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Fantasy The Monsters in The Dark

Modern day America, a hotspot for vampires and those who want to hunt them down. You can choose to be either a vampire or a human living on the streets of Jersey City. Living however you please. You can be the leader of a ruthless gang of vamps, a proud hunter or just a member of any race trying to make ends meet.


In the light vampires and humans are identical appearance wise but when in darkness they become monsters us resembling corpses with animal like teeth, giving the appearance of their victims having been attacked by animal. They are stronger and faster than humans but are weakened by religious artifacs and should you manage to place a cross necklace round their neck they are reduced to the same level as humans. Holy water burns them and they cannot pass over lines of salt.

In order to kill a vampire you can either stamp them through the heart with a stake, destroy the brain or cut off their head or burn them to death.

A vampires blood can be used to heal injuries completely.

Humans can become vampires by dying and then drinking the blood of vampires.

(Please ask a persons permission before turning them)

Even the faintest light gives them a normal appearance, this can include moonlight.

For now I'll limit the number of vamps too four but this may be removed later.


Humans are slightly weaker than vampires but have no weaknesses to holy artifacts and do not have any appearance changes.
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