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Fandom The New Host Club


Tinker Fairy

Welcome to Ouran Academy, students. Among the various clubs at this school is the infamous Ouran Host Club, where handsome young men with too much time on their hands entertain beautiful young maidens who also have too much time on their hands. In this roleplay, you will either be a male member of the Ouran Host Club, a regular visitor, an enemy of the club, or any other character in connection to the establishment that you can come up with.

(Our beloved and very prestigious Ouran Host Club has graduated as of this year, as the last of its members move on to bigger and better things, but not without leaving a select few to carry on their legacy!

Our prince Tamaki along with Honey, Kyoya, Hikaru and Kaoru, Mori, and of course Haruhi have been scouting for a select few that have resembling characteristics or perhaps even something new and raw to represent them for the next few years to come!

So it is with sadness that we say good-bye to the original Host club, yet with great happiness as we welcome its new members!

Congratulations to those who qualified!)

As we all know, the Host Club is here to attend to every woman's needs, including her preference in men! Just like the original Host Club, its new members all vary in type. From the Princely Type to the Boy Lolita to the Mischievous Type!

I don't particularly like to set rules, so all I have to say is make sure we know about your character, make sure there aren't any repeats in the Boy Types, don't offend people on purpose, be nice, and have fun !
Yasha was sitting outside of Ouran Academy, on the edge of the fountain in the courtyard. He remembered being told that Haruhi had been victimized by some of the girls at the school and had thrown her bag into the fountain. He was also told that Tamaki had helped her fish them out, going against his usual personality. Yasha couldn't stand the idea of the Host Club. He hated the fact that he even had to be in this school in the first place. He didn't even remotely fit in. His hair was purple and so were his eyes, and his uniform was too big for him, bunching in odd places and his pants sagging a bit. He'd always been the rebellious type, but he didn't want to blatantly not fit in, like he did here.

As we was sitting on the fountain, he thought more about the Host Club. He disliked the idea of it in every way, except one. And that one reason was that all of the Host Club members were really close friends, and they would do anything for each other. Yasha had never really had many friends, and the ones he did have weren't close friends in the slightest. He preferred to distance himself from other people in general. As he continued to ponder, he laid down along the edge of the fountain, his purple hair falling back off of his forehead, some of the tips dipping into the fountain water. He closed his eyes and began to soak in some of the sunlight before class; however he absentmindedly fell asleep, deep in his thoughts in the warm fall air.

"Young man!!" a voice shouted, waking Yasha with a start from his wonderful nap. He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles and then covered them with his hand so that he could see the man talking to him without being blinded by the sun. It was the principal. Shit! Yasha thought to himself. "Good morning, sir," he said quietly, sitting up and brushing the front of his uniform off. "You're in big trouble! First period started some time ago!" he bellowed, yanking Yasha to his feet by the crook of his elbow. "I don't have a first period class," Yasha said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, closing one eye and squinting the other to look at the principal, still trying to keep the sun mostly out of his eyes. "Well then I have the perfect place for you," he said. He grabbed Yasha's arm once again and dragged him into the Academy. As he hauled him through the hallways, Yasha was looking up at all of the classroom signs above the doors. They came to an abrupt halt at a room labeled "Music Room 3."

"What is this?" Yasha asked, but the principal just laughed, though it sounded more like a grunt, and threw him into the room.
Misha hummed happily skipping through the halls of Ouran academy. His footsteps rang out through the hallway providing a beat for his humming. He giggled as he saw a bird flying outside through the windows. Twirling he giggled clutching his stuffed bunny Kolo to his chest. "Look Kolo a bluejay. Isn't it pretty!" He giggled rubbing Kolo's face against his. Kolo was so soft and cute!

He liked this school. It was big pretty and full of places to explore. There were lots of people to and they were all very nice. The girls always gave him hugs and even the boys smiled at him and ruffled his hair. And they all gave him sweets! He hoped that he would make lots of friends.

"Young man what our you doing out of class!" Misha eeped scared by the sudden loud voice. He hid his face in Kolo's fur. After a moment passed and his speeding heart calmed down he shyly peeked from Kolo's fur. He brightened when he recognized the principal though he was slightly scared by the mean look on his face.

"I don't have a first period class." Misha said in a quiet voice looking down at the floor shyly. "Is that so well then come with me. I have the perfect place for you."

Looking up he was alarmed to see the principal already walking away. Not wanting to be left behind he ran to catch up and grabbed his large hand so he wasn't left behind. Still staring at the floor he didn't see the startled expression on the principals face but did smile a little when his hand was clenched tightly.

A while passed before they stopped and the principal announced."Were here!" Misha looked up startled at the sudden noise and found himself standing in front of a room labeled 'music room 3'. Blinking he turned to the principal to ask why they were here but found himself alone his hand grasping at nothing.

Unsure of what to do he turned back to the room and looked at it with wide uncertain eyes. After a moment he figured he should go in so hesitently opened the door and stepped in shyly. Hiding behind Kolo.
Wind filled the room of music 3, causing the blazing heat to diminish under its breath. This specific room had been the relaxation spot for Blaine for about a month now and he loved every moment of it. Here it was quiet, cool and had the perfect atmosphere. A melancholy one with just the right amount of tranquility to keep it from being a complete scare. Apparently it wasn't always like this, there were sometimes other people using the room, but at this distinct hour, the only inhabitant was lonely ol' Blaine.

Though he wasn't just standing there, he always brought giant tomes from his dorm and swam his eyes across the page until the starting of period two, in which he had English. It was unfortunate, this was the only time he could truly read without the noise pollution to disrupt his brain function, but he used it gratefully, getting finished around one hundred pages of his bible sized book every day. However, it would now all change...

"We're here!" A voice called, it was the exact same tone and prowess of the principle, he could even distinguish it through the thick mahogany door that stood in between them, but not for long. Swiftly the door opened, and a boy entered the room. As if the wind wanted to hide Blaine, it blew to the left, flying the curtains over him, casting a shadow. After around five minutes another thud occurred and another individual came. Seeing as thing were going to soon get rowdy, Blaine closed the book he read and let out the quietest of sighs.

Slowly he erupted outside the curtains and looked to the newcomers, a small seeming boy and a reckless appearing individual.

"...Welcome." He greeted with a bow.
Misha looked at the boys that occupied the room through wide curious eyes his head tilted to the left cutely hugging Kolo tightly. One was dressed in loos clothes that looked comfortable and right on him were they would have looked strange and out of place on another. The other boy was tall with a cold straight face that looked like he doesn't smile much.

Misha felt a strange need to make the boy happy though so skipped toward him. He scrambled onto the arm of the couch by him after setting Kolo on it so he was almost as tall as the boy. Standing he reached toward him and grabbing the boys face pulled his mouth into a smile.

He pouted finding that it lacked any warmth and happiness. The two things any smile needed. Letting go he flopped onto the couch grabbing Kolo he hugged him absently swinging his legs."I'm Misha. What's your name smiles?"
Shuhei was in class twirling his hair he already knew everything that was being said by the teacher. He rocked back on his chair and almost fell as he was taken by surprise. "Shuhei could you do me a favor and put these posters around the school for me." The teacher asked and Shusei stood straight up and bowed. "Of cause sir" Shuhei said before pushing up his glasses and walking over to the teacher and receiving the posters he exited the room.

He began walking down a corridor sticking posters on walls like the teacher had asked him to whistling along the way. Every time he passed a classroom he felt like eyes were on him but he didn't mind he was more than used to it. He was nearly half way done when he walked into someone he stumbled back and straightened himself out luckily he didn't drop anything, he bowed instantly. "pardon me." He looked up and it was the principle.

"Its fine honestly what I would like to know is what are you doing out of..." The principle spoke but then he noticed the posters. "hmm" A faint noise escaped the principles lips. "I see well hand me them posters and follow me I have the perfect place for you." Shuhei did as he order and give the poster to the principle and began to follow him.

They arrived at a room designated 'music room 3'. "We're here." The principle said as Shuhei walked in only to find that the principle had already gone. He smiled taking a look around the room at the people who were inside. A small bot who looked like he didn't even belong in this school he just looked to young for it, another male with purple hair with a too big of a uniform on he liked like the type of person who just doesn't care what so ever, and the last person in the room was a tall male probably just older then Shuhei he looked slightly dark and it seems the little one of the four was trying to cheer him up.

Shuhei bowed and he was going to introduce himself. "Its a pleasure to meet you all the names Shuhei Zaraki second year." Shuhei said keeping one hand on his glasses and the other behind him as he straightened himself back up and moved away from the door leaning against a nearby wall.
Yasha stood near the doorway still. He watched as the young boy, who'd obviously gotten there before him, was attempting to "cheer up" the other boy in the room, though Yasha saw it as the poor boy being annoyed by the smaller one with the bunny. Just then, another boy appeared in the room, practically announcing his arrival, though he said "we" when he was the only one entering, which Yasha found odd. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. The name's Shuhei Zaraki, Second Year," he stated, bowing before leaning against the wall. Yasha looked at them all somewhat disgustedly. Ugh.... Why the hell am I even here, again..? he wondered to himself, despising the fact that he'd chosen not to have a first period.

"Yasha, First Year," he stated bluntly, trying to avoid saying anything else, as he wasn't particularly keen on even being here. He rolled his eyes as he slumped down to the floor, against the wall, leaning his head back. "What the hell is this place?" He figured he'd probably instantly regret asking this question, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him before he could stop himself from asking.

(Also, please keep Out of Character commentary IN the Out of Character Tab, and OUT of the In Character Tab. Thanks.)
"Oh I know! I know!" Misha shouted jumping up in down his seat excitedly waving his free arm in the air. His other arm clutching kolo to his chest.

He jumped up from the couch and ran over to Yasha. He grabbed a hold of his t shirt and gripped it tightly as he spoke beaming up at him."This is music room 3."
Yasha shoved the boy off of him. "I know that, stupid. I mean what the hell are we doing here!" Yasha stared angrily at the boy, unamused by his "cutesy" behavior. Yasha crossed his arms, already irritated for having been thrown into an unknown room filled with unknown people, and now even more irritated over this Shota boy who didn't know how to keep his damn distance. He stood up, brushing himself off angrily. "I was thrust into this place with no damn clue what it was, and now I'm being assaulted by Shotas I don't know." Yasha pushed the sleeves of his uniform up. Angrily, Yasha shoved his way past the Shota boy and sat upon the couch in the room, throwing his arms lazily across the back, his legs straight out in front of him, ankles crossed.

Yasha took a breath, flicking his violet hair out of his eyes with his fingers. "So is someone going to tell me what we're doing here?" Already exhausted by these people, Yasha leaned his head back onto the back of the couch, his hair falling off the back of it behind him.

(Please also try not to post really short posts.... I'm trying to avoid that, which I stated in the OOC, which seems to be useless because apparently no one checks it..)
Mika stumbled back falling to the floor from the force of Yashas push and landing on his but. He stared down at Kolo trying to hold back the tears that stung his eyes and blurred his vision. His lower lip began to tremble and he buried his face in between Kolo's ears unable to keep the tears in any longer.

"Meany." He muttered angrily clutching Kolo tightly. He had just been trying to be nice. Sniffling he bit his lower lip to keep any sounds in and stood. He walked over to the empty sofa and sat on the end curling into a ball.

He wouldn't forgive this easily. He swore. He had just been trying to answer his question. It was his own fault anyway. He should have specified what he meant.

And he wasn't stupid!
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