[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Dallas said:
"Watch your back alright?" *I said. I don't want anyone else dying being because of me... I took my sniper rifle, and leaned it up against the wall. I pulled up a chair, and sat down, watching over the other survivors.*
*yawns* alright. You too *goes back and makes sure i'm in your line of sight as I lay down*
*I pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. I took a long drag on the cigarette, and blew out a small amount of smoke. I removed the cigarette from my mouth, and rubbed my forehead, and whispered, "Jesus... What has the world come to?"*

(( This is where I will stop for today... Sadly, I wont be on until around five to six PM. Good night to anyone else who is still online! ))
Emiya had returned back from scouting the area around the Umbrella facility; however at present the other survivors were either sleeping or otherwise engaged; he waited until someone spoke to him to report his findings.
Ellie just sat in front of the Umbrella building against the wall.

She had her knees pulled up and was looking at the sky.

If anyone needs me, they'll tell me...

She didn't feel like taking the initiative.

Not in a group like this.

Not where everyone you talk to might be plotting too kill you.

// I can't reinforce enough that Ellie only trust Katty.

// Katniss is love.

// Katniss is life.
Leo woke up with a slow yawn and groan, looking around as he looked down at his MK. 7:35 it told on his watch as he picked up the gun and inspected it before slinging it over his shoulder, holding it in his hands. "Hello?" 
// Gotta go, going to take a damn long test. I'll be on at twelve as always.
(( I missed more stuff because I've found no way into these conversations. all i know is that Elsa is KOS from now on because she is T. pls dont rdm me, I'm Inno. ))
// I'll be running on rooftops but checking in once in a while to see if anyone is trying to fuck with the L.E.
[QUOTE="Flaming Centurion](( I missed more stuff because I've found no way into these conversations. all i know is that Elsa is KOS from now on because she is T. pls dont rdm me, I'm Inno. ))

((Ustanak attacked, Bigby attacked him from behind but he didn't attacked Bigby back. Bigby ran away. Ustanak kept fighting with the bear from Annie and blew a hole in it, blowing up itself in the process. The bear is severely harmed now, but alive, and the remains of Ustanak crawled away. Meanwhile, Jill got shot downstairs. Leo went to help her and so did Bigby. Bigby killed all of the crossed coming while Leo was making pressure on Jill's wound. Then, Bigby almost choked Leo to death. And then Solaire tagged along and healed Jill. Everybody headed to the roof afterwards, and the building exploded. Now we're a mile away from Umbrella Corp. Also, Aki asked us to vote on the traitor))
[QUOTE="The Gil]((Ustanak attacked, Bigby attacked him from behind but he didn't attacked Bigby back. Bigby ran away. Ustanak kept fighting with the bear from Annie and blew a hole in it, blowing up itself in the process. The bear is severely harmed now, but alive, and the remains of Ustanak crawled away. Meanwhile, Jill got shot downstairs. Leo went to help her and so did Bigby. Bigby killed all of the crossed coming while Leo was making pressure on Jill's wound. Then, Bigby almost choked Leo to death. And then Solaire tagged along and healed Jill. Everybody headed to the roof afterwards, and the building exploded. Now we're a mile away from Umbrella Corp. Also, Aki asked us to vote on the traitor))

// The Ustanak didn't blow itself up, Solaire and I did that. //
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]// The Ustanak didn't blow itself up, Solaire and I did that. //

//Oh right, sun shot. I've forgot that
[QUOTE="The Gil]//Oh right, sun shot. I've forgot that

((Well, it was more like a kilo of explosives to the gut.))

((Also solaire killed all the crossed from floor 8 and below with his MIGHTY STAIRCASE HOLE))
JayJay said:
Ellie just sat in front of the Umbrella building against the wall.
She had her knees pulled up and was looking at the sky.

If anyone needs me, they'll tell me...

She didn't feel like taking the initiative.

Not in a group like this.

Not where everyone you talk to might be plotting too kill you.

// I can't reinforce enough that Ellie only trust Katty.

// Katniss is love.

// Katniss is life.
Solaire signaled for Ariel to follow him as he walked to Ellie

He waved at her and said

"Comrade! How about we proceed with our plan of entering the building!" He said in his usual Jolly tone

He put on his helmet and looked at Emiya, he waved to him to come over as well so he could assist them.

"Have you finished your scouting good sir?"


@Reaper Jack

JayJay said:
// I can't reinforce enough that Ellie only trust Katty.

// Katniss is love.

// Katniss is life.
Watch Katniss be a traitor, then and only then can I truly laugh my ass off and die with no regrets))
Cressy said:
Solaire signaled for Ariel to follow him as he walked to Ellie
He waved at her and said

"Comrade! How about we proceed with our plan of entering the building!" He said in his usual Jolly tone

He put on his helmet and looked at Emiya, he waved to him to come over as well so he could assist them.

"Have you finished your scouting good sir?"


@Reaper Jack

Ellie looked at Solaire waving at her.

"Yeah, I..."

She wasn't sure what to do.

She still hadn't found Katniss yet, what if she was in trouble? Or crushed beneath the building?

No, she was fine, Ellie was sure of that.

She probably just split up as well.

Ellie stood up and joined Solaire. 

Cressy said:
Watch Katniss be a traitor, then and only then can I truly laugh my ass off and die with no regrets))

// How would you feel if the sun was a traitor, HUH?
JayJay said:


// How would you feel if the sun was a traitor, HUH?
((Well technically the sun was solaire's father, Solaire was a War God and one of three children of the Sun Lord Gwyn, but he was stripped of his powers and banished later on for a reason I cannot recall, I think he failed protecting a kingdom or something. But since birth solaire has still found an affinity to the sun and even though he already failed the sun he wants to reach it, probably to reedem himself, but like Icarus he runs the risk of burning up when he is too close)

((Ya see he was the Son, who wanted to reach the Sun))
Cressy said:
((Well technically the sun was solaire's father, Solaire was a War God and one of three children of the Sun Lord Gwyn, but he was stripped of his powers and banished later on for a reason I cannot recall, I think he failed protecting a kingdom or something. But since birth solaire has still found an affinity to the sun and even though he already failed the sun he wants to reach it, probably to reedem himself, but like Icarus he runs the risk of burning up when he is too close)
((Ya see he was the Son, who wanted to reach the Sun))
// o yea well ur a dummy scrub m8 hue
Cressy said:
Solaire signaled for Ariel to follow him as he walked to Ellie
He waved at her and said

"Comrade! How about we proceed with our plan of entering the building!" He said in his usual Jolly tone

He put on his helmet and looked at Emiya, he waved to him to come over as well so he could assist them.

"Have you finished your scouting good sir?"


@Reaper Jack

Emiya came over and rejoined the others.

"Yes. From what I can see the structure has guard towers covering almost every angle; there are two openings however. One is through a piece of the outer wall that is broken; you could easily slip through; however, this seems too obvious, it may be a trap. The other is through a wire fence, but we would need to make something that could cut a hole in it without attracting attention first."
JayJay said:
// pls do, I already have two votes and then I'll be eliminated and I can do whatever I want hue
*I slowly awake sitting up and rubbing my eyes after detaching my gauntlets . I look around for some one to talk to since Dallas was probably still In the tower*
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya came over and rejoined the others.
"Yes. From what I can see the structure has guard towers covering almost every angle; there are two openings however. One is through a piece of the outer wall that is broken; you could easily slip through; however, this seems too obvious, it may be a trap. The other is through a wire fence, but we would need to make something that could cut a hole in it without attracting attention first."

Solaire nodded at the plan and thought.

"Well to avoid any traps I believe we should enter through the... Wire fence? Yes I believe it was called that, I have a sword, don't know if it's what you need exactly."
Cressy said:
Solaire nodded at the plan and thought.
"Well to avoid any traps I believe we should enter through the... Wire fence? Yes I believe it was called that, I have a sword, don't know if it's what you need exactly."
"It may do; but could you make it go through metal just like that? Noiselessly?"

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