The Mutants


From Dusk till Dawn
Mutant Name:(If you don't know one leave it blank)

Civilian Name:





Tattoo/ Birthmark:


Powers and abilities:(remember only 2)

Draw Back:(Every power has one)


Mutant Name:Dark Rosa

Civilian Name:Ruby Carter





Tattoo/ Birthmark: Its A Tattoo of a Butterfly


When Ruby was 5 she always think that she can be a superhero Just like Batman and Robin. So when Ruby was 10 she started to train her fighting skill at a place where no one even new was real. Ruby always comes home late because she was training her fighting which what she call Power. One Night When her parents went to go out she was home by herself and she went to her place where she trains and she was train how to trows knifes at things. When she came home for the Window the Police Knocked on the door and said " We are very sorry for your loss". They asked her if she has anyone home that can take care of her she said Yes her grandmother and her police took off. However, She lied so she cant be taking away. She was very angry she drop every piece of thing in the house and she cried and when she looked out the Window and she saw a Beautiful Light and it was shine on her and she became weird and fainted.

The next morning when she woke up her head was hurting a lot. When she went to the bathroom to wash her hands the water was not turning on and she got mad and turned it to ice. She was Stocked and then when she touch it again the ice melted. Then when her breakfast was cold she was mad and think of fire and it was on fire. She was Weird out but she got used to it at the age 14. She was training her powers everyday. She still went to school and all but after school she goes straight to her hide shot and trains her powers. She can now know how to control her fire and ice power and her power of touching people making them think what she thinks and turn people in her slave.

When She turn 16 she made who own costume where she can fight. It was a white dress with a nice little rip down her Leg and the top had laces all over it and she made a mask with black and white deigns. When she went to school one day some girl was making fun of her because she was a loser with no friends at all. Then A guy came to help her and she just walked away like nothing happen. And After school the boy came back to her when she was waiting for her bus to come The boy said "No thank you I helped you know" I didn't need help said Ruby and when the buss came the boy said My name is Sam. Before she walked in the bus she said Ruby my name is Ruby and then she left to go train her fighting.

Powers and abilities:

When It comes to Ruby's Powers and Abilities well She is able to make people think what she wants them to think By one touch. For example, She can make you kill yourself by think about it and then they will do it let her tell the person to go get hit by a car they will do it. Her Abilities are that she is able to make people become her slave forever. However she does use that ability Much. And she is a Shape Sifter

Draw Back:

Ruby's Drawback is that When she changes in to her form all she can think off is blood and to kill. When Ruby sees anything that reminds her of her Mother she would forget what she is doing and she will go crazy and will try anything to get her what's she needs. Also holy water well make her burn and makes her stop and run away turn back to her Normal form not remembering nothing

This is Me

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Mutant Name:

Civilian Name: Felicity Black

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-1.jpeg.7721bacf64fcfa0e65729534192e7a89.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-1.jpeg.7721bacf64fcfa0e65729534192e7a89.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Normal:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.75d2566ade9ec1f7e4c7255e75d321ea.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.75d2566ade9ec1f7e4c7255e75d321ea.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tattoo: A tattoo of a tribal style bat

Bio: Felicity slowly gained her powers at a young age. The first was mirror manipulation. When Felicity was only four, she walked up to her mirror in her bedroom. She tripped on the way and instead of falling onto the mirror and breaking it, she fall into the mirror. When she did, she disappeared from view and no one could find her. Her parents called the police because she was gone for hours. But finally she appeared again. When they asked where she had gone, she said into the mirror. Her parents laughed thinking it was a joke. But Felicity kept insisting she could walk into the mirror, and soon both parents were concerned. They told her to never speak of mirrors and she didn't.

The second power came on her 9th birthday. Felicity had been sent to her room so that she wouldn't see the surprise until her family was ready. Of coarse, se was excited and tried imagining what the surprise was. And her imaginations became vivid. She imagined a beagle puppy.It soon appeared.She squealed and tried to hold the puppy,but her hands flew through. She became very confused.

"Why can't I touch you little doggie?"Felicity asked.

The dog replied," I am a illusion you created. Anyone can see me,but no one may touch me." It sat down and scratched its ear with a hind leg.

"Oh, I see. Anything else puppy?"Felicity asked repressing the urge to pet the dog.

"Yes, as long as no one knows your imagination is an illusion, they will believe in the illusion."He answered.

The real surprise turned out to be a barbie doll, which Felicity took no interest in. She imagined many things, and soon her parents became frightened. They called her a freak and ran away, leaving young Felicity behind. She learned to feed herself and to use her powers only for good. She was adopted by a friend's mother at age 10 and she lived there ever since. But she never said a word about mirror's or illusions. She practices her powers in her mirrors whenever she has the time.

Powers and Abilities: Mirror manipulation, she may walk into a mirror. Behind the mirror is a blank space which Felicity calls Storage. She can't see anything outside the mirror or entry way unless if she sticks her head out. Her second is Illusion Manipulations, were she may imagine an object or living thing and as long as anyone else doesn't know that it's an illusion it is real to them. example she imagines a angry cat illusion, the small boy next to her would probably yell and cry if he see's the cat scratch him. If Felicity becomes strong enough and the boy is scared enough, he will feel the pain of the cat's claws.

Draw Back: If someone breaks the mirror Felicity is in, she is doomed to be stuck in the Storage unless if the mirror is replaced in the same spot or wall. And for the Illusion Manipulation, as long as someone knows that the image is fake, they will see Felicity in her Mutant form and the image will either disappear or just be a hallucination. A way to see the Illusion for what it is, is if Felicity forgets a detail,like a shadow.

This is Me. 
Hmmm sounds fun! Thanks, I'll go ahead and look for it :D



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Mutant Name: Clang

Civilian Name: Dende Cortsten

Age: 15

Gender: Male



Tattoo/ Birthmark: A half opened geode

Bio: Dende had always loved digging. His times at the schoolyard were always spent in the sandbox, constructing castles and monuments with plastic shovels and care. He lived a normal life of playgrounds and sugary cereal up to the age of eight, when he found his powers.

He was alone at home in the backyard, digging in a part of the yard still untouched by his shovel. About a foot into the hole, he found a large metal lockbox, which was quickly unearthed. To him, he had discovered ancient pirate treasure. After opening the box, he only found himself falling into the dirt beneath his feet. When he woke up, he was laying on a hospital bed, a metal tray of food in front of him. His stomach grumbled. He threw the food off the tray and ate every shred of metal in front of his face. He waited on his bed for someone to show up. Eventually, men in big black suits were standing by him the next time he woke up. They told him his parents were dead, and that they were there to give him a new home.

The car ride lasted for half the day, and the men in suits weren't too interested in talking. The long ride took him to a small town in the middle of Nevada. He met his new dad, a car mechanic, and his new mom, a "special child specialist." What he discovered about himself was remarkable to his mom, and quite useful to his dad. He could eat any metal on the periodic table and suffer no ill effects, as well as make it come out of any pore of his body. He loved giving himself armor and pretending he was a knight saving a princess as he jumped through walls of flame, lifted heavy objects, and ate "new and exciting alloys" in the playground his mom had underground.

Now he's helping his dad out in the shop when not going through what he now recognizes as training from his mom. He loves both of his new parents as kin, but still wonders if his real parents are out there somewhere.

Powers and abilities: Metal ingestion and excretion through any pore. Small amount of density control that can't be used on himself.

Draw Back: His metal excretion makes him bald in every part of his body, and he is continuously very dense. He is the max load of an elevator, and most cars and small boats capsize with him in it. He has his own motorcycle which his mom and dad helped him make, but he can't always take it everywhere since he isn't licensed. He can't swim or even walk on fine sand without sinking. Though he can make objects lighter of heavier, doing so on people or other living things had led to ill side effects, and doing so requires intense concentration.

(This is me)



Name: Charlotte Leslie Ryan (Chuck)

Age: 15

Powers: Enhanced strength and agility. She also has some regenerative capabilities.

Personality: Her mutation hardly noticeable in comparison to that of most mutants, she makes the most of the abilities she has by knowing how to use them. She is highly resourceful and intelligent, though she doesn't usually boast her mental capabilities. She has such a thirst to prove herself among more powerful mutants that she gets lost in her competitive nature. She is sharp tongued and coarse, not hesitant to push the boundaries with her peers. She has a playful satirical sense of humor. She can be bossy, blunt and rude, but she has a fierce and passionate loyalty in her.

Bio/History: Nick named 'Chuck' by her older brothers were born in northern England, but after moving to America, grew up on the coast of Maine with her alcoholic mother, nurturing father and two older brothers. The docks and scenic bay area were all she knew, and would always remind her of childhood. She'd always been an athletic girl, and despite her porcelain scrawny appearance, she'd always been a bit unaware of her own strength. Her mutation developed quickly, but in her young age it was quite hard to tell whether she was abnormally strong, or just highly athletic. Her parents put her in a martial arts class to channel her competitive athleticism. She would sometimes get into fights with her oldest brother, or some of the boys at school, often to test her own strength as far as her competitive nature would let her go. As she grew older, the bond between her and her siblings strengthened as her mother’s alcoholism got worse. Their father worked often to support the family, and it was hard for him when their mom would spend much of their money on drinks, but the kids were often left alone with their mother, Charlotte specifically after her brothers had gone off to college. Nasty fights broke out between the two. She suffered some mild domestic abuse at times but to Chuck it wasn’t the physical part that bothered her.

When she entered high school, she was hit by a car while biking to school, and recovered in less than half normal time at the hospital. It was then that they finally ‘diagnosed’ her a mutant. It was then that her mother had her sent off to the academy. They were both mutually in agreement that this was the best place for her, and she's been comfortable here ever since.

Skills: Martial artist, weapons and intelligence expert.

Other: This is me
Mutant Name: Lucifer

Civilian Name: Tony Holmes

Age: 16

Gender: Male


and a Leather suit with a black trench coat


Tattoo/ Birthmark: A Dragon over his right shoulder that trails down his arm so its tail is on his wrist

Bio: Tony was abandoned at a young age by his parents, and was adopted by a abusive family. It is this reason that he has multiple scars on his body. He managed to escape, and now lives far away from them.

Powers and abilities: Flight and Ice Manipulation

Draw Back: Heat can make him ill

This is me
Mutant Name:

Civilian Name:
Mardak Thiaflihm

Age: 20

Gender: Male



Tattoo/ Birthmark:
(On the right side of the chest)



Mardak is the only son of a billionaire businessman. His father is famous for being ruthless and cold hearted, the architect of many hostile takeovers that cost a lot of people their jobs. His mother, due to a sudden heart failure, died while he was still young. His father didn't have much time to spend with him so Mardak was left mostly on his own. It was during this time, at the age of 10, that Mardak realised he had the ability to create small force fields. He kept his abilities under wraps and kept practising in secret.

Mardak had always loved sword fighting, his father hired the great swordmaster Salvatore Fabris to train him. During this time Mardak also mastered various martial arts and learned to use his various skills in a mixture with his force field ability.

Despite spending his whole life under the influence of his father, Mardak could not be more different from him. He always thought of the greater good and believed in grand acts of good were the way to keep our world from falling apart.

Powers and abilities:

  • Immune to mind control, suggestive powers and other telepathic manipulation.
  • Can create little wall sections of force fields.


  • Suffers from extreme headaches when eyes are exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The force fields aren't indestructible and knock Mardak out when they break.

This is me.
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Mutant Name:

Civilian Name: Blair McIntyre

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Attached picture. Long black hair, bangs, red eyes. Attached picture.

Normal: Same.

Tattoo/ Birthmark: An ace of spades on the back of her neck.

Bio: She never knew her parents, she was abandoned at an orphanage when she was one. When she turned twelve, she ran away and lived on the streets for the next two years. She ran away because she noticed her powers beginning to develop.

She's friendly and nice to people, but at the same time, she's quiet and a little reserved. She's always observing her surroundings and paying attention to what people say. She is very smart.

Powers and abilities: She can control decks of cards, like telekinesis, but ONLY with cards. She can also see the future, but only in snippets.

Draw Back: Being able to see the future gives her terrible headaches, and they can put her out for hours, depending on the severity and how much of the future she was able to glimpse. Because of her card abilities, if she gets burned in any way, her injuries are much more severe.

This is me.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blair.jpg.2d13a75f704b7117b9920ebe1e265a27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blair.jpg.2d13a75f704b7117b9920ebe1e265a27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mutate name: Cobra

Civilan name: Jacob Ra

age: 21

Gender: male

apperence Toned, black mop of hair, eyepatch over left eye,right eye is a snake eye

Tattoo: king cobra tail starting at navel then winding around back over his right sholder and ending on his chest

Bio: born in a small Texas town. At a young age he got bit by a snake the poision damaged his left eye. The bite triggered his dormant abilites

abilites: immune to most natural nurotoxins and other poisions, generates (and obvesly immune)his own hallusiginetic naturally

drawbacks: all man made poisions can harm him, if he gets sick ( and he can get sick) he can't do much of anything.

this is me 
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Mutant Name: Raven

Civilian Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 18

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd320dcde59521c234b01af462c0fdf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd320dcde59521c234b01af462c0fdf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.5db104dca5ae306872bb0624f069ae63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.5db104dca5ae306872bb0624f069ae63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tattoo/ Birthmark:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.f9c7a562e102b14afa11b30970811822.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.f9c7a562e102b14afa11b30970811822.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elizabeth lived a happy life while she was a little girl. She had a loving family, a wealthy Life and she was completely happy until her father died and her mother married another guy. The guy was a criminal and he found out about ElIzabeths powers when she started to develop them when she was 11. He manipulated Elizabeth to make crimes for him or he would kill her mother, Elizabeth attacked her step father when she was about to rob a bank and he is currently in jail.

Powers and abilities:dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can create, shape and control dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks, dark energy force fields and fly by riding dark energy.

Shadow Powers: Elizabeth can transform into a shadow any time she wants, when she is a shadow she is completely invisible and can run really fast

Draw Back: she is not very good with water and she can grow tired after being a shadow for too long<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1ae14a6fe47aaaf52943bec1f9286039.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.1ae14a6fe47aaaf52943bec1f9286039.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.d6365e8951fb0d7235910f4f46a3c7a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.d6365e8951fb0d7235910f4f46a3c7a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mutant Name:

Civilian Name: Greg Harris

Age: 142 (Looks 16)

Gender: Male





Tattoo/ Birthmark: A dove flying out of a skull, lower neck

Bio: Over one hundred years ago, Gregory Harris was swimming in a lake by himself when his foot got caught on a rope at the bottom as he was diving. He was unable to get himself loose, and felt himself slip away into death as his breath floated to the surface.

He woke up with a start laying underneath the big tree right next to the lake. He was alive, and he couldn't find anyone to thank. He went to go find his normal clothes and he saw, without a doubt, his body floating across the lake to the beach.

Since then he hasn't aged, hasn't died, hasn't even had as much as a cough. He had gotten the ideal immune system and keeps waking up somewhere else after every lethal encounter.

Powers and abilities: Whenever he dies, he wakes up somewhere close by (within five miles) where no one is observing. Complete immunity to the most hardened bacteria and viruses.

Draw Back:(Every power has one) Pain is still able to be felt. he can still be locked or contained in some way. Poisons and other non-organic stuff is not fixable by his immune system.

This is me.
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Mutant Name:

Civilian Name: Vivian Penetta

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Tattoo/ Birthmark:


Vivian's mother was pregnant with her at the age of 16, deciding to put her and her older brother up for adoption. She was taken in by a gay couple at the age of 3 months. She led as pretty normal life, but Vivian was always described as the brave rebellious type. She hates the way her name sounds when it rolls off her tongue, so she goes by Viv. When Viv was 13, she and her brother decided to do an idiotic challenge. The wanted to see who could keep their hand on the stove for the longest. A minute later Viv's hand started to slowly engulf in flames earning a screech from her older brother. The fire didn't bother Viv and this was how she found out about her mutation.

Powers and abilities:(remember only 2)

Fire manipulation/ Pyrokinesis

Draw Back:(Every power has one)

Her power is very uncontrollable and can spark up at random time. For example: When shes angry she may spark a little flame

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