[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Jill holstered her Handgun and grabbed his hand, where he helped her up to her feet. She then checked her rifle. The Magazine in it was completely empty, so she reloaded. She was down to three mags left, so she had to make it count. "Whoever, you are. Thanks..."

"Leo." He told her, unknowing of the blood on his head. "You?"
Akibahara said:
Mid-Round Update:

It wasn't long until the survivors fell into Wolfpack's trap- first, we had Molly, she fell unconscious as she approached “the noise,” which was nothing more than Four-Eyes laying in wait. She smirked, hoisting Molly over her shoulder, while poor Nick was left behind as was anyone else with her.

“Target captured. Spectre, status?”

“On it.”​

Spectre lay in wait, his visors zooming in and out of the survivors: The Umbrella abomination was killed, blown up, burned, and finally shot to death. He smirked, stupid Beltway and his toys. Now it was his turn. It's a good thing they were anticipating the survivors, listening to their every conversation, their every move...

“Detonation in 3...”




The support beams holding Mercy Hospital together exploded, sending plumes of dust and debris onto the streets below. The survivors felt the building quake, followed by -immediately- falling down into each adjacent floors in rapid succession. 10, 9, 8, 7... it kept on and on. Lucky for them, the survivors weren't killed... but Ellis and Coach were!

You groan, waking up: The Umbrella Corporation facility was merely a block ahead....
"Nnn..." Shiki groaned as he opened his eyes, instinctively touching his (or rather, Mikasa's) face to ensure that his glasses were still present, which they thankfully were. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself up, taking a minute to regain his balance. He felt a little woozy, but nothing time wouldn't heal. But... the facility was close! Asssuming that the Ustanak creature was taken care of for good by the other survivors, he began to make his way towards the facility.

I'm sure everyone's fine... but I can't worry about them right now. This is serious business after all. Now or never!

It's not like he'd be able to check up on them. He didn't even know where they were, since the majority of them were elsewhere, and Adachi seemed to be otherwise gone for now. If any of the Crossed were to get in his way, he'd erase them without hesitation.
He heard the loud quake, and was almost somewhat familiar with it. The moment he felt his body start to plunge towards the floor, he knew what had happened. But before he could think another thought, he blacked out.

The first thing Mandus thought when he awoke, was that he was lucky to be alive. That, and he was thankful his memory had stayed with him. The last time he had woken up like this, he couldn't remember a thing. He rubbed his head, groaning and looking around. Had the others survived? He somewhat hoped they didn't. "Is anyone here?"
Chids said:
He heard the loud quake, and was almost somewhat familiar with it. The moment he felt his body start to plunge towards the floor, he knew what had happened. But before he could think another thought, he blacked out.
The first thing Mandus thought when he awoke, was that he was lucky to be alive. That, and he was thankful his memory had stayed with him. The last time he had woken up like this, he couldn't remember a thing. He rubbed his head, groaning and looking around. Had the others survived? He somewhat hoped they didn't. "Is anyone here?"
(( YEEEEEAH!!! ))

(( Oh, and to fulfill your Wesker wet dream, Claire: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/murder-the-ties-that-bind.55049/page-358#post-1716805 ))
SuperChocoMilk said:
She had been talk to Ellie. That's what she had been doing, it had been normal for just a second, and then it wasn't.

Clementine woke up with the worst headache you could ever fucking have, and her hat had disappeared from view. "Ugh, dammit." She stood up, but her arm was horribly scraped and bleeding. She stumbled, nearly tripping to the ground, but continued on. A little ways ahead was the Umbrella Corporation, the place they had come here for. She looked arou

nd for any other survivors, it was likely whoever the hell she had seen in the hallway was still after them. She then saw the Detective from earlier, looking for Solaire. She waved at him, cringing. "Hey, over here!"

Where the hell was Luke?

@The Gil

[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]Emiya made his way over to the voice, discovering that it was the knight from earlier.
"I'm fine. Does anyone need help here?"


Solaire made his way over to the voice whom waved and called at him. But he noticed a man asking him a question.

"Wow, you look much like a skilled woman I just met! Yes please check on the other survivors while I see who summons me!"

He ran over in a goofy fashion with his arms raised high praising the sun, when he stopped he stood completly straight and asked the girl

"How may I help miss?"
Akibahara said:
Mid-Round Update:

It wasn't long until the survivors fell into Wolfpack's trap- first, we had Molly, she fell unconscious as she approached “the noise,” which was nothing more than Four-Eyes laying in wait. She smirked, hoisting Molly over her shoulder, while poor Nick was left behind as was anyone else with her.

“Target captured. Spectre, status?”

“On it.”


Spectre lay in wait, his visors zooming in and out of the survivors: The Umbrella abomination was killed, blown up, burned, and finally shot to death. He smirked, stupid Beltway and his toys. Now it was his turn. It's a good thing they were anticipating the survivors, listening to their every conversation, their every move...

“Detonation in 3...”




The support beams holding Mercy Hospital together exploded, sending plumes of dust and debris onto the streets below. The survivors felt the building quake, followed by -immediately- falling down into each adjacent floors in rapid succession. 10, 9, 8, 7... it kept on and on. Lucky for them, the survivors weren't killed... but Ellis and Coach were!

You groan, waking up: The Umbrella Corporation facility was merely a block ahead....

Feel free to vote on who you believe the traitor is! The next round will be up tomorrow @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST!
Annie gasped feeling the floor shake, and eventually screaming as she fell down the stories, falling rock and metal eventually knocking her out at about floor 6. She moaned as she lifted her head up from the brief concussion, slowly coming onto a knee. She swiftly found her Tibbers and wiped the dust and rubble off of him, rubbing her cheek against his.

"Sorry, sorry...I know you're still healing...shhhhh..."

She looked about at the other recently knocked out survivors, then the building just ahead of them. It was big...like something out of Piltover. This seemed to be why the majority of the group wanted to come...so, she decided to trudge on.
Cressy said:

Solaire made his way over to the voice whom waved and called at him. But he noticed a man asking him a question.

"Wow, you look much like a skilled woman I just met! Yes please check on the other survivors while I see who summons me!"

He ran over in a goofy fashion with his arms raised high praising the sun, when he stopped he stood completly straight and asked the girl

"How may I help miss?"
"Embarrassing as it is. I was her. I'll explain later."

Emiya follows the knight and assists him in helping the others.
Alright, let's just do this... If Joel can do it, you can too...

She grinded her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut as she pushed herself up, the pain in her leg almost too much to handle.

Eventually she managed to be standing on both legs, panting through her teeth, dizzy from pain.

It took her a couple deep breaths and seconds to regain herself.

She took some steps toward the rest of the survivors, limping and moaning softly as she did.

Conceal, don't feel... don't let them know...

Chids said:
He heard the loud quake, and was almost somewhat familiar with it. The moment he felt his body start to plunge towards the floor, he knew what had happened. But before he could think another thought, he blacked out.
The first thing Mandus thought when he awoke, was that he was lucky to be alive. That, and he was thankful his memory had stayed with him. The last time he had woken up like this, he couldn't remember a thing. He rubbed his head, groaning and looking around. Had the others survived? He somewhat hoped they didn't. "Is anyone here?"
Her head turned to see the man; she waved at him with a small smile.

"Yup, thank goodness we survived that..."
JayJay said:
Alright, let's just do this... If Joel can do it, you can too...

She grinded her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut as she pushed herself up, the pain in her leg almost too much to handle.

Eventually she managed to be standing on both legs, panting through her teeth, dizzy from pain.

It took her a couple deep breaths and seconds to regain herself.

She took some steps toward the rest of the survivors, limping and moaning softly as she did.

Conceal, don't feel... don't let them know...


Emiya, being the man that he was, did not fail to notice injuries no matter how well people tried to conceal them, normally he'd notice to help him know where to target his newly-weakened opponents, but the knowledge worked for allies too. He walked over to the limping girl and extended a hand.
Akibahara said:
The man in black paused, “Albert Wesker, you were apart of the survivors, am I correct?” He had an English accent with a slight 'purr' in his voice. A pause, “Since you're curious, you're in an Umbrella Corporation facility—you'll be undergoing mental and physical training under my supervisors to serve the company with your life. If you don't agree, then...” Another pause, his face contorting into a half-grin, “... I'm more than capable of sending you back to the grave.”

"Yes, I'm a survivor, but I don't really understand. I died and you brought me back?" Elsa glanced down at her hands, frowning as she analyzed the situation. "And you want me to serve your... company?"

Okay, maybe Elsa understood better than she thought.

"What exactly do you do here? And what do you want me to do here?"

Elsa bit her lip. She didn't have time to get wrapped up in someone else's goals. She needed to get back to the others to help them. And more importantly, she needed to get home.
Jeremiah said:
Her head turned to see the man; she waved at him with a small smile.
"Yup, thank goodness we survived that..."
He nodded in agreement, "I'm quite surprised we did. Care to stick by my side? It may be useful for both of our chances of survival."
Clementine looked at the Knight and smiled at his jovial nature, a ray of sunshine in this dark and dreary world.

"What do you need help with, miss?"

What did she need help with? She would ask him to heal her arm, but she didn't want him to faint again. Maybe it was only with big wounds that that happened. Or maybe he had seen her hat! Yeah, maybe that would be it. That's what she needed help with. "Have you seen my hat?"

Claire seeing that the building had finally finished with its rumbling and collapsing tantrum, she rushed over to the front doors, which of course wouldn't push in due to the rubble gathered in front of them. A few good combat boot enhanced kicks and strong shoulder tackles changed that, one of those had knocked out whatever remained of the frail glass windows on those doors as well. Claire had found herself in a huge field of rubble, almost as if she stepped into a completely different world, chunks of stone lying everywhere, with no signs this had once been a hospital.

" Hey! Is anyone there! " She shouted out from the entrance, continuing in a whisper. " Please.... " She knew Jill was with them, and although she loved the friends that she had made, if she lost Jill, that would be the last family she had walking on this earth gone from her life.
Leo looked and tried to help what he could, but he looked at the Umbrella Corp. Building. "Hey everyone! Look over there!" He pointed at the building and smiled "We're almost there!"
Chids said:
He nodded in agreement, "I'm quite surprised we did. Care to stick by my side? It may be useful for both of our chances of survival."
She nodded as her smile grew, coming to his side quickly and kneeling down to him with an arm out-stretched.

"I agree completely!" She spoke quietly but still excitedly, giving off a quiet giggle too. This girl was much more cheerful than her mother, that was for sure.
Mikasa looked straight ahead. Only one block away...then she'd find the cure. It'd be the best thing to happen to her today, or pretty much the entire time she had been trapped in this world.
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
Emiya, being the man that he was, did not fail to notice injuries no matter how well people tried to conceal them, normally he'd notice to help him know where to target his newly-weakened opponents, but the knowledge worked for allies too. He walked over to the limping girl and extended a hand.

Ellie looked up at Emiya, then at his hand.

She wanted to refuse him, following the "don't trust anyone" rule, but she was in too much pain.

Ellie took Emiya's hand.

"M-My leg...I burned it some time ago, and now it's... God, it hurts..."
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
"Yes, I'm a survivor, but I don't really understand. I died and you brought me back?" Elsa glanced down at her hands, frowning as she analyzed the situation. "And you want me to serve your... company?"

Okay, maybe Elsa understood better than she thought.

"What exactly do you do here? And what do you want me to do here?"

Elsa bit her lip. She didn't have time to get wrapped up in someone else's goals. She needed to get back to the others to help them. And more importantly, she needed to get home.
“Yes... sort of. You're a clone of your former self. Technically, you're still dead, you're merely a replica.” He paused, “I've also done some research on your genetics: You have natural resistance to the cold and possess the ability to manipulate ice. Very appealing. If you don't mind...” He clenched his leather chair, icicles forming at the end of it, “... I've transferred some of your DNA into myself.”

He paused.

“You'll serve the company, you'll kill the survivors. If you fail or if you do not comply. I'll be sure to end you. Understand?”

JayJay said:
Ellie looked up at Emiya, then at his hand.
She wanted to refuse him, following the "don't trust anyone" rule, but she was in too much pain.

Ellie took Emiya's hand.

"M-My leg...I burned it some time ago, and now it's... God, it hurts..."
Emiya nodded.

"I see. Alright, lean on me; I'll get you to where the others are, then we can lay you down and take a look. We can't afford any more injuries among us now."
Mikasa looked straight ahead. Only one block away...then she'd find the cure. It'd be the best thing to happen to her today, or pretty much the entire time she had been trapped in this world.
Jeremiah said:
She nodded as her smile grew, coming to his side quickly and kneeling down to him with an arm out-stretched.
"I agree completely!" She spoke quietly but still excitedly, giving off a quiet giggle too. This girl was much more cheerful than her mother, that was for sure.
"Hm. I'm glad you're up for it, then. You seem less irritating than my former 'partners'." He said, referring to the people he had talked to for about a total of five minutes. "Come, let's try to make our way to that hospital. Is anything broken?"

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