The New Family Member

Jack couldn't help but smile and laugh as he watched Anna going through her pictures," I'm sorry for laughing but the way you are now you look like a kid." he smiled at her and watched as she took only a few drawings out, she did look like a kid so innocent and sweet. He then thought to himself what am I thinking. He felt a bit weird and only knew that he enjoyed her company unlike everyone eles
Anna laughed softly and she continued to take out a few more pictures. She pulled one out on accident. It had a drawing of a girl leaning against the wall with a shadow of a tall figure in front of her. The word on the bottom in red said help. Anna's eyes grew wide because she thought she had gotten rid of this picture. She quickly began to put it back where it was supposed to go but she couldn't find her sketch pencil section because she was in a rush.

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Jack saw the drawing and knew exactly why foster families were such a sore subject for her. Without thinking he got up and knelt down beside her and pulled her in for a hug. He simply said," your safe now." he didn't know why he did or said any of this it was like his brain went to auto pilot and stuck there he didn't pull away but held her there. Not wanting to let go for some reason
Anna's eyes grew wide she she felt a pair of arms bring her in for a hug. She was even more surprised by what he had said. Anna relaxed and looked at the drawing. "Can I truly believe that....? That I'm safe here?" She whispered as a single year fell down her cheek. She let out a soft smile and relaxed more into the hug. She had always wanted a big brother but somehow she didn't want to act like siblings with Jack. After awhile she pulled away from the hug and just put the drawing in the very back. "Sorry. You weren't supposed to see that." She whispered

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Jack grinned and said," its ok at least you can get rid of that picture. My case can't go away as easily." he turned around, pulled his shirt up to his neck in the back. All his scars were there they covered his back as if someone had printed a bunch of jagged lines in his back.," if your wondering how, my dad was a raging alcoholic and I tried to stop him from touching mom one to many times." he wondered why he was showing her this it was like he could tell her anything.
Anna gasped softly and stood up. She walked over and was going to touch the scars but their mother called them for dinner. Anna just coughed and grabbed her purse. "Sorry that happened to you. I have something that can never go away too." She said and then walked out the door. She went down the stairs and their little sister followed. "Where should we go eat?" Their mother asked and their little sister looked at Jack. "Jack where should we go?" She asked him.

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Jack shrugged," I don't know really, I could eat just about anything right about now." he looked down at their little sister and ruffled her hair a bit. He then looked over to Anna," what do you think Ann where should we go?" he smiled at her as if nothing had happened in her room and he quickly grabbed his wallet and phone from a nearby table
Anna blinked and shrugged. "Um Chinese?" She asked and the little one nodded and jumped up and down. "Yeah Chinese!" She said and smiled big and bright. Anna laughed softly and followed the others out the door. She got in the car and sat in the very back seat since the two in front she thought should be for Jack and their little sister, Monica.

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Jack saw Anna get into the back seat and looked at Monica," hey Monica doesn't big sis look lonely in the back seat, don't you think we should sit by her." jack looked up at Anna and grinned. He then helped Monica into the vehicle and waited to see where she would sit
Anna just smiled softly at Jack and Monica nodded. The minute she got on she sat on the left side of Anna. "So big sister, your names Anna right? I saw your drawings in your room. Do you think you can draw me something?" She asked and smiled. Anna just laughed softly and nodded. "Sure you just tell me what to draw and I'll draw it for you." She told her

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Jack grinned and sat on Anna's right side and put his arm behind her head on the seat casualty. He then bended over to look at Monica," she already gave me one of her drawings Monica. You miss your chance to be the first one to get one of her drawings." he chuckled and leaned his head back on the head rest
"That's not cool! That was because it was finished! I'm special because she will actually draw one for me." Monica said putting emphases on the Me and Anna couldn't help but laugh. Through the entire car ride, Monica asked Anna questions and Anna answered. "What's your favorites color?" Monica asked, "Purple." Anna replied with ease.

"Favorite sweet?"

"Sugar cookies."

"Favorite.... Movie?"

"All of Tim Burtons movies."

"Whose Tim burton?"

Anna couldn't help but laugh. Then they arrived at the resteraunt. Monica got out first then Anna.

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Jack got out after Anna and made sure to keep an eye on her in case she lost her feeling again." well Chinese would be my first choice but this is fine." jack stretched a bit and headed to the door. He held the door opened and when he did a cute girl that looked jack's age bumped into him and said sorry, then she looked up at his face and blush. All she could get out was hi. Jack looked at the girl and grinned," its ok and hi." with that the girl left and headed to a car where another girl was waiting. He saw them giggle and look at him. He blushed and waited for the family to go through
Anna had seen what happened and she didn't know why she grew jealous inside. She just tried to shake it off and walked in after everyone else and followed them to a table. They happened the be at a Chinese Buffet. Anna enjoyed this. She could eat a lot even though she was so skinny. When the family sat down and they were just about to go get food, Anna lost feeling again. She almost fell but caught herself with help of the table. She sighed and sat down. Monica stayed with her. "What's wrong?" She asked and Anna sighed. "I um. My leg gave out on me so I have to wait." She told Monica and she looked worried. "But that will take awhile won't it?" She asked

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Jack sat down by Anna and said," well it does take a while for your foot to wake up once it goes to sleep ain't that right Anna?" he winked at her and hoped that she would catch on he wasn't hungry so he decided to stay by Anna until she got some feeling in her leg again. He looked around to see if anyone noticed. Some who people didn't even seem to know they were their
"True. I'll bring you some soup then!" Monica said and took off Anna looked over at Jack and smiled. "thanks." She said and the sighed. "So were those girls from school?" She asked just out of paranoia. She really didn't know why she just asked that but she did want to know. Anna waited and the rest of the family came. Monica placed the soup in front of Anna. "I hope you like this one." She said and Anna smiled. "Yeah I do."

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Jack looked over at Anna and grinned," I didn't know her and is that jealously I'm hearing. Please don't tell me your one of those sisters that don't like to see her big brother talking girls." he chuckle and took a sip of his drink, he could be a bit of a smart aleck some times but he didn't care, but he did feel that Anna was jealous of that girl for some reason
"What's there to be jealous of?" Anna said and stuck out her tongue. She then took a sip of her drink then are some of the soup. She had finally got all feeling and stood up. "Can I go with you Anna?" Monica asked and Anna nodded. "Sure. Come on." She said and took Monica's hand as they walked back towards the buffet. Anna was starving.

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Jack leaned back in his chair thinking about what the event that happened in Anna room. Why did he show her his scars and why did he hugged her and what did she meant by she having scars to. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear the waiter ask him if he wanted a refill he nodded and said thanks. Then he set there thinking about how to approach all this
Anna and Monica came back with two plates stacked with food. The two girls placed the plates between them and had their chopsticks. "Oh my. Will you two finish all of that?" Their mother asked and Monica nodded. "We sure will mommy." She said and her and Anna began to eat. Anna and Monica were talking the entire time. They laughed and enjoyed themselves but then someone called Anna's name. Anna looked over her eyes went wide as she tensed up. "H-Henry......" "I was wondering how you've been. You haven't answered my texts." He said and placed a hand on her shoulder. "D-don't touch me." She said and Monica looked at Jack a little worried since their parents had left to get more food. "Come on don't give me that." He said and Anna looked away from him and and didn't say anything anymore. What happened that night replaying in her mind.

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Jack could see Anna getting uneasy when Henry placed a hand on her. Jack felt a bit of anger well inside him. He got up and walked over to Henry and asked him," hey didn't you hear her she said to stop." he grabbed Henry's wrist and threw it aside and glared at him." please leave us alone we were having a good time until you came along." jack saw how Henry looked at Anna. The way a lion looks at its pray
Henry just chuckled at Jack. "Aw you think your so big and bad." He said then yawned. "See ya Anna." He said and finally walked back over to his family. Anna was still very tense and not at all in reality. The memory continued to replay and replay in her mind. "Anna?" Monica asked but received no reply.

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Jack hated Henry, but he didn't know why, he told himself if he ever touched Anna again he was going to get hurt. He turned back to Anna and knelt down beside her," Anna its me jack come back to reality please." what was she thinking about that made her zone out? Jack placed a hand on her arm and shook her a bit to see if she would snap out of it
When Anna heard Jacks voice and then the slight shake she blinked and looked at Jack. "A-sorry." She said as she didn't say another word the entire dinner and just ate off the plates her and Monica had.

When it was finally time to leave Anna didn't look at Henry at all. Henry however was grinning when Anna passed by. When in the car, Anna put on her headphones and stared out the window. Why did Henry have to be there?

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When they arrived at the house jack let Anna and Monica out first. When they were in the house jack pull Anna inside one of the halls and made sure they were alone. He then looked at Anna and asked," who was that guy back there." jack knew she may not want to talk about it but he wanted to try and prove something wrong he had thought of on the way home

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