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Fantasy The Night's Hunt ~open~

Xavier was now as new as a finely wrapped present. He felt revitalized and refreshed with his new bandages, so with that he made his way to the manor; it was quite different from his little shack by the woods.

"And here we are Mydas!" stated Xavier, reaching up to the door to place only the most assertive of knocks.

"Ummm....funny thing knocking, eh, Mydas?" stammered Xavier. What if he knocked too loud? What if nobody heard the knock? What if the door was weak and, while knocking, he accidentally broke it? So many things could go wrong from a simple knock that he couldn't bring himself to do it. Recognizing the all-to-frequent inner turmoil of his friend Mydas threw his beak against the door knocking for Xavier.

"Well I guess we wait!" said Xavier a little too joyously. As he waited he sat down on the steps and began playing with a new contraption he was working on.
A great deal of time passes and nobody comes to the door; it was almost as if nobody was there.

"Well Mydas, I guess I can't keep the floodgates down for too much longer...perhaps we should just sneak in through a back window, eh?" exclaimed Xavier.

With that Xavier got up and went to the nearest window; he had been waiting for a chance to use one of his new inventions for while. With the hands only a master artist would have Xavier placed the aptly named "Pocket Anti-Lock" upon the window and lit the ignition line. A few short moments later a little pffff was heard along with the sound of sand-like particles falling. Xavier looked at Mydas with what could only be described as the grin of a boy who had just pulled a daring prank on his mother and got away with it.

"It worked!" cried out Xavier. He had only tested it a few times prior. The device worked like a directed charge but only carried enough explosives to fracture the glass into little particles rather than blowing shards of glass everywhere; it was great for a sneaky entry.

"And up we go!" whispered Xavier, awkwardly pulling himself into the manor.

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