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Fantasy The Monster Within(IC)

lucifer notices Ben hiding and pouts "This is Arctic and Ben......Ben and I are kinda dating and Arctic is his twin as well as my best friend" he explains to Miles.

Miles looks over to ben whos hiding behind arctic and frowns he knows that look of being afraid of someones parents all to well from his own childhood. "Come on now, you dont have to hide" he says trying to coax Ben out of hiding.
Ben he steps out and dose his best to not make eye contact. "H-hi" he mumbled unsure of what else to say as he looks to lucy for help

Arctic: There's a meow from her bag and she reaches in and searches for a moment really dropping her bag when something fluffy touches her hand. "Socks what the hell are you doing? She asked pulling the black and white cat out of her bag
Miles his eyes move to the kitten then widen "ohmygosh it's so cute!" he says then pauses when he hears lunabella snicker "Hush you know i have a weakness for kittens!" he says to Lunabella.

lucifer chuckles and pulls Violet and Muffin out of his pocket "you kept saying you wanted to meet muffin but hes never here when youre home" he says which has Miles cooing over the kitten

  • Location: In Car

    He waits for Castiel to get inside of the car before he slowly starts to drive off. He had to be careful since there was still decent traffic coming in and out, not until they left the school grounds, then he could probably speed. Since he was driving slow, he takes out his phone and calls the towing place. He describes Castiel's car to the guy on the phone as well as the exact location of where the car was. He knew that the towing company would take awhile to get there which is why he called them now so by the time he got back, they should be there. When Erebus hangs up, he turns to Castiel slightly and asks, "where do you need to go?" He was pretty much out of the school grounds and he needed to know where he was turning to try to get there as fast as possible.

    Code by Beauty_Belle

Castiel gives off an address temporarily forgetting the name of the restaurant he works in. "sorry an adress isnt much help is it"
Arctic: if you want hats I can go get about 10 out of the woods probably just by walking out there she states a sarcastic tone to her voice despite the fact that she was completely serious

Ben: i-i I think everyone's well aware of how you are a weird cat magnet he mumbled nudging his sister
Miles perks up "So you're the source of the mysterious cat pile Lucy alwayd sends pictures of" he says. Lucifers face heats up "Dad stop that" he mumbles.
Miles laughs "that sounds like Luna when she goes to the shelter, cats and dogs pile on her" he says. "now how about we get some food ordered?"

Hercules: "That happens, had older brother not given my twin cousins and I a tour before classes started I'd have gotten lost to" he says. "I could give you a tour tomorrow if you get here early"
Veronica: that be nic- wait are you not going to ask about the binder?

Arctic:..... she mumbles in co coherently to herself
Ben: yes please sir he chirps
Hercules chuckles "let's just say that's not the first thing I've seen catch on fire today, my brother had a run in with a flaming bird before work" he says. "anyway did you need a walk home?"

Miles grabs the menu and gets everyone's favorites together and takes Lucifer's suggestions for the twins. "well now that's ordered, who's up for a movie?"
Arctic; r-really? A movie?" She asks making it clear that she's shocked and confoused at the offer
Ben: as long as you don't mind! He was clearly happy at the thought

Veronica: yeah... Wait flaming bird there has to be a good story behind that! She chirpped her eyes holding curiosity
Hercules chuckles "Long story short," he lowers his voice so only she can hear. "it was more like a harpy then a bird and it got hit by a fireball" he says sensing that Veronica is at the very least a magic user. "Stuff like that happens more often then you think" he says casually.

Miles nods "What do you guys want to watch, I'm sure Lucifer has shown you the massive movie collection in the theater room. 90% of them are the directors cuts to." He says. Lunabella grins hopping up and grabbing drinks to take up. Miles eyes her suspiciously "Put the beer back in the fridge" he says to which she pouts.

Lunabella:"but dad you always let us have one on movie night!" She complains as she puts the beers back. She exchanges them for a bunch of sodas and juices.

Lucifer pulls out his phone and texts his sister 'we don't drink around Arctic and Ben you see how scared they are of dad? They won't even tell me who hurts them but I'm 100% certain it involves alcohol and dad can sense it too' after sending the message he walks over and takes the drinks from Lunabella before taking them to the theater room "Come on Ben, Arctic you get to pick out the movies" he says.

Miles looks to Lunabella after the other have left the room "I know I always allow one drink with movie nights and on special occasions but it's obvious Ben and Arctic aren't comfortable around me yet. The way they act reminds me too much of how I was before I met your mother, you know enough of my past to know alcohol around anyone who's uncomfortable and remind us of my past isn't a good idea." He says hugging her "now how about track down some blankets and pull out the movie mattress" he says. She nods and helps find the blankets while Miles pulls the GIANT mattress out and puts it down on the floor in the theater room.
Arctic: she nods anf follows. Once they get to the shelves of movie Arctic freezes whoa..... that's a lot...." she breathes absolutely astonished

Ben: do you have star wars?" He asks sounding a bit excited he assumed that they did as new movie collection in his eyes at least was complete without the trilogy
Lucifer grins "what movie collection ISNT complete without star wars, original trilogy, prequels and the new ones of course." He says with a grin. "Dad loved star wars ad shared that with us at a young age now I'm addicted to them to!"
Ben: sweet let's find them! He chirpped and started looking
Arctic: I'm going to go see if i can help the others.... even if crazy is down there....." she mumbles and headed off only to find herself lost very quickly "this place is to dam big" she sighed

  • Location: Parking Lot

    It was a bit slow getting out of the parking lot but once he got out, he was able to go a bit faster. "It's no problem," he didn't really need the name of the restaurant. He surprisingly remembered all the street names and was really good at knowing addresses. Then again, he had the ability to do so. Speeding through a couple of yellow lights gave him the edge to get Castiel on time. He arrives at the restaurant with two minutes to spare. Quickly, Erebus writes down his phone number and hands it to Castiel. "Just text or call when you're done. I'll come get you and have the car in the garage by then," he says as Castiel exits the car. Erebus waits for Castiel to leave before driving back to the school parking lot. He drives a lot slower, glad that he didn't run into any cops to slow him down on the way here, he most certainly would have gotten a speeding ticket if he did. Now that Erebus got Castiel to his destination, he could relax. He arrives back at the school parking lot, it was almost empty, besides some staying after school for practice or whatever. On top of that, it took an extra ten minutes before he finally saw the tow truck arriving. He waves the guy down, standing next to Castiel's car, and he was able to park right next to it since the spot was open.

    Code by Beauty_Belle

NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999
Miles hears the front door and thinks it's the good going to open the door. "Oh well hello" he says to Nick, "I suppose you're the friend Abby is going out with tonight?" he says narrowing his eyes a bit.

Abby having seen Nick pull up from the window runs down the stairs hoping to beat everyone to the door she freezes when Miles answers the door. she bites her lip hoping Miles doesn't scare Nick off.

Castiel he nods giving Erebus is thanks as he quickly runs inside to change before clocking in. 'that was a close one' he thinks to himself as he heads into the kitchen to cook.
Veronica: that sounds awsome! Is this place really that intersting all the time? She chirps her eyes sparkling

Felix: after about an hour of sitting and waiting in the woods he gets annoyed and finally starts to head home

Arctic: she still absolutely lost wondering down the Halls. " okay no house has a right to be this freaking big" she grumbles

Ben: i got them! He calls out his ears appearing as he grabs them one by one

Location: Abby's house

He looks at the man that was standing before him. It was not what he was expecting but he was always prepared for it. This must be Abby's father, he was surprised that he was even here, knowing from Abby that he wasn't around often. "Oh Mr. Carter, it's good to finally meet you," while keeping one hand hidden, he takes out his other hand to shake Miles' hand. He made sure to keep calm and he sounded confident even though he felt a bit nervous. However, Nick almost never failed to get a first good impression with any parents. "Going out is a loose term, I'm treating her to dinner at my place. I assure you I'm an excellent cook," he pauses when he sees Abby a little bit behind Miles and he smiles warmly at her. "May I come in sir?" He asks politely to Miles, who still hasn't moved to let him inside. Nick was waiting patiently for Miles response, Nick was going through everything he knew about being a gentleman. Even though Abby and him weren't dating, it was still good to treat her parents with respect.

Code by Beauty_Belle

Miles opens the door farther as to let him in. "Abby was rather vague in saying she had plans after making sure I wasn't home for just one night" he says after shaking Nick's hand. he looks over to see Abby fidgeting from foot to foot. he eyes Nick saying quietly so Abby can't hear "I'm going assume from the way she's fidgeting that you're the one she's been crushing on for ages, don't break her heart and make sure she has a good night" he says he sees the deliver driver pull up for their food and steps outside to grab it.

Abby heads towards Nick after Miles steps outside. "I should have warned you he'd be here but I didn't know till I was already home I'm sorry" she says quietly. she's worried that Miles could have scared him off before they even got a chance to date.

Location: Abby's house

Nick was taken aback by what Abby's father had told him, surprised to hear that Abby had been crushing on him for awhile. Was that really true? It took him a moment to regain his composure when Abby came over. He almost forgotten what he was holding and quickly pulls out the bouquet of red roses. "I hope it's not too much, you seemed to be having a bad day earlier, so I brought these to cheer you up," he explains, almost starting to regret his choice. "And it's no big deal, I'm glad to finally have met your dad. Do you still want to come over? I know you don't get to see him often," Nick doesn't move inside, waiting for Abby to grab the flowers and step inside first. Were the flowers too much? Did Abby really like him? His heart was pounding over these questions, as the thought of Abby liking him never occurred. In fact, he had liked Abby for a long time, but had kept those feelings pushed aside since she is his best friend's ex and never thought he would like her back. But now with this new information, he had never been uncertain or nervous in his entire life. Nick remembers the scene at the lunch room, Abby had seemed upset when she mistaken him and Nerrezza kissing. Was it a bad day or was that it? A bunch of questions were now racing through him as he starts to realize he might have been oblivious for a very long time.

Code by Beauty_Belle

Abby grins taking the flowers and smells them sighing as she does "How'd you know my favorite?" she asks before pausing. "Of course I'm still coming over dad will be here for a while this time" she says as she puts the flowers in a vase she kept my the door the flowers she had planned to pick for it forgotten now.

Location: Abby's house

For once, he was having a hard time keeping his calm, with all of these thoughts racing in his head. He hoped Abby didn't catch on to how nervous he really was. "Lucky guess," he said a bit nervously, though he had thought Abby told him what her favorite flower was. He knew someone had told him this before but was glad that it worked out anyway. "I'm sorry if I'm early, I thought I'd surprise you," he says, still trying to calm his thoughts down. He followed her inside but stood around awkwardly. He didn't mention anything about the lasagna or that Candy was over there. Originally he had thought Abby might be happy to see Candy, as she was an old friend. But after talking to Miles, Nick was having other ideas instead. Would she be mad or upset? Was she expecting just the two of them? Nick was extremely worried he was going to screw everything up now, and wasn't sure what to do about it. He wasn't going to tell Abby at first, wanting to keep it a surprise, but now he was afraid that if he told her she would refuse to come over. "Where is your restroom, if you don't mind me asking?" He asks her politely, being a bit more formal with her since her father was around, and he was a nervous wreck. He wanted to use the restroom to try to calm himself down before everything fell apart.

Code by Beauty_Belle
"First door to the left, I'm gonna run and grab my purse while you're in there I'll be right back" Abby says softly. She heads upstairs to grab her purse and phone before heading back to the door.

Hercules chuckles "things aren't always what they seem around here" he says. "Anyways you want company walking home?"

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