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Fantasy The Nightmare Campus


One Thousand Club
(OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-nightmare-campus.330091/#post-7823911 )

The First Night

'What the hell? This isn't where I fell asleep." Zack thought, as his eyes flicked open to find himself laying on a cold cement floor staring up at partially torn apart ceiling of a dilapidated building..

He took a quick look around the room, at the torn away wallpaper, the couple of shattered windows, and the rusted metal bed frame in an eerie corner of the room. A sense of dread washed over him. He had...been kidnapped. But by who? Was someone capturing 22 year old male college students and selling them as sex slaves? And if there was someone doing this...there were younger college students.

Looking out the window, Zack could clearly see it was still night. He peered out the window, to see if anyone was around outside he could call to, to find there were no lights on to be found, aside from the light of a full moon. This was odd, as he saw this lack of lights where he saw plenty of buildings. He wondered where he could be, as this looked like an abandon town. Despite the lack of any people or cars moving about the streets, this town seemed oddly familiar...as if he had seen it on a better day.

Suddenly, he faintly heard footsteps coming from the area outside the door to the room he had woken up in. They seemed to be dragging their feet, then stomping with each step. Just then Zack felt something in his back pocket. In all of his pockets, in fact. His cell phone and his wallet were in the pockets he usually kept them in, but there was a third item in his back left pocket. He reached back, and felt a cloth-like encasing over something metal, and a wooden handle. It was his hunting knife! But if someone had dragged him here, how did he still have this?

Nevermind! It didn't matter. Not at a time like this. He put his back to the wall right next to the door, and, drawing his knife, prepared to ambush whoever was shambling toward the room.
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Raine Anne Krei

Raine would swear on the fact that she had fallen asleep in her bed, in her room. This is not where she was right now, and the smell of dust had woken her up. Her room did not smell like dust, it smelled lavender. Floor, she realized, had replaced her soft bed. Hard, wooden boards, an old rug and tons of dust. She slowly lifted her head, her hair had fallen out of the braid she usually slept with and fell in front of her face, though even with it there she could still see the horrible place she was in.
Raine's eyes told her that this was no place she had ever been in, it could not be a dream. She had never either been able to smell in dreams, at least she did not remember ever smelling in dreams. So Raine stood up and felt the cold boards under her feet. Looking down she realized she did not have any shoes on. Her legs was bare too, she was only dressed in her oldest brother's old hockey-jumper and a pair of shorts she liked sleeping in. She felt something strange creeping up her back, every hair on her body stood up. She did not feel fear, this was not a time for fear. She felt terror, she felt it so deep she started to cry. Not a verbal cry either, but she stood still for what felt like forever and silent tears fell down her face. She had never been here before, she was not dressed for this and she could feel the danger this place contained.
Heavy, slow steps took Raine's mind back to her body. She recognized the sound of heavy feet on wood, both her brothers were heavy on their feet, her father were too. One floor under her something moved, but it did not sound like her brothers, nor her father. It sounded so much heavier. Raine scanned the room for a way out. She did not really care were it would take her, as long as it took her away from here.
Two doors, one blocked by a bookshelf. One window, she could see the ground far away, she could probably take a fall from second floor, she just had to remember how to land. For goddess sake, once upon a time she could do anything she wanted. The room was almost empty, just an old sofa and the bookshelf. With light steps, thanking the goddess for her training, Raine walk to and pushed the second door open. She looked outside, the footsteps were louder, but if she stayed away from the stairs she would probably stay away from the owner. She lifted a hand to her face, and realized she had cried. She tried wiping of the tears with the arm on her jumper, though she did not really care what she looked at that moment, more important was to understand what was happening. A part of her brain wanted her to call for help but another part, the bigger part, told her that she probably should shut up and keep moving.
Waking up in a strange, unfamiliar room was not Amyra's idea of fun. She woke up, her eyes adjusting to her surroundings. The floor was chilling her body to the bone "Where the hell am I?" she thought sitting up and looking around the room she was in. It looked old, abandoned as if it had been here for a very long time, untouched by anyone. She stood up, dusting off the dirt she was just laying in. The floorboards were old and worn, almost appearing as if one small step could easily be your last. On the floor she noticed her bag was just sitting there, confused Amyra approached her bad opening it up. It had everything she usually put in it, of course minus her school supplies. A screwdriver her father gave her, reasons why he did this was unknown to her. Her pocket knife she kept for self- defense purposes. She took her pocket knife out of her bag, placing it in her jacket pocket. How did her bag get here it was beside her bed when she went to sleep? And why leave her pocket knife in her bag? She slung the bag over her shoulder.
The room gave Amyra a strange feeling, she didn't feel safe or comfortable staying in this room "Is this meant to be some kind of prank?" She immediately thought, it wasn't uncommon for people to move a person to an unknown location, leave them there for a period of time hoping to scare them. But she couldn't think of anyone who would do this. She walked towards the door, placing her hand on the door knob. She was about to open the door when she heard a noise, it was quiet so she assumed it was no where near the room she was in yet that didn't reassure her. Were there more people here? Or was it something else?
She didn't want to stay in the room any longer but what ever was outside in the hallway she didn't particularly want to face. She took a deep breath and quietly opened the door, opening it slightly just enough so she could see where the thing was that was making the noise. She looked up and down the hallway but didn't see anything, yet she didn't feel alone. She put her hand in her jacket pocket grabbing her pocket knife and opening it. She closed the door just as quietly as she opened it and put her back to the door, she took a minute to compose herself. Why was she so scared? She has been in scarier situations before, yet this felt worse than the others.
There were no lights in the building. At least...none were on. The students that found themselves in various rooms of the building could only see what the moonlight allowed, as well as their eyes adjusting to it.

Even after the eyes adjusted to the lack of light, a person could only make out the shapes of their surroundings and the walls.

At the end of the hall, something darker than the darkness surrounding Amyra was making faint movements...or so it seemed. It was hard to tell...but it seemed to be getting closer, as did the dragging footsteps.
Dragging footsteps became louder and louder. Amyra, still pressed against the door heard them come closer. Her breath hitched, still clutching her pocket knife in her hand. Did she make a noise? Every move she made was silent as humanly possible, no normal person would be able to hear her movements at that distance. She didn't want to risk another glance out into the hallway, she looked down at the door handle to see if she could lock it from the inside but unfortunately there was none "What door doesn't have a lock!" She thought. She was terrified. Unknown room, unknown person dragging their feet coming closer and closer, she covered her mouth with her hand that was not holding onto her knife to try and quieten her breathing. She slowed her breathing, a tactic she used to calm herself in stressful situations. She had no idea who was making the noise, she prayed it was human. She scanned the room with a more observant gaze. Chairs, tables, bookcases where all around the room. No other doors that she could see, a window was in front of her, from where she was standing she knew she wouldn't be able to walk away from the fall, not without limping. Her only choices fight or die and she was not going down without a fight. She moved ever so slightly to the side where the door blocks the right hand side, pocket knife drawn ready to attack.
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As the draggin limp seemed to be now travelling further away from Zack, he now felt safe enough to peak out the door. Not only safe, but curious. If the...person whoever took him here wasn't coming to the room to torture him horror-movie style, exactly what could they be up to? On top of that why did he have his knife and why was he not tied up or at least locked in that room?

The hall outside was even more dark than the room he was in, but his eyes had adjusted enough to make out the piles of cluttered debri, which were most likely full of sharp metal or glass that he should try to avoid. There was plenty of space in the hallway to move through, nut most importantly, he got a better look at whatever was out there.

She looked human enough in shape...or if not a she a very slim man, hunched over in a grotesque way and naked. This, Zack could tell, as he saw this creature as it passed a window, and its quivering skin was pale enough to reflect the moonlight. Though its back was turned when Zack saw it, adrenaline released and surged through his body as he went into fight mode. Perfect opportunity.

Yelling in half terror, half aggression, Zack dashed through the hallway towards the thing, but Zack wasn't fast enough, as it turned around in time to make a defense. Its boney arm raised a knife of its own as the moonlight now showed its inhuman face: eyeless, and it's grimacing mouth far too wide. It hissed through its razor sharp fangs as Zack clashed with it, grabbing its arm that held the knife as it grabbed his knife arm as well. The stalemate seemed in favor of Zack, who's arm was clearly stronger than that of his nightmarish opponent, but his stance in this fight was off, and after sliding back a couple feet he fell over, as did the monster on top of him and his knife. The creature let out a scream as did Zack, he had fallen over onto a pile of wooden debri. Zack had landed hard, but the creature fell directly on top of his knife, sinking it hilt-deep into its own chest, and after squirming a twitching for the last couple minutes of the adrenaline pumped fight, ceased all movement and fell over to the side, limp. But Zack was in too much pain and shock to feel any triumph, and only let out a couple pained moans as he gasped to catch his breath. And all this right outside the room Amyra was in.
Sounds of shouting, running and a loud thud accompanied by pained moans shocked Amyra. One sounded human where as the other sounded inhuman, a sound you would find in a horror movie. "Are there other people here?" She thought concerned, she thought she was the only one here, well other than that beastly creature roaming the halls.
She removed her hand from her mouth, returning to her natural breathing. Every part of her was telling her that the person outside her door could be in a great amount of pain and may need medical attention, but deep down a part of her was telling herself not to dare leave that room. She grabbed the door handle, taking a deep breath this was no time to be afraid someone was probably injured and may need help. She opened the door as quietly as she could hoping not to alert anyone else, she looked around checking both ways. It was dark, incredibly dark, the moonlight gave her some help she could make out shapes but only one shape really caught her attention. She saw someone laying down in debris, from the tone of the pained moans she heard and since he was the only one that appeared to be alive. She rushed to his side, seeing a horrible, disfigured creature beside him laying motionless. Her eyes widen, that was the thing that was roaming the halls! She couldn't believe her eyes, she shakes her head there was no time to think about that. She directed her attention towards Zack, he looked in pain. Worry came over her face, "He fought that thing?!" she thought looking back at the creature. She took a deep breath and turned her head towards Zack "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you" she whispered to him calmly, she didn't know if there were more of them but she wasn't going to take that chance. She put her pocket knife back in her pocket and started to help Zack up as gently as she possibly could, if he was seriously injured moving him too fast could make any wound worse.
[On my phone, but I'll fix it up on computer]

Hearing the loud noises off in the distance was enough to snap Finnian into consciousness. It too him a moment to process that he was no longer in his room, and that he didn't camp out anywhere.
"This doesn't seem right . . ." He mumbled to himself as he scratched his head trying to think of how he could have possibly gotten here. Was he kidnapped? No he wasn't tied up or anything, plus he had a comic he fell asleep reading. Thinking of his comic, he looked around feeling an excitement rise in his chest as he then turned to the pages.

"No way . . . Is this a horror movie?" Finnian quickly got up onto his feet and rushed over to the nearest window, not really thinking about noise. This definitely was not the town he lived in, everything seemed in ruins. This had to be a horror movie!

Not wanting to waste anytime on this amazing dream, he rushed over to the door to peek through into the halls. The sounds outside had quited down, which could either mean there was more to the cast, or it meant the extras had died. As much as Finnian wanted to burst out the room and run around in joy, he was underarmed, only having a comic book at the moment.

Even if he was reckless, he wasn't going to be one of those stupid characters who didn't grab a weapon. However its his dream, so he obviously has to be the protagonist, and he was destined to live in the majority of movies! With this encouraging thought he rolled up his comic into a makeshirlft whacking tool and slowly stepped out into the hall to take a look around.
Zack had only fallen onto wooden debris, and not shattered glass or rusted metal which would have seriously injure him. The wood, however, was the hard strong type, oak perhaps, and his upper back fell onto a broken chair leg, which didn't stab deep, but the five broken splints definitely broke skin and would leave a nasty bruised area for a while. Nothing too serious and the pain only bothered Zack for the moment following the fight. His moan was more one of confusion and frustration than anything else.

But then something else walked into the hall. No, not something, someone. A woman, young, by the sound of her voice, and seemingly not hostile. But he was still in a strange, dangerous place, and he didn't know her.

"Hey" He said as she began helping him to his feet "What's going on? Where am I?"
Helping Zack stand and steady himself, Amyra looked at the debris he landed she was relieved that it was nothing too serious that he fell in to but for him it probably still hurt. "Hey, um I was actually about to ask you the same question..." she was just as confused as he was probably more, now with that creature laying on the floor made their situation a lot more confusing that it was before. "I woke up here not too long ago, but I don't know where we are exactly" she said, all she knew is this place wasn't exactly safe to be in and she really didn't feel comfortable hanging around in the hallway where she didn't know if more of those creatures were on the way.

"I'm Amyra, Amyra Clark" she said, she figured it be best that she would get introductions out of the way so at least both of them felt at least a bit safer knowing who the other person was. She didn't feel any hostility coming from him and he was the only other person she has seen. If there were more people here she hoped they were okay and not alone.
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Zack, like Amyra, was wondering if other people were around. He had heard an excited rush of steps coming from another floor below, but those didn't send a chill up his spine or guve him a sinking feeling of dread. Of course, as far as he knew he should be cautious of everyone here, though maybe not this girl, Amyra.

Zack got to his feet without difficulty, pulling his knife out of the monster as he did. The blade was covered in some thick, black liquid.

"My name is Zack. I'm a college student. Maybe if theres others like us, they may have more info and we can all work to making it out of here.

On the floor right below them were indeed, two others in just their situation. The windows here were boarded up, however, so they lack the assistance of the moon. One stepped out carefully from her room, as another left his room in an excited dash, rolled up comic in hand.
Raine watched the interaction go in front of her eyes, she did not move a muscle while they spoke. Her eyes was mostly stuck on the strange thing between them. It looked less human than anything else she had ever seen.
With her back pushed against the door Raine stood there, wishing they would not see her. She heard another door open, and a younger man was stepping out of the room. Her eyes never really left the man and the woman who interacted, Amyra and Zack. She pushed their names into her memory before slowly pushing herself away from her door. Still with her back against the wall she started walking towards the others.
"Do you -" she started, but before finishing she hesitated. She was not even sure herself what she was about to ask. "I'm -" she stopped herself again. She swore to herself, not out loud but loudly in her mind. "I'm Raine", she finished. She tried a smile, hoped for it to at least look genuine and not as scared as she felt. "I just woke up, do you -" She took a breath before continuing, "do you guys know where we are?" She looked between Amyra and Zack. Amyra looked almost as lost as Raine felt, Zack looked like he almost felt comfortable dragging a knife out of the monster.
Raine lifted a hand up to her mouth to cover it with her hand, just to feel a little bit more comfortable herself. She felt very strange standing in a dark, dead hallway, still dressed for bed, together with three people she could not recall and a monster.
Amyra looked down at the knife Zack just pulled out of the creature, she has no problem with gore but the black liquid oozing from it concerned her. What the hell was that thing? She was curious about what college he attended, did he attend the sane college as her if so maybe they've passed each other without really knowing.
Amyra turned her attention to the quite girl that just approached them, she looked terrified. Amyra looked at her wondering how long she had been there for, she shook her head "No...we don't" she replied. Amyra felt the need to be a little cautious although from looking at the creature and looking back at Raine's expression when seeing the creature laying on the ground, it appeared to be Raine's first encounter with anything like it. She felt uncomfortable, they were just standing there in the hallway, at any moment one of those things could easily come up behind them. She only really felt safe around Zack, well as safe anyone could feel given their current situation. They needed to find a way to get out of this building or at least find something that would give an indication of where they are.

A thought popped into her head, how long have they been here for? It felt like an hour maybe more of them being awake and moving but how long were they here prior to that? It can't of been long it was still night outside.
Zack hid it well, but he felt a delayed queeziness about pulling the knife out and the spurt of black that came as he did so. He had the same thoughts as the two girls with him in that hallway, what the hell was that thing?

"I'm Zack." He replied to Raine, who seemed as horrified, if not moreso than himself and Amyra. This was crazy. Everything was happening so fast, and not only was he in a probably unsafe area, he was there with two people he didn't know, and would probably offer little help if another one of those things attacked.

"Alright..." Zack said, taking a few shaky breaths in between "We need to get out of here." He said, before a few heavy footsteps were heard a floor below them.
Amyra nodded "I agree, the sooner we get out of here the sooner we can figure out what is going on" she said, she also wanted to get out of the building they were in not knowing how dangerous it may be out side of the building. She looked down at the thing on the floor, how many more could there be? She knew how to defend herself as much as the next person so she wasn't too distraught over the possibility that if push came to shove she would with a doubt protect herself and the people around her from those things. She may not be the strongest person but she's quick.

Hearing loud, heavy footsteps below them worried Amyra considerably. Could it be another one of those things roaming the halls trying to track them down or was it someone else just running aimlessly around the building also trying to find a way out. From what Amyra saw from the window of the room she was previously in she had to guess that they were possibly on the third floor, that meant Raine came from the second floor. Amyra didn't know how tall the building itself was or if there were even other people in the rooms above them. But fortunately the only thing they really had to worry about was if the thing making all the noise on the floor below them was friend or foe.
Wes Gold trudged down a murky hallway, wildly glancing over his shoulder and keeping his ears and eyes open. Panting, he tried to regulate his breathing but it did no good, only making him breathe harder. He had heard a scuffle one floor above, something violent with a thud.

All this was weird. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep. His doors had been locked, and if anyone broke in, he would have woken. Instead, being here only made him feel sluggish like in a bad dream.

He found the stairs, which was darker and narrow than anything. Going down the steps was the only logical move he had. But he had a gnawing, growing dread that logic had no bearing here.

His fists clenched, crunching his knuckles.

"HELLO!" Wes shouted. Just to stir anything that hid in the deep, dense darkness.
It noticed him as he wandered down the hallway, stalking oh so silently, even far before he uttered the curious "Hello?"

Through the shadows, even if he had been turned around he would hardly have noticed it, if at all, so dark it was, and so quiet the creature was, like a mountain lion almost.

Its skinny, pale arm roped around Wes' neck from behind, as it at long last broke the silence and let out a loud screech, its knife arm raising up.

A floor below, even in the eerie silence, despite that only quiet panting and shaky breathes filled the quiet air, neither Zack, Raine, or Amyra heard any of the movements Wes had made, only the screech.

"Shit." Zack said, assuming more were on their way "Down the stairs. Lets find the exit." He said, as he tried to move quietly toward and down a flight of stairs at the end of the hall, but failed due to the creeky old floor boards. The faint glow of candles shined from one of the rooms in the hallway down the stairs, which seemed to be the bottom floor of the building.
The screech from the floor above them was deafening to hear, chilling Amyra to the bone she did not want to stay there any longer. She gave a quick nod to Zack and followed behind him keeping an eye out for anything around corners.

Taking quick steps down the stairs, the floor boards creaking with every step but nothing was being alerted to their presence. They got to the bottom floor, it looked about as bad as the floor they were just on possibly worse. Candles gave a faint glow that illuminated parts of the floor they were on. For the current moment they couldn't hear anything shuffling around, but that didn't mean it was safe for them to stay there much longer. They couldn't just run around these halls aimlessly without much indication of which way the exit was. Amyra stood next to Zack looking at their options, they had multiple hallways to choose from "Which way?" She spoke quietly, she was slightly nervous what if they couldn't find a exit or what if one of things caught up to them. It was highly obvious Zack could hold his own against one of them, Amyra could with a small amount of difficulty but she was concerned about Raine.
As Finnian stuck to the walls, painfully cautious, he heard someone shout a loud "HELLO". that is exactly the guy who dies in the horror movie.

He quickly froze since the voice was near by, and began counting down in his. When he hit 5, that's when the creature had grabbed the poor fool. Finnian figured he could run while it was distracted but . . . If he saved him, then maybe by the horror movie gods he would live by doing a good deed? Maybe be the badass character who knows what to do . . . but those characters die at the end.

Finnian sighed and grabbed his comic tightly as he ran toward the creature holding his rolled up comic up with the intention of smacking it on the back. They would probably both die for being stupid, but hiding and sneaking around were boring.
The pale arm had roped around Wes's neck in the strangest fashion that he knew it was no man. Both hands, he tugged down hard but could not free himself as the knife arm rose. "Hell no!" He shouted, violently elbowing it in the monstrous face five times. His feet pivoted, twisted and turned them both, and kicked off the floor, slamming them into one wall of the corridor. They tumble forward and struggle again.

That was when Wes saw Finn. With a rolled up comic. That is not going to save us, he wanted to say but then decided to use this to his advantage. He tugged down hard again, straining with all his energy to pull himself and his unearthly attacker to the floor.
Tim remembered it. Closing his eyes and falling asleep liked he used to do. But instead of his usual dream, each sensations encountered there were too real to be treated as a fake. The moonlight wasn't enough for Tim and surprisingly his flashlight was there as he turned it on. He was not finding clues around the room he was in and so he concluded that he was kidnapped, experienced his first sleepwalking crisis, a prank or couldn't explained it... For now. Atleast, it was interesting.

After a moment he moved outside the room, and heard something. A man yelling "Hello!"
Tim surprised lost the grasped, his flashlight falling down. He cursed himself before walking down into the darkness. He could took back his flashlight, turning it on again only to see a boy raising a weapon... No... A comic. Against a monstruous creature. The creature was actually attacking another man.
Too surprised, he simply used his light in the direction of the battle, staring at the weird creature. He concluded again that the two boy in front of him were probably doomed and staying there would be dangerous, but his legs refused to move.
The creature's knife dropped out of its hand and rolled on the floor when it hit the wall. With an ominous hiss, it began scratching at Wess, not noticing the smack of the rolled up comic. Its nails, though not sharp, were long, and yellowish-brown.

The long, rusted knife it dropped rolled right at Finn's feet.

On the bottom floor, Zack led the ladies through the hall, where more candlelight glow was emanating from. He coughed as he kicked up dust. Turning to into the room he intended to go to, partially melted candles decorated a few table-cabinets and a book shelf and littered the ground. The glow revealed what looked like an entrance, with an old rug, boarded up window, and double doors. An exit! Problem was, these doors were boarded up too.

Zack rushed up to the boards, and attempted to pull them off, but to no avail. "Shit!" He blurted "We need something to pry these off."

The heavy footsteps sounded again, this time, closer to them, and obviously on the same floor.
Seeing that the creature paid no attention to him an his comic, he was about to start kicking. Thankfully he had noticed the creature's knife had fallen by him, and figured this was an upgrade from his rolled up comic. Finnian quickly grabbed the knife, then moved to the side to stick the blade into the creature from the side not wanting to accidentally stab the guy underneath.

Well the first stab didn't stab anything good or very deep, so he changed angles of where he was stabbing, and figured if he can't do one single killing blow, multiple stabbing could do the trick. Right?
The rusted knife in Finn's hand was old, rusted, and weak. It did it's job, make no mistake, as the monster grew weaker and weaker with each stab and slash. As the knife stabbed into the monster for the last time, however, the blade broke off the hilt, stuck in the monster.

It ceased it's assault, and flopped to the ground. Wes was saved...by the scrawny comic book nerd. But they weren't out of the woods yet. Here they were, on the top floor of this forsaken place crawling with who knows how what else.
Marcus Aurlang, bottom floor
Marcus woke up and hopped out of bed, ready for another day. However, he quickly realized something was very much off about his room. It was dilapadated, dark, and nearly unrecognizable. Outside, he heard footsteps. Looking around, he wondered for a moment what the hell was going on, before he tensed in realization "I knew it was going to happen! Damn commies!" He began searching for a weapon, and found his knife at his side. "Not a gun, but it'll do!" He walked to the door, listening for footsteps. He heard SOMETHING that was for sure. They were... banging on something. He heard voices, too.
"Shit! We need something to pry these off." Hearing the person outside say this, he was surprised. The guy out there didn't sound like a Communist. That said, he didnt really know what a Communist sounded like. He was expecting a think Russian accent, or Arabian, or maybe Asian... Eh, screw it. He waited until they were right by his door, assuming they probably had guns and therefore capitalizing on the element of surprise. Then, the thought hit him What am I gonna say? If he was gonna kill some Reds he was gonna do it with maximum camp he needed to scream something as he ran out and hacked those god forsaken commie bastards to bits. Well maybe not yell... if he could kill them silently their comrades wouldn't be alerted. He'd say soemthing though. Deciding on a phrase, he readied himself, then kicked the door.
The door flung open, and Marcus ran out towards Zack, Amyra, and Raine. "Welcome to America!" He said, purposefully keeping his voice somewhat down as he stared at them with his knife raised over his head and a crazed look in his eyes, showing his best war face. He ran a step towards the closest one to him and then he stopped. Slowly, he lowered his arm, and straightened his posture, his face returning to normal as he raised an eyebrow inquisically. Instead of a group of middle age slavic or asian dudes with sterotypical Soviet made firearms, he was confronted by a man who appeared to be about his age and two surprisingly good looking women in... pyjamas.
"You guys.... you aren't Communists.... are you?" He said this as if it were a rhetorical question.
TheAdept TheAdept GamerCarrot GamerCarrot Neastlarsson Neastlarsson

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