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Fantasy The Nine Tragedies (Main Thread)(Open)


The last survivor of the Freelands
After a battle between Heaven and Hell on Earth, both factions are forced back to their respective realms to rebuild and prepare for the next war. However, Earth was devastated in the resulting battle, both by humanities own land-based struggles and the war, both technological advancement being reduced to pre-industrial levels and most of the earth being destroyed.. Therefor, a group of ten, with one selected to be God's Chosen Messiah, were sent to his sacred Altar, to restore the earth. In the Tower holding the altar, it was said that Nine blessing's that kept the life of earth beating reside there.

However, Each of the Nine blessings were taken by the Messiah's friends, under the guise of avarice and human sin. Feeling abandoned and Betrayed, the Messiah went to the top of Altar, to ask god why their friends would do this. At the top, however, they found all nine of their friends encased in stone, the Blessings (now looking purified) residing in their grasp.

There, The Messiah learned that the Nine Blessings were meant to be held only by them, as they'd make them go through repentance for 'all of humanity', as each Messiah had before them. I took inspiration from Dante's Inferno (being flayed alive by wind, crawling through lava, boiling under a blazing sun while toiling away at your work) for each penance that they'd have to pay. In the end, the Messiah would be forced to give their life to restore the earth, and would become a soldier (an Archangel, to be exact) in God's war against the forces of hell under Lucifer.

However, their friends learned too early what their friend would have to go through. In an effort to spare them from the torment and pain, their intent was to share the burden, hiding it behind the veil of acting on human nature. The Messiah, feeling as though God had betrayed the very people they created, even for an evidently noble cause (as fighting the forces of hell was a very real threat), did what no other had done- they destroyed the altar, and took the blessings, thus bringing this cycle to an end.

The Messiah, calling themselves the 'Enlightened', vowed that they, not the blinding light of Heaven or the Burning Abyss of Hell, but mortal beings of Earth, would rebuild and remake the earth in their image, and thus refused to be used as pawns in their game any longer.

The Messiah, unknowingly, fulfilled the ancient Prophecy: That the beings of Earth would become a contender for the three plains of existence, as the Third Kingdom.

However, five centuries had passed since then, and many things had become clear. For one, a being couldn't handle the full might of the blessings. Eventually, it would kill them within a decade. Therefor, each blessing chose their wielder at random. The wielder would be prevented from living a normal life, as those that had a Blessing as a family member would surely exploit it, and their duty now rested upon the whole earth. They would be forced to become wanderers, using their powers to restore the damage done to the earth, caused by human ignorance. Some took to this duty better than others. Worse still, they could not hope to die of old age- No human being could handle the power of even one blessing without it cutting their life-span in half. At most, a person could only live for fifty years, before the curse finally overwhelmed them.

Worse still- They are constantly hunted by the forces of Heaven and Hell.

With the war now finally entering Earth, the Legions of Heaven and Dregs of Hell finally fought on Earth's soil. While they had the advantage of numbers and strength, Earth only had the Nine Blessings to protect them. To restore the balance, both Lucifer and God wish for the blessings to be returned. For God, he wishes to bring humanity under it's full tutelage, thus making them fully reliant on Heaven. For Lucifer, he wished to control the mortal races, thus making them slaves to hell's war machine.

But worse of all? Humanity has begun to turn on them.

Though the knowledge that they were being used was revealed, some believe that the Messiah prevented them from the innocent reaching the peace of heaven, and the evil to face their punishment in hell. Thus, Each of the Nine are considered outcasts by some, where they are seen as guardians by others. To add on to it, those still loyal to heaven or hell work against the Nine, sometimes violently, blaming them for all that has happened.

However, it is stated that, there is a way for things to end.

In their last day's, It is said that the Messiah came to understand the true gravity of what they had done. Therefor, they left behind the journals of their friends. Each Journal contains a portion of the map to the Altar of God. It is said, if the Nine Blessings are returned, the Altar, and in doing so the Cycle, will be restored, and the boundaries of Heaven, Hell, and Earth would be finally restored. However, it was also written that the Altar was improperly damaged, and therefor, to fully sever Heave and Hell from earth, they'd need to completely destroy it.

Some of the Blessings believe that the forces of Heaven and Hell have no place on earth, and thus wish to fully sever their connection. Others, however, believe that stealing the blessings was a mistake, and that this new cycle of vengeance and violence should finally end, but that nothing good could come from completely severing from heaven and hell. What shall you do, in a world of misunderstanding, betrayal, and chaos?

But it appears that even the blessings are threatened now.

The Seven Princes and Seven Archangels, affronted by Humanities act of defiance, but unable to act personally, have decided to imbue mortals, certain angels, and certain demons with a fragment of their power. These 'Aspects' represent the Seven Virtues and Seven Sins. Their job? Hunt the Blessings down, and take the blessings from them, either by taking it from them when they're unconscious....or killing them.

The Blessings better hurry, for time is running out.

Here is the setting-

Time period- 22nd century.

Technology- At one time, Technology was highly modernized, when the war happened and God's judgement struck the land, most of it was lost, reducing things to a pre-industrial level. While remnants of the technological might of humanity still remains, they are but fragments of a forgotten age.

Current world state- Most, if not all, world governments do not exist in this world. With most of the leadership killed, the chains of command and lines of succession were all but forgotten. Now, the worlds forms of leadership rely on disunited kingdoms and scarce republics. Most towns and small cities are settled in the ruins of larger cities, most (if not all) having been completely demolished during the early days of the war.


1. No God-moding or power moding. I am god here.

2. If it involves another character, ask for permission first, otherwise you'll get smacked with a fish warned and, if you persist, kicked from the roleplay

3. Please let me know if you're busy, so we can work around your characters. I don't want this thread to die.

4. Just so I know you read my rules, place a  :ph34r:  in your profile. Makes things a lot easier on my end.

5. Have fun!

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i was referred by nunali.  in a nutshell what are we playing and what's open if you dontmind?

i WILL be reading the intro though,i promise.

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