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Fantasy The Mystery of Mythos Boarding School. (Accepting-Open)

"OK, thanks. No hard feelings definitely. But still, life would be a LOT easier if I was harmless, but its the same for all of us right? I'll tell you what I do sometime just not right now."

Once again there was a flash of green light and Ivy jumped off the table. Finally! She still looked... interesting with green streaked hair and vined ankles, but at least the wings were gone and she was normal sized. "We should definitely hang out sometime, but I might take this opportunity to look around a bit more, now that I can get around at an acceptable speed, and don't have to worry about being trod on. Cya later!" Ivy walked back towards the entrance hall. Now people wouldn't stare so much hopefully.

Damien Null.

The miracle kid.

After a few moments of walking Damien makes it into the entrance hall. Seeing quite a bit of food set up greatly increased his morale, it was a very long bus ride to the airport shuttle bus. His parents didn't want him flying a plane, or being that close to an airport for that matter. So needless to say he was very hungry.

He looks around spotting a large rotund man helping himself to the food supply.

Figuring he was a teacher he approached him saying. "Excuse me sir, where am I supposed to put my things, and are we allowed to make a plate yet?"

Ivy felt so relieved that Dani had understood, and was a little embarrassed by her reaction. She was just touchy about her gift. She was glad Dani hadn't probed further, but it wouldn't be long before someone did."Its ok. We should definitely hang out some time but since I'm apparently not gonna transform back anytime soon I'm gonna explore. I might end up spending a lot of time like this." She waved to Dani and jumped off the table. Her wings automatically started fluttering, giving her a soft landing. She walked around the hall. Now some time had passed, the hall was filling up. There was a boy near the food table who looked pretty much normal. He must do something really cool then. That Alice girl was probably somewhere, and the Kelpie and Bat eared guy were somewhere too. Everyone seemed to big in this form. She walked around, avoiding being trodden on very narrowly in some cases. Everyone looked so cool and interesting!

Mr.Daumfrey looked over to Damien when he approached, a curious look on his face...if it wasn't too obstructed by cupcakes. "Ah! Hello! Yes yes..." Looking around he would wave over a small strange looking creature, a living statue, it looked a bit like a cherub with how short it was. "Just had your things over to one of these fellows, don't be afraid...they're magically enchanted to follow orders, and they'll place your items where they need to go." A big belly laugh was given when he was asked if he could make a plate yet. "Oh yes! Yes! Don't let me eating it all stop you. I'm Mr.Daumfrey, the magical skills teacher, and coach."

Millie was feeling so nervous as she moved into the cafeteria...unlike so many...she just looked different, she didn't have any powers...abilities...magical powers. Millie felt like she shouldn't even be there...her eyes scoped around nervously...until she saw another person sort of like her. She would approach Danielle, her ears folded back and her tail practically between her legs. "H...hello." Was squeaked out from the girl, a curtsy given soon after. "I'm um...Millie." A smile given as she introduced herself, hand extended.

Khepri walked along into the cafeteria, her hands folded behind her back as she looked around...interesting, it was very interesting there. A very considering look was given to the natural decorations on the wall, she had never seen things like that before! Her eyes were drawn to the tiny fairy on the ground, brows shooting straight up as she passed on by. "...Hey, you need any help?" It was in Khepri's nature to offer help to someone, if they looked like they needed it.

Demetria looked around the cafeteria from the corner she stood in, still pretty mad and angry...her bang a blazing red...before finally, she would just simply calm down, her bang cooling off into blue, a frown appearing on her face. Why did she think anyone there was going to make fun of her? They were all the same...they were supernaturals the "unwanted" of society. With a deep inhale and exhale, she made her way to the refreshment table, listening in...quietly on the two talking nearby as she grabbed at some of the food...a lot of it looked pretty strange, but it tasted good!

@Alphaius @Vampunk )
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Ivy looked up. "I'm just exploring!" She smiled."With so many people around, I'm too nervous to transform into human form again. And I cant fly yet so I'm just wandering. I was planning to go to my dorm now. Maybe I'll see you later?"Ivy had been concentrating really hard on not touching anyone, and had left her gloves in her bags, which were apparently in her dorm. Maybe once those were on she would feel more comfortable walking around so she didn't... She dreaded the moment of telling people her power. They always looked shocked and backed away all terrified making up excuses. Hopefully her roommate whoever it was would be ok with it. She realised she had been thinking to herself for a few minutes, just standing there like a weirdo so she smiled at the girl before moving on.
Danielle nodded at Ivy, grinning widely.

"Sure, we should hang out some time. I could take you fly fishing, I could use some bait." The shark girl teased with a cheeky smile as she waved at Ivy trying to not get stepped on, scurrying around the floor around the other student's feet.

Leaning back and crossing her arms behind the back Danielle yawned, the bus ride wasn't all too comfortable and the shark girl couldn't wait to see the school's pool, perhaps taking a relaxing swim or setting a new record.

Just as her thoughts began to wander Millie approached her, Danielle raising her pierced eyebrow at the newcomer, her vivid orange eyes examining her fluffy tail and ears and making her crooked grin widen as she brushed a strand of ocean blue hair out of her face.

"O Hai there Millie, I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani if you prefer." Her hand meeting Millie's own, her skin a bit colder than the younger girl's, one of the many quirks a shark girl had.

Her handshake was firm and accompanied by Danielle grinning widely at Millie. "Glad to meet some less weird weirdos." The shark girl added, motioning to Millie's ears and tail while playfully flaring her gills and flashing a wicked grin.
Leah smiled at Gabriel and her eyes changed from green to blue before swiftly returning to their normal green colouring. This often occurred when meeting new people and leah had decided it a result of her species past actions, although she tried not to think too much about it since she didn't consider it a particularly good legacy. "Its okay Gabriel, my memory's not too good either." Leah then turned her head to look down the corridor "To the cafeteria then ?"

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Ivy finally made it to the dorms corridor. "It was like room 17 or something?..." She muttered to herself. She located the door after craning her neck to see the numbers. She looked up at the door and spotted a problem. She couldn't get in. She tried what she did earlier, jumping and flapping her wings but she couldn't get high enough. She noticed some small dents in the wall. Those might work... she hauled herself up slowly , and she was almost at the keyhole...

She slipped and fell, landing once again on the floor. But this time she didn't change back to human form. Right. Maybe it was time for some flying practice. After standing in the corridor flapping her wings for 10 minutes or so she found she could stay airborne for a short amount of time, though it wasn't very graceful. She got through the keyhole and was glad to see that her suitcase was unlocked. She rummaged around inside, before adorning her Faery sized green gloves. She also found her ladder, which she quickly dangled through the keyhole so she had easy access without flying. The room was a little bland but with some decorating she could liven it up a little. She noticed another bed and wondered who she would be rooming with. She clambered back through the keyhole and clumsily flew to the cafeteria, dipping and rising as she tried to control her wings. It was better than nothing though right? She arrived in the cafeteria and perched herself on a lower blossom in the decorations, about head height with a normal person. She looked around searching for any new arrivals. She felt better now she had her gloves on, less likely to... well... nevermind.

Damien Null.

The miracle kid.

Damien nods

"Thanks sir..." He hands his backpack to the stone cherub. "Take this to whatever my dorm room is please." He asks the little thing. Then he makes Himself a plate and takes a seat at a table in the center of the cafeteria that has the most empty spots around.​
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Ivy noticed that the human looking guy sat at the table in front of her blossom. He probably hadn't noticed she was there, she was so tiny at the moment. She decided to be blunt this time because she was genuinely curious about this guy. There was no physical massively obvious changes about him, so he had to do SOMETHING."Sooo what do you do?" She asked him. He looked around for a minute clearly trying to figure out where the voice came from. "Up here, on the blossom." She giggled. He looked really funny with his head whipping about like that.

SassyAndroidSera said:
Ivy noticed that the human looking guy sat at the table in front of her blossom. He probably hadn't noticed she was there, she was so tiny at the moment. She decided to be blunt this time because she was genuinely curious about this guy. There was no physical massively obvious changes about him, so he had to do SOMETHING."Sooo what do you do?" She asked him. He looked around for a minute clearly trying to figure out where the voice came from. "Up here, on the blossom." She giggled. He looked really funny with his head whipping about like that.

Damien Null.

The miracle kid.

"Uh...not sure besides being pretty lucky I guess." He looks up at the tiny fairy with a mix of shock and amusement.

"I'm pretty good at everything really...not that I'm trying to be cocky or anything, just haven't really met something I couldn't overcome. What about you, as you seriously a fairy?" A smile creeps across his face as he trys to be friendly.
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Gabriel laughed lightly, the air around them a lot less tense as the events had taken place. "Yeah, lets go? It looks like some of these people already know the way." He watched the other's quietly for a moment, some connecting to eachother and people in another room also having quiet conversations. He didn't bother to actually listen to their words as he looked back to Leah, "So I don't know if it's rude to ask this, so I apologise, but are you like a half seal? Is there a fancy name to it?" He smiled questioningly when he noticed the change in her eye colour. Gabriel started following some of the students slowly, curious as to what her answer would be. "Like I'm a half-demon, hence the ears and eyes.." He chuckled softly, "Though there isn't much else to me. I suppose there was enough different that I'd have to come here instead." Gabriel talked with his hands, gesturing and emphasizing his words as he spoke.

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"Nooo I'm just a butterfly" Ivy said sarcastically."Yes, I am a Faery. I can fly, or at least I try, I can adjust my size, occasionally, and I k-"She broke off looking panicked. This guy was NOT gonna be the first person she told." Aaand I... uuh... am kinda dangerous." Ivy mentally facepalmed herself. "I'm kinda dangerous?" Great. Now he's gonna think I'm lying and laugh cuz I'm small, or believe me and avoid me. And I didn't even tell him. I'm so dumb. Does he know anything about Faeries? If he does... swear if hes all "Youre only a faery, you couldn't be dangerous" I will...

"And Come on. Theres gotta be something special you can do? Theres really nothing else?"She asked changing the subject quickly... Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

(The Blue is her thoughts)

SassyAndroidSera said:
"Nooo I'm just a butterfly" Ivy said sarcastically."Yes, I am a Faery. I can fly, or at least I try, I can adjust my size, occasionally, and I k-"She broke off looking panicked. This guy was NOT gonna be the first person she told." Aaand I... uuh... am kinda dangerous." Ivy mentally facepalmed herself. "I'm kinda dangerous?" Great. Now he's gonna think I'm lying and laugh cuz I'm small, or believe me and avoid me. And I didn't even tell him. I'm so dumb. Does he know anything about Faeries? If he does... swear if hes all "Youre only a faery, you couldn't be dangerous" I will...
"And Come on. Theres gotta be something special you can do? Theres really nothing else?"She asked changing the subject quickly... Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

(The Blue is her thoughts)


Damien Null.

The miracle kid.

Damien shrugs,"I guess I'm stronger than anyone I've ever met, faster to. Uh...I can hear a persons heart beat if they are close enough,hence the sitting alone." He smirks a bit, "your to small though I can't hear yours, I can see really well though...like each hair on your head... Like I said pretty much good at everything, and lucky too I've never even stubbed my toe." His grin turned to amusement and he leaned back in his chair.

"I'm Damien ,nice to meet you by the way. Soo what did you mean by dangerous?" He asks curiously
Alphaius said:
Damien shrugs,"I guess I'm stronger than anyone I've ever met, faster to. Uh...I can hear a persons heart beat if they are close enough,hence the sitting alone." He smirks a bit, "your to small though I can't hear yours, I can see really well though...like each hair on your head... Like I said pretty much good at everything, and lucky too I've never even stubbed my toe." His grin turned to amusement and he leaned back in his chair.
"I'm Damien ,nice to meet you by the way. Soo what did you mean by dangerous?" He asks curiously
Ivy panicked. Should she tell him the truth? She probably should...but was it really worth it? What if he told everyone without letting her explain first? But what if she got angry and removed her gloves and nobody realised. Realising that keeping it a secret made her a safety risk she took a deep breath. "Well.. I will tell you... but only if you promise that you wont tell anyone. I want to explain it to people myself so I don't scare anyone. You promise?" She asked. She was mentally preparing herself for him to look at her as if she was crazy, or be scared of her. Or not believe her and laugh...

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(Sorry guys, incoming huge post again)

Minor post


Headmistress Mayhem would clap her hands, moving into the center of the room. "If I could have your attention please! If I could have your attention...please gather around." A broad smile on her face as she looked around at all the students.

She couldn't believe her luck, so many students in the school!

A firm nod of her head was given, once everyone gathered around her. "I would like to welcome you all, to Mythos Boarding School, the number one." And only. "Place for Supernatural's like yourselves! I know many of you are confused about yourselves, worried about your powers...but no worries, nothing to be worried about! We all might be different...but we're all the same, we can all do great things...and we here at Mythos, aim to help you bring out those great...great things! I am Headmistress Agatha Mayhem, I run and teach the Human skills, as well as am the overseeing teacher for all the music clubs, do not worry about signing up for clubs, there will be a Club Day held early next month, for anyone wanting to sign up can learn more about the clubs! Or even create your own!"

Stepping aside, the very unhappy man from before would step up instead.

"I am Mr. I.M. Ded...You will call me Mr.Ded, or Professor Ded." A stern glare given around at all the students. "I teach all things having to do with the History, and Spirituality of this planet, and The Veil." His arms crossed over his chest as he looked around. "If you have any questions...ask someone else."

Mr.Daumfrey jaunted away from the refreshment table to give his own introduction. "Greetings, greetings dear students, I am Mr. Reginal Daumfrey, Reg is fine as well." A brief clearing of the throat from Mr. Ded was heard. "But not appropriate for the class room! So please call me Mr.Daumfrey when I am teaching you!" A broad grin was given. "I teach the Magical aspects of life, along with the physical ones, don't let this stomach full you, I can still very easily hog tie a minotaur without taking a single hit." A firm nod of his head was given.

Ms.Delina would sway on over to the small group of teachers now, a curtsy given, flowers blossoming, withering, and reviving all over her as she did. "I am Ms.Delina." Her airy voice called, those blue eyes of hers gazing around. "I am the Nature teacher, I also take care of the schools grounds, as well as the things that live within it." A pleasant smile given as she looked over all the students. "I am most pleased to meet you all, I look forward to sharing my passion with those eager to learn it." Another curtsy was given to them.

Headmistress Mayhem stepped up once more, a polite pat to Ms.Delina's shoulder given. "With the teachers introducing themselves finished...I would like to implore all of you students to get to know one another, relax and find your bearings this first week. There are a few simple rules already covered in the student guidebooks...everyone should of received one upon entering the cafeteria, but I will reiterate a few of the rules. You will find your uniforms waiting in your dorm rooms, these will be worn at all times during regular school hours, exceptions being during a free period not followed by a class, Holiday's, School Exams, and Dances. Minor alterations to the uniform are allowed, along with small omissions of non-vital items. Females will find a pair of pants, and shorts along with their skirts if they wish not to wear a skirt. Males are limited to pants and shorts. You may magically change the coloration, but you may not rip or tear the uniforms, alter them to make them shorter, or immodest." A look was given all around.

"You are required to attend all but one of your scheduled classes if you so wish, and you may spend your free period doing what you like. If you feel ill, please visit the Nurses room where our lovely Nurse Andelia will cure what ails you.

The cafeteria will serve food all day, and all night...in addition, there is a curfew...on the building, you are allowed to roam the halls at night as you wish, you may not go into class rooms during this time. You are not allowed to be outside the building after Nine at night. There are quiet hours, from Nine at night, to five in the morning on weekends in the dorms, and from 11 at night to 5 in the morning on weekends in the building. Weekend quiet hours are from eleven at night to nine in the morning, in the dorms, and midnight to nine am in the building.

Library hours are from six am to eleven at night Monday to Friday, ten am to ten PM Saturday's, and is closed Sunday's."

A firm smile was given as she continued to tell everyone the rules.

"You are not allowed to go off school grounds without express permission from me, which will come in the form of a signed note, with my magical signature, to ensure no one can copy it. The Sunday after next will be our first 'Town Visiting Day', students will receive a small amount of allowance, either sent from home, or from the schools treasury, to spend on what they would like in town...or save up to spend a larger amount later."

Looking around at all the teachers, she would finally give a nod.

"I think that wraps everything up...Dorms are in the left and right wings in the far back, there is a sheet by the exit from the cafeteria into the building, where you can locate your name and sign up for a room mate, whom you have either met here, or randomly, a select small few of you may ask not to have a room mate, please explain why. You will also find your schedules with your clothing in your dorm...please, have fun...and enjoy your time here at Mythos."

A curtsy was given, and the headmistress would leave the cafeteria, the rest of the teachers remaining behind to take care of any questions from the students...all but Mr.Ded that was, who also beat a hasty exit.
Ivy was grateful that she had been interrupted and didn't need to tell anyone yet. She was really looking forward to classes next week, and maybe she would sign up to nature club! The Nature club teacher looked really approachable and friendly, so she would have to talk to her about that. Ivy may be different to most Faeries but she still gained strength from plants. She knew she would show up to all of her classes as she enjoyed them, which is why she signed up for them. She wondered if anyone shed met yet would be in her classes. It would be cool if she had a class with Dani. And she was definitely making her uniform green if she could. Wait. Would there be both Faerie sized and normal sized uniforms, or would she have to go to class as one or the other. Then there was the roommate thing. She wanted to ask whether or not the teachers thought it was a good idea for her to have a roommate. The nature teachers line was really long, so Ivy opted for the headteacher. She approached her shyly. "Umm.. Miss Mayhem?I wanted your opinion on whether I should sign up for a roommate. It would be cool to have a roommate but I wouldn't want to hurt anyone, so I was wondering if you had any advice?" She asked timidly, looking up at her.
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Headmistress Mayhem looked down to the tiny fairy and smiled gently to her. "That depends on how confident you feel in yourself not to hurt someone." Kneeling down towards her gently as she smiled. "Hm...I'll make sure to have Reginald enchant your uniform to have it change size with you...we already have one nudist here." A glance was given to Ms.Delina. "Heavens knows we don't need another one..." A simple nod was given to Ivy. "If you decide to not have a room mate and then want one later, you can always come to me asking me for one, I'll be sure to find you one."
Ivy nodded grateful for the advice. "Thanks Miss. I don't feel very confident yet, but when I do I will talk to you." She should probably tell someone what her power was, soon, but couldn't think of a way to do it. She couldn't just randomly go up to someone and say "Oh hey, I'm a faerie but I don't heal or talk to animals noooo I- yeah. Maybe she would tell Dani tomorrow if she saw her. It had been a really long day, especially on Faerie legs, so Ivy decided to return to her dorm for a nap. She could always grab dinner pretty much whenever, and she was exhausted.

By the time she arrived at her dorm Ivy was dead on her feet. She wearily climbed up the ladder, slipping every now and then, before entering through the keyhole once more. she pretty much fell onto her bed and was alsleep within seconds.

With a flash of green light she returned to human form and slept on.
Like Gabriel, Leah had taken a brief look around the cafeteria once she'd entered and had been unsuccessful in stopping herself from smiling. She had never seen so many different species of people in one place and to be a part of all of that made Leah's heart beat ten fold. Leah looked up at Gabriel and watched him attentively, taking note of his eyes and ears when mentioned. She continued to smile as he spoke but couldn't help look down at her feet when she began to answer. "I'm a kelpie.....we're kinda like merpeople but not really....its complicated..." Leah looked back up at Gabriel's face, less uncomfortable now she wasn't talking about herself "I think there's a lot to you, you just don't know it yet.... And this might sound weird but your ears are really cool !"

Adeline bit her bottom lip from excitement and nervousness as she was sure that she was late and wasn't sure what she missed. Addie was very happy to finally be somewhere where she could meet people like herself. She closed the door to to the car as she said goodbye to her loved ones for the next couple of months. Sliding the strap of her book bag onto her right shoulder further and rolled her suitcase in her left hand as she stood for a moment to look at her surrondings. Walking towards the front doors she heard noise come from what she would assume was the cafeteria and headed towards that direction. She couldn't remember the last time she got a drink on the way here and soon found herself in front of the tables. Adeline grabbed her chest and let out a squeak as a tiny statue like figure seemed to pop in front of her. She giggled and smiled, "Why hello there"
Leah glanced around the room and noticed more and more people entering the cafeteria, she wasn't sure how to approach any of them but was worried about giving off the wrong impression if she didn't try to be sociable. Leah noticed a young girl in front of the tables with light reddish brown hair and decided to say hello. Taking a deep breath of air leah slowly walked towards the girl before standing beside her. "Hey there, I'm Leah"

Adeline pouted a little after the little man didn't answer her but gave a small smile when it handed her some tea. "Thank you little one." She practically drank the tea in one sip and looked around a bit. Addie drumed her fingers against the cup as she was deciding who to say hi to first. She smiled broadly as a girl walked up to her. "Hi Leah! My names is Adeline." She reached her hand towards the girl for a handshake. "Adeline Remedy but you can call me Addie! It's nice to meet you Leah!"

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Leah shook Adeline's hand and smiled "Its nice to meet you too Addie" Again Leah's eyes unintentionally changed colour before reverting back to the original green. She leant down to get her own cup of tea before adjusting her gaze back onto Adeline. "How are you liking it so far ?" Leah asked before blowing on her tea and taking a sip "I was nervous at first but now I'm here everything feels so surreal ?"

Ivy woke and stretched, smacking her hand on the side of her bed, which momentarily went green. "Owwwwwwww..." She groaned in pain. Then she punched the air in triumph. She was human again. And today, she would only turn small if she Chose to and NOT by accident. She noticed a pile of uniform on her bed, with a note attached: "Ivy. He is your newly enchanted inform. Hopefully it fits, and remember to wear it next week. It has also been changed to green, assuming you like that colours if not send it back and we can change it.- Misstress Mayhem." Yes! She did like the colour green and was glad that had been sorted.

After changing into a nice green shirt with black leggings and vine like decoration, She made her way to the hall again. She noticed some new faces since yesterday. Some people must have arrived while she was sleeping. She should grab a bite to eat, feeling like it was better to eat human. She twirled the green streaks that replaced the vines in her hair when she was human, around her finger,wondering who to talk to.

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