[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

LannTheClever said:
[[ As a side note, I should finish watching the first season of Dexter because I'm too far behind (Ice truck killer!!! ). Also to finish reading Umineko no Naku Koro Ni because I have no idea who Lambdadelta is. ;^; ]]
// The less you know, the safer you are <3
LannTheClever said:
Lann tried to remember the time that he had been more confused than this moment. Unfortunately he could not. Even with the king stripping naked in front of his high court couldn't puzzle him, but this... "What in the Seven Hells are you... doing?" he asked while trying not to look at... whatever she was doing. He watched her sit down and he promptly did the same, realizing that he had been tired from all the bruises and bloodshed minutes before. "The iron throne is as comfortable as it sounds. Even the king wanted to give up being the ruler of the kingdoms so he could avoid sitting there." Lann shook his head at the thought. "Everything about me hurts. What exactly do you do if you got "shot"?"
"Holy filet-o-fuck." Debra said when she finally noticed his wounds, she was far too busy admiring how handsome he was rather than actually noticing.. the rather obvious wounds. She cleared her throat before standing up again, gnawing on her lower lip as she looks left and right before saying.. "Sorry, uh..- I will come back with something to help with that." She nodded before going to where she, herself, had been treated with the wounds, near a chair where Leo earlier kindly patched her up. She leaned down and took a roll of bandages and tweezers, before walking back to him, studying him up and down yet again searching for the wounds he spoke of, wanting to know where they exactly where. "I am not experienced, but I have done this now and then."
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya was intrigued by the woman's mannerisms once again; she was a very...unique...individual, as for her question...
"My own side, and what about yourself?"

"Your own side, hm? They say, the grass is always greener on the other side, but then again, both sides say that~ Keeping to yourself, or helping others and caring about them. Always JUST a matter of perspective"
[QUOTE="The Gil]Bigby finished his cigarette and throwed it at the ground. stepping on it afterwards. That was a very shitty day indeed. At least not many were wounded, and the sun guy was healing the ones who were. Only now he did noticed a girl walking alone, away from everybody else. Due to those past experiences, nobody should walk alone. Especially if you were young or human. But was she really human? Well, she looked like she was human. Well, so do I. It didn't matter. She couldn't be wandering around by herself. Bigby approached her, touching her shoulder. "Hey, who are you with?"

Ellie took a step back and looked at the tall man.

He seemed stern and strong to her, and in a way reminded her of Joel, the man she had been with for so long until she woke up that morning.

"Well, I was with this old guy before I woke up here..."

But now... all alone, as you can see."

She spread her arms, pointing at the empty spaces beside her.

"Maybe you've seen him. His name's Joel, has this grey beard, short hair, never smiles."
[QUOTE="The Golden Witch]"Your own side, hm? They say, the grass is always greener on the other side, but then again, both sides say that~ Keeping to yourself, or helping others and caring about them. Always JUST a matter of perspective"

"What happens if I keep to myself and help others? How does that work by that logic then?"
(( @Sandra ))

Ariel turned around, eyes wide.

"Oh, hi. I guess I'm feeling," she took a shaky breath, "a little better. I mean, my kingdom and family and-" Ariel's voice cracked. She looked up at his face, seeing a hint of confusion. Then she sighed. "Thanks for saving me back there. I'm Ariel."
A female Crossed, with the signature red rash, and a male's private parts stitched onto her forehead, jumped out from a corner, shrieking. She leapt at Ellie, knives taped to her hands. Suddenly, Spy uncloaked, right infront of Ellie, revolver in hand. He fired, and the bullet smashed between the Crossed's eyes, going through her brain, and out the other side. The crossed flew backwards from the impact, landing on the ground, spraying blood. "Gentlemen," Spy said casually, before walking on. @JayJay
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]"What happens if I keep to myself and help others? How does that work by that logic then?"

"Doing both will be rather complicated. Did I express my word -or- not correctly, or have you simply misunderstood me?"

Lambda giggled, before taking a rather long, slow lick across her lollipop, her small tongue softly dragging along the sweet surface.
Bombielonia said:
"Holy filet-o-fuck." Debra said when she finally noticed his wounds, she was far too busy admiring how handsome he was rather than actually noticing.. the rather obvious wounds. She cleared her throat before standing up again, gnawing on her lower lip as she looks left and right before saying.. "Sorry, uh..- I will come back with something to help with that." She nodded before going to where she, herself, had been treated with the wounds, near a chair where Leo earlier kindly patched her up. She leaned down and took a roll of bandages and tweezers, before walking back to him, studying him up and down yet again or the wounds he spoke of, wanting to know where they exactly where. "I am not experienced, but I have done this now and then."
[[ "Holy filet-o-fuck" Dammit. Debra keeps on winning the cursing war. ;) ]]

When Debra returned, Lann wasn't sure any longer if the blood on his clothes were from the crossed he had taken out earlier, or from his own wounds. Considering that he was soaked almost to the bone made him feel a bit worried about what's going to happen in the situation. "Sounds comforting," he replied, "But I trust your judgement." He promptly removed his tunic, baring the mess on his upper body. His right shoulder was bleeding profusely, and the side of his left rib cage suffered a graze. "Does it look bad?" he asked, still looking at his wounds.
Rin would smile. "Ariel, that's a nice name. It's okay, it seems we all are not from here. But we'll find a way out of this mess. And I'll help you. We can be partners. Is that fine?" He would give her another soft smile.

SirDerpingtonIV said:
A female Crossed, with the signature red rash, and a male's private parts stitched onto her forehead, jumped out from a corner, shrieking. She leapt at Ellie, knives taped to her hands. Suddenly, Spy uncloaked, right infront of Ellie, revolver in hand. He fired, and the bullet smashed between the Crossed's eyes, going through her brain, and out the other side. The crossed flew backwards from the impact, landing on the ground, spraying blood. "Gentlemen," Spy said casually, before walking on.
Ellie screamed as she saw the Crossed run toward her, clumsily reaching for her pistol.

Her hands stiff with fear, she accidentaly drops the weapon and stumbles back, tripping and falling on her rear.

After being saved by the suddenly out-of-thin-air-appearing spy, she just stared at the man walk away, whispering "Holy shit..."
[QUOTE="The Golden Witch]
"Doing both will be rather complicated. Did I express my word -or- not correctly, or have you simply misunderstood me?"
Lambda giggled, before taking a rather long, slow lick across her lollipop, her small tongue softly dragging along the sweet surface.

This pulled another smile from Emiya's face.

"Your words were correct; maybe I'm the paradox instead?"
As he walked, he pulled out his disguise kit, and slid out a cigarette. He lit it, and puffed out a small bit of smoke. He looked over, at the Knight praising the sun. He approached him, standing next to the man. "Greetings, Sir Knight. I believe I would be interested in some Jolly Cooperation," he said, smirking slightly. @Cressy
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]This pulled another smile from Emiya's face.
"Your words were correct; maybe I'm the paradox instead?"

"I suppose, all you are right now, is a little confused, as well as unoriented towards this whole situation~ But don't worry, those who work hard, will be rewarded with their deepest wishes!"

She spoke, as if it was normal for her, since after all, she was someone who could grant wishes. The most powerful Witch, the Witch of Certainty, Lambdadelta, had taken an interest in this piece, called Emiya.
JayJay said:
Ellie took a step back and looked at the tall man.
He seemed stern and strong to her, and in a way reminded her of Joel, the man she had been with for so long until she woke up that morning.

"Well, I was with this old guy before I woke up here..."

But now... all alone, as you can see."

She spread her arms, pointing at the empty spaces beside her.

"Maybe you've seen him. His name's Joel, has this grey beard, short hair, never smiles."
Bigby moved his head negatively. "Can't say I've heard anything about him, sorry. How did you get here?". Before the girl was able to answer the question, a crossed woman jumped from behind on her. Bigby took action, drawing his gun, but before he could take shot, one of the masked man shot the woman's head. Quick draw. It surprised him the speed that the man had, but that wasn't exactly shocking. Anybody could beat Bigby in a gunfight, since he actually never shot against anyone until that day. He did a sign to the girl, leaning his head sideways to the masked man, as if he was saying look at that guy.
LannTheClever said:
[[ "Holy filet-o-fuck" Dammit. Debra keeps on winning the cursing war. ;) ]]
When Debra returned, Lann wasn't sure any longer if the blood on his clothes were from the crossed he had taken out earlier, or from his own wounds. Considering that he was soaked almost to the bone made him feel a bit worried about what's going to happen in the situation. "Sounds comforting," he replied, "But I trust your judgement." He promptly removed his tunic, baring the mess on his upper body. His right shoulder was bleeding profusely, and the side of his left rib cage suffered a graze. "Does it look bad?" he asked, still looking at his wounds.
Debra bit her lip and pounced on her toes twice as she noticed him taking off his shirt, her eyes gleaming thinking she was about to see some dazzling six-pack before noticing the wounds, shuddering. "You go search for a proper 'doctor' when we're done, this is merely temporary, alright? Good." she crouched down besides him as she patted his hand and taking a pad to press it against the graze, that of course is after soaking the said cotton-pad with the correct medicine, it would certainly sting!

She took the tweezers in her hand and gulped as she bit on her tongue to focus as she penetrated the already penetrated flesh with them, poking about for the bullet and should she successfully find it, she'd pull them back and dropping them as soon as she does so, instantly bringing the bandages to wrap them around his shoulder tightly and then pinning them tight. "Atta boy! Doctor Debra 'Friggin' Morgan!"

[QUOTE="The Golden Witch]
"I suppose, all you are right now, is a little confused, as well as unoriented towards this whole situation~ But don't worry, those who work hard, will be rewarded with their deepest wishes!"
She spoke, as if it was normal for her, since after all, she was someone who could grant wishes. The most powerful Witch, the Witch of Certainty, Lambdadelta, had taken an interest in this piece, called Emiya.

"Perhaps so."
Bombielonia said:
Debra bit her lip and pounced on her toes twice as she noticed him taking off his shirt, her eyes gleaming thinking she was about to see some dazzling six-pack before noticing the wounds, shuddering. "You go search for a proper 'doctor' when we're done, this is merely temporary, alright? Good." she crouched down besides him as she patted his hand and taking a pad to press it against the graze, that of course is after soaking the said cotton-pad with the correct medicine, it would certainly sting!
She took the tweezers in her hand and gulped as she bit on her tongue to focus as she penetrated the already penetrated flesh with them, poking about for the bullet and should she successfully find it, she'd pull them back and dropping them as soon as she does so, instantly bringing the bandages to wrap them around his shoulder tightly and then pinning them tight. "Atta boy! Doctor Debra 'Friggin' Morgan!"

He wasn't sure what a "doctor" would be, but by what he gathered she could be talking about a maester. He highly doubts Maester Colemon could tend to his wounds, especially when there is nothing quite like this in their holdings. Or in the Seven Kingdoms for that matter. Lann could only grunt in response as he watched Debra poke the tools she had brought inside his wounded flesh. Minutes later, it was over and he let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. Where can you get some milk of the poppy when you need one? He wore his tunic again and offered a smile to the red head. "You have my gratitude, "Doctor Debra 'Friggin' Morgan." Let me know when I may be of service." He took her hand and kissed it, sealing the promise. The last token of fealty he had was already given away to one of the men in the curious steel suit. He only hoped that he had offered to the right kind of people, otherwise it might be a huge blunder indeed.
LannTheClever said:
He wasn't sure what a "doctor" would be, but by what he gathered she could be talking about a maester. He highly doubts Maester Colemon could tend to his wounds, especially when there is nothing quite like this in their holdings. Or in the Seven Kingdoms for that matter. Lann could only grunt in response as he watched Debra poke the tools she had brought inside his wounded flesh. Minutes later, it was over and he let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. Where can you get some milk of the poppy when you need one? He wore his tunic again and offered a smile to the red head. "You have my gratitude, "Doctor Debra 'Friggin' Morgan." Let me know when I may be of service." He took her hand and kissed it, sealing the promise. The last token of fealty he had was already given away to one of the men in the curious steel suit. He only hoped that he had offered to the right kind of people, otherwise it might be a huge blunder indeed.
Debra had this mischievous grin after he had kissed her hand, blinking ever so quickly with her hand still presented, as if she was asking for another kiss. "Oweeh..- Fucking sly fucker!" Debra had been in several relationships, and one of them en-... No, never mind, no spoilers since you were going to watch the rest of the Dexter series. Debra looked forward at Lann, still crouching in her place. "I am going to go 'rest' in my 'champers' m'lord. Should you need aid, you certainly should find this damsel in dire need of rest. I 'shalt' be going now, do send my handmaiden along, please m'lord."

Her tone was ever so sarcastic and sassy at the same time, she stood up from crouching looking down at the blonde man with a now faint smile, her eyes clearly tired as black shade paints her skin under her sleepy eyes.

Secretly from the inside, she loved the kiss! oh she did, she was all..


in the inside!

Debra walked upstairs to find somewhere she'd be able to curl up in and sleep, doing a certain little dance whilst walking up stairs.

OOC - I am actually too tired to continue and going to sleep! I had fun with you, hopefully continue later, yeah?
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]"Perhaps so."

"The Calm before the Storm is always the most boring time period, don't you think so too? I'm sure you must be eager to ~penetrate~ some skulls with that thick, long and big gun of yours~"

She tried her best at talking with innuendoes, to somehow pass the time, cackling to herself as she looked back down into the mainhall.
[QUOTE="The Golden Witch]
"The Calm before the Storm is always the most boring time period, don't you think so too? I'm sure you must be eager to ~penetrate~ some skulls with that thick, long and big gun of yours~"
She tried her best at talking with innuendoes, to somehow pass the time, cackling to herself as she looked back down into the mainhall.

Emiya raised an eyebrow at her for talking dirty, then resumed his normal posture.

"This is fine, I've waited 50 hours or more, being awake the whole time, under similar circumstances."
Adachi found himself wandering the museum a little in his own boredom and what he could possibly consider his "free time." He kept revolver out in his hand, making sure to have it out with him during most times now that his mind was cleared up enough to realize he needed to display that he had at least one kind of weaponry available to him in a moment's notice, otherwise one could more easily plot against him if they wished to.

@Reaper Jack @The Golden Witch

Well, if it isn't the guy who came out during the little hissy fit earlier. And...I don't believe I've seen you here before, kid.

The blunt detective addressed Lambdadelta with what seemed to be complete and utter disregard for who she was, only referring to her as "kid." However, for Emiya, it at least seemed like he remember who he was; one of the few people who was trying to discourage idiotic escalation during the standoff that occurred beforehand. Casually, he brushed his suit lightly with his free right hand, him brushing his suit lightly as it seemed he still had a bit of Crossed gunk on him from the incident in the aquarium area of the museum.
[QUOTE="The Golden Witch]"The Calm before the Storm is always the most boring time period, don't you think so too? I'm sure you must be eager to ~penetrate~ some skulls with that thick, long and big gun of yours~"
She tried her best at talking with innuendoes, to somehow pass the time, cackling to herself as she looked back down into the mainhall.

Lambadelta looked through the main halls, it seemed... unusually bare of Crossed unlike the aquarium, maybe the survivors already cleared it out! That is, of course, until you encounter a ventilation shaft, it's hung ajar, bolts and steel frame dangling on edge, do you decide to investigate it? Yes or no?
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[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya raised an eyebrow at her for talking dirty, then resumed his normal posture.
"This is fine, I've waited 50 hours or more, being awake the whole time, under similar circumstances."

Lambda giggled to herself a bit, looking back down, not giving much more thought to her try at "dirty" talk, maintaining her composure.
Flowershadow said:
Adachi found himself wandering the museum a little in his own boredom and what he could possibly consider his "free time." He kept revolver out in his hand, making sure to have it out with him during most times now that his mind was cleared up enough to realize he needed to display that he had at least one kind of weaponry available to him in a moment's notice, otherwise one could more easily plot against him if they wished to.
@Reaper Jack @The Golden Witch

Well, if it isn't the guy who came out during the little hissy fit earlier. And...I don't believe I've seen you here before, kid.

The blunt detective addressed Lambdadelta with what seemed to be complete and utter disregard for who she was, only referring to her as "kid." However, for Emiya, it at least seemed like he remember who he was; one of the few people who was trying to discourage idiotic escalation during the standoff that occurred beforehand. Casually, he brushed his suit lightly with his free right hand, him brushing his suit lightly as it seemed he still had a bit of Crossed gunk on him from the incident in the aquarium area of the museum.
Emiya did not fail to notice the gore that the man brushed off.

"You left earlier" Emiya gestured to the gore "did something happen? Also, I think you'd be making a mistake calling Lambda a child, she evidently isn't."

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