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Fandom The New Teen Titans


Junior Member
It's been five years since the original Teen Titans disband and was absorbed by the Justice League and they even opened up a program for they're young side-kicks to run stealth missions. But what of the teen heroes that don't have connections to the Justice League, what are they to do? Well I say it's time that the Titans make a come back, for the young heroes not in the shadow of the Justice League! (like Robin)

With crime, superpowerd villains, and anarchy destroying the city. Only a few can protect this town.
Nick was walking down the streets with six wolves at his beck and call. He had just robbed a poorly guarded bank and was carrying the bag of stolen money over his shoulder. "This town......once a great city that upheld justice, is nothing but a rotten corrupted place. Heh, feels like home to be perfectly honest." With the orginal Titans being gone and having no one take thier place, anarchy had filled the once proud city's streets. Nick had heard of a new Teen Titans team being formed by several trustworthy sources. Even though they were trustworthy, he didn't think this new team existed, and even if it had, he didn't believe that they could stop all the wrongness in the city. Nick sat down at a nearby bench to take a little rest before continuing. He sat there for a few seconds before a random question popped into his head "I wonder what the Titans are doing at this very moment?"
Damian noticed a boy and his wolves. She had been at a pet store, managing to break in after hours to feed them extra food. She jumped down where she was. "Hey, can I pet your pups?"she asked in an excited voice. The dark haired girl loved any type of animal and tended to think of all of them as babies.
((Bold indicates demon))

Malum was sitting in his room in Titan Tower practicing some minor telekinesis. He lifted some small metal boxes he kept on his desk across the room.

"Wow, impressive any evil metal cubes better watch out."

Shut up, I'm practicing

"If you can call that practice"

Malum's eyebrows furrowed as the cube was slung across the room through a wall. Malum peered out of he wall and said "Uh, sorry, didn't actually mean to do that so uh"


Remind me again when the satanic construct inside my head started giving conversational lessons
' This is Boring!! ' Milo had thought as he sit on his bed. ' I haven't gotten to do anything."

As he finished this thought he heard a loud noise and a metal object flew past his head, barley missing him.

"What was that!!" He yelled looking through the new hole in the wall

Nicks heart had stopped for a couple of beats when a mysterious girl popped out of nowhere. "Jesus Christ! Warn somebody when you do that" he was kind of agitated with the girl calling his wolves pups. "Don't call them pups" he said scratching one behind the ear "they have names, and I would appreciate it if you didn't touch them."
Risa hiked her tattered backpack up a little higher on her shoulder as she made her way into Titan Tower. From what it looked like, the rest of the team had already been chosen and moved in but she had taken a few extra moments to retrieve her things. After all, moving about without a real home did not leave much to miss. Making her way through the tower, she could already hear conversations between the other Titans, metal objects flying through walls and she could sense the sheer power that resided here between everyone. Finding the final empty room on the left, facing the West, Risa slipped her way into the bare room. A bed, a closet, a dresser, and a wall of windows that overlooked the setting sun. Maybe this could be home, someday, after all it was quite the view.
Damian huffed. "Fine meanie." She crossed her arms. "So what are their names?"she asked looking at the boy. " hope they aren't anything stupid." There was spite in her voice since she was irritated with this guy already.


"Damnit!" Kaden says as the firecracker is engulfed in the flames that suddenly sprung out of his hand, startling him. The gunpowder in it gave off the signature pop that he had fallen in love with the past couple of days. Kaden had recently taken to hanging out on the island the Titan Tower is located on. Kaden never intended to make that a permanent residence, but he hasn't really moved on from the place. Kaden figured as though he should go and make another food run; ever since he's arrived at the Tower, Kaden makes a food run about twice a week to collect food from the kitchen of Titan Tower.

Kaden finds the secret entrance he's been using and enters the tower, once in, he then starts to make his way to the kitchen, being sure to avoid any security cameras, if there are any.​
" It's fine." Milo continued "It just caught me off guard is all."

"Sorry, but I don't think we've had a conversation yet. I'm Milo, nice tomeet you metal box guy" He said with a smile.

Malus smiles "I'm Malus, just using the metal boxes for practice. So, what do you....well...do?" He was interested to see Milo's abilities, since before he met the Titans, no-one he knew actually had abilities.

Really, I applaud you brilliant, what do you well do. Absolute grammatical excellence.

You'll have to show me your doctorate from Underworld State sometime.
Nick cocked a eyebrow at the girl, wondering why she was bothering him. "The white one in the back is Angel, the two black ones are called Shadow and Night sky. The two mixed white and black ones are Karma and Zeus, they are a few memebers of our pack." Nick sat up and began to walk off with his dogs following close behind "sorry I can't stay and chat but I have to leave"
"Alright, see you around later!" Damian laughed for running off. She didn't steal anything, not wanting to mess with those wolves. She could only control so many animals. When she got home, she saw a note on the table, telling her that her father went off again.
" well… I do lots of things." Milo said with a smirk.

'It'll be much easier just to show him '

He thought as he focused on Malus.

After a few seconds Milo stuck his hand out and lifted one of the metal cubes.

" this is one thing I can do" he said as he sat the cube near Malus.

Blake had finally made his way to the island of the tower and chuckled to himself "So, this is where the new so called heroes live now?" He saw someone playing with a fire cracker and chuckled once again to himself Oh boy, I hope he's the weakest out of them. Cause if the Titans can't handle firecrackers how could they possibly handle me?' He approached the boy in a slow manner and yelled at him to get his attention "Hey you! Having a little trouble there?

Malus continued "Cool, another telekinetic. Is it too soon to mention I get my abilities from a thousand year old demon that's been living inside me rent free for a few years. Heh, I'd say open with a joke, but uh, truth is stranger than fiction."

Them him you whole life story why don't ya?

After unpacking a few of her things, Risa tugged her sleeves down and walked out of her room and into the hallway. She didn't even know where to start in terms of introducing herself to the other titans. "Hello?" she said warmly, albeit awkwardly as she walked slowly down the hallway, "Anyone here?" As she made her way to the end of the hallway, she scuffed her black combat boot against the floor and looked out the window to see the entire island surrounded by water.
Nova was standing on top of a building starring off into space. She heaved a heavy sigh wondering what she was going to do next. She saw a girl make her way to a house and saw her read the note on the door. She giggled to herself a little bit "people really are cold." She began to yell at the girl to get her attention, hoping she wasn't to far away.

Dax opens a small dimensional portal between rooms, ending up where Milo And Malus were. "Hi, I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Dax, but most people just call me Fate. Who are you guys?" H said as he closed his small portal back and looked at the both of them.

@Deadkool @JW Suzusihi
"Do you hear something?" Milo said.

" Sounds like another person. I'm going to go check it out." He said as he stood up and peeked his head through the door.

Milo looked left then right. He saw a girl at the end of the hall.

" Hey, who are you" he yelled

Just as he did this Milo noticed a voice from behind him

' who was that?' He thought

Malus saw Fate and said "Hey, I'm Malus, A.K.A. Sin, didn't choose the name, seems to roll off the to-" Malus was interrupts by the noise and looked to investigate. Malus walked down the hallway looking for the origin of the noise.
Deadkool said:
Malus saw Fate and said "Hey, I'm Malus, A.K.A. Sin, didn't choose the name, seems to roll off the to-" Malus was interrupts by the noise and looked to investigate. Malus walked down the hallway looking for the origin of the noise.
Fate follows him to see where the noise was coming from. "Do you think it might be another Titan?" Dax whispered to Malus as they crept down the hall. @Deadkool
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Risa's head perked up at the voices that came out into the hallway. When she turned, she saw a friendly face looking back at her and she smiled. "Uh, hey, I'm Risa," she stepped towards him, "I just got here and I didn't know who else was here. It's nice to meet you."

Just as she spoke, she noticed the boy glance behind him and remark about another voice. "Are there more people here?"

@JW Suzusihi
"Nice to meet you." Milo said smiling.

"I'm Milo." He continued " Have you met anyone else? Oh and what can you do, I bet it's something cool!" Milo said with excitement.


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