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Realistic or Modern The Mystery of Aomori High

Hirai Hikari

With the others; cafeteria

"Okay, fine. She didn't kill herself."

Hikari had arrived at the scene by following a few of her stowed away classmates. Initially, she didn't plan to stop by, she was planning to go back to the classroom but was stopped on her tracks when she heard Yuna's statement in regards to Miori, not killing herself; her words intrigued her.

"But tell me then, how would someone just drop on a knife that so happened to be pointing up to her? Coincidence? Then I suppose her dying


being on the cursed class is pure coincidence too?"

Hikari wasn't her usual self, she would normally avoid wasting her time on such a meaningless argument- No, she was just stating how she sees it which she wouldn't do so nonchalantly.

"I don't believe in coincidences, it's a result of human decisions piling up, one after another, creating a singular effect."

flicking her hair, Hikari's eyes were dead set on Yuna; her eyes appeared like they were piercing through her, like she was able to see right through her.

"Ah, Yui-sensei."

her tone, suddenly became familiar; it was her usual, playful tone.

"If the curse thing is real, are we allowed not to attend classes or anything?"

she childishly said as she raised her hand and stuck her tongue out.

Conclusion 1.) Hikari butted in on Yuna's
Conclusion @seiko shinohara argument with Ryuu @Peaceswore

2.) Questioned Yui-sensei of classes

3.) Hikari returned to her usual state from her apathetic self
shattered said:


When the male first began to speak, she thought she had heard some concern in his voice for Kou and Miori. But the way he tried defending his actions made his concern quite obvious. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she had made him out to be? That, or the stress and anxiety had gotten to him. Though part of her was assuming his defense was made because it was true. Even with that being said, she couldn't help but smile ever so lightly do to his reactions.

Tsubasa honestly didn't know what to think of Ryouta. Upon their first meet, she had seen him act like a jerk and assumed that's who he was. But now...she wasn't too sure what to think of him. "
O-oh. Erm, don't worry about it. This is school is a bit of a maze anyways..." She admitted, her face holding a small yet forced smile. "But um..." Her words faltered for a second, "You know, it's okay to be generally concerned for someone every once in a while. It won't make you look weak or anything." Realizing she had just said that out loud, she quickly shook her head as blush soon filled her cheeks. "Er! That's only an opinion though!" @Lluviel

Miss Yui

Yui's body stood at the opening to the cafeteria, not being able to move in shock of what she had seen. She had an awful feeling in her stomach, one where she wanted to puke and cry, but couldn't. Her body just wouldn't allow her to do that. Instead, she could feel her body shaking slightly. No...I have to calm down. Being scared over this would not help the situation. It would only show the kids just how scared she was and might even make matters worse.

Miss Yui, what should we do." Arata's voice snapped Yui back into reality. She opened her mouth to speak, though no words came out. Had she lost the ability to speak as well? No. She couldn't think like this! Everything would be fine.

I...I'm sorry..." The words soon drifted from her mouth. "Arata-san, I....I'm not too sure. But first things first, we need to calm down. Nothing will or can be accomplished when everyone is struck by fear." She looked over at the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright? If you aren't feeling too well, it's alright to take a seat. The response team will get here shortly..." @custom
Ryouta looked at the small girl, and raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, or at least fake confusion. He smirked and rubbed the back of his head, and said to her, "Man, you're a weird one. I just said I didn't give a shit about this kid, I only did it so I wouldn't get in trouble. So I only did it for myself and that's that. Didn't you learn anything from last year? I'm the bad boy y'see. Ryouta doesn't take shit from anybody and doesn't give any to anyone either." he glanced over to Kou only a slight bit, and chuckled to himself a bit, then looked back at her with a broad smile, "listen. Thanks again for bringing me here. You saved my ass... And h-- theirs too I guess... How about I treat you to something after school? If you aren't still... Y'know, shaken up about /that/"

Ryuu took a deep breath as he tried to relax and calm down. 'I freaked out enough, come on...I'm not weak...I'm not weak, so stop freaking out.' He thought as he placed his hands in his pockets and looked at everyone. "I'm sorry that I don't know how to act when a girl just died right in front of me! Yeah, I said suicide cause I'm not a freakin detective and she was the one that ran with a knife! Or are you trying to tell me that she was possessed? What person brings a knife into school? This h-has to be premeditated...right? W-We are just high schoolers...why is this happening? He asked visibly shaken and confused. "How can some of you act so calm and blame others right now? This is so sick." He muttered as he resisted the urge to vomit right there. (Post my people! Post!) @Noblesse @custom
Arata just nodded at Miss Yui, not trusting his own voice enough to speak. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he knew that if he had tried to say them, there would be no holding back a second round of tears. Arata felt pathetic, but what could he do? No matter how strong he tried to act, it wouldn't change the fact that he wasn't.

He didn't have to speak, though, because soon Ryuu was doing it for him. Arata listened while taking the chance to take several deep breaths, trying to urge the lump in throat away. It appeared that he wasn't the only one that thought this was a result of the curse, and that was not encouraging. Arata didn't want to face the truth. He just wanted hide and pretend everything was okay. Arata felt bad when Ryuu started to shake. He had to stop worrying about himself. Everyone else was just as disturbed as he was.

When Yuna was the next to speak, she talked about how it was their fault that she died. Arata didn't understand how this could have possibly been prevented unless someone had been right next to her to catch her. So
meone that could have been you, Arata, a voice in his head told him. He shook the thought away. There was no way he could have caught her in time from his distance. Still, if you had been closer. Or perhaps faster? Maybe if you had rushed to help her instead of just standing there she would still be alive. Thoughts of what he could have done better plagued his mind, and he tried to push them away. Arata strived to live with no regrets; he wasn't going to let those feelings affect him, especially not when he was so close to death himself. If it really was the curse, there was probably no way he could have prevented it.

The next person that spoke was Hikari. He remembered talking to her earlier, even if the conversation was short. Although her calm tone of voice was disturbing to Arata, she brought up valid points. Arata didn't think it was a coincidence either, as much as he wished it was. As much as he tried to deny it, he had secretly believed it was the curse. Along with it came the fact that Arata would soon face an inevitable death.
Unless there was a way to prevent it? The male couldn't remember the details. A while back, Arata thought that he had come to accept the idea of death. But now, when it was real and imminent, he wasn't ready. It was too soon; he had so much to do. He didn't get his leg amputated just to die soon after. The thought scared him just as much as it frustrated him. He heard the distant sound of sirens approaching, but he knew there probably wasn't much they could do.

When Hikari asked if they could skip classes, she brought up a valid point. Even if she was joking, why were they forcing students to stay in an alleged "haunted" class? The lump in his throat was gone, and he finally spoke again. He tried his best to appear confident, letting out an arrogant huff of air.
"That's true," he started, his voice rough from crying. God, he probably looked like a mess. "Why are teachers making students stay in a class with a history of 'disasters'? Who would stop me if I were to just, walk out. Or perhaps if I asked to be relocated, who would stop me then?" He had intended to sound confident and nonchalant, but instead he probably sounded desperate and scared. Out of a nervous habit, he mindlessly started to tug an an earring. Arata knew he was probably being unfair to Miss Yui, who was just as confused as everyone else was. This was not something that first year teachers should have to deal with, and she probably wouldn't even know how to answer their questions. Still, he didn't care that he was being unfair at that moment. He wanted to know.

When Ryuu spoke again, he seemed to be more hysterical then before. He was bringing up valid points, though. They were high schoolers, how could they be expected to handle the situation calmly? Arata felt like he needed to be a responsible person in this situation, since no one else besides Miss Yui was doing it. What Arata had really wanted right then was someone to explain, rationally and in detail, that the whole situation was, in fact, a coincidence. Not a curse. No one else would die. However, he knew that no one would. Beside him, Ryuu looked like he was about to throw up. Arata definitely didn't want to be in the cafeteria anymore, so he took this chance to offer to take the boy to the nurse's office
. "You don't look so great," he told him. As if it was something he needed to be told. "I'm gonna take him to the nurse's office," he announced without asking Ryuu if he wanted to go, dragging him off before he could refuse. Arata wanted to be out of there, and Ryuu wasn't in a good condition to be staying in there.

@shattered ; @Peaceswore
Now people were talking some more. At least they weren't all talking over each other. Someone yelling again, though. Ow, that hurt his ears. One of the girls in his class asked why they couldn't just skip classes, and that seemed like it was a good idea, but he was here to learn and he was intent on being in a classroom. Another one of his classmates mentioned they could just ask to transfer. That seemed like a much better suggestion to Kevin, and he lifted up his head to nod from where he was sitting. That seemed a much better thing to do than responding to the one who was freaking out.
Kona After calming down went to try and find Yuna. He knew she would be in the girls bathrooms so he would just ignore her for now. He knew no one would listen to him why would thay thay would think this was just a accident. He sighed as he got up and walked out of the canteen. He was slightly angry and didn't want to be talked to. He had enough he told them about this but they didn't listen now thay would have to pay the consequences. He then covered the body with a table cloth before exiting. He then very spontaneous punched a locker multiple times until his knuckle bleed. The punching can be heard from the canteen.
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Tsubasa Kojima

Only did it for himself, huh? Just like she had originally thought; he was the bad guy. He didn't care about the people in his class nor the curse. He didn't care that Miori died or Kou was hurt. All Ryouta cared about was himself. He merely cared about the fact that he was in the cursed classroom. Not the lives of others. Overall, Tsubasa couldn't really blame him. Worrying and caring about others normally ends with you getting hurt. Maybe that's why he's like this?

I..." She opened her mouth to speak, but soon paused. Should she accept his offer? Tsubasa already determined that he wasn't a nice guy, but it would also be rude to turn him down. "I don't know..." Her soft voice admitted. Brown eyes stared down at the floor, avoiding his gaze. People didn't generally offer these types of things. Plus she had no clue what he meant by treat her afterwords. That could mean just about anything!

After what had happened today, maybe going out wouldn't be so bad? It could get her mind off this whole curse thing and Miori's death. "
A-Alright." She finally agreed to him. Not only would she be able to clear her mind, she might be able to learn a little bit more about him. Like what made him so much of a jerk, for example. | @Noblesse @seiko shinohara

Yuna looked at Hirai and replied with, "Does it even matter any more? No matter where we go, the curse will still follow." Yuna didn't know what else to do. She slumped down with her back on a wall. "So now what? We wait until more people die? To be honest I don't think I care any more, we're moving in a few months so I'll be out of this shit hole soon enough." Something in Yuna just clicked, she could escape this town, but everyone was acting calm which bugged her "huh, we're all here talking with a dead body in the room. Do any of us actually care?" She stared at the lifeless body.

@Noblesse @Lluviel
Kona continued to punch the locker this time he was shoutnig "Useless!!!! Worthless!!!! Pile!!! of filth!!!!!!" He said as he busted the locker door his knuckles were dripping now the skin almost shredded away. He was breathing heavily as he saw what was inside teh locker. Nothing but some old books. He then went towards miss Yui "sensai. I kind of um" he said hiding his hands behind his back knowing to well she heard him.Further more what he was doing as the blood trail led towards him.

@shattered @seiko shinohara
Ryuu flinched when he was suddenly grabbed and dragged out of the cafeteria. He didn't struggle happy that someone was getting him out of that room. However as he was being lead out he heard what Miss. Yui said which made him pale even more. He looked up to see who was helping him out, seeing Arata he smiled a bit. "Thanks for getting me out. I looked so damn pathetic." He said as he caught up and took his arm out of the guys grip.

He walked next to him in silence he felt like he should still go to the nurses office just incase and really he didn't want to be alone, though he wouldn't admit it. "This...this can't really be happening right?" He asked as he entered the office. "The curse, that can't be real...it just can't that's something in movies, manga and that stuff. Not something high schooler..hell anyone should be facing. There has to be a reason... Maybe sh-she had a panic attack or something. Like she saw a spider and ran... And she didn't notice the knife..." He said as he ran his hand through his hair trying to think of any sort of excuse for this anything but the curse. "Please let it be that...not a curse, I can't handle the idea of more dying." He muttered as he sat on one of the beds, just now realizing the others in there. @custom @shattered @Lluviel
The currently yelling guy was dragged away, and around the same time the slamming of what had to be a locker that he had somehow not noticed stopped. That was nice for his head. Of course, Ms. Yui's response put him out a bit. He was now really glad that his brother hadn't come with him- didn't want him to die, after all. One of the girls in his class mentioned the fact that they were just casually speaking even though there was a dead body right there (thankfully someone had covered it, though the red that stained the white sheet was still a bit enthralling), and Kevin found himself glancing at it when it was mentioned.

"Well," he replied slowly, still getting a handle on speech, "we do have stuff to talk about, and not like the body can mind all that much anyways, right?"

@seiko shinohara
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shattered said:

Tsubasa Kojima

Only did it for himself, huh? Just like she had originally thought; he was the bad guy. He didn't care about the people in his class nor the curse. He didn't care that Miori died or Kou was hurt. All Ryouta cared about was himself. He merely cared about the fact that he was in the cursed classroom. Not the lives of others. Overall, Tsubasa couldn't really blame him. Worrying and caring about others normally ends with you getting hurt. Maybe that's why he's like this?

I..." She opened her mouth to speak, but soon paused. Should she accept his offer? Tsubasa already determined that he wasn't a nice guy, but it would also be rude to turn him down. "I don't know..." Her soft voice admitted. Brown eyes stared down at the floor, avoiding his gaze. People didn't generally offer these types of things. Plus she had no clue what he meant by treat her afterwords. That could mean just about anything!

After what had happened today, maybe going out wouldn't be so bad? It could get her mind off this whole curse thing and Miori's death. "
A-Alright." She finally agreed to him. Not only would she be able to clear her mind, she might be able to learn a little bit more about him. Like what made him so much of a jerk, for example. | @Noblesse @seiko shinohara

Ryouta ran his fingers through his hair, and huffed out, " 'Aight then. Well, soon as they get the dead chick to the hospital, or cemetery or whatever, I'll get you something. Should we stay till Kou wakes up, nah?" He eyes Kou for a moment, then turns away, only wanting to look at them again for a bit longer-- but if he did that, it would look like he care. He couldn't care less for that bastard! After what they did to them....
no... don't think about it...



She was soon asked whether or not that they should stay till Kou woke up. Why wouldn't she stay? Kou wasn't exactly her friend, but they were someone she did care about. Well, technically she cared about most anyone in the classroom...minus a few people. "Okay, that sounds fine." She replied to the first part. "I think it's better to stay. You know, to make sure they are going to be okay?" Though seeing how uncomfortable Ryouta looked in the room, maybe it was best to leave? Ryouta didn't seem to care for Kou anyways. "But I mean, if you're desperate to leave, then let's."


What to do now?

Satoshi pondered on that thought.

To be honest, he had no idea what to do. Mean really, what
could they do? Their own classmate died right before their eyes and they were completely helpless. The could do nothing to stop her and they could nothing to stop the curse.

"I...I don't know. It's not like I'm used to students dying right in front of me..."

His tone was a bit sarcastic, but not really meaning to be. A small sigh escaped his closed lips.

"Maybe we should head home for the day? Clean up the blood a little bit? Or even check on the other students..."

@Despairingly Lucky


Narukami sighed,

Weren't you afraid just thirty seconds ago? Now you're offering to clean up blood? Damn... Either he's weird or my version of normal isn't like others...

He kept tugging on his bangs and shook his head,

Could they really just leave the scene? It just seemed odd to walk away from a death scene.

They couldn't just close their eyes and cover their ears, pretending nothing happened,

"Well... Whatever we do it doesn't matter to me..."


Reiko was about to head back to class when she noticed that her things were still in the cafeteria. A sigh left her lips as she turned around and headed in the direction of the cafeteria, not in particularly wanting to go back there. She wondered if the police and emergency crew arrived to collect the body, and if all the students were going to be sent home early or continue the day like nothing ever happened. Could she even enter the cafeteria? It was going to be treated like the scene of a crime.

They best not keep my things as evidence. I have math homework to do tonight... She thought, thinking about homework to try and push the very recent death of Miori far from her mind as possible.
“Trust me, I wanted to be out of there as much as you did. I guess you could say I was using you as an excuse,Arata responded truthfully. “Sorry for manhandling you, though,” he added after a quick pause.

As they walked in silence to the nurse’s office, Arata couldn’t help but worry about what would happen next. After this horrific “accident”, surely the class couldn’t continue on as if nothing had happened. How many would believe it to be the curse? How many others would die? Was he just overthinking everything? Maybe it wasn’t a curse; maybe it was just an unfortunate accident.
Ugh, Arata really had to make up mind. Was it or was it not a result of the ‘curse’? No matter what the answer, the male didn’t feel like standing around until his fears could be confirmed by another death. He had to do something. Anything. What could he do, though? Surely, someone would know a way to stop curse, if it was real. Someone had to.

He hadn’t realized that they had reached the nurse’s office until Ryuu’s concerned voice reached his ears, snapping him back into reality.
No, he had never left reality. Arata felt himself fill with panic at Ryuu’s words, once again realizing how real the situation at hand was. The boy tried to come up with excuses, and as much as Arata wanted to believe them, they all seemed unlikely. He tried to conjure his own excuses, but it was hard to think with the death continuously replaying in his head. The image of Miori suddenly falling onto the knife, the blood gushing from her neck, the way her face slowly paled, as if--

No. Stop, Arata, You’re not helping yourself. He took in a deep breath and realized that Ryuu had stopped talking. He wanted to say something encouraging, something to help the obviously terrified male, but he couldn't. What was there to say?

“I-I don’t….” Arata was at a loss for words. Maybe he shouldn't have started talking in the first place. He took in a shaky breath as he lifted his glasses off his face, trying to busy himself by using his shirt to clean off a persistent smudge. He needed a distraction. There was a moment of silence. He could hear the conversation of the others in the room, but suddenly that felt like prying, so he focused on other things to help him ignore it. Arata noticed a person passed out on the bed, and he couldn't help but feel bad for them. Still, perhaps being unconscious was better than being awake at the moment, allowed a short break from the situation at hand. And- Oh god, Arata was starting to feel envy towards an unconscious person. Yeah, he was pathetic. It wouldn't surprise him if their sleep had been plagued with nightmares; he really shouldn't be envying their position.

Finally deciding that the smudge was gone, Arata placed his glasses back on his face. Well, that should have given him plenty of time to think about what to say. He opened his mouth to speak.
Yeah, he was gonna say something mature and encouraging.

“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted pathetically. Fucking nailed it. So much for the encouraging part. Obviously the male had some idea of what to say, though, because he continued to run his mouth, saying words before he thought them out. "As much as I want to tell you this is all just a horrific coincidence, or maybe some sick joke, I can't. You saw it. I saw it. I'm pretty sure everyone in that cafeteria saw it. Things like that..." he swallowed, hard, urging the lump that started to form in his throat away. "Things like that just can't be coincidences." Once again, Arata probably should have kept his mouth shut. That was probably the last thing the boy had wanted to hear, but Arata was never once to sugarcoat things.

"Sorry, I'm not exactly helping am I?" Arata tugged at his earring. He quickly decided to change the subject. "How are you feeling? Things seemed pretty bad back there." He's probably not feeling any better Arata, thanks to your encouraging words.

shattered said:


She was soon asked whether or not that they should stay till Kou woke up. Why wouldn't she stay? Kou wasn't exactly her friend, but they were someone she did care about. Well, technically she cared about most anyone in the classroom...minus a few people. "Okay, that sounds fine." She replied to the first part. "I think it's better to stay. You know, to make sure they are going to be okay?" Though seeing how uncomfortable Ryouta looked in the room, maybe it was best to leave? Ryouta didn't seem to care for Kou anyways. "But I mean, if you're desperate to leave, then let's."

'Dammit... now she must think i'm deserate to leave this kid... i mean... i WANT to leave but i dont want to go... ah shit.... what now?' He blew some hair away from his eyes and tapped his foot and crossed his arms, "Well... uhh... to be honest- i dont really care i mean... it's whatever you want i guess... I don't mind whichever... i just hope we dont get school tomorrow because of what happened..." he lied and stretched. Hopefully... this was convincing?
Kona walked towards the others he saw them talking to each other he looked at them as if he was suddnly normal "we can't let this happen any longer i already punished myself for my insulence" he said raiseing his bloddy knuckle. He then continued to look at the others. Wondering who would say something "we need to find out the causes of these death's and fast if not we will all die." he said as he looked around seeing who was around him. He got out his peace of paper and crossed of "now evryone please tell me your entire past that should get us started" he said as he got more papper out



Her brow furrowed in confusion...she really couldn't figure out this guy. Did he really care about Kou or not? In fact, did it even matter? She was merely here because of Kou not him. And Tsubasa was only accepting his offer because it was considered respectful. It's not like she actually cared much about Ryouta. Or well, that's what she kept telling herself. "Um...I suppose we could leave now. Surely Kou will be okay...their just a little shocked about what's happened. That's all."


t i m e s k i p

It is the next week at school. The corpse has been removed and students attended her funeral. Today is Monday, just before class starts.

All characters should now either be in the classroom or heading into the classroom. I'll leave
one full day(24 hours), for your characters to talk and bond before starting the class. You are required to post once or more within that time or you'll be considered inactive and risk extermination.

@Peppermint @Despairingly Lucky @Noblesse


Rain trickled down the closed glass windows in Class 4-B, giving off a gloomy atmosphere...as if it already wasn't gloomy enough in the room. With Miori recently deceased, Miss Yui and the rest of the class had begun to realize that this curse was very real and dangerous. This caused several students to spiral in despair, acting very frightened when at school. Just like the rest, Miss Yui was also frightened, but she needed to keep up the happy attitude in order to cheer up all of her students. Their depressed faces definetly didn't make it easy for her to teach... Hopefully today would be a much better day for them? Of course, that probably wasn't true. But seeing how there hadn't been a death in nearly five days, maybe that would help calm down the students? Showing them that the curse may not be real after all?

With a small sigh and a shake of the head, Miss Yui sat at her teacher's desk. She watched with a close eye as the students piled in, observing their expressions and behavior. Some fellow shipped with others while others strayed away from people.
Kou was upset today, for many reasons, but the rain brought some comfort to them. The past week had not been the best one-- they found out that Ryouta had take them to the infirmary when what Kou wanted the most was to stay away from that guy. Then a student died-- horribly as well, and to top it off, Kou's mother started acting up again and because of yesterday's beating, had left them with new bruises. Kou thought it would be fine, that they could simply hide them like they always did with long sleeves and jeans, but no. This time-- their mom chose the worst place possible for the mark-- Kou's mother bequeathed to them, and extemely noticeable black eye. It brought panic to Kou, it was going to be hard to hide since their hair wasn't the longest to hide it with, so they would have to stick to some excuse, they just hoped that they wouldn't get found out eventually

It's gonna be okay... Just say you fell on a rock or something... No that's stupid... Uh... How about a door? No, just say you got with the car door-- yeah... That's good. ((anyone~))
Ryuu walked to the classroom on his own and quietly entered. He sat down on his designated desk and looked out at the rain as he nibbled on some licorice. '...A week has passed..... How am I suppose to react to this? The curse is real... Does this mean I'm going to die?' He wondered as he pulled out another licorice stick and started to eat that one. 'What luck...I escape one hell hole only to end up in another...' He let out a sigh as he ran one hand through his hair something he only did when he was worried, and right now with the possibility of dying at any moment...I'd say he is pretty worried. He moved his hand from his hair and looked around keeping a rather blank look instead of a grin or a smirk he may use at times. @Anyone
Lelle opened and slammed the door closed, dredging into the room and slumping into his seat. His emotions seemed to twist from conflicted, to angered, to plain depression. It felt completely empty being here, and as he expected, no response from his parents. They either thought he was crazy or didn't care. Or both. It's usually both...

He took the pen out of his pocket and bit at it of a complete nervous tick. Why was he still here? Why didn't he just leave or run? He could do so right now and no one would notice...

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