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Fandom The New Teen Titans

"Sounds fun. Touching radioactive ooze is my pass time to." Miki joked. She pointed towards Cyborg's old room. "That one can be yours then. He left a bunch of spare parts." Miki said. She was itching to scream or make a crater of some sort. She liked releasing pent up energy in a not so calm way. She smiled at him, waiting for his reaction.
Al waa glad ben wanted to fix up before training. He also thought it made sense for thw othera to show up first. "Ill take it over there." He grabbed the suit and parts and teleported it to cyborga room. He stayed there to look at cyborgs old stuff
Benjamin peered in the room with a fairly bland face, that slowly changed changed, all the scrap parts, the wiring... the extra parts hanging from the wall and ceiling, all the tools. He slowly turned his head to Miki and nodded. "G-g-ive me a bit..." Within seconds Ben was already was familiarizing himself with the tools, he looked like a kid during Christmas, a field of presents before him. He set out the suit on the table running between the wall with cyborgs old tech, a pile containing his salvage, and the suit. One could swear he had super speed. Though his body was at the limit of a normal human, his mind was racing at a pace that would make anyone stare. " I Can use this too boost the energy output! Yes I needed New servos! HELLO SONIC CANNON SCHEMATICS, if I can just solve the power load issues...yes...this is wonderful." Yes, clearly this was now his personal tech Nirvana.
Al just stared. To him it was junk, but he was happy knowing they had a genius. He walked out of the room and headed to the training room to run on the tredmile for awhile. Maybe swim afterwards too.
Miki laughed, leaning against the doorframe. She thought it was funny how he looked like a kid in the candy store. She waved at him before saying. "I'm going to warm up. See you in a few!" She said. She stopped halfway down the hall when she felt another disturbance. "About time guys." She muttered, walking to the elevator and pressing the button to go down.
HHG woke up in his room, a beam of sunlight hitting him in the eye. He got up and sneezed, wiping his nose with the blanket, before throwing off his blanket and changing into a skin tight suit with a stylized H in the middle, made to look like a hand gun. He reached down into his minifridge, grabbing a piece of pizza, throwing it into the microwave above. HHG then flung himself back into the bed, grabbing a rifle by the stock. It was a Model 1891 Infantry Mosin Nagant. He pointed the barrel to himself and shot. A muffled scream was heard through his pillow. HHG continued to shoot himself, emptying the magazine before reloading the gun and doing it again. This was HHG's painful morning; just like every morning.

Not long after, he found himself in the main hall playing videogames on the big screen. That was when he turned around to see a girl, "Marika". Apparently, she was the daughter of the big shots. HHG turned back and paused the game before vaulting off the couch and approaching her. "Morning" he said.
Miki turned around. She blinked a few times before looking at him. "Dare?" She asked. She was wondering who the heck got into the tower without her permission. She looked at him, a bit angry. She was getting angrier by the second and if provoked more would not hesitate to scream so loud she would shatter all the windows and send him to the moon.
HHG backed away slowly with a nervous look on his face. "Uh... no need to be upset...?" he stammered. Then the idea came to his head- HHG never introduced himself to the girl. "Oh! Uh, the name's Wang. I don't like divulging my first name because people always laugh at it... The H is my designation. I'm called Human Hand Gun. I just got transferred here from my original location. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner..."
He had pulled the last straw. She sucked in a deep breath and screamed, carving out half the floor. She was fuming. How did someone have the audacity to walk into her house and think that it was ok. Well, now it was there house, but it looked more like a fixer upper. She sighed, making a short call to the repair man, who said he would have it done in an hour. She glared at the boy, now lying on the grass outside.
Al was not aware of the chaos nearby. He was enjoying his run and the surround sound system switch lanes was bumping hard and he was running at speed eleven holding that pace for about three miles. An easy run. "Call dat automatic bang... wooo...."
"Wait..." he said, as Miki drew in a breath. "What are you?"


HHG found himself back against the floor, looking up out of the tower in towards the sky. A ringing noise was prevailent in his ears, as HHG stuck his index finger into one, to try to clear it out. "Damn" he said. HHG got up, staggering. "Damn" he remarked. HHG smiled and approached Miki once more. "You pack a punch huh?" HHG reached into his pocket to take out a pair of headphones attached to a smartphone. He unrolled the headphones and put them in his ear, then chose a random song on his phone.

He then took of the left headphone and swung it around. He stuck out his other hand to gesture a handshake. "It's uh... nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you to." Miki remarked, letting his hand sit there. She crossed her arms and glared at him. "How did you get in here yesterday? Why didn't you come see me earlier?" She questioned. She was still very mad at him. She was prepared to do that again if he tried anything. "Hopefully you know now that my power is lethal and I am not afraid to use it." She said.
HHG sighed. "The guys who moved me here brought me to my room first. That's pretty much all I thought I had to do. It was late, so I thought I'd introduce myself to the team in the morning." he explained. HHG put his hand down and walked closer to Miki, standing about two feet away to better talk to her. His stance was upright and slightly erect, but his legs bent slightly more than they should, still shakey from the sound attack.
"Ok then. You were supposed to come today. And I would suggest not getting on my bad side." Miki commented. She was still pretty ticked with him, but decided to say nothing for the moment. She glared at him. "Seems you already got on my bad side, but you can change that, but it will be work. Just don't piss me off." Miki said.
"Sure" he nodded, trying to contemplate exactly what the girl meant by "bad side". He reached his arm around to scratch the back of his neck, sitting in the silence and basking in the awkwardness. "So..." he started "can you call the rest of the team? Or are they all out? I want to make sure I properly introduce myself to everybody else before more windows get broken."
"Screaming out money aint a thaaaang!" Al moved from the tredmile to doing a light jog around the training room. This room was great. Weights a sparring room everything he ever wanted. "Cause all my sh-- dope!" He ran over to the pool room and jumped in. He could hear the music doing his laps. GREAT SOUND SYSTEM DAMN
"Were going to train. I am also adding 100 push ups to your training for today." Miki added. This was one of the ways she liked punishing people when they made her mad. She crossed her arms. "Were starting as soon as we get to the training room." She said. And with that, she turned on her heel and walked to the training room, grabbing his wrist and dragging him with her.
HHG nodded and gave the thumbs up. "Sure" he said. Then suddenly, he noticed Marika holding his hand. He blushed slightly, turning his face away. "Uh... yeah" he said, following Miki to the training room. "So what sort of stuff do you guys have? Is your regimen mostly body weight and cardiovascular, or do we actually have legitimate weight training for stuff like squats and deadlifts?" he pondered.
"It's usually do whatever you feel is necessary, but I will add to it if I feel it is necessary." Miki said. She smiled at him. He had probably connected the dots by now. "Lesson numero uno in this house." She said. She lurched forwards, inches from his face, her glare piercing. "Never. Piss. Me. Off." Miki said, threateningly.
"Alright. Whatever you feel is necessary. Got it." he parroted. Quickly, he got down into a push-up position. It was what was taught to him on the internet- therefore it must have been true. His form, that was. "1...2...3...90...91...99" a droplet of sweat rolled down his face and his hair became wet. It didn't help that he was in tights. "100" he got up and wiped the sweat off his face.
Miki watched him do all his pushups. "Good. Now 5 mile jog up hill." Miki said. She smiled and went over to the soundproof room. She grabbed a pair of headphones and tossed them. "Your goanna need these." Miki said. She slipped inside the room and stood there. She took a deep breath. The thing about that one breath is that her ears get these funny little flaps on the inside of her ear canal put over them and the energy coursing though her blood gets transferred to her vocal chords.
HHG continued swinging around his headphones. "Heh" he said. "Unless you want me to use yours, then I don't have much a problem." he unplugged his own headphones and rolled them up, putting them in his back pocket. He then reached his hand out and grasped Miki's headphones, plugging them into his device and putting on his ears.
Miki released her breath. She sound of her scream sounded dull due to extreme exposure to loud noised, and the bodily ear covers. She screamed, the energy resonating though the room. When she finished, she smiled and sighed. She hadn't realized she had so much pent up energy. After she sighed she heard a shattering sound. She looked at the glass that was in the wall. She opened the door. "I think I need to grab a new piece of glass." Miki said.
Lilly approached the giant tower and couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. She hadn't met many people who could keep up with her abilities, so the idea of working with people who could was exciting. Looking up, the tower loomed over her. It seemed bigger than she remember reading about. She took a deep breath and walked towards the doors. The letter said just to walk in when I got here... She thought to herself, opening the doors and walking into the entryway. She recalled the rough map that she had also received and entered the elevator. She pushed the button for the common/living room.
As much as he loved rap, Al pretty much liked all kinds of music. Metal especially when he lifted. For now he was doing yoga in the sauna room. He liked to switch between smooth jazz and shill step techno. Or chinese flute! He was listening to indian summer. He was doing scorpion pushups overhead. He was so excited about the gym he didnt notice lilly coming towards the tower. "This is the life man. The others can leave, i can take care of the city all by myself if it means having this place to myself."

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