle, he checked down the stairway and saw Lyon was gone, a quick lean out the window also saw that Bunny was gone too, and that frightened him to no end.

"Bunny!... Lyon!" His voice echoed throughout the tower, but he got no response back; he could see from where he was that the candle was still lite in the main chamber, but both of his fellow defenders were gone. At this point all he could hear where the howls of the demon-spawn outside, there was then one that sounded much closer than before, and Kenneth shot around back out the window to see where it had come from. It looked like at least some of the monsters had figured out where he was, because he saw a ghoul, and two of those, troll things, moving toward him and away from the attacking group outside. He quickly felt the intense need to remove his bayonet and fix it to the barrel of his m14 in the hopes of feeling safer, suffice to say it didn't do a thing. Kenneth could see they were still outside the bounds of the stake fence, but he could swear that skeleton was staring into his soul and making it wretched just by sight. Kenneth felt something jump into his throat as he muttered a curse that even he didn't catch as he lined up a shot on the floating skeleton in hopes of getting it before it got there.

Kenneth was rudely surprised as his target simply vanished and reappeared closer than before; Kenneth tried again, and the same outcome happened, at least twice more was the same thing as the skeleton was now mere meters from the fence, having left its troll friends behind. It was then that he could hear it begin to screech at him. His hearing was still half-gone due to the constant firing from his rifle, but that wasn't close to what caught his attention. It was the darkness, shear and unending hellscapes that he saw almost as if he was standing before it. He saw vicious things, vile things, things he should know weren't real, but it convinced him otherwise. Kenneth felt tears start to rim his eyes as his vision narrowed, now only seeing the skeletal monster start to literally float over the fence that was the only thing blocking him from it. Kenneth could swear it smiled before letting out a prolonged screech as it was suddenly approaching quicker than ever, almost as if it was lunging for him

. Kenneth flinched and jerked his gun upward and let out a shot. It vanished again, and now Kenneth was on his back staring at the stone ceiling, and a long shadow was cast over him as his feelings of dread only increased. There was a a swoosh of air, and Kenneth didn't know why, but he moved his head right. It was just in time to avoid the claws of a skeletal hand hitting his head, but not enough to stop it from glancing his neck. He could only barely tell something had happened as his vision finally focused on the eyeless skull with an open maw above him. Kenneth slung himself to a sitting position as he slammed his m14, bayonet first, into that open skull and fired off at least five rounds. The skull shattered into varied pieces and the form seemed to vanish in a wisp as cloth and leather was all that seemed to remain. Kenneth was breathing heavily now as he grasped the stone window sill in order to pull himself up as his focus started to clear. He saw two trolls, almost having a pleasurable stroll closer and closer to the fence.

Kenneth's breathing was still coming heavy, and he could feel the left side of his neck begin to throb and something wet begin to run down his arm as he screamed with a slight break in his voice "BUNNY!.. LYON! TROUBLE COMING TO THE FRONT!" Kenneth cast a moment's glance down into the main chamber to see the light of the candle before turning to try and hinder the two trolls by aiming for their legs or eyes., anything to get them to stop moving for one more second. @Invisible monster @Undercore (And anyone else that would be close enough to hear that screamed at the top of his lungs)
Lyon watched, dumbly, as Bunny's gunfire filled his ears and echoed in his skull, barely leaving a scratch in the thick hide of the troll. Her words mingled with the sounds and Lyon stepped back, inhaling deeply. "Ah.", he breathed. His voice climbed ever higher as he readied himself for the inevitable attack. "I'd say we run." He turned on his heel and sprinted for the nearest small house, ducking in the door and rifling through the drawers. The cold steel of a kitchen knife sliced into his fingers, making him wince, and he wrapped his other hand around it. A box of matches caught his eye, and for a second he wondered whether it was here by chance, or if the gods had put it there as some sort of backup. However they'd ended up here, they seemed to symbolise something to him. Light, warmth, shelter... hope. He quickly pocketed them and slipped quietly into the upper storeys of the building, where a cold, empty fireplace lay undisturbed.

The room was dusty and draughty, and reeked of decay. It seemed, to him at least, not like a house at all, but a corpse. Just like this whole town. Lyon wondered if it had ever existed, ever had residents, ever had a name, before the gods had put it into use as some part of their dangerous game. Had they just conjured it, in its current state, for their own purpose? No, this place had an air of sadness, of past, of histories lost to the ever growing population of monsters. It had occurred to him that the house seemed dead... nothing could be dead unless it had lived first.

Lyon grabbed the poker from the fireplace and ran to the window. Though this vantage point was lower than the tower, it was still a good three or four meters off the ground, and from here he could see the troll. Figuring that it wasn't going to stay put forever, he called out to Bunny.
"Don't shoot! I'm gonna try something." Then, this time to himself, he muttered. "Because it worked so well the first time." He perched on the window sill, preparing to jump, knife and fire poker in hand.

A piercing screech cut through the air. Lyon felt the window frame slip out from under him, and then he was falling, and still falling, and then the dirt embraced him.

He sat, gazing at the smokey night sky, staring aimlessly into space. A huge figure loomed above him, but he didn't mind. The dirt was soft, and he was dizzy. He could probably just drift... off...... now........



He gasped, then cried out as a stabbing pain shot through his chest with the breath. The overhead figure snapped into focus and his shout tapered to a squeak. Its clawed hand reached towards him, and he wriggled back through the dust. The stones worked their way into the cut on his hand, and he collapsed backward. The cut from the knife. The knife. It was still tightly intertwined in his fingers, though he'd dropped the poker when he'd fallen. He screamed himself hoarse with pain as he hurled the knife into the troll's eye. It staggered backward, for though its eye was already reforming, it could not heal around the heavy knife, and a steady trickle of blood was dripping from the socket where various nerves had been severed and were too delicate to remain healed while the knife was still lodged. It roared with fury and scrabbled at its face, trying to remove the offending object. Lyon whimpered as he crawled to his knees, his chest still throbbing with that piercing ache. He sat down against the wall, around a corner from the howling troll. He scanned the landscape for Bunny, or Kenneth, or Luness, or anyone. He forced his eyes to open, willing himself to stay awake. He couldn't fall asleep. Not now.

@Undercore @SwiftThunder (Potentially anyone nearby)
After witnessing the silent fighting all around her, thanks to her current deafness from the Screamer earlier, Luness realized that sitting around and waiting for this stupid fox to finally do something was getting her no where.

Pushing herself into a standing position, Luness soon saw Bunny and Lyon battling a troll just outside. She could see them through a nearby window. She could only assume that Sapphire was in the mix of the fighting somewhere outside. She hadn't seen Sapphire since her original pep talk or whatever.

Continuing to look around her, as annoying as it was that she could hear absolutely nothing around her, Luness soon noticed Kenneth nearby seemingly saying something in a highly concerned manner based on his facial expression.

Deciding to join Kenneth for now, Luness jogged over to him, doing her best to ignore the dull, throbbing headache that she couldn't get rid of. That, and her complete lack of hearing, which is always fun.

Once Luness joined Kenneth, she saw him take aim with his gun and she quickly glanced to the side so the muzzle flash didn't temporarily blind her again. She already had a headache and didn't need it to get worse.

While Kenneth fired away at the nearby trolls, which she could tell he was firing with the heated air around Kenneth and she could see the muzzle flashes out of the corner of her eyes, Luness tried to think of some kind of plan for taking these two buffoons down. They healed rapidly and so most attacks were useless against them unless they could make deep enough wounds like Luness did with the first troll she'd taken down.

Eyeing the candle nearby, Luness felt a strong desire to just grab it and light one of the nearby trolls on fire, though that'd kill the fire they were supposed to protect and Luness wasn't too keen on finding out what would happen in that case.

Being her usual subtle self, Luness suddenly clasped Kenneth on the shoulder and then shouted at him, as she had no idea if it was loud or not and wanted to make sure Kenneth could hear her, "Hey! I can't really hear anything right now, but I'm going to try and kill one of those damn trolls! Don't shoot me, but try to keep the other one distracted, will you?"

Before waiting for an answer, which she wouldn't end up understanding anyhow, Luness then dropped to all fours and sprinted outside before snarling at the nearest troll, who was about ten, twenty meters from Luness' current position.

Charging straight at the troll, Luness waited until he began to swing his arm before she dove right under the swing, effectively making the troll miss her.

Once she successfully dodged the swipe at her, Luness leapt at the troll, landing on his shoulder before she quickly lashed out at the troll's throat, ensuring she cut deep enough for it to not heal in time, and then the troll began to angrily flail its arms about, as it stumbled and began to rock back and forth slowly.

Recognizing the troll's movements as ones of something that were about to fall over, Luness leapt away from the troll's body only to have it grab one of her ankles and angrily throw her to the side...straight at the other troll nearby.

The pink haired girl leaned back against the wall, avoiding a swipe from the troll, noticing that Lyon was gone, probably into the house she was leaning against since the door was now wide open. She bit her lip, wondering what was taking Lyon so long since her attacks were pretty much useless. She ducked another swipe from the gnarly tree log, one of it's roots almost waking her in the head. " Watch where you're swinging that thing!" she growled, glaring up at the troll that looked like some kind of warthog. Suddenly Bunny heard Lyon's voice somewhere above her and she looked up, seeing Lyon in one of the windows at the top floor of the house, a knife and fire poker in his hands, ready to jump and attack the troll. "Don't shoot! I'm gonna try something." He called down to her and she nodded, her guns already back in their holsters, she edged away from the building in case Lyon decided falling onto was a good idea. She stopped next to a a stack of hay, putting a hand against the cold stone wall of the building to balance herself and looked up at Lyon, waiting for him to make his move. What he did was not expected, or maybe it was? A terrible screech echoed trough the streets, making Bunny's ears hurt a little, but probably nowhere as bad as the normal people who didn't have some regeneration or the ones who had enhanced hearing. She was about to yell something to Lyon, probably a warning since the troll was heading towards them, but she couldn't utter a single word, when she saw it happen.

Lyon slipped, flailing on the window still for a few seconds before falling off.

Bunny froze, her eyes wide as she watched the boy fall trough the air, dropping down like a stone.

He landed with a thump, some of the dirt and dust from the ground swirling up into the air, hiding Lyon's limp body from her view in their brown mist.

Suddenly the troll was next to Lyon, swiping it's sharp claws across his chest, leaving a bloody slash across his upper torso, shredding his shirt and the flesh beneath Bunny watched in horror and fascination, this was her nature to find normally horrefying situations interesting, as Lyon struggled to his knees, falling backwards instantly, but realising he had a weapon throwing it at the troll while lurching forward a bit, the beast staggered back a bit, clawing at it's head where the weapon had presumably dug itself into his face. She saw Lyon fall back against the wall again, his eyes wide and searching for something, or anyone.

Bunny's instincts from her other personality kicked in and she started crawling over to her wounded team mate, watching the troll warily, hands ready to reach for some of her throwing knives. " Lyon? Lyon are you ok? Lyon?" She whispered loudly, coming closer to the wounded boy. Her brows furrowing in worry and the tips of her hair turning red, her other personality seeping in. Her pink eyes turned blue at the edges and her features grew a little softer and friendlier. Her voice turned unsure and shy when she spoke again softly " L-Lyon? D-Do you need anything?"

@Invisible monster
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Sapphire's response caused Leo to blink--she sounded as if he's ridiculous for asking the question. So this is how team works--there is no question that needs to be asked, people work together automatically. He remembered Felonia once said that even if she's gone, there will be one day Leo won't have to fight alone in the world. Leo smiled, that blank expression of his cracked as his eyes softened in delight. "Thank you for accepting," he said anyway, no matter if the question is weird or not to start with. Turning around then, Leo's eyebrows furrowed towards the ice beasts as electrical bolts once again formed from the ground below his feet, the blue sparks of light gradually appearing around him. His eyes glowed a fiery yellow and his grips of his daggers tightened.

I can do this, or so he thought.

The second he tried slashing through the skin of the gigantic monster, the second its inhumanly sharp single claw swung its way in front of him. He dodged barely, backing up, gritting his teeth upon realizing the difficulty. He tried to use his electrical magic to stung the beast enough for him to freeze, yet the power last only for a few seconds--its size too enormous for Leo who hasn't even completely mastered his electricity skills yet. He frowned, realizing that there are still four of the same monsters, all equally strong and built, to go against. Leo wished to come up with a smart plan, but to his own surprise, his mind couldn't calm down. He glanced toward Sapphire, wondering how she was doing against them, and once again the lad felt weak and small, just like when he's kicked out of the village after being seen as a "demon's child."

Leo shook his head then, as if trying to knock himself back some senses. All this time he's trying to be more mature and stronger, what's with him feeling all powerless all of a sudden? What a disgrace to the fierce fighting team he has ever gotten, he could not disappoint Sapphire who had called him clever. With the speed of light then he dashed off once again, and once he neared the gigantic beast he gave a mighty jump, then swung his left leg towards it, fiercely giving a blow to the monster's chest, causing it to stagger backward. Now's the chance--he has succeed in his first move. A tiny candle of hope seemingly formed inside his heart as he lunged to stab both of his daggers into the monster's heart with a vigorous strike, but unexpected to him, the moment the daggers touched its skin, it broke into pieces.

His eyes widened, he did not expect that.

And instead, the monster's single sharp claw impaled his left shoulder as it noticed Leo's failure. A loud cry of pain escaped from the lad's mouth, and blood spilled out almost immediately. He was swung around in midair for a moment as the claw dug its way deeper into his skin, and he could feel the growing sense of pain not only from the wound but from that his skin has started to freeze, the icy cold he recognized as frostbites gradually expanding from the area of the shoulder to his chest, nearing his heart. That was when he was finally thrown in midair, and his body collided with the hard ground. He's pretty sure his arm is broken, but it's a huge surprise that his arm isn't off yet. The left area of his body ached in pain.

Leo coughed out blood, his broken daggers long fallen from his hands. He wriggled like a helpless worm on the ground for a moment, grabbing his left shoulder, before he forced himself to sit up. His eyes once again landed on Sapphire, who was fighting alone.

The lad tried to breath, trying to soothe the cringing pain by calming his whole body down for even just a moment. And for once he seemed to be noticing his surroundings more than just concentrating on the ice beasts. To his own horror, although trolls' numbers have greatly lessened, multiple monsters have found their ways closer and closer to the defensive area...

At the same time, Eldo's ears twitched as it noticed that the girl Leo had previously brought to the defense area has finally woken up. It yelped in delight, in fox language he's trying to say a congratulation for Luness still being alive, but of course, she couldn't understand that. The little fox's tail hung down for a moment in disappointment, and its eyes seemingly filled with concern as it seemed to realized Luness's grave body conditions.

The gunshot by Kenneth caused it to jump, and the next moment it was eye-to-eye with the girl, who seemed to be rather bothered by the fact of what she's supposed to do with the fox. Eldo, knowing that its mission is to bark for its master once the girl has woken up, was almost ready to let out a huge bark when suddenly it halted, as if its body froze, his tail stood straight up along with its ears, tensed.

Numbers of fiery monsters were on their way closer and closer to the tower. The tiny fox turned around to look at the humans that have been left behind to guard the light. It whimpered when it sensed that they were in deep troubles themselves. Wondering what to do with Luness, it appeared as a surprise to the little fox when the girl was up and about instead, despite still looking pale from her previous status. Yet, she must have also recognized of the defensing team's troubles as well, for she automatically went for assistance.

The fox decided that it can't just stay there doing nothing as well. However, it is nothing but a weak, tiny fox, unable to fight in anything. It decided to run its way to the front of the defense zone then, and it stood up straight as the fox cry out a long, loud howl, as if to tell his master of the tower's dangerous state, wanting their help too.

Leo was in such a devastating state for a moment before he heard his fox's loud howl. Immediately knowing what it meant, he realized he couldn't just sit around any longer, no matter how bad his state is. He forced himself to stand up, struggling to keep his balance, as he staggered its way back toward the mighty monsters, his heart filled with apologies and guilt for leaving Sapphire to fight alone even though he's the one to ask him to fight with her.

"Sorry for the wait," he managed to say. His left shoulder might be no longer incapable in the battle, but his right arm is still there functioning properly. He shouldn't back down here. He'll use his electrical magic to assist in any ways possible--he firmly thought so as he raised his right hand above his head, and it let out a mighty blue sparks of electrical currents. "I think it is best if we fight one down together right now--I'll use my strongest electricity to shock them, and the moment they froze you could slash at them with your...Powerful sword." He's not well with weapons such as swords, although he has always wanted to learn how to use it. He distracted the pain of his shoulder with thoughts such as this as he threw an electricity magic ball at the ice beasts, stinging them.

"The Defense Team is in great danger...We should defeat and hurry back quickly."

That's right--level-headed and calm, feeling the confidence that's gaining back and reading the situation, that's how he should be. His team will beat whatever challenges the mysterious gods throw their way. (@CloudyBlueDay )
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Lyon watched, dazed, as the girl, the pink haired one, Bunny, approached him. Her voice seemed echoey and too loud, and her features swam before his eyes, seeming to morph and shift in front of him. Every breath he took brought on a new wave of pain, both on the outside, where a deep gash cut into his chest, and underneath, where it felt like a knife was buried in his lung. "I... I think I broke something." He whispered, his voice weak and shaky. "Oh my god." A staggered gasp burst from his mouth and he tasted blood. A steady trickle was leaking into his coat, the red mingling with the brown, seeping in through the slits in his shirt. His bloodied hands fumbled over the edge of his cloak, finding a damaged section and tearing it out to use as a bandage. The thick, dark pink fabric adhered to the wound quickly, aided by the sticky clotting blood. He took a long, slow breath, and tried to minimise the pain in his lung and ribs. "Get me to the tower if I pass out. Easier to guard me that way." Shivering claws of fear crept up his spine, sending pins and needles through all his limbs, and his vision darkened and blurred. "What if..." He muttered, quietly and weakly. "What if we demolished the house on top of it? We could burn the wood and destroy the body." Lyon reached into his pocket with his good hand, and tossed her the matches. His hand flopped to the ground beneath him as the girl, she looked different, not like Bunny, faded from his vision, and the world blacked out.

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Kenneth was still firing with as steady as an aim as he could get. He still remembered the face of the skeleton above his, and it was clouding his vision as he continued to try and hamper the trolls coming his way, he was surprised when something tugged on his shoulder, and Kenneth couldn't help but feel that this was going to be the end of it all. But he was rather pleasantly surprised at seeing Luness, who looked more haggered and beaten than he did certainly. @Lioness075

"He--! I c--- ---ly hear -----g --- n---, b----- g-- to try ----- kill ------------rolls! D---- ----t me, but try t---------- oth--- distrac----, ---- ----?"

He didn't want to interrupt her to tell her that he could barely understand her, but it seemed like she was suffering the same ailment as himself. Even if he did try to correct her, she seemed to be gone in an instant after she was finished talking, he looked around confused, but caught her sprinting, on all of her four limbs somehow, and was making a mad dash for the two trolls he had been shooting at. He raised his rifle in a moment to try and help, but then realized that he would probably end up hitting her.

'Maybe that's what she was trying to tell me.' Kenneth thought as he saw Luness charge against the lumbering beasts almost without a second though, he kept a look out and made sure that nothing else was approaching their way. He heard the roar of the trolls, and some kind of dreadful wail, that he hoped had come from them as well. Looking again, he saw that Luness had somehow managed to fell one of the things as it seemed to be on its' last legs. It was certainly impressive, and he was glad he wasn't on the receiving end of whatever the woman had done to it. He managed to catch the form of Luness, right before it was flung with a great swing by the dying toll, almost as if in a last gasp towards its' buddy nearby. Luness seemed to plunk against the troll's hide with little left in the way of strength, or at least that is what Kenneth saw as the troll stood to strike at the woman. Kenneth knew that without help, Luness was going to end up skewered, so he took the low road, and decided to do something incredibly stupid.

Kenneth swung his rifle up, and started laying out rounds into the upper back of the troll that had turned away from him. He quickly emptied his magazine and soon saw that despite the rounds he had put into the monster, the holes were covering quickly. That didn't stop hi mas he quickly tried to reload while making sure his bayonet was secure on the end of his rifle. "HEY, You overgrown tanner's hide rack, COME AFTER SOMETHING WITH A LITTLE KICK!" Kenneth let a few more rounds fly, and his initial plan seemed to work as the troll was turning to him, it took a few rounds to the shoulder, which also began to close almost immediately. The troll turned to him with a fire in it's eyes with a guttural growl that shook Kenneth to his bones. Kenneth stood still, his rifle raised in defiance; he let more bullet fly which managed to hit the troll in the eye. The troll wasted no more time in charging at Kenneth full speed. Kenneth expected this to happen, and he was in luck as the shot to the troll's face seemed to be closing slower than his other wounds. It was then Kenneth knew that this would probably be the stupidest thing he would ever do. He was almost blind in a panic as at the last minute Kenneth leaped forward toward the troll while it was still at full speed. He felt his bayonet sink into something soft, something close to an eye, and the troll roar so close to his hear that he was almost sure he could no longer hear. There was also the fact that something sharp seemed to be stuck in his stomach. The pain was indescribable, but the didn't stop Kenneth from pulling the trigger as fast as he could and hearing the now soft -pops- of the gun going off as he unloaded his entire clip into what he hoped was the trolls brain. He felt a weight lift off of his soul as he soon collapsed to the ground and was looking up at the bleak grey sky in a state of shock. Kenneth slowly climbed to his knees as he looked around him and finally spotted the corpse of the troll not a few feet away, it seemed like it had managed to throw him off in its' fall. Also, Kenneth thanked the lord above, it did not appear to be moving at all. Kenneth laughed tiredly as he rose to one knee in an attempt to catch his breath.

"Tha-That's what ya GET, you prime-ape son of a gun, How ya like it!" Kenneth stared at the troll corpse, and could swear he heard breathing, but it was too shallow, and too close to be the troll. Kenneth's heart dropped like a rock, and in an instant, his vision was shot full of red and he felt another great dose of stabbing pain. Kenneth's eyes slowly dropped, and saw clearly four skinny, almost skeletal-like appendages sticking out his midsection. He could barely think at this point, but he knew they couldn't be his bones, they were too misshapen.

Then a large feeling of dread washed over him, and he heard a haunting, shuttering sound that was almost like someone breathing heavily behind and above him. His head flopped backwards to look into the gaping maw of another floating skeleton, it's right arm buried into his midsection almost where the troll had got him, and its' left rising to strike, aiming at his throat.
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Luness yelped when her body struck the nearby troll and then gasped when she hit the ground with a thud.

Luckily, she seemed to be mostly unharmed minus a possible bruise on her back from the initial impact.

Slowly, Luness stood back up on her hind legs as opposed to her all fours, and then she felt immense relief, as the troll had turned away from her, his attention drawn to something else.

She quickly moved off to the side to watch in surprise, as Kenneth seemingly came out of nowhere, firing round after round with his gun at the troll, at least it seemed like nowhere to Luness who still couldn't hear anything beyond an irritating ringing and hadn't seen Kenneth coming.

She could see his lips moving, which meant he was shouting something, but Luness hadn't the faintest idea what he was even saying. This deafness was getting highly irritating and fast.

Shifting her focus back to the fight at hand before her, Luness almost rushed forward to aid Kenneth when the troll began to charge, but she immediately stopped when Kenneth stabbed the troll in the face with a knife on his gun and then continued firing off rounds into its face. There was no way the troll was going to survive that.

Satisfied to see Kenneth had slayed the second troll, Luness began to relax and almost immediately regretted doing so, as a wraith teleported behind Kenneth and then stabbed its right hand through Kenneth's midsection.

Eyes wide, Luness was sprinting towards Kenneth on all fours before she'd even registered what she was doing.

Snatching the gun from Kenneth, despite having no idea how to fire it, Luness then swiftly jammed the knife end right into the wraith's skull before she shoved it all the way through, her eyes glowing a deep, crimson color, as she entered her Alpha state with all of the adrenaline pumping through her.

The wraith attempted to shriek, but its jaw was quickly broken and the skull was practically bashed in by the time Luness finished her attack, so the wraith instead slumped to the ground with a silent scream.

Seeing the hand still in Kenneth's chest, Luness took a deep breath and then said quickly, "This is going to hurt." That being said, she then deftly grabbed the right arm of the wraith and yanked it backwards, right out of Kenneth's chest.

Hearing the sound of his chest and insides all making a squelching sound upon the removal of the hand and arm, Luness almost threw up. It didn't help any when she looked at Kenneth's back and could see the blood beginning to gush out of his wound, which was probably bleeding just as bad in the front.

Making a split second decision, Luness let go of Kenneth's gun, letting it drop to the ground a few feet away, and rushed to Kenneth's side and grabbed a hold of him before he fell over, as she planned to slowly ease him onto his back instead of letting him fall over and possibly injure himself further.

Dani took a deep breath as she tried to drown out the chanting from her sword. She would give her sword sister what she wanted, but Dani would do it on her terms. "Activate God Arm right" Her right hand began to glow and with her left holding her sword she dashed towards the mountain trolls. She went to the first and tested the waters. She slashed him with a flurry of deep cuts and jumped back. She watched the creature begin to heal from his wounds. Dani looked in dismay remembering all the other regenerating beast she had to kill in her tower at home. Meanwhile a quiver of glee came from the sword, it loves regenerating creatures all the more blood to spill. In unison Dani and her sword spoke. "Perfect."

Dani ran up the creatures arm, crouched down and chopped off his head. She rebounded off the headless creature back and landed on another mountain trolls shoulders. She looked at him and as he looked up her skirt and blushed. Dani glared down at him and stabbed him in the face. She jump off his shoulder sliding the sword down the trolls body cutting him like butter until her sword nearly touched the ground. The dark liquid that seethed from the slashes splattered all over Dani. She took a step forward and sliced the beasts head clean off.

She stopped and rubbed the blood from her eyes. The shadow of a fist came over Dani's head and she was slammed down to the ground. The earth cracked with a great force as Dani was crushed. The troll laughed and gave a toothy grin. However, the grin did not last for long, his arm split in two as Dani sliced through the creature. The troll screamed as his arm was severed, but Dani didn't stop there she twisted the sword around and chopped off his head. In a swift movement Dani move at the speed of a Cheetah and dismembered two more trolls. She decapitated the head last to appease her sword.

One of the trolls roared and swiped at her. The slashes grazed her, but was deep enough to draw blood. She didn't even flinch at the pain, her nerves had been severely damaged from all the experimentation and torture she was put through as a child. She jumped up and sliced the head off of another troll. As she landed, she slashed the legs of another troll. The creature fell onto her sword and his head came clean off. She spun around and sliced off a third trolls head, but not without the beast gashing her forearm.

She continued on as blood poured from her wounds. Another troll leapt towards her. Dani raised her sword up and in a swift movement sliced the head clean off. Blood squirting from her open wound her hand shook a little as the force of the neck pushed against her arm. The blood from her blade began to trail down her arm and mesh with her own blood. Bandage your wound, I will not be held by unsteady hands. Dani nodded and tore part of her skirt off and bandaged her wound.

As she bandaged her arm a wrathe swooped down and lifted her high in the air. The fearsome creature screeched in her face and Dani felt a wave of nausea. Let me taste it's blood! The shouts of her sword pulled her through the nausea and she slashed at the creature. It roared and dropped her to the ground. Dani landed with a loud thud on top of a oddly shaped and cold rock.
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Breath... One, two, Three... Breath... One, two..

Kenneth's existence was seeing whiteness again, but he was not a willing participant in this ride though, not like the last time he awoke to a limbo. No, this was simply placed before him and he could only take it.

He could still feel technically, but he asked his god for a miracle and just let him stop, stop feeling the pain shooting through him. It hurt to breath, it hurt to flinch, it was a constant cycle and it wouldn't stop. He found it strange that this is what he saw; was this what death was? No, that couldn't be it, this was not what was promised. His question was answered though, as the white transferred into a dark grey and he could make out clouds above him.

Alive, maybe, it seemed familiar, he couldn't be sure. The monster was gone, but the pain was still there. Then he saw the one with fur, he struggled to remember her name. She mouthed something which was lost to him, and reached for something behind him. @Lioness075

"Lu-" the name on his tongue was gone as he felt a resurgence of pain, and then some strange sensation of wind almost as if it was blowing through him. What happened started coming back to him, which only made it begin to hurt worse. The skeleton, it... well it pretty much killed him, or came as close as one could to killing. But he guessed he had to count his guardian angel for having Luness stop him from being finished off. Kenneth swayed mightily as nothing was supporting him now and he began to collapse backward. Luckily something caught him and set him down much mroe gently that what he was intended.

He could taste the iron and liquid in his mouth, almost drowning in it. He could feel each thump of his heart pushing more and more blood from his body and into a puddle around him with holes in his back and midsection. He became more and more aware of the awful state he was in, and it was only the blood that clogged his throat that really stopped him from making more noise.

He saw Luness again above him, he tried to speak, desperate to get out what words he could. "Lu-.. G, Got-- Ehm... M--, My---F--" He kept struggling to form words in his state, but everything around him was becoming much more muddied, and the feeling of liquid in his throat would not subside as he finally felt his arms that he tried to raise to Luness go slack, and his shoulders collapse back a bit and he set his head down, looking away from Luness and back up to the sky.

He always wondered where and how something like this would happen to him; he thought he would be more afraid, but strangely fear was starting to leave him as he his vision began to darken.
Luness furrowed her brows down at Kenneth, her facial expression contorting into an extremely nervous and worried one.

Kenneth was clearly dying from his injuries, succumbing to the amounting pain and pooling blood, which was a sign of him bleeding out from his intense wounds.

Yet, what could Luness do? She was no healer. She never had been and at best could wrap Kenneth's midsection with some cloth to try and stem the blood flow. Yet, she knew that would only prolong his death that much longer.

Hissing in growing irritation, Luness put both of her forepaws onto the gaping wound in Kenneth's midsection, silently willing for the wound to heal itself.

A moment of near silence passed, the only sound filling it was the roars and shrieks from monsters somewhere in the area.

Suddenly, Luness' eyes widened, as the veins in her hands and wrists began to pulse a dark, black color, as if her blood was being replaced with something else.

The next thing Luness realized was the unimaginable pain she was in. Yowling, Luness kept her forepaws on Kenneth's midsection, as the muscles and his insides began to heal and knit themselves back together, as if they were brand new and no injury had ever occurred.

Meanwhile, Luness' body was raked with shivering and pure agony, as the pain that Kenneth was feeling was instead transferred to Luness despite her not gaining any injury herself.

Gasping, Luness closed her eyes tightly, as another minute passed before the skin on Kenneth's midsection and lower back finally knit itself back together and the wound was no more.

Opening her eyes, Luness was terrified to find that her vision was blurred from the pain she'd just endured despite having no injuries from the experience. Shakily holding her forepaws up to her face, Luness saw the blood dripping from them, from Kenneth's wound.

Yet, before Luness could do anything else, she weakly stumbled onto her rump, finding that she no longer had the energy to sit on her hands and knees.

Shaking her head and blinking a few times, Luness' vision eventually cleared and she looked over at Kenneth to see that his wound had fully healed and that despite losing a lot of blood, he was no longer in danger of dying.

What had just happened though? Had Luness learned a new Alpha ability? She could heal now so it would seem, which would certainly prove useful in future combat scenarios, though she definitely wouldn't be capable of healing a ton of people in a short amount of time. She needed to rest for a bit and catch her breath. That whole healing ordeal had taken a surprisingly large amount of energy from her, especially since she'd been in just as much pain as Kenneth had just been in.

Glancing over at Kenneth's eyes to try and meet his gaze, Luness then said n a shaky tone, "I, uh, I think you're going to be okay, Kenneth."

Kenneth was on the brink when he began to feel something that he could not probably describe; it did not feel like pain, but it was almost like he felt... nauseous and he could feel his insides almost doing complete turns and twists for some reason. He vision soon started to became clearer, and while he still felt as if he had been hit by a charging longhorn, he could no longer feel any blood flowing from his midsection, and no blood caught in his throat. He checked himself where he had been stabbed and saw that he was literally sealed up, with no scare or anything, just holes in the simple shirt he had. His breathing was ragged, but he figured that was mostly due to the great amount of adrenaline pumping through him.

He had no idea what had happened, only that Luness was no longer standing over him as he remained prone and just taking in the wounds that were no longer open.

"I, uh, I think you're going to be okay, Kenneth." He snapped his head over and saw Luness looking quite a bit like he just did he was sure, completely out of it. He also realzied that he had heard Luness in perfect clarity, and that is hearing was back to normal. He didn't know how, or why, but Luness had literally just performed a miracle upon him, bringing him back from his injuries and besides the weakness from the blood loss, and he was almost sure he was about to go into shock even though that was impossible, he felt ultimately fine. He saw his m14 lying in reach of him, which he quickly grasped to make sure it was still good to fire and then looked back to Luness,

"I, uh, don't know what you just did there. But I owe you more than one, more than I could probably pay back. So...uh." Kenneth stumbled off his words and only realized his situation as he heard the howls of monsters yet to face the group, and that the others he could see were still fighting. He propped himself on his rifle and slowly rose to his feet while he looked to Luness "So, I can start off paying you back right now; you take all the time you need, nothin'll reach you." Kenneth moved forward slightly to put himself between Luness and monsters he could see as long as she needed to recuperate there, he then thought for a second more and turned back. "Um... sorry if my rifle is, too loud, for what it's worth. It messes with me just as much, so I'll try to hold off on it.

He caught an eye of the largest monsters that he hadn't seen up close, the ones that were a full head higher than any of the group, and seemed to be moving purposefully their way, slowly out of the fog with more arms than he was comfortable with. "The others... they'll be needing all the help they can here soon, both of us for sure." He checked his rifle magazine, and then re-chambered it when he thought he had enough left to finish it out. He then tore off some parts of his shirt at the sleeves, and quickly began wadding up the cloth and shoving it into his ears in desperation to avoid any more hearing loss. He now had a second chance, or a chance of a chance, and he wasn't about to waste it. @Lioness075
Luness weakly nodded at Kenneth, unable to even speak right now, as she continued to breath heavily and try to catch her breath.

Luness was equally as amazed as Kenneth was with her new found ability, but she didn't have the strength to tell Kenneth that she'd never even done that before.

Her head was pounding with the mother of all headaches and her body ached, as if it had suffered the same injuries as Kenneth, though her body was physically okay.

Groaning, Luness clutched her head in her forepaws while sitting with her legs half crooked, as if she were about to hug her knees to her chest.

The ringing in her ears hadn't improved at all from the healing experience and so Luness didn't hear a word Kenneth said to her and with her head clutched in her forepaws, Luness wasn't even aware of what he was doing.

Hissing, Luness then began to tentatively rub her temples, attempting to ease the headache that felt like someone was taking a hammer to her head.

While she couldn't self-heal any injury within a few minutes, Luness had no doubt that these ailments would fade within a few minutes, though the ringing in her ears was feeling rather permanent at the moment. Sometimes having enhanced senses, especially enhanced hearing and sight, could be rather detrimental for Luness.

Dani coughed and looked around at her surroundings, she staggered to her feet noticing that she was high up. Slowly the rock she was standing on rose. Dani stumbled and looked down at the rock curiously, cold steaming from below the rock. The creature roared from underneath her and shook it's head. Dani let off the creature and landed in front of it looking at the large Ice beat in front of her. The creature glared down at her and slowly raised one of it's sharp talons.

Dani moved quickly letting her speed be used against her. She knew that it would be nearly impossible for her to chop off his head so she went for slices. Dani clutched her sword in both hands and charged at 60mph. She sliced at the beasts arms and then made her way up it's throat. She sliced the creatures throat strait up and pulled out some vocal cords. She yelled not from the cold, but from the excessive use of strength. She used her charged right arm, which was creating excessive heat. The beast was large and freezing but too slow to even touch her. One of it's under claws came at her and Dani flipped off the creature to avoid it. Bits of her hair froze from the touch of the talon. Dani's eyes widened as she saw bits of her hair break off and fall to the ground.

Blood, blood, I want more blood! Dani landed on the floor slicing the Ice beast's underbelly she slid her sword up to continue slicing the beast to the tip of it's tail. "Enough. I will not fall to your whims, stay your excitement. We have a job to do, not mindless killing." Dani looked back at the other two and began to fight her way to Kenneth and Luness. She sliced the heads off of two trolls before she decided to take a easier route. She leapt up high and began to hop on top of the trolls heads towards the two of them.

She was making good progress until a group of Wrathe's began to claw at her. They slashed at her arms and face tearing deeply into her skin. Dani leapt down in front of a troll and sliced upwards splitting it in two. She twisted around and sliced off it's head. She looked at the two and made her way over to them. "Do either of you require assistance?" Enough talking more blood. Dani turned her head to her sword and hissed to it "Quite! What did I say earlier, we have a job to do." She looked back at the others her red eye slowly beginning to glow, "I'm sorry about that. Are you both alright? We need to advance more, take out these easier creatures. There are some large Ice beasts down at the rear. They are slow but durable."

@Lioness075 @SwiftThunder
Kenneth saw the approach of Dani and managed to catch what she had to say while keeping an eye out for any more trolls that looked as if they were going to charge or if he saw the shadow of a floating skeleton somewhere in the forest. @The Suspicious Eye "Well, I'm fine, can't speak for Luness, though she did just pull one hell of a magic trick saving me." Kenneth's nose began to twitch, something vile was causing a reaction as he tried to ignore. "I hadn't seen any of those bigger ones up close, but they look way nasty, nastier than the other tusk trolls we've been fighting, so..." Kenneth let out a bit of a retch, as the smell finally caught up to him. He didn't know why, but for some reason his sense of smell seemed to kick into overdrive, and the distraction seemed to be coming from the corpses of the trolls that Kenneth and Luness had managed to fell not to long ago.

Kenneth stared at the two trolls bodies almost incredulously "REGH!.. What in hell fire is that smell; like a dead coyote got drenched in bad moon shine, Gah!" Kenneth turned away to see if the others with him were still okay, but abruptly stopped his turn as if he was stumped at something.

'Coyote in.... Moon...shine?' Kenneth turned back to the two troll corpses almost in disbelief, gears turning in his head "Couldn't be that easy..." His face lite up momentarily. "Keep the candle lit, no matter what it takes for everyone's sake!" Kenneth slammed a palm to his forehead. "No duh keep the candle lit, why didn't we think of that." He turned quickly to the troll body and saw Luness fairly close to the troll that had almost gored him and the skeleton that had skewered him, he saw her sitting in an obvious amount of pain. @Lioness075 "Luness... uh, hate to ask this of you, but you might want to move, I'm about to try something stupid." Not knowing if she could still hear him, he moved to catch her gaze and motion her to move away. He turned away without checking on her, a bit cold, but he honestly could not wait to test out his theory. He slowly withdrew his lighter from his right pocket with his rifle in his left. He slowly clicked the lighter, which flicked on in one go, and methodically pushed it toward the large amount of hair that covered the trolls back.

Before the flame even touched the hair, it seemed to ignite into the air around the troll body and soon the trolls entire back was aflame and building quickly. "Mother of MERCY!" Kenneth leaped back as he saw the fire quickly build, but then it soon died down to a bit of smolder, but the damage had been done. The smell was worse than ever, but there was no doubt that the fire had done its' damage as the troll had become unrecognizable, and that a large portion of the body had been reduced to the skeleton, as if the skin and muscle had been consumed by the fire.

Kenneth turned back to Luness and Dani, no doubt drawing some strange looks as he had a bit of a gob-smacked expression on his face. "We need to start fires, a lot of fires. There's a reason that note said to keep the candle lit, because these things had to have some kind of adversity to it. If we can use fire against these...troll things, we could easily clean them up to deal with the worse of them." Kenneth looked back to the troll corpse for a moment.

"It's reminds me exactly of..." Kenneth stopped, though he didn't know why as he wanted to say that it reminded him of what he saw that new napalm stuff do during a demonstration at Fort Polk, which had helped him conclude that he should even try his lighter, but he decided against it for some reason as he continued. "Well, it just reminds me something that I've seen before, and we could definitely use something like this to fight back!" Kenneth felt a strange sensation of strength overtake him seemingly out of nowhere as he looked back and for between his two group members. He was beginning to get desperate to end this situation, and he hoped that he hadn't come across as too far gone by this point.
Surprisingly enough, the ringing in Luness' ears had finally begun to ebb away, as she soon heard a female voice coming from someone approaching the pair.

Shaking her head for a moment, Luness then glanced over at the female and faintly heard her ask if they were both okay and then announce that they needed to take out more of the monsters, creatures, beasts...whatever they were.

Nodding at this, Luness felt her headache reducing to more of a dull throb, which she could better handle than the pounding and sharp one she had just moments ago. It was as if by learning that healing technique, her personal healing capabilities had increased or something.

Despite still feeling a bit dazed from her recent healing efforts, Luness was soon on all fours, since this would be easier than getting up on her hind legs at the moment.

Hearing Kenneth warning her to move back and then motioning for her to do so, Luness nodded at him and then walked out of the danger zone before muttering, "At least I can somewhat hear again."

Once she was at a safer distance from Kenneth, Luness turned around to see him holding some small metal object, which seemed to produce a small flame on its own. How in the world was something so small able to do such a thing?

Soon though, Kenneth had set he dead troll's body aflame and blinked in surprise. Why was he burning a dead body - especially a dead enemy body?

Luness' nose was assaulted by the corpse smell by tenfold and without thinking twice, Luness suddenly lurched to the side before emptying whatever had been in her stomach onto the ground.

Feeling beyond nauseous right now, Luness swiped at her mouth to get anything off that may have been remaining there after her little incident.

On top of now feeling nauseous, Luness also still felt a bit dizzy from the overall attack and her healing experience.

Looking back at Kenneth to see him grinning like some crazed idiot, Luness merely shook her head at him and then heard him exclaim that they could use fire against all of the trolls.

Feebly nodding at Kenneth's plans, Luness then said uneasily, "I'm, uh, going to catch my breath inside the tower. Just...give me a few."

With this said, Luness then turned away from Kenneth and Dani, as she trotted back inside before she found the closest corner and collapsed in it, savoring the cold touch from the concrete that she now lay on.

Her stomach was still rolling a bit, but she didn't feel like she'd be throwing up again, so that was a start.

@SwiftThunder @The Suspicious Eye
'Thank you for accepting'? Had this guy never spoken to other humans, worked in a team? Just his silly little fox? This place was a whole bunch of weird. These people were a whole bunch of weird. Why did they have to pick her? Sapphire groaned mentally.

She had planned to work with Leo against one single Ice Beast, but upon realizing they had so many more monsters left to defeat, she thought maybe it would be best to take on another. The trolls had been easy, but there were many, and the wraiths so-so, and quite a bit of those, but not many of these types of beasts at all. So that meant these were the hardest. But Leo could handle one for a little bit on his on, yeah? Electrical magic and daggers and all.

Sapphire wasted no time. She immediately rushed towards and ice beast, her sword forward, preparing to strike. She had to evade it's sharp.. talons, claws, whatever. They looked powerful. She slashed, but it stopped her with a giant claw, pushing the sword back to her. She tried again, and again. It kept on blocking her attacks. Finally, it managed to slash at her, catching her on her side as she jumped back to avoid it.

Sapphire whispered as she stumbled back, ice climbing up and freezing her right side. It was small, sure, but it felt like quite a bit, and never had she ever fought such a beast with such abilities. There was never even a Protector with ice abilities. But they still had so many monsters left to fight, and who knew, maybe there would even be more after this round. She couldn't stop now.

Stepping back, towards Leo once again, she gasped as she saw his arm and side. "I don't think we can fight just one anymore," She wheezed. "But yes, good. If your electrical magic doesn't work, I could perform an illusion. Maybe make them believe they're drowning or something of the sort." She paused, raising her sword once again. Powerful sword. Heh.

As soon as he threw the electricity ball, Sapphire rushed towards the beast he had fought, letting out a great battle cry and shoving the sword into the monster. She'd done it fast, skillfully, and her sword was probably stronger than Leo's daggers. Sapphire impaled the creature, and it screeched loudly, making her cringe.

Dani looked from Kenneth to Luness and gave a faint smile, relieved that they were alright. She looked at Kenneth as he tried something new. She saw the lighter in his hands and watched as he lit the dead bodies of the trolls on fire. At first she was surprised by the sudden ignition, not expecting such a blaze as the flames touched the troops hair. She tilted her head in confusion the light of the flames causing her face to glow in the darkness. She coughed a little as the smoke began to form and then the smell came.

Dani covered her nose from the horrible stench. She may have lost her sense of feeling, but she didn't loose her sense of smell. Although today, she wished she had. She coughed and turned away, the smell was nearly impossible to stand. She steeled herself and looked back at Kenneth, she listened to what he was saying. She didn't really understand what he was doing, but she would trust him for now. Besides disposing the bodies is a great way to assure they will not return. Who knows if merely removing the heads will work. Dani sighed and turned Luness as she spoke. The girl looked weary, she must have overexerted herself. There was a low hiss as the voice of the sword spoke to her, the weak should be slain, those who are tired are those who rest their bodies on my edge.

Dani watched as the girl walked back to the tower and nodded. "Very well, rest well. There are many more enemies to face." Dani took the time to begin to shred more of her clothing up. She tore parts of her skirt and shirt and began to bandage her wounds. She glanced down at at Kenneth, "you are quite intelligent. I wouldn't have thought of such a clever tactic. Have you fought in any battles?"

@SwiftThunder @Lioness075
Kenneth was slowly massaging his forehead in order to try and fight off the headache that was starting to split his forehead. He really did underestimate how bad these things smelled, and the burnt smell was not helping. He was honestly wishing that he hadn't stumbled into that idea with his lighter now, but hindsight was always perfect recall. He regretted the look he got from Luness as she left, because she did end up looking physically ill, which he probably ended up causing; and after all she did to help him, it left a know it Kenneth's throat, not unlike the feeling he had when he was skewered by the skeleton. That was just the thing though, he could still feel that unyielding pain, and he did not want to ever experience that ever again, and he resolved that he would do everything he could to ensure that he didn't; that being said, he still found himself slightly ill with the stench of the troll that seemed to sting his nostrils.

@The Suspicious Eye He looked over to, Dani that was right, and observed her own wounds. He tried to answer her question to him quickly, "Well, I'm a soldier back home, and... well, ya' know what they say about being blessed and cursed." He covered his mouth coughed intentionally to clear out the knot in his throat. "I don't rightly know how many of these things are left, but I'm of a mind to start on those bigger basterds, who knows what else could be headin' this way."

Kenneth had another crazy terrible idea as he idea the remains left behind by the skeletal that Luness had saved him from. He quickly strode over and pick up a bit of fabric that was left over; he again regretted his decision as even holding this part gave him a brief flash of things he never wanted to see again. He quickly rolled the fabric up and stuffed into his vest, doing his best to hide it as he moved back to Dani who looked close to finishing up her bandaging.

"I'll be sure to keep back and distract anything that comes at us." Kenneth again checked over his rifle, seeing the marks that it had already sustained over the sustained fight. "I guarantee that they'll be distracted enough for y'all to finish quickly; I don't care how big these things are, you don't just shake off a seven point six two to the face." he looked to Dani and tried to catch her gaze. "Well, on ward and onward." Kenneth snapped a quick salute to Dani and moved off, he didn't know why, but Dani almost reminded him of his old LT.

Kenneth started walking closer to where he saw two others, he couldn't make out who as fast as they moved combined with the darkness, and made out that they managed to fell one of the bigger ones on their own. He saw slithering closer was a beast almost identical to the one that just fell, almost as if it was going to take its' place. Kenneth stopped at once and briefly stripped off some torn fabric from his sleeve into two pieces, which he then stuck into his ears; he knew that it wouldn't help much with the sound reverb, but it was better than the nothing he was working with. He quickly knelt and steadied himself, lining up his sights on the face of the beast, and slowly squeezed off the first of what he hoped would be many rounds. Onward and onward with this waking nightmare
Luness remained in her corner of the tower for what felt like hours, her stomach rolling, though she hadn't had much in her stomach to begin with so she could only dry heave at this point.

Groaning, Luness wondered if this sickness would go away anytime soon. She could hear the roars and shrieks of the monsters outside and she could only assume her allies were all busy fighting with the various monsters just beyond.

As time passed, which was actually a few minutes and not a few hours despite what it felt like, Luness' stomach slowly began to relax and come back under control.

Sure enough, another minute or so passed and she felt much better, even a little color returned to her face.

Letting out a sigh of relief at this, Luness then gingerly pushed herself up onto all fours and stretched for a moment before she trotted to the doorway of the tower and paused to see who was closest to her and deeply engaged in a fight.

Immediately, Luness saw Kenneth and Dani engaging one of those Ice Beasts to her right. Kenneth was furiously firing away at the beast and Dani was sure to charge in at it any moment now.

Shifting her gaze to her left, Luness caught sight of an unconscious Lyon with his back against the tower and Bunny kneeling in front of him while a troll approached them.

Deciding that Lyon and Bunny needed her help more, Luness rushed towards the troll just beyond the pair and leapt through the air, yowling and with her claws extended.

Sure enough, her aim was true, as Luness slammed into the troll's head and her momentum drove the both of them to the ground in a thud.

Luness swiftly dug her claws into the troll's face and swiped at him, causing him to roar in pain just before Luness dug her claws deep into the troll's neck and ripped out his jugular.

Sure enough, just like the times before this one, the troll let out a dying breath and then was still.

Luness quickly left the troll's body behind and approached Bunny and Lyon with troll blood caking her forepaws and dripping from her claws.

Kneeling beside Bunny and eyeing Lyon's extensive injuries, Luness then said to Bunny, "I'm going to heal him, but I'm going to be in a ton of pain during the process and then I'm probably going to be completely out of it once I'm done. Just drag me inside when I'm done, okay?"

This said, Luness then placed her forepaws against Lyon's chest wound and closed her eyes while she focused on healing him. Soon enough, black tendrils laced up through her hands and wrists, as Luness took the pain away from Lyon's injuries and they began to heal themselves, as insides, muscles, and skin all began to knit themselves back together and fix themselves.

Meanwhile, Luness gasped in pain, as she instantly began to feel the extensive pain that Lyon had just endured. It was excruciating and Luness couldn't even think straight with the heavy amount of pain she was now enduring.

Another minute or two passed with Luness breathing heavily in pain and her head pounding with the amount of pain she was enduring.

Yet, the healing process was over soon enough and Luness slumped to her side once she was done, her stomach keeling again and her mind a jumbled mess from the pain and healing process.

Why couldn't anyone just get a little cut that Luness could heal with minimal pain to herself?

@Undercore @Invisible monster
Bunny's hair was now completely red, her eyes a normal shade of blue and her hands were shaking from fear as she pressed a piece of cloth against Lyon's wound. She didn't notice the troll coming towards her, since she didn't know where the hell she was, who the hell the injured guy was and- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAt?! Bunny, well, Caroline let out a shriek of surprised when a cat woman person jumped a big furry beats, who roared at her in pain. But she just ripped it's throat out. The cat woman person lady landed gracefully, letting the monster die slowly before she made her way to them, blood dripping from her mouth and hands? claws? paws? Caroline's eyes were wide when the animalistic woman spoke to her, telling her she was going to heal the poor guy who had long claw marks across his chest that were bleeding allot and that Caroline should drag them to shelter. Caroline looked around, her eyes wide in fear, her nails digging into her knees where she had rested her hands to keep them from shaking. There were monster everywhere, screeching skull monstrosities, roaring animal trolls and weird snake like giant monsters that gave the people who were fighting it some kind of frostbite. For a moment Caroline wondered if she had been sucked into some fantasy story books, but quickly threw away the thought. It only happened in stories, fiction, the non-real world. But then again, she had another personality who killed people and teamed up with other insane guys who fought superheroes, so why couldn't she be sucked into an unknown fantasy world? Shaking herself to focus, she looked back at they cat woman, who had her paws against the boys chest and was gasping in pain while black tendrils covered the wound. Caroline watched her horrefoed for a bit, but sprung forward the moment the cat lady fell over, looking dazed and in pain. What was it she was supposed to do? Oh, yeah, bring them to safety. Caroline slipped her arm under the bigger cat lady, heaving her up into a sitting position. " god- you're heavy!" she huffed, dragging the woman toward the building next to them, leaving her in a dark corner before going out to haul the unconciouse Lyon into the same building. She spotted the matches, remembering that the boy had said something about lighting the monsters on fire? Must be important anyways, so Caroline quickly grabbed the box of matches and rushed back into the house. She sat down next to her two team mates, hugging her knees to feel safer and turned her head to look at the cat lady " Excuse me..." she whispered softly " Do you know where I am? And what's your name, oh and please tell me his name too. I think you know Bunny, but I'm Caroline, She's my other personality..."

@Lioness075 @Invisible monster
Luness nearly blacked out with the overwhelming pain, but she soon was able to see clearly again, as if she was becoming more adept at recovering from her healing ability.

Feeling someone dragging her, Luness assumed it was Bunny, but when she got a good sight of the girl helping her, she looked different in appearance and far more scared now. What happened?

Soon Lyon was laying beside Luness, who was in a sitting position against the wall and breathing heavily due to the pain still being present.

Hearing Bunny, Caroline, speak to her, Luness was amazed to hear the girl had some split personality, which took over both her body and her mind. How odd.

Still, scaring the girl further wasn't going to help anyone.

Shakily inhaling, Luness then replied to Caroline's questions, "We're, uh, in some competition m-made by the gods. Currently, we're fending off these monsters f-from the tower."

Gasping, Luness paused in her answer for a moment to catch her breath before she added, "Name's Luness."

Pointing at Lyon with a shaky hand, Luness then added, "His name is Lyon."


The skies were clear; there weren't any signs of a storm.

But there it was, against all odds. A lightning strike that shook more than just the tower.

The fire was no more and the moon turned red.

Impending Doom

Impending Doom



Great Abomination

-Immune to diseases

-Very strong


-Might be able to om nom the hell out of you if you get in between those two chompers

-Resistance to Fire and Cold

Less-impending Doom


-Thick shell

-Immune to Fire



-Half the size of an average human

-Hot to the touch

-Three will come out of the woods at first

-After the first three die, another three will come until the Abomination is defeated

*The Abomination will be controlled entirely by @Aldur Forgehammer

Pls no bunnying.
Dani listened intently his accent was somewhat foreign to her, it was hard to make out what he was saying. She was curious as to know the kinds of battles he has him his world. She had heard many stories about those who fought wars in other worlds from the irregulars at the tower. Being a high ranker she rarely saw others, especially irregulars. To her this whole game was just like home, except she wasn't on her turf anymore. She looked at Kenneth and nodded, "yes, I fear these creatures are only the beginning."

She finished bandaging her wound and her clothing was considerably less, which did not seem to bother Dani. She glanced over at Kenneth as he went to a carcass and took something from it. He then tried to hide it from her as if whatever it was, was a secret. What a odd thing to do, Dani thought to herself. Her blade responded, Never the less I need blood, I crave blood, I demand blood, blood, blood, blood. Dani closed her eyes and tried to drown out the thoughts of her blade sister. "Hush."

Dani nodded to Kenneth, "I understand. You're weapon is better suited for long range, although I suggest you aim to sever their spinal cord. Destroying the nervous system." She matched his gaze and looked at him sternly. He saluted her and walked off, she was curious as to why but shrugged it off. If the others won't protect the perimeter of the tower then she would have to do it on her own. This realm is not very different from her one at home. The floor she controlled was that filled with forests and beasts. These trolls, wrathes and ice beasts are nothing new to her. Her hand glowed brightly, the god arm was finished charging. Blood, my sister, I demand blood. Dani clutched her sword and sighed, "I hear you. I wish you'd demand something other than blood, it is quite annoying." She made her way further into the forest and to the battleground.
Caroline nodded, registering that the cat woman called Luness was pretty shaken, probably from the healing she had done to Lye - luy.......Lyon? "so..." Caroline sighed heavily " This isn't a stupid nightmare and there are gods wo want us to die?" She looked down at her hands, frowning at the blood on them, then looked farther down, her frown depending. " Why the hell do I have guns- huh, never mind. Bunny doesn't tell me anything about what she does when I'm out, but she gets to poke her nose into everything about my life..." Caroline looked back up to Luness " Sowhat are you exactly? Are you like a cat person from like the fantasy books? Cause cat people there are reall-" Caroline was cut of when there was a loud thunder, echoing throughout the Town.

She hunched over, whining in pain, her hands flying to her ears to protect them from the loud noise. No regeneration in her form, she really needed Bunny, why wasn't Bunny showing up? This was a really bad place to be weak little Caroline! " Come-on!" she gritted trough her clenched teeth, her eyes shut thight. She felt Bunny's presence at the edge of hers, another conscience , like a soul sitting next to her, waiting for her to leave. " what-nigh, stoping you?" Caroline tried to image leaving her body, tried to imagine her hair turning a bright pink, her soft and shy smile turning in a challenging, teasing and slightly insane smile, but it wasn't working! The noise died down and Caroline let out a sigh of relief, but the feeling was quickly replaced by fear. What would she do if she couldn't get Bunny back? She had no training in fighting or the use of weapons, the closest thing she got to that was drawing weapons and people fighting, which didn't mean she knew how to do any of it! Her gaze flickered to Luness, eyes wide and scared, waiting for the more capable person to make a move, command an order, tell her what to do, anything ,because she was sure as hell not going to be worth anything in this form..


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