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Fandom The New X-Men: Mutants Rising

Morris crouched slightly, slipping her arm through the duffel bag's straps, and hoisted them onto her shoulder. The rest were moving out, and so did she. Now that the conversation had almost ended, Morris began to lose interest. She strode out the classroom with them, her usual fare of neutrality still being cashed out from her face. Vincent wondered aloud where the dorms were. Morris absent-mindedly curled a lock of her hair with one finger. Obviously further down the hall. This was the first room in the hallway up the stairs, and Logan had mentioned the rooms were further down the hall. Hence, it wouldn't be a far shot to say the rooms were to the right after exiting the class.

"To your right." Morris said, her tone flat and calm.
Mimir kinda just followed the group down the corridor. When he got to his room he was going to write down everything he'd learned about his classmates. The French boy, Vincent said something about having difficulty to remember names and instantly got Mimir's attention. “I'm not great with names or faces” he chimed in and smiled faintly. “So please don't be offended if I forget your names sometimes”. The thought made him a little sad so in an effort to change the subject he just said the first thing that came to his mind. “I wonder what our rooms will be like”.
Pleased with herself, Riley followed the odd group out the door and down the corridors. Some students were running around the hallways. It seemed they all had free time now, before lessons started. "You're right, this is exciting!" She agreed with Vincent, as they walked to the dorm rooms.

It was rather simple actually, just straight down the hall. Nameplates had been hung on the doors. She saw Maxwell's name on one door, and her name on the door next to it. "Oh, this is my stop, I guess!" Opening the door, she concentrated on trying not to freeze the doorknob. When she entered the room, she let out a pleasant sigh. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. A window facing the door let in the sunlight and the walls were a clean white. She dropped her bags on the floor and looked around. A desk, a closet and... a bed. Jumping onto the bed, she let out a small squeal. I've never had my own room before!
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Yen had just finished packing her clothes, everything perfectly folded. The top drawer held all of her shirts and such, the middle drawer held her sweaters and like clothing, and the bottom drawer held all of her pants and such. She liked being organized, it's was easier to get ready in the morning. It was nice having her own room to call home again. It had been a while since she had a place to call home without worrying about rent and such. She stood, going to unpack the rest of her belongings.

Yen grabbed her bag and pulled out a jewelry box. It was more like a music box, though. It used to be her mother's, so Yen kept it close to her. She walked towards her nightstand and placed it on top, in front of the lamp. "Okay, that looks nice," she said a smile gracing her face. She then walked back over to her bed, grabbing a bag of a carefully wrapped glass dragon figurine. Her father had bought it for her on one of his trips. She walked over to the study desk in her room, she placed it off to the side. Yen often used it as a paper weight.

She then went back to her bag and grabbing one last thing, a few pictures of her childhood and a few pushpins she brought a while ago. She went over to a cork board, which she found off to the side. She started pinning the pictures up for memories sake. It made her happy. Yen then hung her bag on one of the drawer handles. She looked at the clock in her room. It was around ten-thirty. Yen shrugged and didn't really know what to do. She sat down, back against the wall thinking for a brief time. She had no idea what to do at the moment.
Morris took a glance at the others as they left for their own rooms, wondering also about the shards of glass a few feet back. Three rooms in total, it seemed, forcing them to share one to two people. By the gods, this was going to be an annoying campus life. She hadn't wished it upon any of her enemies to share a room with any of them. The earth manipulator was volatile in his temper and his abilities, the ice girl was far too chirpy, Vincent was infuriatingly charming to the regular ladies (of which was not her category), the Vietnamese was easily riled up into panic attacks, and the Mimir boy was...underwhelming, so to speak. She sighed, and rubbed the back of her neck, eyeing the names on the doors.

"Morris, Lana" was printed in a cursive writing on a plastic piece, and slid into a gold-plated holder. Fake gold. It was stainless steel given some shiny yellow paint. She could practically smell the steel in it. Not even one iota of gold existed in the composition. Her eyes drifted upwards to the name above hers.

"Tierra, Maxwell"

Of course. The geo-manipulator. As long as she didn't get pelted by chunks of rock as she slept, she didn't have much of a bone to pick with him. Tightening her grasp on her duffel bag, she wiped the door knob and opened the door.
As the rock plated briefcase crumbled on the floor, Maxwell was running both of his pale hands through his hair. Or more-like, Solum's hair now. He heard the turning of the room's doorknob and he slowly turned on his heel.

The feminine man opened the door and Solum stared at her stoic face. But from closer inspection, Solum could tell that this human wasn't a man at all, the thing was a she. Stupid Maxwell.

His now-yellow irises surrounded by black instead of his normal whites, narrowed. His briefcase wasn't covered in rock anymore and the remaining of it was scattered around it, making a small mess on the floor.

"Do you need anything?"

@Armed Thief


He didn't read Morris' nameplate underneath his so :P
As everyone went into their rooms Mimir noticed something strange. There were fewer rooms and there were students. Maybe the others had their rooms on a different floor? As soon as he read the name place on the doors he felt his heart sink. There were two names per room, which meant he had a share with someone. Biting his lips he went through, checking each set of nameplates. He was hoping he'd share a room with Vincent, Maxwell seemed kinda scary. There is name was, right below... Riley's? “Oh no” he mumbled, peering into the room he saw her on one of the beds.

He took a deep breath and walked into the room. “Hi Riley” he didn't look at her “guess we're sharing a room”. He kinda let his bag drop to the floor as kept talking “I didn't know we were going share rooms with people” the words hurrying out of him “I hope this will all be okay”. He quickly glanced up at her but since she didn't speak immediately he just kept rambling. “Which side of the room do you want? I fine with whatever” his face had a slightly red tone to it by now “Is the heating okay? I'm fine with turning it down if it's too warm for you... should we open the window it's kind of hot in there isn't it?”. He walked over to the window to opened it. God this was a nightmare.

Vincent wasn't lost, really... no, seriously he was just... getting to know the mansion.

Finally he'd found his room, his name and another's name was on the door. Yen... Wasn't that the Japanese currency? Oh, wait! That was the dragon-armed girl who had been talking to him earlier. At least he had a cool roommate. He opened the door and stepped inside, seeing her sitting with her back against the wall looking somewhere between lost and bored.

"Bonjour." He smiled as he closed the door behind him. "It seems were are to room together, no?"

"Bonjour," said a voice, startling Yen out of her thoughts. "It seems were are to room together, no?" Yen smiled immediately knowing who it was. Vincent was her roommate, huh? Interesting.

Yen stood up and smiled. "Oh, hey, Vincent. It seems like we are roommates!" She looked at him with a look of sorry soon enough. She pretty much claimed the left side of the room for herself. "I'm sorry, I've already unpacked. I hope this isn't too much of a bother," she said, bowing slightly. She really hadn't meant to take half of the room without her roommate's consent. Yen adjusted her clothing slightly.
"Why would it be bother?" The brunette was a bit confused. "You were first here, so you chose your side. Is only side of room, after all."

He moved to the right side of the room and began to unpack, sliding his art satchel beneath his bed before he set about taking the folded clothes from his bags and placing them into the wardrobe. As he unpacked, he hummed to himself.
Riley had been lying lazily on the bed, when Mimir entered. She opened only one of her eyes to peek at him, but quickly closed it again, grinning to herself as he ranted on. "You sure talk fast, Mimir! I don't bite, you know." She finally said after he was done ranting. Propping herself up on her elbows, she looked at him. "Well, I already claimed this side, so even if you wanted it, tough luck!"

Sitting up fully, she stretched her arms high, letting out a delighted sound. "I guess it's kind of weird rooming with a girl for you, but don't worry, I'm used to rooming with a lot of people, both guys and girls. It'll be fun! Like... a sleepover." Deep down, she had hoped it was going to be her own room, but sharing it with only Mimir probably wouldn't be so bad. Her eyes seemed to scan him, and she looked at him with a lazy smile on her lips. She couldn't read him. What was his powers? Was he just genuinely nervous? Riley had thought most of the students would've been like her, happy to finally be in a place, where... they didn't have to be scared anymore. He still seemed scared though.

Maybe he just had to warm up to her. "We still have around an hour or two before we need to meet up. Let's talk and get to know each other! I'll go first. You already know my name, my favorite season is winter, duh, I really like...." She trailed off, saying one random fact after another. Woops, I guess I'm the one ranting now.

Mimir sat on his new bed, his legs folded up so he could almost rest is head against his knees, his arms lazily wrapped around her. Riley was still talking and it was calming him down. She had so many favourites of different kinds. She liked winter, he could have guessed as much. Secretly he wondered what season he liked best, he had never remembered long enough to compare. A shy smile curved his lips, her voice was very nice, he'd write all of this down as soon as he got a chance.

Riley paused for a moment and Mimir figured it was his turn.”I don't know if my I like winter or not, I've never seen it. I mean I have I just don't remember.”. It was getting embarrassing again, he let go of his legs and sat up properly but now he had no idea what do with his hands so he just grabbed the edge of the bed. “My power is that if I like do something I learn it instantly and can redo it perfectly” he took a deep breath before finishing “Downside is I forget everything else every few weeks or sometimes months”. He laughed nervously and gazed out the window. “I'm looking forward to the first lesson!” said and smiled at her
"Why would it be bother? You were first here, so you chose your side. Is only side of room, after all," Vincent responded to Yen.

Yen smiled and nodded, "Yes, of course." She walked back over to her bed and sat down. She didn't mean to peek at Vincent. She watched him slide an art satchel under the bed. An artist? Yen didn't want to pry so she kept her mouth shut. That reminded her, what was his mutant power? Right, don't pry, she reminded herself. Yen looked away, curiosity wasn't very nice at the moment.

"So, anyways, Vincent, it's very nice to be your roommate. Do you want to do something after you unpack, in the meantime I mean," Yen suggested, peering at her roommate with a raised eyebrow. She didn't have anything better to do at the moment, so why not?

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