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Realistic or Modern The New Order Lore


New Member


Chancellor: Adolf Hitler

The Invasion of England: After weeks of bombing raids over Southern England. In which key airports and naval dockyards were either destroyed or heavily damaged. Germany with a combined effort of the Kriegsmarine and the Regia Marina launched the largest naval invasion in human history. Operation Sealion. In which over 200,000 troops landed in Portsmouth, Brighton, and Dover. Followed by paratroopers landing behind their defenses to cut supply lines and to cause general panic. The Germans pushed inland and captured the surrounding region but suffered fierce resistance. Not only from the British troops but as well as the civilian populace that did whatever they could to delay the Germans from marching further into their lands. Despite their best efforts, the German carried on with their invasion. Though the Americans sent over troops to try and push out the Germans they arrived far too late and by the time they reached London had already become a battleground. And once it had fallen the British government had put its temporary capital as Liverpool. But as soon as the Germans pushed as far as Birmingham they knew it had all been lost. And with it came the utter collapse of its armed forces. And with it the quick surrender of the British Government. Though officially the government surrendered many government and military officials had fled as exiles to Canada to continue their fight against the Germans. And had not officially surrendered to the Germans. Continuing their fight away from home. These officials included Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, and Bernard Law Montgomery, among other British officials. After the surrender of the British Government on May 17 1946 came the signing of the London Treaty. In it, the United Kingdom was forced to dismantle its empire, have its military limited to only 100,000 men, have its navy reduced to a screening fleet, pay large war reoperations to the Reich, have an occupation zone of Dover as a treaty port, and become a puppet that followed Berlins Rule.
The Fall of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union officially surrendered on November 23, 1943. After the Germans pushed inwards and conquered Minsk, Kiev, and other major cities it caused major political instability inside the USSR. With many within the Bolshevik party questioned Stalin's leadership after many failures to stop the German advance caused a major armed revolt to occur led by Laverentiy Beria and many within the NKVD to acquire power for themselves. Revolting in Leningrad and the surrounding area. Stalin quickly moved troops over to crush the uprising but caused a lack of divisions on the southern front that allowed for the eventual collapse and conquest of the Caucasus. Securing the Baku oil fields Germany continued eastwards. With German bombers casting down hell on the Moscow defenders and with the arrival of the panzer corps came the fall of Moscow on February 23, 1944. Stalin moved its capital to Perm behind the Ural mountains to continue the fight. But after months of endless fighting, the Red Army lost its morale and it soon collapsed. After which Stalin was forced to surrender. Ending with the creation of 4 Reichskommissariats. Rk Ostland owning the Baltic region, Rk Ukraine, Rk Kaukaisen, and Rk Moskowowien. With the direct occupation of Leningrad (Which was renamed to Adolfsburg) as well as Crimea. With everything to the east of the Urals being controlled by the Soviet Union until it promptly collapsed into anarchy with warlords fighting for influence.


Head of State: Italo Balbo

The Mediterranean Pact: After victory during the second world war Italy had found itself with a new Empire. And with German and Italian relations deteriorating it eventually led to Italy leaving the Axis on 1946 October 25 and forming the Mediterranean Pact on June 8, 1947. A military alliance and economic alliance between Italian puppets as well as other independent members. Which included Iberia, Turkey, Serbia, and Syria as independent members. And the Hellenic state, Albania, Kingdom of Croatia, Italian East Africa, and the Levant as dependent members. Created as a direct response to the ever-growing threat of Germany invading their nations. Though the Pact at first worked well with one another, there had been rising tensions between the independent members. With disputes over Italian and Iberian Algeria, ever-growing tensions between Syria and Turkey, and Serbia slowly being swayed by the Germans to join their side. The Pact is slowly tearing itself apart. Will those inside the pact rather than instead of facing the Germans, will instead face off against each other?


President: John F Kennedy

The AFN: Following the defeat of the allies after the surrender of the UK America has found itself to be the only shining light of liberty currently in the world. After the surrender, the USA created the AFN (Association of Free Nations) which included previous commonwealth countries of Australia, New Zealand, as well as Canada. As well as newly formed nations of Belize, West Indies Federation, and Guyana which have been liberated from foreign countries into "independent nations". The AFN fights to liberate nations facing the boot of oppression. Be it the Germans and the Italians in Europe. Or the Japanese in Asia. The AFN answers when Lady Liberty calls. Be it In Europe, Asia, or Africa the AFN is there to end the boot of oppression once and for all. Of course, the AFN hadn't had its time to directly show its might to the world. And having been internationally humiliated by the second world war. Many doubt the probability of America doing well in this new cold war that the world is facing. Yet they are the last bastion of liberty and the world waits to see what it and those in the AFN can do. As they are the last light in this dark dark world that the world faces.

Political situation: After president Eisenhower was impeached in 1959 for blackmailing and attempting to overthrow American democracy, a new young face emerged to take the wheel of the presidency. Masssachutes senator John F Kennedy. Becoming the youngest US president in American history. Being at the ripe old age of 43. He is a young man primarily popular for his platform and stance on civil rights. His platform is attempting to wipe away the nasty stain that is segregation away from the so-called land of the free. How can America be viewed as the nation that fights for freedom when so many within its border face discrimination from their fellow Americans? Being so-called "separate but equal". So to finally put an end to this terrible practice that is holding on to American society as nothing more than a disease he had introduced the civil rights act. In which it called for the end of segregation across the nation. To finally end Jim Crow once in for all. The bill is currently being passed about in Congress. With the Democrats and Republicans constantly butting heads on whether to pass the bill or not. Some claim it's too radical while others say it's not pushing far enough for civil rights. But all Kennedy hopes for is for the bill to pass. Because it may perhaps decide the future for America. Will it be one of hope? Or will it be one of oppression?

The Japanese Empire​

Current state: After long negotiating with the western powers the Japanese had secured itself a newly acquired empire. The treaty of Honolulu signed in 1949 on January 16 saw the loss of American colonies in the pacific as well as the loss of the Philippines being given into Japanese hands. These islands included the islands of Wake Island, Guam, Samoa, and the surrounding islands of Hawaii. The colonies in the east no longer having their western powers to defend themselves were taken into the Japanese hands. Japan seized the majority of French, English, and Dutch colonies in Asia. Seizing Malaysia, Indonesia, French Indochina, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Burma, as well as the islands that were claimed by the western powers in the pacific. Only Australia, New Zealand, and India were able to spare themselves from the Japanese wraith. And have changed themselves from their old master the British to their new ally the Americans to protect them from the ever-growing threat in the east. However despite the Nationalist and Communist Chinese governments officially surrendering on May 27 1952 the Chinese people carry on their endless struggle against Japanese imperialism. Using guerilla warfare tactics in the mountains of western China as a base of operations. Under the leadership of Lim Bo Seng, they fight for the hopes of one day finally making the yellow devil on their lands retreat back to their islands. Yet despite their cause being a noble one to liberate their homeland, the Chinese are tired of the decades of fighting and are now slowly accepting Japanese dominance over China. Yet many in China hope for one day that China shall truly be free. Yet many are accepting the fact that day may not come for many decades. Perhaps even sadly forever.

E.N.A Political Parties​

Current head: Henry Lawerence (Social Democrat)
United Labor Front (U.L.F): After the creation of the E.N.A serval parties had formed under the united banner of resistance. With the U.L.F being a collation of serval different left-leaning parties. In which the most prominent is currently the pre-occupation labor party which is composed primarily of social democrats. But the social democrats are not the only prominent ideology among the various party members. Within the U.L.F there are many that are also Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Stalinists, and Democratic Socialists, among other various left-leaning ideals.
Current head: Clarence Gardner (Conservative)
Democratic Restoration Party (D.R.P): The D.R.P is the current face of democratic values within the British Isles. Being an odd mixture of both left-leaning and right-leaning parties that are all united under one goal. To restore democracy within the British isles. The D.R.P is currently ongoing an election process within the E.N.A. With the Conservative party doing its best to defend its current position as the current head of the D.R.P from their primary opposition of the Liberal party. Though within the D.R.P there are also Authorative Democrats, Liberatiains, Moderates, and Centrist parties. But many doubt the fact that these parties may ever have the chance to win as the current head of the D.R.P.

Current head: Benjamin Clark ( Monarchist)
English Monarchists League (E.M.L): The E.M.L has seen the failures of democracy and has seen the horrors of extremist ideologies and wish for one thing and one thing only. To return to the ways of the old. They wish to restore the crown as the power over the isles. But not under the cowardice of the supposed "legitimate" face of the royal family of the dreaded Edward the eighth. Who in many Englishmen's eyes was nothing more than a German bootlicker who was all too keen on keeping the crowd for himself. But under the lovely Queen Elizabeth the second. Since only the proper monarch can save England. Or no one else can.
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