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Fantasy The Nightmare Campus

There were few others in this pool area, but this only made it worse as this made the group of three talking about some nightmare more noticeable. Well they probably shouldn't talk about this, not that it was anyone's business anyway, but on top of that talking about it wouldn't solve anything anyways.

So here was Amyra and Marcus, both seemed to have the same reaction to seeing him as he did to seeing them. Obviously it was exactly as Zack thought: the Nightmare was real, the people he had met there were real, everything that had happened the night before had really happened, and there was a good chance it could happen again. This brought up a question in Zack's mind, where was Raine?

"We need to find Raine. You both remember her? We should make sure she is okay."
Amyra nodded in agreement “Yeah I remember her, let hope she’s not still…there” she didn’t want to speak in more detail fearing that people wold over hear and think they were a couple of mental cases running loose. She hadn’t seen anyone around campus that looked like Raine then again, she tried hard to avoid eye contact when she walked here. Finding Raine, if she was in the campus wasn’t going to be easy for them. They didn’t know her very well other than her name, Amyra thought about the possibility of checking the dorm list and see if her name eventually popped up. “I don’t really know where we would even begin to look…..We could check the dorm rooms and hope her name pops up somewhere.” She really had no clue but it was at least a start in the right direction, or wrong depending on how you looked at it.
Raine Anne Krei
Raine stumbled back when Marcus disappeared right in front of her, and as she fell to the floor she heard a familiar noise.

A song had bursted out of Raine's phone and woken her up, she hurled herself out of bed, and fell to the floor. Someone else moved in the room and Raine's eyes darted to the movement, it was her roommate Daisy.
"Darling, you feeling well? A nightmare?" said Daisy and held her own cup of coffee forward do Raine, the later girl smiled and took a sip.
"Yeah, it was terrible. Monsters and a big house, man how I don't miss big houses", Raine answered as she stood up and dressed herself while small talking to her friend.

Raine and Daisy walked out of the building not late afterwards, their walk were supposed to take them to a small little restaurant that had become their favorite breakfast place. The two girls looked similar with their big smiles, their happy words and a tinder in their eyes. They both wear white jeans, Daisy's were stressed, and tank tops in different shades of blue. But where Raine's hair flowed long and brown, Daisy's were put in a high bun and halfway hidden by a black scarf.
"Theres a list of names of people in the dorms?" Zack asked. He was new to the university life, not to mention new to the town and didn't really know many people, so there were a few things he didn't know.

"Well anyway, it should be easy. How many people could possibly be named Raine in one small town anyway? I never once met a girl named Raine living in bigger towns." This was, of course, because he was busy working, sleeping, or the occasional workout. Zack hadn't had time since high school to really socialize or meet girls. If it weren't for the nightmare, the university experience would be a dream come true for him.

He noted the big wet spot of sweat on the chest area of his shirt.

"I'm gonna go shower first though. Meet you guys later." He said, walking off, turning back several times though to make sure Marcus and Amyra were real.
Wes woke up, already sitting upright, holding out a hand. Trying to give something to someone.
He tried to remember this intense dream he had, but really couldn't. No matter how hard he tried.
Muttering to himself, he said, "Weird... "

Despite that fading dread, he was met with dusty sunshine. His labrador Root Beer licked his face too much. Wes fed his dog some kibble and let him out in the backyard to urinate. Doing push-ups, seal-ups, jumping jacks, he finally broke into a sweat. In the meantime, he tried again to recall a vague nightmare.

Some guy with a rolled-up comic book in the dark? "Finn..."

Wes took his dog Root Beer with him to Hughes University, and he could because it was his service dog. They traveled down campus, meeting and greeting friends along the way. He shouted and laughed, as he was a loud and cheery guy. In some way, on the back of his mind, he was looking for Finn.

August August
Finnian's run was only a simple jog, not really enough to work up a sweat. Usually he would have gone all out, maybe add an obstacle but he wasn't really in at the moment. His mind was still on that dream, and even after he finished his light jog as he got to campus, he was still thinking about it. That dream he had couldn't have just simply been a dream. The blade was proof enough of that! Did this also mean the Wes guy was also real or was he just part of that magical dream world? If the blade was real, surely the person he met was also real.

Going through his glossary of comics and movie knowledge in hopes of finding anything familiar, he hadn't noticed some of his University friends start calling his name. After Finnian had failed to noticed them, they ended up going up to him and nudging him to snap him out of his thoughts. Finn simply laughed it off as if it was nothing, and tried to just push the thoughts in the back of his head. However a lingering feeling remained with him, and he couldn't help but give a second glance at some of the students. There was always a chance that his mind just generated Wes from a passing memory, that was a thing right? Still didn't explain the blade though . . .

Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf
Amyra waved goodbye to Zack as he walked away, she sighed and stood up from the bench she sat upon and looked over to Marcus who had been pretty silent “So…. shall we go find Raine and maybe continue talking about our current situation” She said. She really needed to talk about the situation whether it be with everyone they had met in that nightmare type world or with just one person who wouldn’t think she was an entire nut case. Amyra wanted to get to the bottom of this, why them specifically. To her it seemed quite strange that so far, from who she has met that only four of them were in that place. It couldn’t have been a coincidence, right? She was starting to get a slight headache just thinking of why only they were there or maybe it was the chlorine smell coming from the pool which normally didn't bother her unless she was there for a long time, she ignored her thoughts for the current moment she thought it best to wait for the group to actually bring that kind of stuff up.
Getting out of the shower, Zack went over his situation in his head. Now on top of school, needing to find a job, and to start a life, he had to deal with this Nightmare bullshit.

He also had class in an hour, and could miss three classes before it affected his grades. He really didn't want to use one of those today, but he had to figure out what the hell was going on. Stepping out into the hallway, he noticed a girl in tears, and a couple cops talking right outside her dorm room. Zack assumed she had been caught with drugs or something, until he noticed what the cops were saying.

"Its a relatively low-crime area, then this happens. Whoever is doing this will pay, especially doing this to people so young."

There was police tape to prevent people entering the room, but Zack did see an officer holding a clear plastic bag with a bloody knife in it. It looked just like the one the monster from his dream was using.
"Root Beer!" He shouted as his labrador loped over to Finn. He had playfully grabbed his dog by the collar.

"So sorry about that, he nev--"
He stopped, recognizing him with the strangest feeling, chilled to the bone. "You!"

"I've seen you." He said this, almost accusatory. After all, he had given him a bloody knife.
August August

Standing over the gruesome bloody scene, Officer Bath murmured with the other officers in the dorm room with mostly speculation. She was a tall, hardened brunette who was tight-lipped and chewing gum. Her eyes were a ferocious wolf blue, and her fists were large and coarse enough to batter a man unconscious.

She did not flinch, admiring the savagery of a dead young kid, a nobody who nobody would miss.

Dumb ass, she thought. She held up a clear plastic bag with a particular bloody knife in it.

Then she noticed Zack, watching. She shot him a piercing stare and wondered if that kid knew something.

Nah, she thought better of it. He was just a morbid spectator.

"Get going!" She barked at him. TheAdept TheAdept
Zack paused a second before moving on. There was something off about that cop. She looked out of place.

That knife, had someone been killed in the very dream they had suffered the night before? What the hell was going on? This was like some sci-fi original series.

Outside of he pool area, friends of the victim were having a kind of crisis, one girl was crying, as other friends tried to comfort her. GamerCarrot GamerCarrot Lordvader59 Lordvader59


By the time Raine and Daisy got to the restaurant, the television inside had the news on, telling of the girl who had died in her sleep and referring to other similar occurrences years back. They even showed the knife found, and said it had been found used in other murders.

Neastlarsson Neastlarsson
While walking off with his group of uni-friends, Finnian suddenly heard a dog barking and a strangely familiar voice calling out Root Beer. Before he could even turn around to look, one of his bigger friends, Cane had stepped between Wes and him.
"Do you know this guy Finnian?" Cane asked him over the aweing of some of his female friends, who were currently acting as if they had never seen a dog before.

"Yeah, I know him . . . " Finnian continued to stare at Wes, processing everything through his head. After a minute or so, Finnian burst into a smile and hugged the semi stranger excitedly, "Oh my god this is the best thing ever!" He shouted, not caring that people were staring at his suddenly out burst. "We have to talk, like now! Come on, screw classes."
Cane raised an eyebrow at his friend, only for Finnian to wave him off with a "Go away, I gotta talk to him." His friend simply shook his head and herded his female friends away from the dog, brushing this off as one of Finnian's usual nerd moments.

Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf
Only problem with being in a pool area, it echoes.

From where Amyra was standing she could hear faint cries followed by the sound of talking, she started walking towards where the sound was coming from. After turning out of the pool area she saw a couple of people surrounding a crying girl, trying to console her. Approaching the group, curious about what was happening she tapped on of the friends on the shoulder “Is everything okay?” She asked being careful not to upset the crying girl any further. She looked so upset, Amyra didn’t know if she personally could talk about what happened that caused her to cry so she decided to ask one of her friends to see if they could clear up the situation for her. Since Amyra didn’t know the crying girl personally it made it hard for her to try and comfort her especially not knowing her situation. She had moved pretty quickly from where she originally was, not knowing if Marcus had followed her to the source of the crying.
Lordvader59 Lordvader59 TheAdept TheAdept

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