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Realistic or Modern The Mystery of Aomori High

"T-this is impossible!"

The words stumbled out of Satoshi's mouth leaving him at a state of disbelief. So the curse
was real. And every single one of them were endangered. His fists clenched at this thought. No...He couldn't let anyone else die.

"Guess this proves...the curse is real. Narukami, was it? You're new here right?"

@Despairingly Lucky

"SHE'S DEAD DON'T YOU GET THAT AND IF WE DON'T FIND OUT WHO'S THE REAL DEAD PERSON WERE NEXT.... we have to send the dead back to death" he said looking seriuse he then looked at yuna. he walked towards her he was very concerned for the class but to her in perticuler. He begun to look at her "evrything's going to be ok you hear me. Evrything is going to be ok" he said looking at her as he then put a hand on her cheek. He knew she was a lesbian but he couldnt help but fall for her. He has been frainds with ehr for a long time and if she died he would have nothing to live for.

@seiko shinohara
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Lelle covered his face. He didn't want to see any of it. He didn't want to hear any of it. He didn't want to believe it. But he knew the second he saw blood that this was no play, nor a stage. He could feel tears start to run down his face; he was terrified, and ridden with grief. He could've done something, if he just payed attention or at least glanced at her. Good job, genius, you're just a pansy. A baby in adolescent clothing. A shame.

That, of course made him feel no better as his sobs uncontrollably increased in volume and he retracted into a fetal position.

Was it really the curse? It made sense but it could always be a freak accident... Regardless... it was safer to assume it was the curse. Keeping my guard up will prove as useful...

Tatsuya looked over the the boy and nodded, letting go of his gangs and nodding,

"Yeah, That's me. Tatsuya Narukami. I am new here. You would have seen me sooner but... I was busy with my own things..."

He blushed a bit, even though he never admitted what it was he was doing. It was also out of place because, well,

A student DID die just a few moments earlier... Though Narukami was always a odd kid,

"It's a shame someone died... Damned curse... I don't want to sound odd but... Should we investigate further into the curse, or even this incident?"

Narukami asked, seeming unfazed by the killing. Despite how he actually felt on the inside,

He had to put those feelings to the said as they'd only get in the way of seeming anything else.


(Just for anyone, Narukami is Tatsuya's last name, It's just better sounding than his first name
xD )

Satoshi allowed a small sigh to leave his lips, as his hand ran through his hair.

"Sorry Narukami, I wouldn't suggest looking into it. This curse...it doesn't like people to interfere with it. Besides, there's not too much point in investigation. We already know that the curse is behind this....there's nothing more we can do."

He admitted, his lips still curved into a slight frown.

"And I'm Tayaka, by the way. Satoshi Tayaka."

@Despairingly Lucky​

"That's not what I meant..."

Narukami sighed and pulled on his bangs, closing his eye's. he meant to think it but it escaped his lips.

He let go of his bangs and opened his eye's, he looked at the boy standing to his side and smirked,

"Nice to meet you, Tayaka-san."

Narukami said and extended his hand for a handshake,

Looking at him in anticipation.

Yuna pushed his hand away and wandered out of the cafeteria crying, she headed straight for the girls bathroom. Yuna entered the room, turning on a faucet and splashing her face with cold water, then she looked in the mirror. "None of them tried to help, all kona did was talk about the curse, no one panicked or even tried to save her, all they did was stare at her body, until she bled out. If I had been there sooner maybe she would still be alive?" Yuna then walked back to the cafeteria.
Wow. So, everyone was freaking out. Maybe he should be freaking out. Nah, the moment was gone for him- it would look way weird if he freaked out after not freaking out. Freak factor increased by five. Oops. Already a freak. And a creep. The blood was fascinating, though. The guy that sat next to him in class went over and flipped her over. Apparently he thought she was faking. Apparently not. It would have been nice, he guessed, but it had looked pretty real, and it was doubtful it was movie magic considering that the girl was right there when it happened. Like, shock of life- girl can't do full body makeup in a few seconds while not being seen, am I right?

One kid was even in the back screaming- not even the same way everyone else was screaming, full out psycho screaming. Beautiful. Kevin sighed, and figured he wasn't really hungry anyways, and he might as well at least try not to look like a creep. Too bad he had no idea how to do that... Oops.
Ryouta glanced up at Tsubasa and nodded, please, go get ms. Yui, or do you know where the nurse is? Maybe I can take Kou there... Oh god... H--" Ryouta stops and picks Kou up princess style, and waits for Tubasa to lead him to the nurses office, "Ive seen them have these before, I've brought Kou there before, the nurse knows what to do."

Of course, give him air and pump their chest so they can breathe again and wake up, that's how... I just don't know or have the skill to do that... Last time I tried I almost...

Reiko's eyes slowly scanned the cafeteria at her fellow classmates: some were hysterical while others were just as shocked as her. Wordlessly, she got up from her seat and headed to the cafeteria doors to escape the commotion, as well as find an adult to deal with the situation. She was probably in shock that a fellow classmate, a friend, has died right before her eyes.

She walked through the halls to the teacher's room, wondering if Ms. Yui was in there, or maybe she was back in the classroom. However, Reiko decided to check the teacher's lounge first, the sound of hysteria from the cafeteria still can be heard. She slid open the door and poked her head in. "Ms. Yui, are you in here? We have a situation."



Her head made a slight nodding motion. "I know where the nurse's station is." She replied even though her voice still wavered from the shock of what was all happening around her. She couldn't let this get to her though. She needed to act strong...She had to act unaffected, for the sake of the others. Tsubasa gestured for Ryouta to follow her, "This way." She quickly proceeded out of the cafeteria, heading to the nurse's office. Luckily it wasn't too far from where they were at. "Lay them on the bed." Her finger pointed to the bed in the room. Thank the gods that there happened to be a nurse here. "What happened?!" The worried voice of the woman spoke. @Lluviel

Miss Yui

The young woman sat on one of the chair's located in the teacher's lounge while she conversed with the others who were on break. Slide! The noise of the door opening cut her attention short. "Reiko-san?" She questioned, raising a brow. Students knew better than to head to the teacher's lounge during break. It would be inconsiderate if they did. So seeing Reiko here only made it obvious something drastic had happened.

Reiko-san, are you alright? What's happened?" Yui asked, rising from her seat. "More importantly, is everyone else alright?" A sick feeling made itself known in her stomach. Something telling her that not everyone was alright. @Rise
o0Kanra0o said:


Her head made a slight nodding motion. "I know where the nurse's station is." She replied even though her voice still wavered from the shock of what was all happening around her. She couldn't let this get to her though. She needed to act strong...She had to act unaffected, for the sake of the others. Tsubasa gestured for Ryouta to follow her, "This way." She quickly proceeded out of the cafeteria, heading to the nurse's office. Luckily it wasn't too far from where they were at. "Lay them on the bed." Her finger pointed to the bed in the room. Thank the gods that there happened to be a nurse here. "What happened?!" The worried voice of the woman spoke. @Lluviel

Miss Yui

The young woman sat on one of the chair's located in the teacher's lounge while she conversed with the others who were on break. Slide! The noise of the door opening cut her attention short. "Reiko-san?" She questioned, raising a brow. Students knew better than to head to the teacher's lounge during break. It would be inconsiderate if they did. So seeing Reiko here only made it obvious something drastic had happened.

Reiko-san, are you alright? What's happened?" Yui asked, rising from her seat. "More importantly, is everyone else alright?" A sick feeling made itself known in her stomach. Something telling her that not everyone was alright. @Rise
Ryouta lay Kou down on the bed gently, a hint of worry in his panicked eyes and nodded at Tsubasa thankfully and said to the nurse, "Kou got scared! Someone got stabbed right in the throat and when Kou saw it... This happened... I think Kou's losing breath though... If we don't get h-- them some air fast then he could wake up to a seizure or spaztic attack!"

((shit I forgot the rule! Sorry!))

Tayaka blinked in confusion. San. That...That was the wrong honorific. But he figured not to let that bother him.

After all, someone basically died before their eyes...why worry about the honorific when you should be worrying about this scene?

"I would say it's nice to meet you as well...just not under these circumstances."

He replied.

"Now what exactly
did you mean?"

@Despairingly Lucky

Ryuu stared at the corpse completely unsure as to what he should do. Some students screamed and ran to get teachers, other's fainted, a few vomited (including himself), while the rest stared at the corpse in shock or whatever they were feeling. "This...I want to say this is a coincidence, but she acted like she was possessed! I-I'm going to find a teacher." He muttered before running off. As he left the cafeteria he glanced at the corpse again and once again felt sick to his stomach. He closed his eyes and sprinted out trying to erase the ugly sight, the sickening smell, the panicked screams he heard. He kept running till he saw miss Yui and another student with her.

He tired to keep his cool, but worry was over his face as well as sadness. "M-Miss Yui...it's Moriki...sh-she..d-dead." He said his voice showing genuine sadness.

Reiko bowed her head, remembering that students weren't allowed in the teacher's lounge. "Forgive me, sensei, but something happened. Something bad..." Her mind seemed to be elsewhere and her head was a bit foggy, she felt pretty out of it. Everything happened too quickly. And not to mention the irony between what was supposed to be a harmless rumor was becoming a reality.

Reiko shook her head at her teacher's question. "I'm alright, but Miori-san isn't. You need to call an ambulance before you go to the cafeteria." Reiko didn't mention the reason why, feeling that the teacher should be completely calm and not hysterical like the rest, then turned on her heel before she walked away. It scared her how calm she was being over the situation, though on the inside she can feel herself falling apart. Please let this be a dream. Please... Only when it sinks in a bit further will she react appropriately, and she can feel it within her chest.

Apollo said:

Tayaka blinked in confusion. San. That...That was the wrong honorific. But he figured not to let that bother him.

After all, someone basically died before their eyes...why worry about the honorific when you should be worrying about this scene?

"I would say it's nice to meet you as well...just not under these circumstances."

He replied.

"Now what exactly
did you mean?"

@Despairingly Lucky

"It's nothing... just forget I brought it up..."

Narukami sighed, tugging on his hair, he looked over at the body. Glaring,

what was to be done now? Just clean up the body? then what happens?

"Tayaka-san... What... What goes on now...?... I mean... She died in front of us... What... What do we do?"

He asked. seeing as the odd way he behaved around dead bodies made him seem on he

let some emotion's he was holding back flow through. Despite how useless it was to him he didn't want himself

to be shunned or have his standing tainted due to not seeming afraid near the body.

Miss Yui

Her face held a confused expression upon hearing Reiko's words. Call an ambulance first? Her hands held onto her light pink cell phone, getting ready to flip it open when Ryuu darted in the room. She didn't even have time to address him before receiving the awful news. Yui felt her stomach sink as her face soon became distraught. Miori...was...dead?

No, no, no! This could
not be happening! The curse wasn't real! It couldn't be! A sigh left her soft lips, trying to force herself to calm down. No, I can't act like this. I need to be okay, for the students. "T-thank you for informing me, Ryuu-kun. Please watch the other students while I call for help." Opening her phone, her thumbs soon dialed the numbers 119 for emergency. Her wavering voice explained to the people on the other end just what had happened.

As soon as the call ended, the teacher quickly made her way to the cafeteria only to find the horrifying sight. "
...no....this...this can't be." @Rise @Peaceswore


The nurse nodded, quickly getting to work on saving the student's life. While the nurse worked, Tsubasa glanced over at Ryouta. Strange...He acted different now than he had did earlier in class. Like his personality suddenly did an eighty-degree turn. That once jerk seemed to care for the life of Kou. "They'll be alright...won't they?" She asked the male. "And you're alright too...? After witnessing...what happened?" @Lluviel
Ryuu followed Yui to the cafeteria though he was hesitant to enter it again. "I-I think if I see her again, I wil vomit...again." He muttered before he realized he left his bag in the cafeteria. He would have left it, but his wallet, key, sweets, and sodas were in there, so he had no choice. He took a deep breath and entered he tried to ignore her corpse, but once he grabbed his bag and turned to leave. He couldn't help but stare at it before closing his eyes and looking away. "Damn it...why is this even happening?" He mumbled as he tried not to act any weaker then he already has.
Two kids carried the one that had passed out out of the room. He had thought it wasn't that bad- oops. Well, he guessed it was kinda that bad in other areas, but he hadn't realized how bad that one kid passing out was. Oh, the teacher was in the room. She didn't seem to understand the situation very well, did she? Should he say something? Nah, hadn't people gone off out of the room? Someone must've told her, he was sure it was fine. Wait. Did this mean the curse was real? It made sense if things like this were why people were superstitious- one death isn't much, but a whole lot of accidental deaths with a location in common? Totally suspicious. That meant he could die, though. He wasn't ready to die, no matter how much death interested him. It could happen though.

He wished he had some idea of what to do, but all he could feel was a sense of calm, with not a single worry in the world. Funny how a sense of encroaching, unstoppable death did that some times. He closed his eyes and took a seat again, accepting that he might very well die.
shattered said:
Miss Yui
Her face held a confused expression upon hearing Reiko's words. Call an ambulance first? Her hands held onto her light pink cell phone, getting ready to flip it open when Ryuu darted in the room. She didn't even have time to address him before receiving the awful news. Yui felt her stomach sink as her face soon became distraught. Miori...was...dead?

No, no, no! This could
not be happening! The curse wasn't real! It couldn't be! A sigh left her soft lips, trying to force herself to calm down. No, I can't act like this. I need to be okay, for the students. "T-thank you for informing me, Ryuu-kun. Please watch the other students while I call for help." Opening her phone, her thumbs soon dialed the numbers 119 for emergency. Her wavering voice explained to the people on the other end just what had happened.

As soon as the call ended, the teacher quickly made her way to the cafeteria only to find the horrifying sight. "
...no....this...this can't be." @Rise @Peaceswore


The nurse nodded, quickly getting to work on saving the student's life. While the nurse worked, Tsubasa glanced over at Ryouta. Strange...He acted different now than he had did earlier in class. Like his personality suddenly did an eighty-degree turn. That once jerk seemed to care for the life of Kou. "They'll be alright...won't they?" She asked the male. "And you're alright too...? After witnessing...what happened?" @Lluviel
"Y-yeah I'm alright! But that chick in the cafeteria with a fucking blade in her throat isn't! And Goddamn! Kou couldn't been so much worse if they hadn't knocked themselves out in time...." his voice faltered, and realizing how he sounded, he turned a bit red in the cheeks and turned away, crossing his arms, "But don't take it the wrong way! I don't care about that kid or anything but im gonna be held responsible or sued if their parents think IM the one who caused the panic attack since they--" he stopped and huffed, realizing how idiot he must have sounded, just rambling with no piece of right mind in his words, "Whatever..... well... thanks I guess... I mean... this school is practically a labyrinth for me, so if you hadn't helped me over here... I might have never made it here I guess..." Ryouta's eyes looked away, and stared at Kou, who seemed to be breathing normally again, "thank fuck..."
Once Arata's initial shock faded away, he immediately sprang into action, using his phone to dial 119. Someone had just died in front of him, and even though he didn't know the girl very well, he felt tears threaten to spring out of his eyes. As he looked around the cafeteria, the scene was too much. So many people were in hysterics, while others were just standing there in shock, as he had been doing.

When an operator picked up, Arata tried his best to keep his voice steady as he described the scene that had just played out. He swallowed, hard, before speaking, urging his voice not to crack.
Perhaps...perhaps there is a chance that she could survive this, he hopelessly reassured himself as the operator promised help was on it's way. Looking around once more, he noticed that others had taken action as well. Hopefully, a few had run off to get Miss Yui. However, he didn't have to hope for too long because soon he noticed her walk into the room, obviously disturbed by the gruesome sight.

Quickly, Arata searched his mind, trying to decide what course of action to take next. He felt completely helpless as his eyes focused on the sight of Mirori, still bleeding on the ground. It wasn't until he tasted the salt of warm tears on his lips that he realized that he had started crying. He cursed, lifting his glasses up and vigorously rubbing away the tears.
Shit. Stop that, Arata. You didn't even know her, he told himself, but it was hopeless. The mix of fear, anxiety, and shock had gotten to him. It was too much; everything was too much. Arata wanted to run, but that wouldn't help. It wasn't just a problem he could just run away from. No, he thought, if I run that isn't going to change the fact that a girl has died, and it was probably from the shitty curse. There was nothing running could do at this point. He had to face this problem; he had to face it head on. But how?

First, he had to stop crying. He took in several shaky breaths as he tried to calm himself down, wiping away his tears once more. It was never more than few tears, but Arata knew that if he had tried to speak at that time, he would have completely lost it. Arata was't a strong person, and he knew that. He never would be, no matter how much he tried to hide it, but--he could try. He had to be strong right now. Still not sure what to do, he walked up to Miss Yui, a lump in his throat that threatened tears at any given moment.

"Miss Yui," he started hopelessly, knowing that she was just as lost as he was, "what should we do?" He internally cursed at how his voice had cracked on the last word, mad at how weak he was being in front of others. Still, what else could he have done? He felt so helpless; he needed to do something.



When the male first began to speak, she thought she had heard some concern in his voice for Kou and Miori. But the way he tried defending his actions made his concern quite obvious. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she had made him out to be? That, or the stress and anxiety had gotten to him. Though part of her was assuming his defense was made because it was true. Even with that being said, she couldn't help but smile ever so lightly do to his reactions.

Tsubasa honestly didn't know what to think of Ryouta. Upon their first meet, she had seen him act like a jerk and assumed that's who he was. But now...she wasn't too sure what to think of him. "
O-oh. Erm, don't worry about it. This is school is a bit of a maze anyways..." She admitted, her face holding a small yet forced smile. "But um..." Her words faltered for a second, "You know, it's okay to be generally concerned for someone every once in a while. It won't make you look weak or anything." Realizing she had just said that out loud, she quickly shook her head as blush soon filled her cheeks. "Er! That's only an opinion though!" @Lluviel

Miss Yui

Yui's body stood at the opening to the cafeteria, not being able to move in shock of what she had seen. She had an awful feeling in her stomach, one where she wanted to puke and cry, but couldn't. Her body just wouldn't allow her to do that. Instead, she could feel her body shaking slightly. No...I have to calm down. Being scared over this would not help the situation. It would only show the kids just how scared she was and might even make matters worse.

Miss Yui, what should we do." Arata's voice snapped Yui back into reality. She opened her mouth to speak, though no words came out. Had she lost the ability to speak as well? No. She couldn't think like this! Everything would be fine.

I...I'm sorry..." The words soon drifted from her mouth. "Arata-san, I....I'm not too sure. But first things first, we need to calm down. Nothing will or can be accomplished when everyone is struck by fear." She looked over at the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright? If you aren't feeling too well, it's alright to take a seat. The response team will get here shortly..." @custom
"Calm down? She just killed herself. With no warning as if she were possessed. I didn't know her well, but this..." He said as he looked at her body before taking a deep breath and looking at Miss. Yui. "She didn't have this coming. The curse, it's real...isn't it?" Ryuu asked as he ran his hand through his hair trying to figure out what the hades he should do. 'What is going to happen? Someone just killed themselves on school property. Is there going to be an investigation? Or are they ruling it as a suicide? Though what else can they rule it as? Police and trials won't believe in curses....Damn it what the hell!' He wondered unknowingly shaking in fear. 'Is there going to be more deaths? Am I next? How are high schoolers suppose to deal with this! I-I feel sick again.' @shattered
"She didn't kill herself! She was too scared to, look at the way her head is positioned aswell as the knife. The knife is stuck up and she fell on it And she's still bleeding." Yuna was quite annoyed that Ryuu was suggesting that she killed her self on purpose. "Now do you understand? This is what I tried to warn you all of. Maybe she'd still be alive if you had all listened." "So do any of you deny the fact that you sort of feel responsible? And don't any of you dare say this was a couinsidence, or some sort of accident" Yuna was not sure how people would respond.
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