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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

Noiz grabs a slice of pizza and immediately heads over to the sink, deciding to treat the injury to his finger he had noticed earlier. Whilst eating pizza with one hand he runs the tap over the finger on cold. He may not feel that his finger is damaged, but it still needs treating, and the first thing he does with swelling or broken fingers, after ignoring them for far too long, is cool them down. He figures that he probably has some bandages in his pocket like normal, they're there for if he gets in fights, but he can't check right now because one hand is being used for eating and the other is the one with the problem. He'd ignored the girls apology because it really didn't matter. He didn't care.
Akira glanced over at the sink where Noiz was and froze in surprise when she saw his injured finger. "Oh my god, Noiz! When did that happen? How didn't I notice? Why do you guys keep getting injured?" She asked, her face twisting in worry as she rushed to where he stood eating. Just before she grabbed his finger, Akira remembered how sensitive Noiz was to people touching him and glanced up at him, her head cocked. "May I?" She asked, gesturing towards his hand.
Noiz almost laughs when she asks how he hurt his finger, it seems she doesn't understand that when two things collide, the weaker one breaks. Begrudgingly he extends his hand to her, at least she asked if she could touch it. And anyway, he knows what people are like. If he let's her help, he seems more normal, whereas if he angrily continues without help he really will seem quite insane. He keeps eating his food, finishing his slice of pizza quickly and deciding that when she's done with his finger he's getting another.
Akira's hands immediately dove into her jacket where she still had some rags left from Alex's wound.

She grabbed Noiz's hand gently and carefully tied his broken finger to the one next to it. "This will keep still so it can heal. I would do more but I don't think we have much time before the flood. At least this will keep it from being damaged further. Afraid I can't do anything for the pain, though." She said, smiling apologetically at him and she finished tying it very carefully.
Marck was still out wandering the neighborhood, trying to get a feel of the area. He had decided that he didn't want to be confined to one home. Maybe he'd find a mansion or something. That would be cool. Everything just seemed so clean, it urged him a little bit. He just wanted to make a mess of things. "Still no explanations. Maybe I should give up on that."

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The 'Neighborhood' is essentially a few identical houses along a never ending road in a wide grassy plane. No mansions here.
Alex ate some pizza and xould obviously see he didnt care. She walked up stairs crawled iut the window and onto he roof. She sat there looking at marck and ger surroundings. She just wanted someone tatted up like her , basically someone she would get along with. Someone she could hang with and joke around with. She waited patiently for the flood.
After a few more minutes, Marck decided to give up. He sat down against a fence, just to relax. He had been pretty stressed out and tense since he had gotten here, but he made good effort to hide it. "Oh man, what am I going to do..." He whispered to himself. "I wonder why they brought me here. What did I do?" I should stop thinking out loud...

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