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Fandom The Next Generation of Potters

KeyKitten13 said:
Name: Rose Jane Weasley
Age: 16

Ethnicity: English

Bloodline: Halfblood

Parents: Ron and Hermione Weasley


Harmony Weasley

6th Year, Age 16


Hugo Weasley

4th Year, Age 14

(My best guess would be Hufflepuff, but that’s for the writer to decide)


Personality: Rose is absolutely infatuated with books. More than anything else, she adores a good story, a strong protagonist, an intriguing villain. This Weasley will read anything she get her hands on whether it be muggle or wizard-written, not that there’s ever much of a difference. While their accuracy is occasionally questionable, many muggle novels contain more magic than any wizard story she’s ever read. Recently, she has been dabbling in writing as well. Occasionally, her love of literature can overshadow her relationships with others and she has been known to come off as cold, introverted, and near robotic at times, but she is rather affectionate with those she knows well. She is really, very attached to her family, and while she generally despises conflict in any form, she makes an exception when defending those related to her by blood.

Likes: Reading



Watching Quidditch



Ice Cream


Dislikes: Loudness


Others interrupting her reading




Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Wizard Chess

School Activities: Wizard Chess Club

House: Ravenclaw

Home Life/Childhood:

Rose always got along brilliantly with her mother and father, and was quite fond of her extended family as well. Her mother shared her love of all things related to literature and would often lend her books and tomes that she had previously enjoyed, and while her father wasn’t quite as fond of her as he was her sister, they enjoyed an occasional quidditch trivia match. (While she didn’t play the sport on account of her utter lack of athletic strength, she did have an interest in it) Her favorite cousin was always Albus, who was unlike his older brother, quiet and kind on almost all occasions. And, she also got on rather well with Lily Luna who was in terms of their parents, the ‘Ginny’ to her ‘Hermione’. Really, the only member of her family whom she truly disliked at times was her sister, Harmony. Harmony could be, in her private opinion, a bit problematic at times. With her sister’s love of arguing and her occasionally less than amazing judgment, Harmony often got into trouble, specifically with their mother, though a bout with Rose was hardly uncommon .


Pet: A British Longhair Named Penelope

Accepted! And I love your face claim and also the contrast between her and Harmony. That should make things interesting.


Name: Gilbert Elderstine

Age: 16

Ethnicity: German Prussian!

Bloodline: Pureblood

  • Parents: Ludwig Elderstine I (Pureblood), and Catherine Bernsky (Pureblood)


  • 8efca22b38672182549a7c489ec1bfdc.jpg

    Gilbert's younger brother. Born to give and follow orders. Has a will of iron, but even iron bends under the right pressure. Gilbert does everything he can to ensure that will's not being bent for the wrong reasons.


    Gilbert's only sister. Very laid back, tomboy, who lets her brothers do their own thing. Very supportive of Gilbert's sexuality.


    Gilbert's older brother. Very pompous, and racist. He thinks he's better then everyone else. His beliefs mirror that of both the Natzi's and the Deatheaters. He and Gilbert often get into brutal fights.

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Name: Teddy Lupin

Age: 17

Ethnicity: English

Bloodline: pureblood

Parents: Nymphadora Tonks (pureblood, deceased) and Remus Lupin (halfblood, deceased)

Siblings: no siblings but he considers the entirety of the Wotter family to be his own family






From years of growing up as part of the Potter and Weasley family, he knows what it's like to sometimes feel out of place so Teddy is a very tolerant person and he makes it a priority to never judge people. He also makes an effort to make sure than no one he is around is feeling left out and he loves to have a diverse group of friends. Teddy's naturally friendly and easy to get along with, though he can have a hot head about certain things. He's a bit of a charmer and conversationalist. He can start a conversation about just about anything with just about anyone. He has abandonment issues which stem from the faint memories of his parents that he has which consist mostly of triggering scents that remind him of them and thus he hates being alone and can almost always be found surrounded by people. He has almost an obsession with making other people happy with translates into having many friends but not too many close ones and very few people get to see his private self. Like James, Teddy can be a mischievous prankster when he wants to be and he can make quite decent jokes, but never, ever, at the expense of another. Also like James, Teddy finds himself in detention a fair amount of times but not nearly as many times as James or his cousin Harmony and he's also a decently good student. He constantly seeks approval from everyone which comes from years of wondering whether or not his father would've approved him and thus, he takes criticism very personally. Sometimes he needs a little bit of confidence boost and it does wonders for his mood. Ever since he was a child, Teddy suffered from mild anxiety attacks over stressful decision making because he never wants to upset or disappoint anyone and he's often too aware of the possible consequences that could stem from his choices. He's constantly active and his trouble staying still in class and getting sleep at night. He seems to excel more in classes that more hands on and challenging to his restless mind while in less active classes he tends to get fidgety and attempt rebellious things out of boredom, like attempting to become an animagus when Transfiguration became to boring which landed him in detention for a solid week. When it comes to romantic relationships, Teddy borderlines on being clingy. He's most definitely a hardcore cuddler.

Likes: Teddy likes trying new things and going on any scale of adventure, whether that be a sneaky midnight run through the castle or a nighttime hike through the Forbidden Forest. Teddy loves parties: he's surrounded by people, he can make new interesting friends, and he won't get bored. He likes the color blue and is known to keep his hair that color, but he also a small patch of hair kept a nice shade of bubblegum pink in honor of his mother which is his second favorite color. Teddy loves Care of Magical Creatures and, along with that, animals and magical creatures from all walks of life.

Dislikes: Teddy is an adamant hater of judgement and is known to call people out for negative comments about someone elses values, beliefs, looks, and the likes. He also really dislikes History of Magic and usually falls asleep listening to Professor Bins drag on and on. Most definitely, Teddy hates feeling out of place or unwanted.

Hobbies: Teddy loves to go to parties and host parties. He also loves to prank with James and Harmony. Though he doesn't play Quidditch, he loves to watch it and loves to talk tactics with his adoptive uncle Ron.

School Activities: Teddy's only school activity is being the announcer for the Quidditch matches.

House: Hufflepuff, 7th year

Home Life/Childhood: Teddy was raised by his grandparents but he spent a majority of his time between the different Weasley and Potter households and basically became an adopted member of their already large family. Though he was blessed with a loving family, Teddy constantly wondered about his parents and felt their absence from his life like a never ending pang in his heart. He visited his parents graves once a week, if not more and always brought them flowers and would sit for hours and converse with them as if they were sitting right there in front of him. Really, Teddy was constantly trying to keep himself busy so his mind wouldn't wonder onto things that would make him upset. He also inherited his mother's unique gift of being a metamorphmagus and has clung to do that like a life raft since he can remind.

Other: Teddy is mildly allergic to cats, but he owns a dog which has to stay at his grandparents house during the school year because dogs aren't allowed in Hogwarts.
Name: Albus Severus Potter

Age: 16

Ethnicity: English/British

Bloodline: Pure-Blood

Parents: Ginny and Harry Potter


James Potter, 17, Gryffindor

Lily Luna Potter



Albus is modest, kind and caring. He will be helpful and has good sense of humor. He is not one to start conflict, but he will fight if someone starts. Albus tends to get nosy and has a habit of interfering with other's problems. He tends to be ridiculously self-conscious and is a people-pleaser. He will go far to please people he wants to please. Albus is quite sensitive when it comes to scoldings from people he actually cares about.


  • Goodies
  • Swords
  • Snakes
  • Quiditch
  • Happiness


  • Sad Days
  • Strange things
  • Rain
  • Bullies, exception of James, well not really

Hobbies: Albus is one of the most known Quiditch players in the school. He joined the Quiditch team at the age of 11, following after his father. He also likes to read and talk to his owl.

School Activities: Quiditch

House: Slytherin

Home Life/Childhood: (I'll make one up later on)

Has a pet snowy owl


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Name: Antonio Fernandez Carreido

Age: 15

Ethnicity: Spanish

Bloodline: Muggleborn

Parents: Maria and Pablo Carreido

Siblings: Nonapplicable






If you looked up the words ‘happy’ and ‘carefree’ in the dictionary, most people would tell you, that you’d find Antonio Carreido’s face printed on the page. And, on the most basic surface level, they would be right. Antonio was caring, generous, and almost always wore a smile on his face.


Of course there were those times. Those times when he was alone, and the tears would spill over, and it became too difficult to remember his friends’ words of comfort, and the razor that sat on his shelf would look so terribly tempting- But these were times that would remain unspoken, as they were not times that fit into the great, big box that was Antonio Carreido. These were moments that were compartmentalized, filed neatly away with all other instances that subsisted exclusively in his memory.

So long as they remained static and stagnant, in the parcel that resided in the farthest, darkest corner of his mind, he could exist in this world as Antonio Carriedo. He could be the kindest, cheeriest, most enthusiastic person everyone knew. And, it was simple really, it was just playing one grand game of pretend. Some things could not be touched and they were hot lava, like how you pretended the floor was as a child. He made sure to never come into contact with discussions of depression or suicide or even sadness really, because these topics were all hot, boiling, burning lava. While others played prince he played Happy, his character’s name was always easy to remember and his motivation was singular, to keep everyone joyous.

Likes: Tomatoes



Sunny Days

The Bad Touch Trio



Chocolate Frogs



Dislikes: Gilbert’s old teacher


Fish fingers

Rainy Day

The Cold


Discussing mental health

Hobbies: Playing Quidditch, Gardening

School Activities: Quidditch

House: Hufflepuff

Home Life/Childhood: Toni had a pretty good childhood really. He had a mother and father, who were very, very happily married. He was an only child, so there were never any siblings overshadowing him or demanding copious amounts of attention. His family was comfortably middle class, they always had enough money to get by and go on a few vacations. They could afford a nice car, a big enough house, and a few luxuries here and there. It was really nice, actually. If it wasn’t for the depression and all that, it would be perfect.


Reasoning for Behavior:

Toni was always a particularly friendly child who had a tendency of putting others before himself. When his depression hit, this behavior intensified, it became a coping mechanism. To balance the scales and compensate for his own misery, he tried yet harder to make others happy. Following this logic, he couldn’t tell anyone about how sad he got sometimes, because he believed it would make them upset, and he couldn’t have that.

Pet: A Turtle named Ramiro


Francis Bonnefoy


sixteen years old ? French-man ? Pureblood
no slide

Hair the color of straw cascades in locks about a pale face in which two dots the color of the sky gleam. A smile often touches pink lips, a frown rarely taints the boys lips. Standing at a height of 5"9 Francis possesses of a slightly willowy figure that has yet to put on any real muscle, despite his age of sixteen.


Francis undoubtedly feels a great affection for the world and it's people in general, seeing the best in everyone. He rarely goes as far to hate anyone, though that isn't to say it's an impossibility. Due to this optimistic manner of viewing the world, Francis may be sometimes viewed as quite gullible by some, and easily manipulable. On many occasions, an arrogance and self-worth that may seem a little.. excessive is showcased by him through his words. He has no shortage of confidence, and due to this is quick to shower compliments on others, rarely allowing others cruelty to affect him. Paired with this is a rather dirty habit of noticing, as well as jumping at the chance to make a perverted comment to anyone regardless of gender. He loves pretty things, and isn't shy to stare if he feels something or someone to be of his tastes. His actions are ruled by mainly logic, rather then emotion, and if need be he isn't afraid to distance himself altogether from emotions in order to get a task done. He's quite clingy, perhaps as a result of severe child neglection, and due to this is rather overly dependent on his friends more so then anyone else.


+ Sketching

+ Pretty Things

+ French


- Computers

- English

- Being laughed at

Hobbies & Extracurriculars

- Sketching

- Fashion-Designing

- Touring Art Musuems

- Taking Pictures



Born the second child to an affluent, wealthy pure-blood family, Francis grew up with the servants being his only family as his father being the minister of the Wizarding world was often away on business. His mother didn't enjoy the idea of having to raise a child, and was often away as well, supporting whatever society she felt most embodied feminism at the moment. His brother was practically his best, and not to mentioned only friend, up until the day that the boy left to attend Hogwarts. Horribly lonely as a result of this, Francis might've faded from existence had it not been for his fateful meeting with the two boy's who quickly became his best friends from age seven. He attached himself to them as a child might there only sustenance, and would never let go as he feels they're the only ones that truly understand him.


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