The Not-So Future (Based on dream)


Ridiculously Ginger
This is based on a dream I had during a midday to afternoon nap, which was rather quite interesting. The main reason I thought it such good RP material was because it transported several young people to live through this. Rip it apart as much as you can into something more feasible, since below spoilered was what i wrote very quickly after the dream to ensure I didn't forget it.

Expect no sort of coherency in this as dreams are, however I'm curious to see if people are interested in making this into a roleplay of some form.

Electro-magnetic wave and some equipment teleports 1000 years into the future plus few friends.

World has remained roughly the same but personalities have changed. Everyone is super peaceful and the world has not progressed at all due to the lack of conflict. All attack no one and there are no wars.

Weapons from the old age are still held in giant factories and still fully function. Homosexuality is forbidden though as seen in the media. Among other similarly judgemental things.

When teleported in, you are captured by a group of peacekeepers and initially are prisoners, forced to do tasks for them. Eventually you mingle with them and get to know them better. Due to lack of progression, people still use current smartphones and the like, so your own still fully work.

Eventually you escape the place and go out to the big cities, which are still very familiar to those of 1000 years ago. Along with the peace seemingly came the concept to keep everything preserved as it was, doing differently is out of line. You somehow brought a few belongings in the teleportation and thus live after initially in a cell, at a tent with a sleeping bag and the like. You notice fruit are like that of home, with apples and kiwis and raspberries. Watching TV with the peacekeepers, it is still all old programs and music (with cheesy 70's songs and such like today daytime TV) which is how you notice progression standstill. After treating you at first like a slave, you are now friends with the peacekeepers, giving you time to mingle with them and your own few people teleported over.

Initially you break in to somewhere important and take the few weapons from guards that still exist, relics from the old age preserved like 9mm browning 1911 pistols. Guards use 0.33 revolvers which are well preserved and less dusty and such.

After taking the few guns you find somewhere like a museum or such to setup base, where you firstly convince a few old men who are incredibly suspicious with their own guns and convinced you're a weird nutter who just wants to shoot. After going against their facetious talking, you convince that you want to bring conflict to progress the age, progress into new politics such as allowing homosexuality and similar, to bring conflict to progress the world from the impasse it is stuck in. It turning out you share their concepts and thoughts for conflict to bring development, you get their support and their assets of few groups of people, along with other young people from the prisons you were based at who also want your ideology.

After some planning you move with one of the men and a few strategic resourcing towards one of the military weapon storage factories, ziplining down and gunning down the few government soldiers with the last few weapons you have or stealing some as you zipline down. You meet the peacekeepers you initially befriended and bring them to your cause, using some being gay and wanting to change it as a wedge for convincing change.

These peacekeepers however have chips in them so they can't break orders, something they only started thinking on when you just left your world. It turns out if they break orders, in a minute they will automatically explode with an explosion like that of a house size exploding.

However, amidst your own disbelief, they want to break the system and go to fight the army to give you time to get the stored weapons to equip the rebels and such, while the peacekeepers go to fight the army. Some explode after gunning multiple down, others their chips fail and are killed amongst the fire of bullets.

You take all the remaining supplies back home and plan for your next move, which is either to wait overnight and have a guard setup on your base at risk of army attack, or to keep the momentum and continue striking, regardless how long you have been going.

Note: it turns out the enemy try to use orbital weapons to fire at you, but due to their age and it being impossible to renovate orbital items constantly, they explode in a pretty display in the sky.

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