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Fandom The New World Turnabout [Dawn & Scrub]


Junior Member

Law… and Order… the two Scales of Justice.

”Neither can exist without the other. Law without Order is just empty words. Order without Law is just a fragile mirage.

“The resulting imbalance in either case leaves mortal wounds on society. Only a complete restoration of the balance, of Law and Order themselves, can truly heal those wounds. And so we tend to the scales of the world, correcting every imbalance as needed.

”But woe to any society that rejects both Law AND Order. They have embraced chaos and shunned all hope of salvation. Without our guidance, they are already dead to the world.

”Do you see now what you’ve done… Miles Edgeworth?

“The truth of the SS-5 Incident remained hidden for a reason. All this bloodshed and turmoil could have been avoided if you had simply looked the other way. But now the PIC and the government of Zheng Fa both lie in ruins because of you! Bloodthirsty mobs here and in Zheng Fa ravage the streets in your name, screaming your message of ‘truth’ as they slaughter anyone even remotely associated with law and order! Your reckless pursuit of dangerous truths has left us powerless to restore the balance, and now I honestly don’t know if there’s any balance left to save!


There’s only one hope left. It won’t be easy, but you’ve left us no choice. And you, Prosecutor Edgeworth, are going to help us set things right, whether you want to or not.

Agent Phantom, report to my office at once! Your next assignment awaits.


Two and a half months ago, the Prosecutor’s Office had felt like Sebastian‘s own little kingdom, ruled by ‘Debeste’ king that the office could ever ask for. Looking back on it now, though, Sebastian almost felt like throwing up just thinking about it. Pops was right about one thing; Sebastian really was an idiot, at least back then. He almost wished he could say he was getting better, but the truth of the matter was that he was practically back in his first year of law school. Well, technically that wasn’t true, but he still didn’t feel confident enough to handle any more cases just yet; he had even given Prosecutor Edgeworth his badge for safekeeping, just to hold off the temptation until he was truly worthy to have it back.

Speaking of Prosecutor Edgeworth, it was almost time for them to go. Part of Sebastian’s formal apprenticeship involved helping out Prosecutor Edgeworth with some of the office work, as well as shadowing Prosecutor Edgeworth during trials and investigations to learn in the field as well. One such trial was scheduled for today, involving the murder of a Grand Tower security guard during a riot at what was supposed to be a peaceful anti-corruption protest by Edgeworth’s Lieutenants (a group name that Kay still teases Prosecutor Edgeworth about to this day). The leader of the protest, Tim O’Krassey, was promptly accused of the murder, turning an otherwise routine murder trial into a political battlefield where everyone cared more about ‘choosing a side’ than about finding the truth. Prosecutor Edgeworth had wanted absolutely no part in it at first, but the protesters had refused to accept the outcome of any trial as legitimate unless he was assigned to the case. This eventually pressured the Prosecutor’s Office into making Mr. Edgeworth take the case, but not before Mr. Edgeworth issued a public statement making it perfectly clear to both sides that he would not let politics get in the way of the truth.

As much as Sebastian really wanted to finish the project he was currently working on, he sighed and set it aside for now. It simply wouldn’t do to be late for a case like this, and he still had a couple more days left before he would have to give this particular project to Mr. Edgeworth. Straightening himself up, and tucking his conductor’s baton into his sleeve for good luck, Sebastian left his office and started walking down to the parking lot…

Only to find an empty parking space where Mr. Edgeworth’s car would normally be.

Sebastian frowned a bit, raising an eyebrow. Mr. Edgeworth had never just left him behind before... but maybe he just wanted to make sure he got there on time? Traffic at the courthouse was likely to be terrible today, with all the protesters who would no doubt surround the courthouse for the trial. But even if that was the case, wouldn’t Mr. Edgeworth have at least called Sebastian to let him know he was leaving without him?

Sebastian shook his head, deciding that it didn’t matter right now. The important thing right now was for Sebastian to get to the courthouse ASAP. Detective Gumshoe was due to testify at the trial as well; maybe they could go carpooling together?

Happy with that solution, Sebastian quickly took out his cell phone and dialed the good detective’s number.

”Hi, Detective Gumshow?” Sebastian asked as soon as the detective answered, then did a double-take and facepalmed.

”GumSHOE, sorry; Detective GumSHOE.” Sebastian winced. “I’m sorry to ask this at the last minute, but could you drive me over to the courthouse for today’s trial? It looks like I just missed Prosecutor Edgeworth.”
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Tink… Tink… Tink..

A grumble of moderate frustration escaped Dick Gumshoe as he knelt down in front of the state of Lady Justice he had been gifted by the department. Truth be told, he would have much preferred a raise, or in his case a pay restoration… Hell, even a bonus would be nice.

We appreciate your hard work and optimism in the face of adversity!”
They told him.
Check it out, the scale even works!”
They said.

And yet, no matter how much he tried, no matter what he put on one side over the other, the sides would refuse to balance. Gumshoe sat it deliberately close to the entrance to his apartment, so that way when he came from a long day of work, he would have a little something to remind him of why he does what he does… but it seems lady justice had other plans.

“…There’s gotta be something wrong with this thing. Don’t you think, missile?”
The man said, directing his query towards the ever vigilant police dog, Missile. The dog sat next to the man, looking up at him with wide, beady eyes. Turning towards the dog, Gumshoe unfastened the leash from his neck and gave secret weapon number one a well deserved rub on the head.

With one civic duty taken care of for the day, he had a court appearance scheduled for later today. With missile walked and fed, all he needed to do was get dressed and-

The man felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. A phone call from a number he didn’t recognize… not that he was good with remembering phone numbers anyway. With an inquisitive look, he accepted the call.

“Detective Dick Gumshoe speaking.”
It took the man a moment to register just who was speaking on the other side… then it clicked.
“Ah! Sebastian!”
The man stated with a smile, despite the DeBeste’s blunder.
“GumSHOW, huh? That’s a new one, Heheh! What can I do for you, pal?”
Gumshoe nodded to himself as Sebastion spoke, pinning the phone to his ear with his head and shoulder while fastening the last of the buttons on his shirt. Although he raised an eyebrow at Sebastian’s request… not the request itself, but rather the reason for it. Edgeworth left Sebastian behind?
“No kidding, he left without ‘Ya?”
The detective hummed under his breath, trying to make sense of an odd mishap for such a steadfast man.
“Y’know, maybe he chose to go on his own to not getcha involved in the media storm this whole thing has turned out to be…”
The detective grabbed his signature olive green coat and tossed it onto his large frame.
“Ya said you’re at the Prosecutor’s office? I’m on my way!”

A short while after Gumshoe hung up, his car would pull up to the front of the bustling prosecutor’s office and slide to a stop in front of Sebastian.
“Heya, Pal! Hop in!”
The jovial man gestured for Sebastian to hop into the car, as Gumshoe prepared to make the same drive he had been making for years. Despite the car’s age, it seems Gumshoe kept it in tune pretty well… And the air conditioning was really nice.

Rumor has it that all detectives are required to have really nice air conditioning.

The detective began.
“How about all this, huh?”
The man gestured, rotating a free hand to refer to the case.
“I’ve worked on many a case in my day, but not once have I tackled a case so… polarizing as this one! T’be honest, I’m surprised Mr. Edgeworth is even letting you shadow. If it were up to me, this whole ordeal is a little… hot. For someone with your level of experience.”
Come to think of it, Detective Gumshoe was probably right. The protesters specifically wanted Prosecutor Edgeworth, and it wasn’t hard to see why. Despite his shady past - which he had made a point NOT to keep secret from anyone - Prosecutor Edgeworth had done more than enough in recent years to prove he was a changed man and regain the public’s trust. Sebastian, on the other hand, still hadn’t outgrown his reputation for being the stupid little punk who only got by on his extremely corrupt father’s influence. Bringing Sebastian along on this kind of case could be a political disaster if people took it the wrong way.

Maybe Mr. Edgeworth realized that and chose to go it alone today.
Maybe Sebastian just missed his message or something.
Maybe it was all for the best anyway.

And maybe it wasn’t even worth worrying about in the first place. Prosecutor Edgeworth knew what he was doing, and now Sebastian was starting to regret making Detective Gumshoe go out of his way to bring him along.

But just as Sebastian was about to say so, they encountered the first hints of the bad traffic Sebastian had anticipated. Gumshoe’s car ended up bumper-to-bumper-to-bumper between two cars in a line that showed no signs of movement, and there were flashing red and blue lights up ahead. The most logical conclusion (Prosecutor Edgeworth was definitely starting to rub off on him) would have been that the police were just diverting the traffic to keep both the cars and the protesters safe.

Or that WAS the most logical conclusion, until an ambulance siren wailed from somewhere behind them.

Sebastian could only watch as the ambulance struggled to make any sort of progress, the cars trying to dutifully move aside to let it through but not quite able to clear enough space.

Taking a few deep breaths, Sebastian tried desperately not to let his overactive imagination run wild. Was there another riot? Was Mr. Edgeworth okay? Sebastian strained to hear outside, but couldn’t hear any signs of explosions or gunshots, and the yelling was no more than what one might expect from a political protest.

What was going on!?
The closer and closer Gumshoe got to the courthouse, the thicker and thicker the traffic became. The thicker the traffic became, the larger the interval between stopping and going became. The longer they had to wait to keep moving, the more they would risk being late…

The later they would arrive, the more Gumshoe’s pay would be docked!

The detective didn’t even try to hide his frustration, with his bouncing leg shaking the very frame of the car. Although, he did feel some concern at the fact there was an ambulance trying desperately to get through. Did something happen?
“This is… just absolutely insane! Do these people seriously have nothing better to do?”
Gumshoe contemplated pulling some riskier driving, but before he could even lift his foot off the brake…

An all too familiar voice rang out nearby, piercing through the closed car windows and causing the man to jolt up in his seat.
“W-Woah! Hey there, Girlie!”
Gumshoe said, looking over at the sidewalk where Kay Faraday had dashed up to Gumshoe’s car, figuring she was coming up to excitedly greet them… but her expression told a different story.
“Hey, what’s the matter? You seem-“
“Woooah, slow down!”
Gumshoe was a pretty decent listener, but not even he could make out that whole sentence… But he was able to parse two concerning words.

Edgeworth and Accident.

“Damn… Sebastian, why don’t you stay with Kay for a moment. I’m gonna go up ahead and secure the scene.”
Now officially pulling some certified Gumshoe driving tactics, the man pulled off and headed towards the commotion.

“I’m… I’m worried, Sebastian…”
Kay dropped her normally chipper and energetic persona in light of the crisis unfolding before them.
“It looked kinda bad… B-But I can’t really tell what’s going on with all this… Craziness!”
Kay wiped the tears that welled under her eyelids, trying to regain her composure. She wasn’t normally one to show her vulnerability, but she was just happy to see someone she recognized and trusted.

“The protesters keep saying it’s the police’s fault, but the police are blaming the protesters! I didn’t see it happen… S-So I dunno…”

“Hey, you can’t come through here- Oh! Detective!”
An officer stomped forward to stop gumshoe, thinking he were a civilian, but quickly let him through after gumshoe waved his badge out the car window. Gumshoe parked himself as to block the flow of traffic from disturbing the scene and exited the car to get a better look.


The detective stated with a hint of grimness in his voice. He could only watch from afar as first responders were surrounding the car belonging to Miles Edgeworth…
Sebastian had been frozen numb the moment he saw just how distraught Kay was. She had cried out for Detective Gumshoe, and then started talking way too fast for Sebastian to even hope to keep up, all with a look on her face that Sebastian hadn’t seen since…

No. Now was the WORST possible time to bring up that whole nightmare again.

Whatever Kay had just said, it was obviously very, VERY bad. Detective Gumshoe had gotten out of his car and practically ordered them to stay put before running off. Sebastian instinctively wanted to jump out and run after him, but… but he couldn’t just abandon Kay. Not like this.

It was times like these that Sebastian really hated being such an idiot. Everything had happened so fast, he barely had any idea what was going on, and the last thing Kay needed right now was for Sebastian to blurt out some asinine remark when he had no idea what he was even talking about.

All he could do was try to piece together the clues he had and hope he would find the information he needed. That was how Mr. Edgeworth said logic worked…right?

<<Kay & Gumshoe Both Worried>>


<<Police & Protesters Blame Each Other>>


<<Protest Incident?>>

So apparently something really bad had just happened at the protest. Sebastian supposed it was something, but he still wasn’t sure exactly WHAT had happened.

He had a vague guess about what it was, but he didn’t dare to even think about it. It couldn’t have been that! Mr. Edgeworth…!

”Is that why…?” Sebastian muttered, before he even realized he’d said anything. Did Mr. Edgeworth suspect something would happen? Was that why he left Sebastian behind?

Then they pulled up no more than a few yards away from the scene, and right there in front of them was the last piece of the puzzle. The entire front of Mr. Edgeworth’s red sports car had been smashed in, and the windshield was soaked in fresh white paint. Through the shattered driver’s side window, Sebastian could barely make out what must have been Mr. Edgeworth himself slumped over the steering wheel.

“No… no-no-no…” Sebastian whimpered, trembling as he held onto the still-distraught Kay, trying to at least not break down in front of her.

Most of the police and protesters had coalesced into two separate crowds each yelling at the other, but Sebastian was grateful to see a handful of people from both sides ignoring the fighting and instead working together on Mr. Edgeworth’s car. The first responders promptly ushered them all away upon arrival, but by then the intervening bystanders had managed to break open the opposite window and unlock the door, saving the paramedics valuable time in extracting the unconscious Mr. Edgeworth from the car.

And standing apart from all of them, her eyes intently scanning the area, were two more familiar faces: Sebastian’s one-time partner, Judge Justine Courtney, holding tightly onto the hand of her adoptive son John Marsh. Her attention had alternated between Detective Gumshoe and the car in which Kay and Sebastian sat. Seemingly noting that the former was busy, she then turned her full attention to the detective’s car and began leading John straight there.
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“…So someone threw paint onto his windshield, you’re saying?”
The defective said, a curious hand resting on his chin.
“Yes, sir. As I’m sure you’re able to tell by the way both sides are reacting, we don’t have anyone who saw the person throw the paint… so naturally both sides are at each other’s throats.”
The officer muttered some communication to dispatch into the radio affixed to his chest as Gumshoe jotted notes down. His handwriting was normally pretty neat, but the stress and personal attachment to everything going on forced him to steady his hand… and even then, that took a great deal of effort. At this rate, all he could do was help keep the scene secure, get what evidence he could, and take care of Sebastian and Kay for the time being.

“Damnit… This doesn’t make sense…”
The detective groaned as he watched the first responders drag away Edgeworth’s unconscious body. The sight alone made his stomach drop to his feet. If things had been any worse…
But now wasn’t the time to think of such things! Now was the time for action! It’s what Edgeworth would have wanted! Taking a moment to compose himself, Gumshoe made his way back to the officer he had spoken with.
“Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do. First, has the court been notified of this?”
The officer wasted no time providing an answer.
“Yes sir. The court has already made the decision to postpone the hearing to an unspecified date.”
Gumshoe felt a twinge of relief upon hearing that one of the more notoriously difficult parts of a situation like this had been taken care of.
“Great. From here, we need to clear the road and secure what evidence there is. Our first priority should be looking for a trail of paint or even the can itself. Beyond that… Get witness statements if ya can, and pull the street cam footage.”
It was basic protocol, something he had done hundreds of times before… but this time his words and actions held extra weight. Everything he did was for his partner… and friend.

John’s youthful voice rang out, getting lost in the sounds of protesters and sirens.
“You don’t need to hold my hand, I’m not a little kid! Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?”
While his pride as an independent boy was one thing, his love for his mother was another. As frustrated as he was that his mom kept an iron grip onto his hand, it was another that she seemed so… worried. For someone as young as him, even he could tell something wasn’t quite right…

As they sat off to the side, just trying to make heads or tails of the situation, Kay would notice not one… but two familiar faces out of the corner of her eye.
Gasp! Sebastian! Look who it is!”
John and Courtney, and they were both fast approaching. The sight of seeing two more people that she at least could somewhat confide in put her at ease…
“Judge Courtney, and little John! I would have expected you, Your honor, but what a surprise to see John!”
John’s face transfixed itself into something of an unamused frown.
“…C’mon… I’m not little…”
“No, John… no you’re not.”

The words were soft and timid: a far cry from Courtney’s usual tough-love tone with John. That coupled with John also being on edge instantly had Sebastian worried. Something was definitely wrong with all of this; the way Courtney was alternating glances between them and the accident scene pretty much confirmed it.

“I’m so sorry to ask this of you now, at a time like this…” Courtney said, her usually firm and confident tone now hushed and cracking. “But please, take care of John.”

“O-Of course, but…” Sebastian started to say, too flabbergasted to fully form a response. Gathering up her strength, Courtney looked intently at all three of them and, after one final glance toward the ambulance, she could no longer hold back the tears welling up in her eyes.

“I have so much to apologize for, to all of you. To Prosecutor Edgeworth, for giving him such a hard time when we first met. To you, Kay, for taking advantage of your trauma to get to Chairman Debeste. To you, Sebastian, for using you as just a pawn against your father, instead of offering you the support and guidance you deserve.”

As her eyes fell upon John, she knelt down and hugged him tightly, her tears finally spilling over and her voice cracking beyond repair.

“And to you, John. For being so careless throughout all of this. If it wasn’t for me, you never would have been in any danger.”

“That wasn’t your fault. None of it was.” Sebastian replied, a firmness in his tone that shocked even him for a moment. “Pops was a dangerous criminal. I don’t blame you for doing what you had to do to take him down. And I’m sure Prosecutor Edgeworth and everyone else doesn’t blame you either.”

Judge Courtney looked up, wiping the tears from her face.

“Thank you, Sebastian. That means more to me than you know.” Courtney said, at least some of the tension in her voice loosening. After a brief pause, she continued. “Just remember one thing, Sebastian; the goddess of law is always watching.”

She hugged John one more time.

“You’ll be safe here. I have to go.” She planted a kiss on John’s forehead. “I love you.”

With that, Courtney finally let go of John, and quickly turned to leave for the courthouse.
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“M-Mom? What do you mean?”
John looked up at his mother as she asked Kay and Sebastian to “Take care of” him. Even he could parse a sense of finality in her voice. Kay cocked her head to the side in pure confusion. Take care of John? Not that she minded, but she could only help but wonder, what was so important that Courtney had to leave John with them?

And for a brief moment, the air around the courthouse seemed to stand still as Courtney lay bare all of her regrets. Tears rolled down her sullen cheeks and stained the asphalt beneath them. For a moment, Kay looked down at John, who stood with a pained, surprised look on his face.

“…Your honor, I… That’s…”
Kay couldn’t even think of where to begin. Words seemed to fail her. Thankfully Sebastian was quick to say pretty much what she would have.

John stood, fidgeting with the zipper on his hoodie.
“You’re starting to freak me out… can’t you just tell me what’s-“
A second hug. A tearful, tight, embrace sent John over the edge. He tried with every fibre of his being to stay strong in front of everyone but even he gave way to the sorrow his mother displayed. He decided, at least in this moment, …maybe it was best to just let it happen

“I-I love you too…”

Kay brought John closer as Courney stepped away… not sure what to make of the situation, especially that last bit.
“Don’t worry too much, maybe she just has to… uh, take care of some paperwork regarding all this stuff.”
Kay gestured to the commotion which had only just begun to even remotely die down.
“I dunno…”
The boy remained sullen, folding his arms and looking down.

“Would’ja look at that?”
Gumshoe stopped back over to check on the young ones as the brunt of the work had been doled out.
“Mr. John Marsh, how ya’ doin’ big guy?”
…But a moment later, Gumshoe had realized he had completely failed to read the room.
“Uh… is everything alright?”
Kay took a moment to catch gummy up. Even he couldn’t help but be a little worried about the prospect of Courtney’s peculiar goodbye.

The man simply stated… though deciding to be careful with his wording considering John already seemed quite shaken up.
“Interesting… Very… interesting. I’ll have someone check in on her.”
Gumshoe looked to the other two, both of which seemed pretty frazzled too.
“Well, I do have some good news!”
Gumshoe began, trying to dispel the dismal air around them
“Mr. Edgeworth is on the way to the hospital now. They said he’s probably gonna be okay! They’re just gonna keep him overnight to make sure there’s no internal bleeding or anything of the sort.”
As if on queue, the ambulance with its patient in toe pulled off and zoomed towards the direction of the general hospital.
“I know this is a lot for you guys, but thanks for bein’ so patient. As soon as we wrap up I’ll get you kids home.”
Sebastian nearly deflated in relief, briefly holding both John and Kay closer to him, before quickly apologizing and regaining his professional composure. Prosecutor Edgeworth wasn’t completely in the clear yet, but chances are he was going to be okay, so that was one less major worry on his mind.

For a split-second, Sebastian’s mind went back to his special project still sitting in his office. It was still a bit early, but maybe he could wrap it up today and have it ready for Mr. Edgeworth by the time he wakes up. Sebastian wasn’t sure if it would necessarily cheer him up, but it just felt right to make the effort either way.

But that could wait. Prosecutor Edgeworth was safe, and both he and the investigation into the car crash were in good hands, so now Sebastian’s focus shifted to his other major worry of the day: Judge Courtney. Sebastian still wasn’t as good at this whole logic thing as Prosecutor Edgeworth was, but the warning signs in Judge Courtney’s behavior just now were impossible to miss. She was panicking, rushing to drop off John somewhere safe, all the tearful apologies to everyone, being so cryptid the whole time about everything (CRYPTIC, Sebastian corrected himself)… something really bad must be happening to shake her this badly. The crash just now might’ve been part of it, but she was still in a big hurry to leave after the crash, so there must’ve been something else to it.

“I’m gonna go check on Judge Courtney, just in case.” Sebastian told Kay and John.

Waiting only for their understanding, Sebastian turned and ran for the courthouse entrance. He may not have his badge on hand right now, but he was still technically a prosecutor, so it was somewhat easier for him to slip into restricted areas that may be off-limits to the average civilian. And now that the trial had to be postponed, the protesters had little choice left but to disperse and go home, making it that much easier for Sebastian to reach the door.

It was done.

Judge Courtney set down her pen on her polished mahogany desk, perfectly parallel with the top edge of the clean white paper. Then she smoothed out the paper one last time, poured herself a cup of water, and opened her side drawer, where a lone prescription bottle sat waiting.

She was no longer crying. It was pointless to keep crying now. Everything was in place, just as it should be. John was in good hands, and all of her upcoming cases had been successfully transferred to another judge’s care. There was no sense in putting off the inevitable any longer.

Courtney took a few at a time, washing each dose down with a bit of water, until the pills and the water were all finished. Setting aside both bottles, she turned on some classical music on a small handheld radio, looked one last time into the eyes of the bronze Lady Justice statuette on her desk, then sat up straight in her chair and closed her eyes.

One way or another, it would all be over soon.

She had done all that she could.

By the power vested in me as a District Judge, and in the sight of the goddess of law, I, Justine Courtney, do hereby find myself guilty of treason and sedition.

My role in crippling the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee can no longer be ignored, nor can it ever hope to be forgiven. I plotted against its Chairman, our former Chief Prosecutor, for the last 15 years, even using the Chairman’s innocent son as a pawn against his father. Because of my treachery, the PIC is now powerless to stem the tide of corruption in our courts, and hatred and mistrust toward our criminal justice system still spreads like wildfire to this day.

I told myself that my cause was noble, but after today’s incident with Prosecutor Edgeworth, I can lie to myself no longer. My betrayal of the PIC was never truly about justice. If it was, I would not have denied justice to the countless innocent victims of the bloodshed that my betrayal has caused. My only true motivation was my own selfish need to avenge one man’s life. I should have realized sooner how petty it was, to seal the fate of this entire district, including my own son, for just one man.

It is too late now to make amends, and I cannot hope to ask for forgiveness. Because of my actions, my son must grow up in constant fear for his life, in a society utterly devoid of compassion. No earthly court will ever punish me as I deserve, and so it falls to me to dispense this last small measure of justice.

I hereby sentence myself to death. May the goddess of law have mercy on my soul.
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