The Nexus Project

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers
Here is your character sheet:

Name -

Gender -

Age -

Physical Appearance - (Anime is OK for this one)

Clothing - (If you wanna change anything like that, if not leave this blank)

Primary Power -

Secondary Power - Optional. You don’t have this immediately, but you get it soon.

Tertiary Power - Optional. If you have a tertiary power, it doesn't appear until much later.

Personality -

Strongest Memory - You see, in this thread, the point is that you don’t have any memories except for one big one, or a collection of similar ones. Required.

Other - Anything that doesn't fit elsewhere in the bio, put here.
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Name - Len Isotopp

Gender - Male

Age -16

Physical Appearance -

Clothing - Blank

Primary Power - Speed manipulation

Secondary Power - Color manipulation

Tertiary Power - Thermal Manipulation

Personality - Shy, and, if he gets to know them, extremely friendly and caring.

Strongest Memory - I'm in a crowd of kids. Completely surrounded. I hear footsteps coming. I try to make my way through the crowd, but I'm unable to. The footsteps come closer. I turn and see that the kids are letting a man in a grey suit walk towards me. I bend down and begin crawling through the crowd. After getting under them, I run through double doors just to find two other people in blue suits blocking the way. The grey suit man walks to me, and grins. Panic crawls over me as I try to escape, but I can't. The kids stare at me as I'm dragged through the gigantic room. And then...

That's all I can remember.

Other - Resistant to attacks.
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Name -

Rynku Kogaza

Gender -


Age -

15 years old

Physical Appearance -


Clothing -

Primary Power - Animal Shape-shifting

Secondary Power - Compound Alteration (ability to change an object's property ex. A leather belt to a diamond belt.)

Tertiary Power - Compound Absorption (ability to mimic an object's properties ex. Touching a stone grants the user a stony skin.)

Personality -

Indecisive about many things. He always wants to try to find two sides of everything. Always shy and wanting to conform to society. Never has he felt like he has been accepted. Rynku follows along the lines of being a follower. Rules and regulations comfort him, never has he ever tried to be creative. He can understand some humor but for the most part he is quite literal about everything. Always looking for consequences.

Never will he be the kind to jump before thinking, he will always think before jumping. Uncertainty covers him, boldness never is brought upon Rynku. The thought of making burdening decisions frighten him. In a way he is similar to a mouse, timid but with the help of others can make a great impact. He feels comfort within the shadows of people not really liking the lime-light. Sometimes you will find him stuttering to get his thoughts out. Never will he get angry at anyone but rather becomes mad at himself.

Failure is his greatest fear. He hates the feeling of guilt and the thought of how he caused something wrong. Never does he want to be the poison flower in the garden. He comes across as cute to people, shy and quiet.

He sometimes tries to change his personality but somehow always ends up his shy self. Sometimes he hates being shy since he cannot get his point across to people, fearing rejection or criticism. With shyness comes loneliness since he struggles to interact with people. He is very lonely in the heart leading him to have trust issues since no one has ever approached him with an open heart but rather with criticism for his silence. Very sensitive but kind though, Rynku can be a loyal friend but only to those who will open up to him. Otherwise he can be timid and quiet.

Strongest Memory -

"Hey Rynku, look at this."

His vision moved up to look at a girl with gorgeous brown hair that flowed with a waving grace. His direction moved when his eyes trailed down her arm to her finger which pointed to something. Following along the line at which she pointed at.

White, elegant, and vibrant. A swan swam alone in the middle of a pond. A breath of awe escaped him as his gray eyes captured the beautiful moment. It was night and the only light that shined on the swan was the bright full moon. Rynku jumped slightly when he felt another presence by him, but it was just the girl. She was squatting right beside him, her arm touching against his. He felt himself blushing.

"It looks so lonely," the girl whispered. Rynku nodded. He understood that feeling. As he continued observing the swan he could see its sadness. Its curving neck directing down towards its breast a tear flowing out of its eye. A slight frown replaced his smile. Oh how the swan seemed to understand him. Then as if it knew he was there, the swan's eyes turned towards Rynku.

He stopped breathing. He was looking at himself at that moment. His mind was still in another place when the girl shook him. "Rynku! Duck!" Just as his head was ducking, the swan flew right above their heads. His eyes followed the white bird but was caught by a single feather that flew down from the bird. Ever so slowly with the ease of the wind, the feather danced down into his cupped hands. The feather was still warm from the bird and shined like the only hopeful light.

Other -

Always carries a special stone with him that his father gave him, but Rynku wouldn't remember that. But he will have the gut feeling that the stone is special.
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Name: Lewis Baumgartner

Gender: Male

Age: 28



(remove the IMG bit)


Primary power: Telekinesis

Secondary power: An ax that helps focus his telekinetic power

Personality: A very loud guy, Lewis also is very fierce towards other people, unless he knows them well.

Strongest Memory: Lewis was in a forest, the sound of machinery filling his ears. He was operating a machine that was cutting down trees. He had been doing this for a few hours when he heard a voice say "Quittin' time!". Upon hearing this, he took the keys out of the machine, went up to his car, and drove away.

Other: Speaks in THIS color
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Name - Samantha "Sam" Scovini

Gender - Female

Age - 22

Physical Appearance - Alena Shishkova

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/e88a653dde85706eaed1e7557abaf7d6.jpg.bf2c66bc22134e3b0d705a7e8b0e9ce3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/e88a653dde85706eaed1e7557abaf7d6.jpg.bf2c66bc22134e3b0d705a7e8b0e9ce3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing -

Primary Power - Duplication

Secondary Power - Anatomical Liberation

Tertiary Power -

Personality - Sam is very hotheaded but determined when the time calls for it. When she's not serious, she can be a little arrogant but she simply think it's confidence. To get what she wants, she'll do anything to get rid of what's in the way. But there's a rarely seen kind side to her, you just have to get extremely close. But closeness or relationships aren't her strongest point.

Strongest Memory -

"Get out right now!" A blonde, raging, slim mother comes out of a room with a bag containing some type of powdered drug.

"What now? This is the fifth time this week you've said this Mom. New record but it's the same thing every week." The nearly identical daughter, Sam, replies with expashartion and boredom laced in her tone.

"You have disregard all our warnings and all our pleads. Do you care about anyone? You don't care for Brad, me , or Noah?" Her mother shoots back, on the verge of tears

"You pushed me to be with Noah, want me to be the daughter I can't be, Brad hates me, and I can't take this! You want me out? Fine, I'll get out. This is just what I need anyways." She says before grabbing a small duffel bag of clothes and slamming the ornate, intricate front door for good.

Other - Nothing else to add accept that this will be interesting to roleplay.



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Everyone is accepted as far as I'm concerned after giving everything a skim. Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone!


Aria Night




16 years old

~Physical appearance~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Note! She doesn't haves the horns

Other note! Her right eye is bright red and her left eye is dark red)


Always wear black. Mostly always black hoodies with the hood pulled up, or a cloak.

~Primary power~


~Secondary power~

Making weapons out of anything (Almost anything)

~Tertiary power~



Aria doesn't talk a lot at first. She may even seem cold for some people. She doesn't trust people easily, but when someone gains her trust, she isn't really that cold.

~Strongest memory~

A 14 years old Aria was standing in front of a grave. She wasn't crying or anything. A name could be read on the grave. Cisnei. Aria and the other people that were there were all wearing black clothes. A blonde haired boy put his hand on Aria's shoulder. "I'm sorry for your sister..." he said. Aria was looking at the gave. "Cisnei... You always were there for me" she whispered. She felt sad, but wasn't crying. She turned and looked at everyone. "There is no need to be sad. What would Cisnei think if she saw us like this?" she asked them. Some people nodded. Aria turned to the grave. "I have to live on, for you, Cisnei"


She wears the identification tags of her big sister, Cisnei.

She is good with any type of weapon.

(By the way, I used the template, I just centered it and put the ~)​



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Name - Fox Freeman

Gender - Male

Age - Looks around 24

Physical Appearance -

Clothing -

Primary Power - Enhanced physical and mental condition. Can feel movement through microvibrations.

Secondary Power - The ability to feel beyond barriers.

Tertiary Power - Able to see in infrared.

Personality - Kind natured. He has a slight southern accent.

Strongest Memory - A beautiful girl with blonde hair lying in a field with a smile on her face.

Other - Luke is entirely blind and his only memory is of this girl. He has an unexplained knowledge of some form of martial arts, which are triggered in defense. Being blind but having a memory of seeing a girl, but waking up blind, puzzles him deeply and he wants to find this girl.

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