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Fandom The New Justice League/Young Justice: Operation Cerebrum CS



Adelaide Shayera James



~ A.J - most common, easiest.

~ Ade [ad-i] - second most common, used especially to woo her

~ Birdy - when certain people's want to tese, annoy, or play at Adelaide, they will not be afraid to call her this. However, her father used to call her this when she was young, because he wanted to remind her of her mother, so it strikes a nerve everytime.

~ Lady - she doesn't like this one very much, but if one of her team members doesn't feel like calling her HawkGirl when they are out and about then it is safe to call her Lady. This is obviosly least common.








Job: none

Student - Senior in Highschool - [last year of highschool]



Young Justice



Chaotic Good


Relationship Status:

Single and Ready to Mingle



25th May 2081






Heterosexual II Heteroromantic


Related Former Heroes/Heroines:

Shayera Thal - Great-Grandmother - Justice League



English/Caucasian [on her father's side] - American/Thanagarian [on her mother's side] 



English, often laced with American. It depends on the word



Adelaide is a pretty well built young girl, with toned muscle and a height of 5'9. Her hair is almost waist long and a shade of deep brown, that can easily be mistaken for a deep red or orange, especally in the sun, which she takes from her grandmother. It is also naturally quite wavy, with a crimped look. Her eyes are brown like her father's, and her skin is a dark olive tone, consistent with her mother's slightly darker tone and father's pale tone. Adelaide keeps a good posture, necessary with her wings. 

Adelaide's wings are 16ft in length from wingtip to wingtip, portuding from her shoulderblades [an extension of them] and take the appearance of an Eagle's wings. They are a mix of cream and white feathers, grey appearing in some places.

Adi tends to wear simple clothing when she is out and about, or at the tower. Due to her passion for machinery a regular strappy top/singlet and jeans with her signature hoops earrings will suffice, [it creates less havoc with her wings] shoes always, or most of the time consisting of lace up boots.

P.S: the goggles [apart of her hero suit due to fast speeds and air] and gloves, and all that soot.


Definitely not uncommon for her.


 To top off her main choice of clothing if ever she leaves the security of the base, she will pull on her one and only coat. This was gifted to her by her mother last she saw her. It's collar and patterning as shown below are identical to her's, with the only difference being the length.



Adelaide's coat is ankle length and is a perfect cover for her wings, which unfortunately, she cannot conceal without a covering, so her coat is just perfect. On occassion a feather will fall from beneath her coat when she is out in public, but if she is with the others someone usually notices, or she will. It has never been a big deal, and she has never had a case of someone noticing enough to question her. 

Apart from her casual clothing, she does of course have her "hero suit."



This suit has some bionic/technological features, such as the wrist guards and the "mask" over her face. Her suit has a sort of rustic colour scheme, which she thinks ties in with her love of machinery [it's in the brown and red's and gold]. It is form fitting and apart from the few Nth metal [armored] peices [good due to her "fragility"], it is mainly made of leather and synthetic weaves. The suit has a synthetic cape of sorts that hangs and dips between her shoulders blades/her wings. The mask shown here is actually a breathing apparatus. As a result of her having wings she can fly very high up, as high as she would like. But, what her meta state has not done is give her a gift to withstand the lungs and/or ability to breath at such high altitudes. After nearly falling to her death from breathlessness some few years ago, she has equipped an over the mouth breathing apparatus which allows her to pump oxygen freely at any altitude. [Note that the sheer state of the (mask) one pictured is unlike her's, instead her's is a plain matte black colour]. The last vital peice to her hero suit is of course her two Nth metal battle staves, which she can holster, one on each leg, when she is not utilising them.


Adelaide is a pretty happy, witty and sarcastic girl. She always wants to live life to the fullest, as well as she can, for as long as she can. She appreciates the people in her life, at least as much as she will let herself, and very rarely betrays a person's trust. That is, on purpose. To fully understand Adelaide, you need to get close to her. It's not so easy, but make one wrong move and you may never see the light of day again. With Adelaide, you need to tread lightly, especially around the subject of being a bastard child to Hawkwoman and a mortal man. No matter how forgiving people know she is, or she says she is, innocent looks can fool. All her life, Adelaide has had to fight for what she wants unless her grandmother demanded it for her, so she knows boundaries and knows that you gotta take what you get. Adelaide is respectable and mature, and once again, despite all these things, she does have the ability to act like a complete child. Ade is all over the place. One moment a wild card, next moment a leader, and before you know it she won't talk to anyone. Be patient with this Gemini figure, and you will appreciate her friendship.



~ As is typical for someone on a team like the Justice League, she considers her friends one of her greatest strengths. She grew up without a mother, and her father was hardly present, so always having her best of friends at her side, makes life far easier than it has ever been. She would do anything for her teammates to keep them safe, and cherish's them always. They are the one's to keep her fighting.

~ Her suit offers more strength than she has normally, and that is, a strengthened durability which she does not have normally. Cut's and scrapes aren't common in her suit. They are, out of it.

~ Her wings offer protection sometimes. They can be resistant against far or near far bullets [only], keep her from the rain, she can cover others, and so far, they like to act as an extra set of arms to swing punches. 



~ The fact that her wings did not come with a lung capacity for high alitudes, means that if she is to ever reach a altitude too high for her to take, she will most likely loose the ability to breath, won't be able to cope, etc, and will end up fainting, and evidently, faling from the sky, helpless. It has happened once before and it may happen again. This caused her mother to make an urgent plea for a help, and with some direction from her daughter, Adelaide was gifted with a mask that allowed her to breath high up. [The mask does contain Nth metal] Adelaide just hopes it doesn't. It is explaied further in the Power section.



~ Fauna - especially birds and cat's [ironic huh?]
~ Flora
~ Chuppa-Chupps
~ The feel of wind through her hair

~ The Internet

~ Dancing [Ballet especially

~ Trap music, but also classical, jazz, swing, some elctronic, alternative, pop; i'll stop here

~ Staff's. [She practices with her own, every day]

~ Machines/Engines/Cars, stuff like that. Her father got her into it. So, if you need something fixed, why not call her?



~ Abuse
~ Being told she cannot do things, and I mean the bigger things, not when she is told she can't have the last peice of cake
~ Seafood - just, no.
~ Eating birds - that is, of any kind. Chicken, goose, duck, turkey, etc...



Adelaide was born as a "bastard child" to the daughter of Shayera Thal [Hawkwoman] and a mortal Englishman named Nathan James. Of course, Shayera's daughter was married to her still current husband when Adelaide was conceived, but after being manipulated through her mind and going a-wall [she left for Earth], the woman took it upon herself to have a fling; an affair. Next thing she knew she had to find that man again, and tell him what they had done. Lucky for Adelaide the man was respectable, and her mother was unable to take Adelaide back with her, Adelaide's mother was forced to leave her child with the man she thought she "loved", for a week.  He took it upon himself to raise her. However, as time went on, the man grew bitter. As a young girl Adelaide beleived her mother to be dead, and lived peacefully with her father, and occasionaly her extremely superficial grandmother. She attended a balet school not far from her home and quickly became the definition of a two-face. The good kind of course. By day she was a roaring tom-boy, obsessed with machines and staff's, and by night she was a delicate ballerina, who's intent was to just, dance. Her impressive skill as a dancer was somewhat short lived however. One day whilst at a practice, her friends noticed that her soulder blades were oddly more defined then they has ever seen them. It was highly noticeable and soon enough the teachers were questioning her, beleiving she had become skinnier, and doubting her father's care. The day after she returned for another lesson, and her father joined her. She had told him what the teachers thought, so he decided he would investigate their accusatons himself, even if he knew what he dreaded was happening to her. The lesson started off normal, no real questions being raised by Adelaide's friends. An hour in her back started to ache, and small screams filled the classroom from behind Ade. Abnormal movement came from beneath her skin. Nathan had her out of the studio in record time.

By the time the father and daughter returned home Adelaide was in terrible pain and rushing into the house. Before she knew what was happenning she was sprawled out in their large backyard, arms holding her up from being flush against the ground. Her skin broke and soon enough two full wings spilled from her back, growing at an alarming rate and leaving a mucus mixed with blood all over the grass and her uniform. Long story short, she got her wings that day, and her life was never the same again. 


if you ever find her dancing, it is best to leave her in her own world. She is dancing to relieve her pain.


Wings: Adelaide possesses the superhuman ability to fly by means of her natural wings, which span 16 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Fully feathered like a bird's, and eagle to be exact, the wings have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling her to press them to the back of her torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under her usual coat/clothing. She flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. She can reach a top speed of Mach 1, so far.


Aerial Adaptation: Almost all of Adelaide's entire anatomy has naturally adapted to flying. Her bones are hollow like a birds, making her weigh far less than usual for a woman of her strong build. Her body is virtually devoid of fat and possesses greater proportionate muscle mass than an ordinary human does. However [weakness] her eyes are not adapted to withstand high-speed winds which would hurt the average human eye, so she has to wear goggles, the same ones she wears about the tower and during her machinery hours. Also, were she fully adapated she would possess a special membrane in her respiratory system to enable her to extract oxygen from the air at high velocities or altitudes. This is why she uses her breather/mask. Her mother did hope she would develop this ability as time went on, but she has grown far less confident.


Peak Human Strength: Due to her body's natural mutation, Adelaide possesses greater physical strength than an ordinary human equal to her in body weight and can lift about 500 lbs, this helps alot with lifting heavy machinery and the works.



~ Just like her mother, Adelaide has two Nth metal weapons, created specially for her. As a gift and "reward" for making onto the team, her mother had these made for her. She gifts them to her when she drops her off at Mnt. Justice. And boy is she in love with them. After she recieves them she is often seen cleaning them and maintaining their tip top Nth shape. Unlike her mother's they possess no special abilities. She simpy uses her skills.

 ~ She utilises her basic hand to hand training among her use of staves, aswell as her wings. She uses her wings to push, shove, sweep enemies off their feet, etc.



~ She really loves Potato. Especially the seasoned oily, baked yummy, delicious, holy crap, ones.

~ She has always wanted a bird of her own. And not an eagle or a hawk like you would expect. She has always wanted a beautiful tropical bird, a parrot or the sorts.

~  Adelaide can speak Spanish quite fluently. Her grandmother arranged lessons from only the best. 

~ When her feather's fall off/if a feather is about to fall off, it will turn shades into a raven black

~ When she goes to bed and after she has a shower she always put's her hair into two perfect braids either side her head. That way it is wavy/curly when she takes them out.





Hey do you want to start out with me? I was gonna have neria enter the planet and I was wondering if you'd like to find her ^-^

Full Name: Stevie Lee

Alias: Bloody Mary

Job: Criminal/Thug

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Age: 25

Birthdate: June 28th

Relationship status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Stevie has always been a little unhinged and rash. She is careless and reckless and she doesn't seem concerned for her own well-being. She does whatever she wants when she wants to do it. Stevie doesn't care who gets hurt by her actions. In fact, she doesn't seem to even notice an harm she does. Stevie lives life for the thrills and the adrenaline so this leads her to do things like drag racing, robbing, and even threatening people's lives at gunpoint.

Casual Clothes:




Stevie took the drug TMVF so her speed, strength, endurance, and senses have been intensified by a large multitude. Out of these, her strength and endurance have increased the most. She has been able to survive high speed car crashes without severe wounds. She is also skilled at street fighting having grown up on the streets.

Weakness(es): Due to her recklessness, she can often leave herself open to attacks in battle. She can also lose her temper rather quickly which also leaves her open to attack as well. Stevie also doesn't think logically so if one were to plan out an attack on her strategically they would be able to outsmart her because she doesn't think to far ahead in a fight.


Stevie owns a very large revolver that she likes to shoot off randomly in the streets. She also has custom made shoes that have a small gun installed into the heel to fire out of. She doesn't like to wear these very often, but will wear them when she is going to a place she needs to look somewhat formal for.




Stevie was born from unknown parents and she was left with a friend of her parents. This man never spoke of her parents and just claimed that he was her father. He was a criminal, but he tried to hide this from Stevie. She was always reckless and hot-headed even when she was a little girl. Her "father" taught her how to shoot a gun and how to be street smart. Eventually, his criminal life caught up with him and he tried to sell off Stevie to a family to pay off a debt he had. When she learned about this, she ran off and began living on the street. From her, her criminal life grew and grew. She was robbing people and breaking the law constantly. Other criminals and gangs avoided her because confrontations never ended well with her. This is how she became called Bloody Mary because whenever a gang or thug tried to take her out she did not care about the mess she left behind after she took care of them.
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(Still taking applications? I was thinking about making The Phantom Stranger. Wondering if that'd be okay.)
Full Name:Jenna Harlow

Alias: Rai

Job:4th horseman. Currently just taking the identity of a dance instructor at a children's studio (She thinks she's the person who's body she's occupying)

Related FORMER heroes/heroines:N/A

Team(Justice League or Young Justice?): N/A as of right now. Looking to join in with JL.

Alignment: Chaotic good

Age: ???

Birthdate: ---

Relationship status: Single 

Sexuality: Straight... although... a bit of a prude.




True Form


Personality:   Rai is kind of blank at first. Quiet, dry humor and rather dark in nature. She almost fits the typical demon, until a friendship is established. Then the sarcasm and the low-blows come. She messes with her friends and is rather cold to everyone, except those she considers close... then she may be very slightly less cold. To those she is rather unfond of, she is just silent. Although, her personality and emotions aren't completely her own. Souls send out wavelengths according to emotion, hers cannot, so she absorbs everyone else's emotions. If someone else is crying in sadness, she may feel mildly upset. Somone else is seething in anger, she will be lightly irritated. She also can get overloaded if a multitude of emotions are absorbed at once, which just makes her miserable. She may eventually develop more or a personality down the road, but as of right now. She is a blank slate.

Hero Suit:

Although, I couldn't find an exact match. She has no sword, or hood and only one shoulder guard and it is not spiked or made of metal. The corset and shoulder guard is thick leather. Her cape is also not around her shoulders, rather as a belt and is only to her shins. She wears boots and loose pants. Her gloves are not bounds with leather like that, rather look like bandages just to prevent slipping of the handle on her weapon


Casual Clothes:

(see human picture)


Demon physiology-  Rai's body is like most other demons. Tough and can withstand the vast majority of worldly damage. Sure beating her down enough will stop an attack and slow her down, but shooting her in the head with normal ammo won't do much other than make her angry. This also includes her ability to glamour herself to appear human.

Minimal spells and magic- She is no magician, but Rai can do the basics assuming she has a spellbook. What she cannot do is witchcraft (IE; exorcisms, curses, ect). Most of the spells she can cast are pretty useless, no fireballs or sparks or anything. More like illusions, trickery and general oddities although it is a nice ability to have if she ever needs to understand someone's magic. She CAN however sense when someone uses magic

Soul sight- Rai does not see physical body, rather she sees souls. The world to her is black and white with the splotches of white color with a humanoid halo being living things. This being said her sight does work to see inanimate objects, and is very good at it. Her sight is difficult to explain other than she can not see the physical appearance of someone, rather she sees their souls and she can tell a lot from just a soul. (Very little personality traits)

Horseman- Rai's status as one of the four horseman grants her the demonic mount, Grimora. He is large, intelligent and loyal to his rider. He also grants Rai the ability to travel through the rift where there is no overlap. The rift is like a crawlspace between earth and hell. It's how demons travel about but in some areas it ventures away from earth. If the rift does not overlap the earth, most demons cannot warp through but In overlaps entry and exit is free to most all demons. However Grimora can jump with his rider from earth to rift with ease regardless of overlap. However Rai must go alone and she has to allow Grimora to rest before she can jump back in the same spot she jumped in at, or she could travel to an overlap. He is also useful for travel (he can outrun cars) and battle (horse bites/kicks suck. Especially if the horse is huge and an utter asshole.)


Multi-langual- Only demon languages. impish (Language of imps), daeric (Language of greater demons), Jeris (Language of the dead), and kri (Language of Teiflings) , as well as english 

Superstrength and speed- Strong enough to lift a semi but not more. fast in terms of reaction speed. She can't run super fast (thats grimora's job), rather her reaction speed is pretty fast.

Healing factor: With some execptions (see silver) She can heal her wounds at will. Only problem is she can either be moving or healing. She must stop all movement and heal.


Silver- Mere contact with silver scalds her skin with a burn that heals like a mortal. Stabbing or shooting her with silver is deadly and could turn her to dust with prolonged exposure.

Holymen- Preists, nuns, saints, she cannot harm the holymen of any religion and they may compel her to not harm people of their choosing.

Copper- Copper doesn't kill, rather immobilizes and leaves her helpless with so much as a touch until physical contact is broken. Speaking and even twitching a finger takes a painful amount of effort.

Damage of great proportions- Sure things like bullets and things won't do much unless you have silver or a holyman's blessing, but cause enough damage of any kind you'll slow her down enough to give you time to escape. (see healing)

Soulless enemies- When fighting enemies like soulles creatures (zombies, robots, androids, ect) she has low visibility. They appear as inanimate objects and she cannot see them as well as she would an enemy with a soul. (If they stay completely still, she won't see them as an enemy, rather as a stationary object)


She has two scythes. Both can either do physical damage to mortals or damage to immortals as well. They don't do huge levels of damage during melee, rather she is a fast hitter. Death by 1000 lightning fast cuts so to speak.


Rai's existence is quite sinister. She is a horseman, meant to ride when the earth is supposed to end. Rai's story begins at the earths creation and will only really take off at it's end. Needless to say there WILL be an end, eventually. And she will be the horseman to end it all, death. She doesn't know the were bouts of the first three horsemen, but most likely they are in the rift, waiting. They'd rather not deal with the humans until they must, but Rai adores them and would rather help them live until she must end them. That being said, of all the horsemen to be trapped on earth, this is the one that's least likely to be villainous ironically. Rather Rai never intended to be onto earth. That happened by complete accident. 

Voodoo has ways of messing around with the rift, pulling poor demons out and shoving them into bodies on earth seems to also be a very common practice amongst cults. It was the initiation for the new members of a cult to rob a grave and complete the ritual to summon a demon from the rift, then slay it while it's trapped. In an overwhelming majority of situations, weaker demons are sucked in and are easy to kill... Not this one. These ignorant cultists knew not of what they played with. They sucked in a very powerful demon into a body that was far too decrepid for her to keep all her memories... instead Rai took some of the girl who's body she now possessed. She fully believes she is Jenna Harlow. The cultists tried to kill her, but they wound up dead where they stood the second they attempted to harm Rai. 

Ever since the lost horseman has been living amongst the humans, instructing their children just as Jenna did, and helping keep their streets clear of evil at night.



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Full Name: "Philip Stark" 

Alias: The Phantom Stranger

Job: "I'm an accountant"

Related FORMER heroes/heroines: "There were no previous ones, just me"

Team: "I do assist the Justice League on occaison"

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Age: "I'm in my late 40s"

Birthdate: "Let's keep it strictly business, you won't remember it anyway"

Relationship status: Widowed.

Sexuality: "How about no."




The Phantom Stranger lives up to his name. To everyone and anyone he is cold, distant, reserved, no capacity for attachment any longer. He keeps things strictly professional and refuses to get close to anyone. There have been many times that people have thought this behavior to make him inhospitable, but in truth it is the effect of years upon years of mental wear. 

Hero Suit:

"I wear the same jacket. It's trendy. I don't like flashy." 

Casual Clothes:

"I don't have a different  set of clothes."



The Stranger will never age so long as he is a servant.  More of a curse than a power.


 The Stranger can teleport to where he needs to be. This can be something as simple as teleporting a few feet to something as massive as teleporting to other planets as he needs to be able to be mobile and go wherever he is needed, even if that is not on Earth. 

Energy Manipulation:

The Phantom Stranger can manipulate energy, redirect it, and even purify it if it is malignant. He can also release his own energy and direct it however he wants to. 

Magical Prowess:

The Stranger has magical powers granted to him by the cloak, allowing him to use magic as he sees fit, usually in the form of protective barriers or blasts, though can reshape objects and matter if need be. 

Time Stop:

The Phantom Stranger can't turn back time, he can however slow it to a halt. He hasn't held it for very long, but it can be very useful for conveying messages.

All Knowing:

Not a resulting power of the Cloak, rather a resultant of being alive for a very very long time. The Stranger has a vast wealth of knowledge, especially in regards to the occult and magic. 


Holy weapons:

The Stranger, like most supernatural beings, is susceptible to holy weapons. This especially manifests itself when near the Spear of Destiny as it causes him to lose a lot of his powers. 

Holy Entities:

The Stranger may be seeking redemption, but there are a lot of members of The Host that want nothing more than to punish him and destroy him. Also being that his powers are derived from the Divine they are utterly useless against any member of The Host. 


While durable, enough magic can stop, hurt, and kill The Stranger, the most notable example would be Trigon's magic and powers being able to stop The Stranger.  

Divine Limitations:

The Stranger is no more than a man with a Cloak. As such he can not use his powers against those who are good or use against those who have another purpose or destiny, at least not to their full extent. Much like The Spectre, his practicality is severely limited by this. 

Weapon(s): "I don't need any"


After the events of the "Trinity of Sin" The Stranger quietly returned to watching the world from an outsider's view, intervening only when necessary, helping the JLA only with information and never with direct interference.  Yet now the time has come for The Phantom Stranger to intervene again, providing counsel and guidance to those who need it while searching for answers of a curious incident. 

Full Name: Jessie Nguyen-Harper

Alias: Chái jùn ( Translated: Cheshire)

Job: Robin hood esq hacker "I steal from the rich and give to myself "

Related FORMER heroes/heroines: 
Jade Nguyen (cheshire) and Roy Harper (red arrow)

(Parent, father left soon after her birth)
Lian Nguyen-Harper (mother)

Team: Currently "stuck" as she'd put it, in YJ, trying to Join JL as quick as possible. If not. She plans on going solo.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Age: 23

Birthdate: February 14 2074

Relationship status: "I don't have the luxury for love... but if your interested~ ;)" *proceeds to most likely fuck your life up*

Sexuality: Bisexual, but far prefers girls.



Personality: Brash, outspoken, blunt, mostly keeps to herself, has a dry sense of humor, enjoys playing/toying with people. Largely untrustworthy of everyone, especially men. As both her father, and grandfather left their respective lovers.

"Hero" Suit: 


(Just replace the shoes with knee high boots)

Casual Clothes: 


(Recolor the pants to black)

Power(s): No powers, just skill

  • Martial arts: She has demonstrated incredible fighting skills, able to hold her own against countless opponents
  • Technologically Adept: She is a very skilled hacker, able to breach almost any firewall.
  • Agility
  • Marksmanship: She has impressive skills with long-range objects, particularly throwing stars and arrows.
  • Poison use: She has demonstrated a penchant to coat her weapons with jellyfish poison
  • Tracking: She has shown the ability to track her enemies through assorted means.
  • Stealth: She has the ability to disappear into the shadows at will with no-one being able to find her when she doesn't wish to be found. 
  • Multilingualism: Can speak/read/write English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and some French.


  • She is of course just a mortal human, just hit her a bunch and you win XD
  • Can be beaten by someone with superior skills
  • Not as well when dealing with multiple opponents


  • Collapsible bow and arrow, plus trick arrows.
  • Mask: Aside from protecting her face from identification and injury, the mask has a thermal scanner- giving  the means to track her prey. It has a built-in air filter so that she doesn't breathe in toxins or smoke.
  • Collapsible swords
  • Flash bombs
  • Shurikens (usually poisoned)
  • Wristwatch Holographic computer 
  • Extra weapons at her disposal include- Rpg-7, M4a1 carbine, Grenade Launcher, Mp7, G18's, SMR sniper rifle, C4 explosive. 


TBR (Mostly because I am prefer giving backstory in character)


She will kill and has no qualms about doing so. No mercy for enemies that have done something personally against her.


<<Full Name>>

Alexis Von Helsik



<<Related FORMER heroes/heroines>>



Justice league
Chaotic good


January 1

<<Relationship status>>
It’s complicated





Alexis is a quite and easy going man liking not to make things overly complicated or stressful.He is a warrior at heart and greatly enjoys the pleasures of battle.While he may enjoy combat he does not constantly seek it.He forces himself to train because as the elder twin he believes it’s his duty to protect his younger sister.He will push himself beyond the limits for his sister as he had promised his parents he would take care of her.While he is pretty chill and laid back he is completely ruthless in battle and is not afraid to fight stronger opponents in battle.He will kill all opponents that he believes deserve death and cares little of what others think of him.In battle he is calculative and adaptable changing his fighting style to adapt to that of his opponent.

He loves to train with his sword and is a master at the sword arts, he is constantly trying to find new ways to apply his powers and is fascinated by things he doesn’t know.He prefers to let his enemies underestimate him rather than to let them know how strong he is.Tenzo loves to wear jackets to the point that its borderline obssesion.He believes that control is the key to combat and has had that mind set from a young age.

Tenzo likes to tease his little sister as he believes she is overly serious.Even when on missions he is laid back.Tenzo likes to experiment with weapons as he is obsessed with them.He constantly modifies the weapons he has every time he can.Tenzo likes to drink beer before going to sleep, as he says that it calms him down.Many people don’t understand how beer calms someone down but he still hasn’t given an explanation.His attitude towards life is to wing it and go with the flow.He likes to play the piano and loves to drink tea.He worries about his friends and is constantly checking to make sure they are okay.Tenzo is extremely loyal and will go so far as to take lethal hits for those that he is loyal to.


<<Hero Suit>> 


<<Casual Clothes>>


Electromagnetism and everything that coems with it.

As well as 

Enhanced senses

Enhanced perception

Gravity manipulation

Enhanced strength and speed.
Gets cocky
Headaches if he uses abilities for to long.

Self made Katana he calls shi meaning death.He has upgraded it to vibrate at immense speeds and generate electricity.





Likes to get drunk



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Full Name:
Xenn Alexander Frost

Night Stalker

College Student (Currently a Freshman in college studying psychology)

Related FORMER hero:

Young Justice

Chaotic Good


August 3rd, 1999

Relationship status: (if applicable)
None at the moment

Heterosexual (Straight)

A Dark skinned Male about five five in height and about 130 pounds. Has a beard that he usually cuts and he always ears a suit when out of his Hero outfit.

Xenn is a very arrogant and prideful individual. He is very intelligent in Science, past and current wars, and also Math. Xenn, himself, would say he has a pretty good sense of humor. When on a mission or practicing, Xenn is in his most serious mode. He takes missions and practice's seriously.

Hero Suit:
Just wears a suit that's purple with a blue shirt and a galaxy tie.

Casual Clothes:
Usually wears a black and white suit

Shadow Control: Turns into a humanoid Panther with boosted agility and speed.

Passive: Can hide in any type of shadow. Has a Rapid health regen when in a shadow. Gains the power of ice.

Stage 1: Agility and speed gets enhanced and can now throw shadow like spheres (can merge with his ice)

Stage 2: Strength of both him and his shadow(s) now are enhanced and can now summon up to one shadow like figure to fight with him with the same agility and speed

Stage 3: The shadow merges with Xenn himself.

- Regular human weaknesses outside of his humanoid Panther form.

- The shadow can get hurt and die faster than Xenn since he has a Rapid Regen passive.

- His pride and his arrogance offense gets him in trouble and leaves him open a lot.

- Shadows
- Ice
- Martial Arts (Karate, Krav Maga, Freestyle Wrestling)

Xenn is a Regular student coming out from High School into college. He' just a bit different that's all. He came to this college to study Psychology. Psychology, yes, the class were you see and help the victims of mental illness.

All throughout his high school years, Xenn has been helping people with all sorts of problems that got from relationships to suicides and that kinda took a toll on him seeing how so many humans needed help.

He does heal slightly outside of his form, but not as quick as you would think.


(I do not own any pictures or music on this Form, but I do take credit for everything else)


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