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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

Akira quickly grabbed one of the rags and used it to slow Alex's bleeding. "Thank you, love." She said, smiling gratefully at Marck. "I can't do much more that slow the bleeding and wait for her to wake up, I'm afraid I don't have much to work with. Don't suppose you're going to help, Voice?" She said, glaring at the ceiling. It was a bit of an odd experience every time she spoke to the Voice...kind of felt like she was speaking to a malevolent god.
Alex flinched and opened her eyes a little. "Hey i finally made it to heaven. I should haunt Noiz to thank him. Wait.." She looked and saw Akira and Marck. "Spoke to soon.." Alex sighed. "Guys im fine." She sat up and felt a little weak. "Just a blow to the head. Its fine. Ive been through worst." Alex slowly stood up holding the rag Akira had to her head. She walked to the house next door. " a shower makes everything better." She yelled at them before closing the door.

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"She mustn't be hurt too terrible. She's still got her sass going." Marck stood up. "I might go out and explore this place. It seems pretty odd."

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Noiz stops staring at the wall and looks across at the only person who hasn't bothered to make an excuse to leave yet. He's sure that's all the others have given, excuses to avoid him. Sure the activities they're going to do are quite a good idea, but he's confident that their main goals are to get as far away from him as possible. After looking for a second he decides she seems quite nice, which is more than he could honestly say for himself right now. He notices he's chewing on his snakebites, which isn't surprising. He always does that when he's stressed or worried or nervous, and having just punched someone without meaning to, he's a bit stressed.
Akira gave Noiz a tentative smile as she reentered the living room. She decided not to speak to him yet since he seemed a bit agitated and simply settled on the couch, grabbing a magazine on the coffee table in front of her. Hm, at least the magazines were up to date. It should keep her occupied for a while.
Noiz follows the girl into the living room, sitting on the other side of the couch. He may not wish to speak, and he may not want others to interact with him as such, but he's selfish, and he wants to be around people. He looks at the magazines on the table to see if any are good, and is disappointed in the whole selection bar one. He picks up the magazine with interest, it's called Focus, and its science, technology and computer based, three quite decent topics in his opinion. He decides to amuse himself with this, at least it's better than nothing.
Akira sat in peace for a while longer until her stomach started growling. At the sound, she looked down at her stomach in surprise and placed a hand over it in an effort to quiet it.

Her cheeks pink, she glanced up at Noiz. "Well, I guess it's lunch time. Care to join me?" She asked, setting down the magazine and moving away to see if there's any food in the kitchen.
Noiz can't understand why this girl is so cheerful and friendly. They'd just been attacked by spiders and then he'd punched someone in the head so why was she offering him food instead of doing something sensible like avoiding him? Not that he is complaining, he is always happy to have something to eat, even if it's only an apple. He follows her to the kitchen, hoping there's some food that can actually be cooked as a meal. Waiting for her to find food, he looks at his fingers, noticing that they aren't bandaged up like normal, which is probably just because he hasn't been in any fights recently. One of his fingers is swelling and probably broken. It's not surprising really, heads are a lot tougher than fingers so it makes sense.

The two are both asleep in the back of the truck. They are both removed, and placed on the floor where the others had been dropped off before, with their handcuffs off before they have the chance to wake up. These two had been captured slightly differently just for more information, people were more likely to talk if they thought they were on TV, improving their situation. Obviously it had been a lie, the audience was fake and it wasn't live, but that didn't matter. What did matter was that there were now two more people here. "Two more people!" The voice calls out, "Two of you will have to share a house, sorry about that, looks like some of my staff can't listen to instructions." The voice says, not sounding sorry at all. The van sets off just as the two on the floor wake up.
Akira opened the fridge to search for some lunch and to her delight, she found a whole pizza waiting for them. "Ooh, good news!" She chirped, unveiling the cheese pizza to Noiz with a flourish.

Her joy was dimmed when she heard the Voice announce two more people had arrived. "Oh. Well..I suppose we should greet them." She said, tossing the pizza in the oven and darting out to greet the newcomers.
Hitting the ground was the first sign that she could still feel and was slowly regaining the consciousness she had recently lost. Where the hell am I? Her eyes opened after the yelling stopped she had caught onto only a few words. Share a house... The sound of an engine roaring away prompts her to stand. Her neck was sore from being bound but nothing else. Her green orbs search the empty room and land on the guy laying on the ground. "Who the fuck are you? What's going on?!" Everest is beyond relaxed as footsteps make her turn and glare at the girl coming out to see them. "Where am I." Rather a statement than a question, the blonde haired ex-gangster gives an ugly scowl not wanting anyone else near her until she's told what is happening.
Noiz doesn't go to greet the others, instead staying to watch the pizza. He'd prefer not having it burnt considering pizza is his favourite food. He hopes the others will be good, the two girls are obviously alright, he knew that from the fight with the spiders, he isn't sure about the boy since he doesn't know much about him yet and the two others he obviously doesn't know anything about yet. He'd thought there wouldn't be any new people but apparently he was wrong.
"Hey, subjects," the Voice says,"sorry I was gone for so long, the break room had coffee. Anyway, It's about time something happened now that all these people are here. How about a nice classic flood?"

Nothing happens yet, as if he's actually asking.
Akira stared in complete exasperation at the ceiling. "Please don't, Voice. We just made pizza! Have a heart." She pled, glancing back at the kitchen in worry and hoping that Noiz would protect it if it did flood.
Noiz smirks slightly, he hadn't heard anyone talking, but he did find the voices quick decision to give them an hour quite amusing, obviously someone had complained. He should probably be slightly concerned about the flood but he's much more interested in food right now. Anyway, there's not much way to prepare for a flood. And he's a strong swimmer so how bad can it be?
Everest gave a look of outrage still having gotten no answers on why she's here, who these people are or when she can get back home to her sister. "Where the hell am I?" She says out loud though more to herself while staring up at the sky in a sort of outraged confusion. She goes quiet before glancing back down at the other guy who had been dropped off with her. Frowning, she kicks him lightly before looking back to the girl who had replied to the voice convincing him to hold the flood. "What the fuck does he mean by flood..?" Her patience thin and voice full of anger, Everest shakes her head and shoves her hands into the jacket pockets.
Marck was outside wandering the neighborhood. He heard some big mysterious voice talking about a flood. Maybe it just had happened in this town before. If so, why would everything look perfect? Every house looked spotless! Marck made sure not stray to far from that main house. He didn't know his way around, and every house looked quite similar.

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Akira nodded, pleased that she had an hour to prepare. Suddenly, she heard a voice yelling in confusion and walked towards it till she found the two new arrivals. Waving at them, she smiled welcomingly. "Oh hello! You must be the new arrivals. Follow me, we're just preparing lunch and, as we heard, we only have an hour break, so we should hurry up." She said, turning back to the house that she'd left Noiz in.
"Fuck off." Everest glares at the girl not understanding why she would be so calm. Turning away, she heads away from the house keeping it in mind that someone had warned them of a flood. How the hell would that be possible? Looking around she comes to realize the 'oh so perfect' environment. It all looks unreal and with a sigh, she rubs at her eyes wishing this would all just disappear. She needed to get back to her sister anyway.
"Oh." Akira said, her voice suddenly chilly in response to the girl's attitude. "Very well. Good luck surviving this place by yourself. The door's always open if you decide you want to live."

Akira resumed her walk back to the house after dealing with her. "Hey, Noiz, is the pizza ready yet?" She asked, peaking into the kitchen and eyeing the oven excitedly.
Noiz pulls the pizza out, deciding that it is ready. At least the girl is keeping her head even with the threat of a flood, he doesn't know about the others, but one other person who just doesn't care is nice. He's figured that she must be the one the voice keeps talking to purely because she's the only one who seems to bother.
Alex woke up from her nap after she got out the shower. She heard the voice and ran next door. "Guys a flood is coming. So shouldnt we be reahing high ground " Alex head was slightly bruised ignoring the new girl. She looked at Akira then at Noiz. She pushed her back showing the bruise. "Makes me look tough huh?" Alex said smiling at Noiz. He reminded her of her grandpa quiet and didnt care or like anything. Atleast thats what she thought of Noiz. She know he probably didnt care and she didnt expect any apology. "Noiz im sorry. I went to far and i apologize. Maybe you can forgive me. I dont know thats up to you. I was just playing around trying to make you laugh. " Alex smiled and ran her hand over the bruise. "I mean in a way i do indeed look like a tough cookie."
Akira laughed at Alex's statement and simply nodded in agreement, deciding to focus in the pizza. "Well, I don't know about the high ground part but what I do know is that I'm hungry and we have pizza." She said, quickly cutting the pizza up into slices. Thirty minutes would fly by quickly, it would be best if they finished soon. "Alright, everyone dig in, and Alex, I want to check on that bruise later; wouldn't want you to wind up with a concussion or something."

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