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Fantasy The Nightmare Campus

When Marcus came dashing out to attack him and the girls, his first thought wasn't about who the guy was, only that there was someone else in this goddamned place now attacking them with a knife. The whole situation of being a a strange, dark place, and having just killed something that clearly wasn't human had him on edge. Marcus' weapon clearly had better length than Zack's, but Zack had been in his share of fights and remembered a few UFC fights he had seen on TV. So, like he had practiced a few times before, he sent a kick directed at Marcus' chest, all while keeping his knife ready in case it came to that.

This was of course, after he heard him ask if they weren't commies, but only the potential danger was in his head at the time. After seeing this guy was clearly confused as them, he calmed down a little.

"Did you wake up randomly here too?" He asked, his weapon still ready.

Of course, before Marcus could answer, someone else stepped into the room, axe in hands. No, this was something. It too, was humanoid like the thing he had killed, but this time more masculine in shape, and beefier. Its skin was dark grey, like the ashes in a fireplace. Two eyes did dot it's face, but were beady and red, and its mouth full of long sharp knife-like fangs was fixed in what appeared to be a grin.

It ran toward Amyra, its axe raised to strike, before being intercepted by Zack, who rammed into the monster from the side and attempted to grab the axe. But the monster was clearly stronger, and while Zack kept his grip on the axe, the monster shoved Zack against the wall.
When Marcus came dashing out to attack him and the girls, his first thought wasn't about who the guy was, only that there was someone else in this goddamned place now attacking them with a knife. The whole situation of being a a strange, dark place, and having just killed something that clearly wasn't human had him on edge. Marcus' weapon clearly had better length than Zack's, but Zack had been in his share of fights and remembered a few UFC fights he had seen on TV. So, like he had practiced a few times before, he sent a kick directed at Marcus' chest, all while keeping his knife ready in case it came to that.

This was of course, after he heard him ask if they weren't commies, but only the potential danger was in his head at the time. After seeing this guy was clearly confused as them, he calmed down a little.

"Did you wake up randomly here too?" He asked, his weapon still ready.

Of course, before Marcus could answer, someone else stepped into the room, axe in hands. No, this was something. It too, was humanoid like the thing he had killed, but this time more masculine in shape, and beefier. Its skin was dark grey, like the ashes in a fireplace. Two eyes did dot it's face, but were beady and red, and its mouth full of long sharp knife-like fangs was fixed in what appeared to be a grin.

It ran toward Amyra, its axe raised to strike, before being intercepted by Zack, who rammed into the monster from the side and attempted to grab the axe. But the monster was clearly stronger, and while Zack kept his grip on the axe, the monster shoved Zack against the wall.
"Oh fucking great. ALIEN commies. We're in some shit." When it jumped Zack, he once more raised his weapon. When it slammed him on the wall, he took the opportunity. He assumed the monster was using most of it's strength, or at least an arm, to keep Zack up against the wall, so he took his knife in a basic, blade up grip and began to use the large blade to hack into it's neck, slashing again and again with the blade glinting with whatever light was in the room.
Marcus sudden approach surprised Amyra, she reacted quickly diving her hand into her jacket pocket and grabbing her pocket knife. She stopped herself after Zack had kicked Marcus in the chest, she soon realized that he meant no harm when he got a good look at all three of them. But without knowing who he was or how he got here she didn't trust him not fully.

The creature that had entered the room terrified her more than the thing both Zack and her saw earlier. When it charged at her she was just about to pull out her knife and at least attempt to dodge out of the way to then attack it but Zack had stepped in before she could even react, she watched in shock as Zack hit the wall and as Marcus carved into the beast. The sounds of the knife hacking into the beast was nauseating, there was a lot of black liquid oozing out.
Wes was finally let go. He glanced at the thing that was slaughtered, then glanced at Finn, his unlikely savior. He gave a quick nod of recognition, muttering thanks. He introduced himself as Wes, even though they saw each other around town. He kept his voice low this time, asking, "What is this, Silent Hill?"

He noticed the blade that stuck, lodged in the creature. Ugh, he was so going to regret this. Wes tore at the wound, rummaging a hand into its shadowy guts, spilling them out and finally loosing the blade free. It wouldn't fit back into the hilt it snapped from, so he stripped a rope from his own tattered scratched shirt and wrapped around the blunt end for a safer grip.

Considering that this Finn stranger was good with a knife, he handed it back.
It's neck was as sturdy as a tree trunk, and despite the efforts of Marcus, the attacks only resulted in a gash that only widened ever so slightly. Its elbow came back and hit Marcus right in the face to get him to back off before trying to swing the axe at Marcus. Zack made this difficult, however, as he maintained his grip on the axe in an effort to take it away.

The monster backed away from the wall, still in his wrestle with Zack, and threw Zack once again, this time managing to get Zack to lose his grip as he flew across the room and onto the ground. It the swung the axe for Marcus' head.
It's neck was as sturdy as a tree trunk, and despite the efforts of Marcus, the attacks only resulted in a gash that only widened ever so slightly. Its elbow came back and hit Marcus right in the face to get him to back off before trying to swing the axe at Marcus. Zack made this difficult, however, as he maintained his grip on the axe in an effort to take it away.

The monster backed away from the wall, still in his wrestle with Zack, and threw Zack once again, this time managing to get Zack to lose his grip as he flew across the room and onto the ground. It the swung the axe for Marcus' head.
Marcus ducked the blow and, trying to use his shorter weapon to his advantage, bull rushed the thing, stabbing it repeatedly in the chest, trying to carve out it's organs.
Amyra rushed to Zack's side, helping him sit up "You okay?" Her voice sounding worried not only or him but if they would make it out alive. She looked around the room to see if there was a way to kill this thing or help them get out but she couldn't see much that would help their situation. Looking back the boarded up door and at the axe the beast was swinging around "Maybe....we don't have to kill it" she said to herself unsure if Zack heard her. They couldn't get the boards off by hand but maybe they didn't have to. She had an idea, a risky one but an idea none the less. To be frankly honest she would greatly prefer for the thing to die so they could escape this building without worrying about it returning but they didn't have too many options.
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The first stab attempt dug successfully into the monster's rib cage, causing it to let out a moan. It was swifter for the second attempt, and grabbed Marcus' knife arm, then head butting him.

Zack had been thrown to the hard wood floor quite hard, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins dulled the pain. He got to his feet, and watched Marcus' fight with the thing.

"No...we have to." Zack was too overwhelmed between the fear, the rage, and the adrenaline to listen to any plans. He found himself once again in the perfect position to attack one of these things, as the monster's back was now to him as it fought Marcus.

Taking out his hunting knife once more, he rushed and jumped on it's back, this time slamming the knife into it's temple. Its thick, black blood spurted out, and its stumbled to the side, but in its resilience, and massive strength, grabbed Zack again and tossed him to the side. Luckily, however, this was one of the things last actions, as it fell to its knees, then all the way down after. They had done it. Its axe now lay right next to its body.
Marcus was taking no mother fucking chances. He approached the fallen beast and cut the front of it's neck open. "I think..." He back away from the spurting black blood. "It's dead." He kicked the corpse, and when it didnt move he seemed satisfied. Then he turned to Zack, who had been tossed around considerably more than he had "You alright?" his gaze fell back onto the thing "What the hell IS that thing?"
TheAdept TheAdept
Raine Anne Krei

Raine had followed the others down, still trying to get her self together. As they were attacked by the monster with the axe she had stood there, trying to think. She finally got it together when the new man, the one who seemed to hate communism, asked if they were alright.
Raine lifted her head, her eyes still swollen from the crying, and looked straight into Marcus eyes.
"Who the hell are you? And why the hell do you scream in a house like this!?" She did not scream, she rather used a highpitched voice and closed in on him. She took one step for every word, and in the end she ended up right in front of him, only one, two feet between them. She discarded how terribly humorously it must have looked for everyone else, as Marcus was over 40 cm (I think it's about 1 fot 3 inches) taller than her. Raine's eyes gave Marcus a hard look, a look she almost never gave anyone else but her brothers.
Raine knew that she would probably not have been up in his face if she had not been as scared, if she had not been thought from her brothers how to stop being afraid. Her thought laid in the fact that Marcus had made loud sounds and gotten the monster to them, and she tried to discard that he hold a weapon.
Lordvader59 Lordvader59

(I think 40 cm it's about 1 foot 3 inches, in case you guys don't wanna google it)
Marcus raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I heard that thing's footsteps before I even came out... how are you blaming me for something that was approaching you before I arrived? Even if I did, so what? It's dead now." Then he turned to Zack, who had still not responded despite several seconds having passed. "Are you alright?" Then, in realization, he turned back to Raine "The name's Marcus Aurlang, who are you people?"
"Oh yeah..." Zack said sarcastically "Never been better."

Maybe to the others he seemed like a brave soul, but in reality his heart was racing, his fear was causing him to sweat, and he was surprised he hadn't shit his pants. His reckless fighting was only his reaction to such dangerous situations, which he had learned in his time working with convicts and criminals.

He grabbed the axe before getting all the way up, feeling the weight, and noticing how sharp and new it was, despite being in an obviously old dilapidated building.

Ignoring everyone's chatting, he walked up to the door and swung the axe down on the boards, which not only split the first board on top but knocked away part of the door. Then again with a yell, sending the blade through two more boards as well as wooden shards flying to the sides. Then one more time to clear away the last few boards, which again destroyed part of the door, but it now cleared away all the boards and the doors swung open.

Before them was a paved sidewalk, leading through a lawn, out through some metal fencing. Next to the gate was a double sided sign, reading "Farwater Psychiatric Ward."


Zack's eyes opened to his sunlit dorm room, his mind in confusion. Good that was just a dream, but...that was a dream? He felt rested, but at the same time the very real fear stayed with him. He got up out of the bed and looked out the window. Yup, day time in Farwater, looking just like Farwater. Cars going to work places, children off to school, the plants blooming in the sunlight.

Well that's it then, just a dream...or so he thought as he turned around and noticed something. A lump in the covers on his bed. Curiously, he pulled back the covers.

It was...an axe.
“Amyra, that’s my name” She replied to Marcus’s question. She watched as Zack picked up the axe to swing at the door. When he eventually got through them she looked through the now open doors, seeing the sign caused a chill down her spine. They were still in Farwater? But never in her life of living here she ever saw those creatures roaming around….

Waking Up
Amyra jerked up from her bed, sweat dripping down her brow. Sunlight beaming through her dorm window, she looked around “I’m back in my dorm?” she quietly said to herself. Was everything she had witness just a dream, she rubbed her eyes, there was no way that was a simple dream it felt too real. She stood up from her bed, hearing a loud thud on the floor. She looked down only to see her pocket knife had fallen out of her pocket, she looked in horror “It wasn’t a dream….” She thought, slightly panicked. She shook her head and walked into her bathroom, had a shower to take her mind off things and got changed. Placing her school books back into her bag and placing her pocket knife in the pocket of her jeans. She decided it best to not speak about what had happened in that place, people would think her insane and she hoped she would never see that place again.
Waking up
Marcus sat up and looked around "Oh christ, that was weird." He stood up. "Probably god damn commie alien mind control." He shrugged, it was what it was. Sighing, he got up and began to prepare for the day. Not like that would ever happen again or anything. It was all a dream, those other people he saw were probably just figments of his imagination. Though he did consider informing the authorities about a potential impending alien invasion. They had never listened to him before, though. Meh he'd seen Independence Day he knew how right the guy saying aliens existed was.
Zack picked up the axe, feeling the weight of it. Yeah...it was the same one he dreamed of. But how did it wind up here? Was he using it before falling asleep and that made him dream of it? Was this some weird prank his roommate was pulling?

Speaking of which, the groggy voice of his roommate grumbled "Close the fucking window," reminding Zack that he was in a room with someone else, carrying a potential weapon. While his roommate turned over and buried himself deeper in the covers, Zack put the axe right back under the bed.

Today was Wednesday, and Zack had no class until 1pm. Zack was on a routine where he went to the school's gym before breakfast, and despite his disturbing and mysterious nightmare, today would be no different. On his way, however, he made note of the metal fencing around campus, and how the sign that said "Hughes University" was double sided just like in the dream. He ignored the chill running up his spine and went to the gym and got on the treadmill.
Amyra grabbed a few more things before leaving her dorm room, she needed to relax. Thankfully her roommate was almost never there always partying, she remembered the campus having a pool somewhere past the gym. She tried getting there as early in the morning to avoid any other people so then she could relax in silence. Leaving her dorm room, she headed towards the gym with her bag over her shoulder. She kept her head down whilst walking around the campus, she wanted to forget what happened in her dream and swimming was the only way that could happen, for some reason being in the water relaxed her.

Walking past the gym and arriving at the indoor pool next door she immediately headed towards the change rooms, tying up her ash blonde hair into a ponytail, continuing to avoid any eye contact. She got changed as quickly as she could and made her way to the pool, immediately diving in when she got there “That feels so much better” she thought, she floated or awhile before actually swimming, even though she was completely relaxed she didn’t want to close her eyes, fearing that if she did she would return to that hell hole.
Marcus was interested in his dream, and, to ponder it, went to one of his favorite thinking spots, by the pool. It was usually quite and vacant, so it made a great place for him to think. Arriving, he was surprised to notice someone there. Looking at her, he stopped and paled when he realized it was the girl from his dream. "Hey!" He called towards her and approached the edge of the pool "Amyra, right?" This was not good, it was in fact very bad. He was shocked to find her.
GamerCarrot GamerCarrot
Finnian only had time to tell Wes his name was Finn before turning at the sound of something and waking up. For a moment Finnian laid there dazed, unsure what had happened. In his hand he could still feel the blade gripped tightly . . .

No, the blade was still there. This snapped him fully awake as he climbed out of his bed and turned on a light to better inspect the blade from the dream. He knew for sure he didn't fall asleep with it. Ignoring his alarm still going off, he moved some things aside to set the blade down, wondering.

Eventually the alarmed started to annoy him and he left the blade on his desk to turn it off and get ready. He needed to go on a run, get some fresh air to think about things.
Hearing her name Amyra stopped swimming and approached the edge of the pool where Marcus was standing, she hadn’t noticed it was him until she looked up. Color started draining from her face as she stared wide eyed at Marcus, her hands griping tightly at the side of the pool. It was a dream! He couldn’t possibly be here! These thoughts and more ran through her mind. Color started returning to her face “M…Marcus?” she finally managed to get some words out. If she didn’t know she was wide awake she would have just thought it was another weird dream and laughed it off. She lifted herself out of the pool, being careful not to completely drench Marcus while doing so and looked at him still completely confused on how the hell this was happening! Lordvader59 Lordvader59
"You're... real..." He was at a loss for words "oh... Ok" He took a breath "we need to find out what is happening here. If you want to go back to my dorm, we could talk about it?" Mentally, he slapped himself for saying that. In honesty he wasn't sure if he had said that in interest as to who she was and how this was happening or simply to flirt with her. In the light... and in a bathing suit, she was even better looking than he had remembered. damn, she's hot the thought flew through his mind. He shook his head to rid himself of it, that was a thought not for now but for later. GamerCarrot GamerCarrot
As much as she was confused and freaked out at the fact he was real, she let out a slight laugh. She places a hand on her hip “Smooth, Sure but I need to get changed first.” She said gesturing to her swimsuit, she couldn’t necessarily walk around the entire campus wearing just her swimsuit well she could but she rather not have multiple people just staring at her. “I’ll be right back then we can talk” she said walking towards the changing room, quickly drying herself off and getting changed. She walked back to Marcus “Alright, let’s go” she said gesturing towards the exit. Lordvader59 Lordvader59
After finishing his run on the treadmill and an upper body workout with the machines (as there were no free weights at this gym) Zack decided to leave it at that. He had worked up a good amount of sweat, and despite knowing machines couldn't give the efficient workout free weights could, his arms were pretty sore. He was so tired from his workout it actually got the mysterious nightmare off his mind.

That was...until he was walking passed the pool area, which was only separated from the hall by a glass window/wall. He didn't really know for a second what he saw out of the corner of his eye, only that it alerted him. He looked over at two people next to the pool. It was them. Amyra and Marcus.

Zack walked in to the pool area, considering for a moment that maybe they didn't want to be bothered, but this was too exact to the nightmare. That is, except for Amyra in a bikini. That would have made it a bit less of a nightmare.

"Marcus? Amyra?" He said, as he walked up.
After finishing his run on the treadmill and an upper body workout with the machines (as there were no free weights at this gym) Zack decided to leave it at that. He had worked up a good amount of sweat, and despite knowing machines couldn't give the efficient workout free weights could, his arms were pretty sore. He was so tired from his workout it actually got the mysterious nightmare off his mind.

That was...until he was walking passed the pool area, which was only separated from the hall by a glass window/wall. He didn't really know for a second what he saw out of the corner of his eye, only that it alerted him. He looked over at two people next to the pool. It was them. Amyra and Marcus.

Zack walked in to the pool area, considering for a moment that maybe they didn't want to be bothered, but this was too exact to the nightmare. That is, except for Amyra in a bikini. That would have made it a bit less of a nightmare.

"Marcus? Amyra?" He said, as he walked up.
"Shit you're real too." He sighed "guess I should've expected that, huh." Zack had seemed like a decent guy in the dream so Marcus figured he wasn't much a threat.
"Zack?!" she looked as confused as she did when she first saw Marcus. She was trying to wrap her brain around this whole situation "Everything was real" she thought not wanting to accept the fact that the world they were all in was real, hell she couldn't accept the fact that what happened was real. She had to sit down, she walks over to a nearby bench and sat down. "We need to talk about what the hell is happening" she said. They couldn't unfortunately talk here though if people heard them they would think that they are crazy.
Lordvader59 Lordvader59 TheAdept TheAdept
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