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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant RP)

Otto thought about what Trev had spoken, "abandoned Subway might really work come to think of it, could hook into the water supply, numerous angles for escape, ambush and the like. Hell the closest major city has a few tunnels that were closed down, something about not running the city into debt. Come to think of it, would be great for long term prospects as well. They can't really support an inspection force! Nice to see that the financial crisis helps us for once!" He sighed after saying that. "Though i got to wonder how much of the taxpayers dollars is spent on them trying to round us up...Gah who cares...I wasn't a government major. Anyway I'll need to confirm when we get over there...if not, we probably can find an abandoned...something. Shouldn't be too hard. will buy us a day or two before we have to move again, replenish materials etc."

When he was asked what his mutation was, Otto gave a quick grin, "Change a few letters from your mutation and you get mine, Terrakensis. Insert any rock or earth based puns that you want, I've heard most of them. Great for offensive, defensive, and utility purposes, traveling with it is a very...VERY...risky procedure. Not to interested in experimenting with it. Too much noise and to much of a scene. though I will say, it offers a hell of a means to stop people from chasing us. Casting rock and bigger rock have a tendency to make people very cautious of chasing you...among other reasons. But for the most part, I just use it to make exceptionally Detailed, and cheap to make crafts."

@Prizzy Kriyze

"Everything okay out there?"

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure, man... Aurora took off running when I asked what happened, and Scars went to go and find her shortly after that. He said he'd tell me the reason for all of it once he found her, though, so we should be getting an answer soon."

"Alright... That girl's ability makes her a
very valuable asset. We just can't have her using it to tear us apart before we can do any actual damage." It seemed as though- despite the fact that he managed to calm down from earlier- Jason was going on about that one particular topic again, the one which Andrew was about to discuss in full with him before the situation with Aurora abruptly cut them off. But this time, they were now able to do so without any external interference.

"Do 'any actual damage' to what or who, Jason? We're not 'doing damage' to anything."

"Andrew, you need to understand something here... We might be small, but we are a united and very powerful force together. The rest of the world won't turn a blind eye to us just because we're not in their sight; they are still hunting us, seeking to exterminate all traces of our existence. We have the chance now to truly make a difference! We can strike authorities hard, and show everyone that we are not afraid to take a stand! Because if we don't make the first move, then the people out there who want to destroy us will."

"Jason, do you ever listen to yourself when you're saying these kinds of things? This is crazy talk; doing something like that will definitely get us killed."

"Then at least we'll have died fighting."

Andrew was becoming a bit nervous about this whole situation; before, Jason only used to express his hatred for ordinary people and seldom talked about potentially hostile measures against them. But now he was starting to do that more often, and was beginning to sound more and more radical each time. Andrew considered talking to Trev about it, but he knew that if he did that then it would almost certainly get his friend booted out of the group, and he didn't want that to happen. He wanted to keep Jason safe, but that would honestly be quite difficult if he was going to retain that mindset of his, causing him to become slightly stressed and wonder what he should do to try and fix the problem. The electrokinetic mutant's thoughts then drifted away from Jason when he suddenly noticed Scars entering the warehouse, prompting him to silently excuse himself before joining up with the other mutant.

"Hey. What happened to Aurora?"

In order of mention/interaction:

Scars sighs softly, and scratched the back of his head talking telepathy. "Well she came to check up on me after she woke up and well....we had a little conversation until it came down into fighting. Its pretty stupid to be honest...but I was just trying to get her out of her comfort zone. Even though we all know she is not so good with jokes. Anyways...you will not believe what I found when I found her. She was on a roof of some sort of cabin, she had this in a make shift fridge I think." he pulls out the still full pill bottle and showed it to Andrew. "What do you think she would want with this? Or use it for?" he asks, he had a feeling something is not right when he found the pill bottle. Scars has to figure it out, probably glad he could ask some help from the ones he could trust with something like this@grey987
Andrew listened intently to Scars as he telepathically explained what had happened leading up to the fight, keeping his lips pressed together and curtly nodding as he spoke. Truth be told, he was slightly disappointed when he didn't get any specific details on said "conversation", but he knew not to pry. If it was a private conversation, then it was just best to keep the topic of it between those two. They could figure it out on their own; Scars was closer to Aurora than he was to her, anyway.

With that out of the way, Andrew then narrowed his eyebrows when Scars mentioned something that he discovered when he managed to find Aurora, carefully examining the small container that he pulled out afterwards. It was a pill bottle... But what would Aurora be doing with that? Rather conveniently, he was asked the same kind of question by Scars, and it prompted him to shift his gaze toward the floor and rub the back of his neck with careful thought.

"To be honest... I've got no clue. This is obviously a pretty big deal, if you didn't know about it before..." Andrew sighed, thinking for a bit more before looking back up at the telepathic mutant. "Is she still there now? Maybe you should go and ask her about it... Or maybe I can go. If both of us try to talk to her at once, she'll probably be overwhelmed, so I think it's best that only one of us try to find out what Aurora is doing with that."

Scars thought about it before nodding, replying through telepathy "I was hoping you would..truth to be told, She feels not only comfortable around me but with others as well. Including you and Jason...anyways she probably hides it since a new mutant joined in. Also, can you try? She is asleep in a dark corner, I had to carry her back. She is probably waking up in the meantime." @grey987

Scars then added, "You might wanna bring someone with you...just in case she gets angry again. I am going back to check out the cabin that she was with.." with that, he left to head back towards the cabin
"Of course. It won't be a problem," Andrew replied with a nod, though before he could actually go off to find Aurora, Scars informed him that it would probably a good idea for him to take someone along with him in case her anger ended up fluxing again. However, instead of making the decision to follow through with his advice, the electrokinetic mutant decided instead that he'd do this as planned and go confront her on his own. He didn't feel like anyone else- not even Jason- needed to get involved in this. If more people were aware of this situation, then the results were bound to turn up quite negatively.

Andrew did a bit of searching throughout the warehouse for Aurora (Scars hadn't exactly specified where in the building he placed her), lighting up a few dark corners here and there via channelled electricity within him and being careful not to disturb Luna when he happened to briefly come across her by chance, knowing that she tended to just silently lurk in these more quiet areas and preferred not to be approached by anyone. Even though he did think about talking to her every now and then just to keep her occasional company as he did with Aurora, her one unspoken guideline usually came to mind first and reminded him that it would be best to just respect her privacy.

A little later in time, he managed to find Aurora lying nearby the door to Trev's office and he began to slow his strides as he approached her, kneeling once he was only a few inches in front of her and observing her with a relaxed sort of gaze.

"Aurora...? You awake?"
he asked quietly.

In order of mention/interaction:



@Prizzy Kriyze
Aurora was staring at nothing, hugging her knees as if something was bothering her. She jumped at the sound of Andrew's voice and looks up at him, her hood was down so he could see that her Brownish-green eyes were turning a dark pink color. She didn't say a word though, wondering what he wanted. She didn't get up from her spot though, as she just sat there motionlessly. @grey987, @Prizzy Kriyze and @IceQueen
"I don't." Trev replied to Tris. Though the words had passive-aggressive implications, his tone of voice didn't change from the cheeriness that he'd felt from the moment he saw her. "I never had the opportunity to get to know any of them. Nor would I remember, I was high as a skyscraper at the time." His mouth momentarily stopped displaying his earlier smile as he realized how boring everything was when he wasn't on drugs. He shook his head. No, no. I can't think of it like that.

"Nah, you're not taking my place just yet, Tris." He said with a joking challenging tone. "But the regular steps for taking someone new in are things you've already passed since I know you. Whatever people do back at the hideout isn't up to me though, but I will officially declare that the same rules applies to you as to anyone else who's in the group. If you're attacked, I will protect you with my life." This did pose another problem Trev hadn't thought about yet though. While he trusted her, not everyone completely agreed with his judgment. Some people he was sure would eventually come around or simply not care, like Andrew or Luna. Dante on the other hand? Hrrm. If he didn't like it he'd probably just leave their group.

He was pulled out of thought by the mention of cigarettes being bad for him, then subconsciously pulled out another cigarette and sticking it in his mouth. It took him a moment to realize what he just did and sent a glance to Tris, hoping she wouldn't find his accidentally spiteful act too offending. "I can absorb stuff, apparently." He mentioned, still holding the cigarette in-between his teeth. "I found out after having half a handcuff stuck to my arm for about 2 weeks. One night I concentrated on it, and my body dismantled and absorbed the metal. Convenient, really. Slow process though."

He offered her a proper smile and put a hand over her shoulders. "Well, you surely made my life a lot easier too. Thank you for finding me again." He said, smiling widely. "Yeah, you might want to keep an eye out for the others. Don't be bummed out if you don't get across immediately. We all have our issues, so let them come to you. Except for Otto, he's my main man. I'd trust him with my life. By the way..." He turned his head towards Otto and continued "It's terrakinesis. I can't remember your degree, but it wasn't in language was it? Ah, never mind, that was a bit sassy. Being in a good mood can make me a dick." He said, and laughed heartily for the first time in years.

@Der Kojote

Daniel finally made his way back to the warehouse, yawning from his walk. He stepped into the building, hoping there wasn't another.... Incident going on. He didn't think he was ready for more newcomers, after all. "Hey everyone... I'm back..." he said calmly, hoping everything was okay. He closed the door behind him, making sure no one had followed him.

Through his careful observation, Andrew noticed that Aurora's eyes had gone from their regular shade of dark green to the color of a dark pink, making him wonder what kind of emotion she was feeling right now. He didn't feel anything odd inside of him right now, so he assumed whatever she was feeling didn't come with a very strong frequency as her earlier aggression had. "You're looking good..." he complimented casually, flashing a smile her way for a brief moment. "Anyway, I came to ask you about something. Apparently Scars found you unconscious in some... I dunno, some random place outside of here, and he found something else with you, too... What were you doing with a refrigerated bottle full of pills?" The manner in which he asked the question was calm, and he hoped Aurora would be calm about it too; the last thing he needed to do was engage in a fight that would end up with him subduing her and sapping most of his energy in the process.

Her eyes widen hearing his words, her eyes then turned into a dark shade of red as if angry. She then sighs and hugs her knees close, "They are for my abilities Andrew..." she explains. "And the place he found me in was at my safe haven, I would stay there if I would think I am to unstable to be in this place with other mutants in hopes that I could calm down and then come back after a few days or so. I..don't like what I am but its not to be helped. I never told anyone as well because I don't want anyone to find me when really I am trying to tame my powers so they won't affect the team as much. I felt really bad after figuring out that Jason had to deal with it..I never intended to.." she then frowns as her eyes turn blue as she felt guilty and sad, she blushed by his comment but it soon went away while she explained @grey987
Jekyll emerged out of the woods that surrounded the warehouse. His navy blue and jeans seemed worn out. A few twigs were stuck in his hair and a dry scar was present on his left shoulder. A few patches of dried blood were present on his face and arms. It seemed that Jekyll had gotten hungry and Alric had been kind enough to find him a decent meal. Jekyll for the most part was against harming anything living but he didn't have much choice once Alric took over. By now Jekyll had learnt to just live with it.

" What did you do this time? Please tell me it was at least a wild animal. please? "

Alric didn't provide an answer as always. Jekyll just sighed as he lowered his head in shame. Lately Jekyll had been losing his control very frequently. Maybe it was because of hunger or maybe just because Jekyll had stopped caring. He had stopped believing that he could control Alric. After all who was Jekyll to tame a wild beast like Alric.

" You do realize that this is my body... I do have a right to know! "

Again no answer. Jekyll and Alric had become sort of friends over the past year. Alric still talked rarely but it was enough for Jekyll. Jekyll was happy to have some there to listen to him. They both did fight at occasion but those were mostly caused by Jekyll's disagreement to Alric's actions even if they were important decisions for Jekyll's survival.

" Won't say anything as always eh? Why do you have to do this Alric? I have told you i don't like hurting others.. "

Jekyll reached for the warehouse's door. It was the back door which lead to the reception area. Jekyll wasn't expecting a grand welcome and didn't wish for one. He just wanted to get back inside without anyone noticing. Jekyll was sure that no one would have realize that he had left. After all why should anyone care for his absence?

Jekyll gently pushed the door with his hand, trying to avoid the screeching sound that the old door normally make. It was now that Jekyll saw the patch of dried blood that was on the back of his hand. Jekyll had came back to his senses only after he exited the forest and so had no idea what happened or for how long he had been missing. Jekyll stood in front of the door in shock. He then gazed down at his shirt,

it was stained with blood. Jekyll knew that the blood was far from that of a small rodent, he could only hope that it wasn't of big animal or worse a human. Jekyll didn't wish to bring the authority's attention towards the group and so took a step back. Jekyll knew well that someone had been hunting the likes on him. Even though he had been away from any action for nearly a year, he was sure that they were still hunting and trying to find him again. Jekyll didn't wise to compromise the group and thought leaving, running off back into the woods but before he could take another step back Alric spoke.

" It was just a deer you fool! "

Jekyll wasn't sure if Alric was saying the truth but he would rather believe him than to expect the worse. Jekyll had gotten attached to few members of the group and leaving them would certainly not be something that Jekyll wanted because then he would just be left all alone again. Jekyll gave a soft sigh as he trusted Alric's words and moved inside.
Andrew flinched only a bit when he noticed Aurora's eyes turning a dark shade of red, though he forced himself to stand his ground and remained firmly planted where he was. He didn't mean to be so direct and straight to the point, especially after leading in with a more friendly greeting, but he wanted answers. He had become concerned about his fellow mutant's well-being following recent events and had become determined to help her out with them. Fortunately enough, Aurora decided not to act upon her emotions and remained calm, beginning to explain to him what the pill bottle that was once in her possession was for. Never once did his gaze falter or shift away from her; his eyes remained fixed on her the whole time she spoke, and he gave her all of his undivided attention. How was he supposed to know what was bothering her, otherwise? This was one of those rare times when she spoke, too- it would be a waste to just ignore that voice of hers that nobody else heard very often.

"... I don't think a bottle full of pills is going to fix anything, Aurora." Andrew's voice was calm and comforting; he wanted Aurora to know that he wasn't just feeding her bullshit or pretending like he cared so that she wouldn't bug him or anybody else. "If it's bothering you that much, then this is something you gotta try and fix yourself. This is your ability; it's up to you to control it, not some medication that a bunch of people made." Andrew paused for a moment, thinking, and then he spoke again.

"Now, I know that we're supposed to support the idea of us coexisting with... well, 'normal' people, but you shouldn't let them mold you and tell you how you should be. Even if this power of yours is a little out of control... just being yourself is fine, too. You think I asked for what happened at my old high school? That was out of my control; I just have to live with it, now." That was a very haunting memory for Andrew, one that he seldom discussed with anyone in the group outside of the first time he told them, but he felt like there was a need to use it as an example now. Hopefully that would back up what he was trying to tell Aurora.

"Anyway... If you ever need help with your abilities- the same thing with if anything is ever bugging you- you can come find me, alright?"
Andrew gave Aurora a small but warm smile, reaching out and patting her head like he'd done last time before standing up and turning to leave. However, he suddenly paused for a moment, then turned back towards her and said something else.

"Oh, just thought you should know; Scars is away right now, doing something... Do you want me to stick around for a bit until he comes back?"

Aurora nods hugging her knees close, "Alright Andrew.." she then pulled her hood down as she waited for Scars to come back. Lightly patting the spot besides her, as she then went back to hugging her knees. "Thanks Andrew....I know but...I just think that no one else has to endure the emotions I conflicted upon...the pills only work a little so I really don't have much to worry about from the pills. I mostly just..stay who I am.." she then sighs, her eyes turning back to normal from behind her hood. "Plus you, me, scars, and Jason, and others KNOW that I am the most dangerous out of the group...I mean....why else would I hang out with Scars than anyone else..." Aurora then sighs and lay her head resting upon her knees lightly
Daniel looked around as he walked inside and shrugged, letting everyone talk as he made his way to the back room. Closing the door behind him, he sighed as he threw his bookbag across the floor and leaned against the nearby wall. He wasn't feeling too hot (Ironically) and he just wanted to relax. He looked towards the backdoor, wondering if it was locked, but didn't bother to even check as he closed his eyes to relax for a bit.

Andrew kept his lips pressed into a thin line and gave Aurora a simple nod when she motioned for him to take a seat beside her, adopting the same sort of position with his knees tucked into his chest and his arms wrapped loosely but securely around them. He listened quietly and let his gaze linger directly upon her as she spoke again; he hoped that his advice would eventually get through to her and that she wouldn't just make the decision to discard it, knowing from the way she was talking and through common sense that it wouldn't necessarily be easy for her to take care of this problem of hers overnight. Like he was for everybody else in this ever-growing band of mutants, he was genuinely concerned for her well-being and didn't want her to do anything that would cause harm to herself. Everyone here deserved a life where they were relaxed, and where they could be free of all their worries and near-constant troubles. It was just unfortunate that, realistically, being able to attain such a thing for people like them would be nowhere close to easy.

"Heh... You know, you're not all THAT dangerous," Andrew told Aurora with a reassuring voice, reaching over to give her shoulder a friendly pat. "I mean, if your powers were that unstable, then we would have been goners a long time ago... We've all got our own little 'kinks' or whatever with our powers when we first discover them, and for some people it just takes longer than others to master them. Trust me, you'll get a handle on it in time." After having said that, the electrokinetic mutant remained quiet for a bit, seemingly immersed in thoughts of his own. However, those thoughts were unspoken and he kept to himself, deciding to give Aurora a bit of space as he stood up with a sigh. "Anyway, I'm sure Scars will be back in just a bit. Remember: if you ever need someone to talk to, just come find me." That trademark smile of his pulled at his lips for a few moments, then he turned away from the other mutant and wandered off aimlessly, deciding to observe the sparks that travelled through his hand. A faint, light blue glow lit it up, and the bones there could be seen as his energy travelled in a slightly more focused manner through that part of his body.


It was a quiet and undisturbed observation until he heard someone whispering his name, and out of the corner of his eye he could see someone standing in his way. When he looked up, he was greeted with a bloodied and eyeless face of someone he knew was not supposed to be here, causing him to become startled and stumble back in fear.


The voice screamed at him, demanding and accusing, and out of a reflex, Andrew thrust his arm forward and sent several arcs of electricity crackling through the air towards the person in front of him. However, after the flash that accompanied the expulsion of his energy there was no longer anyone standing in front of him and he was left alone again, the branches of electricity fading into little wisps that ended up disappearing completely. He was left there, eyes wide and his breathing heavy for a while, and when he came back to his senses he just stood there and brushed a palm over his face, not bothering to check if anyone had noticed what had happened.

Everyone here had their own kind of hardship to deal with. This was his.
Jekyll entered the warehouse through the back entrance that lead to the reception area. The room wasn't very well it lit, perhaps because the sunlight could only partially escape through the dirty uncleaned windows that the old warehouse had. The smock from previously lit cigarette had settled down by now but the smell hadn't faded away yet. Jekyll knew that only Trevor was found of that dammed thing. Jekyll had always wanted to ask Trevor to stop but he never did. Jekyll Thought he was no one to ask anything more after all he already owed a lot to him. Jekyll's recruitment wasn't a peaceful one and wouldn't have been possible without Trevor. It was so because Alric didn't trust anyone after the forest incident. Jekyll just remembers fragments of what happened that day. Trevor wasn't hostile at all but Alric was. Trevor just wanted to have a word. Alric was surely not very found of the guy and had gone all crazy over him. Jekyll is not sure how Trevor survived the beating until he got acquainted to Trevor's regenerative ability. Jekyll did stop Alric in between for few instances and perhaps this was why Trevor thought that Jekyll deserved a chance. Trevor must have been able to coney something to Alric that day a since he seemed to trust Trevor fully.

As Jekyll walked forward he realized Someone was leaning against the wall, it was Daniel. Jekyll didn't know Daniel to well but he seemed like a good person. Daniel would sometime make jokes that made Jekyll chuckle. Daniel also did whatever he could to help the group. Daniel often made trips to gather food for the group. Even if stale, it was food. The thought always matters. Jekyll for the most did not eat the food that Daniel normally brought. He did this not because it was stale but because Alric was worried that the food might be harmful for Jekyll. Jekyll didn't know what Daniel thought of his rudeness. Jekyll supposed that Daniel must hate Jekyll for being so stubborn and thankless and so never dared to approach him even though he wanted.

Jekyll had grown fond of this group and didn't wish to leave any time soon. This wasn't just because of Trevor or Daniel, everyone in this group was caring and supporting. They all tried to do one thing or another to help the group. Jekyll would also do whatever errand he was given but he never did something highly important like bringing food. Jekyll always wished to volunteer but didn't know what others will think of him if he did. Would they allow a weak looking fellow like Jekyll to do it? Certainly not right ? Jekyll always felt sad because he never did get contribute as much as the rest.

Jekyll slightly pushed the door with his right hand, once he got inside. Jekyll did so as he didn't wish to be noticed and was also trying to avoid making that screeching sound. Once Jekyll turned, he noticed that Daniel had kicked his book bag across the floor. Jekyll knew that Daniel had gone to another food hunt and so must have just returned a while back. Daniel's raid must have been exhausting. Jekyll didn't wish to trouble Daniel as he rested. Daniel did deserve it and so Jekyll tried to walk as silently as he possibly could. Jekyll grabbed the bag and pulled it over his back. Jekyll didn't possess super human strength but his skinny body was strong enough. Jekyll kept the bag at a better place and then looked back at Daniel to confirm that he hadn't woken Daniel up.
divyansh said:
Jekyll entered the warehouse through the back entrance that lead to the reception area. The room wasn't very well it lit, perhaps because the sunlight could only partially escape through the dirty uncleaned windows that the old warehouse had. The smock from previously lit cigarette had settled down by now but the smell hadn't faded away yet. Jekyll knew that only Trevor was found of that dammed thing. Jekyll had always wanted to ask Trevor to stop but he never did. Jekyll Thought he was no one to ask anything more after all he already owed a lot to him. Jekyll's recruitment wasn't a peaceful one and wouldn't have been possible without Trevor. It was so because Alric didn't trust anyone after the forest incident. Jekyll just remembers fragments of what happened that day. Trevor wasn't hostile at all but Alric was. Trevor just wanted to have a word. Alric was surely not very found of the guy and had gone all crazy over him. Jekyll is not sure how Trevor survived the beating until he got acquainted to Trevor's regenerative ability. Jekyll did stop Alric in between for few instances and perhaps this was why Trevor thought that Jekyll deserved a chance. Trevor must have been able to coney something to Alric that day a since he seemed to trust Trevor fully.
As Jekyll walked forward he realized Someone was leaning against the wall, it was Daniel. Jekyll didn't know Daniel to well but he seemed like a good person. Daniel would sometime make jokes that made Jekyll chuckle. Daniel also did whatever he could to help the group. Daniel often made trips to gather food for the group. Even if stale, it was food. The thought always matters. Jekyll for the most did not eat the food that Daniel normally brought. He did this not because it was stale but because Alric was worried that the food might be harmful for Jekyll. Jekyll didn't know what Daniel thought of his rudeness. Jekyll supposed that Daniel must hate Jekyll for being so stubborn and thankless and so never dared to approach him even though he wanted.

Jekyll had grown fond of this group and didn't wish to leave any time soon. This wasn't just because of Trevor or Daniel, everyone in this group was caring and supporting. They all tried to do one thing or another to help the group. Jekyll would also do whatever errand he was given but he never did something highly important like bringing food. Jekyll always wished to volunteer but didn't know what others will think of him if he did. Would they allow a weak looking fellow like Jekyll to do it? Certainly not right ? Jekyll always felt sad because he never did get contribute as much as the rest.

Jekyll slightly pushed the door with his right hand, once he got inside. Jekyll did so as he didn't wish to be noticed and was also trying to avoid making that screeching sound. Once Jekyll turned, he noticed that Daniel had kicked his book bag across the floor. Jekyll knew that Daniel had gone to another food hunt and so must have just returned a while back. Daniel's raid must have been exhausting. Jekyll didn't wish to trouble Daniel as he rested. Daniel did deserve it and so Jekyll tried to walk as silently as he possibly could. Jekyll grabbed the bag and pulled it over his back. Jekyll didn't possess super human strength but his skinny body was strong enough. Jekyll kept the bag at a better place and then looked back at Daniel to confirm that he hadn't woken Daniel up.
Daniel sat there, his eyes closed as he began to drift when he heard ruffling, that woke him out of his... Almost sleeping state. He groaned as he opened his eyes trying to adjust his eyes to the light as he looked towards the direction of his bag, before blinking and noticing it was gone... He jumped up quick and immediately turned towards the door of the warehouse before he noticed someone was in the room with him. Ready to swing, using as much strength he could, he swung for an uppercut before he realized who it was and stopped a mere inches from his chin. "Jekyll...." He mumbled and looked at the male. He remembered Jekyll vaguely, though he hasn't seen him much. He had.... Neutral feelings about him. He knew he never ate the food he brought back for the group, but he never seemed stuck up about it, so Daniel assumed it was for a good reason. He never thought badly of the male just because he never actually exchange too many words with him, so why judge him if he didn't know him? At least that was what his mother taught him...

"You can never just use the front door like a normal person can you?" He said with a yawn as he scratched his head. "I almost clobbered you right then and there, sneaking about like that." He said as he looked at him. "Where have you been anyway?" he asked softly.

grey987 said:
Andrew kept his lips pressed into a thin line and gave Aurora a simple nod when she motioned for him to take a seat beside her, adopting the same sort of position with his knees tucked into his chest and his arms wrapped loosely but securely around them. He listened quietly and let his gaze linger directly upon her as she spoke again; he hoped that his advice would eventually get through to her and that she wouldn't just make the decision to discard it, knowing from the way she was talking and through common sense that it wouldn't necessarily be easy for her to take care of this problem of hers overnight. Like he was for everybody else in this ever-growing band of mutants, he was genuinely concerned for her well-being and didn't want her to do anything that would cause harm to herself. Everyone here deserved a life where they were relaxed, and where they could be free of all their worries and near-constant troubles. It was just unfortunate that, realistically, being able to attain such a thing for people like them would be nowhere close to easy.
"Heh... You know, you're not all THAT dangerous," Andrew told Aurora with a reassuring voice, reaching over to give her shoulder a friendly pat. "I mean, if your powers were that unstable, then we would have been goners a long time ago... We've all got our own little 'kinks' or whatever with our powers when we first discover them, and for some people it just takes longer than others to master them. Trust me, you'll get a handle on it in time." After having said that, the electrokinetic mutant remained quiet for a bit, seemingly immersed in thoughts of his own. However, those thoughts were unspoken and he kept to himself, deciding to give Aurora a bit of space as he stood up with a sigh. "Anyway, I'm sure Scars will be back in just a bit. Remember: if you ever need someone to talk to, just come find me." That trademark smile of his pulled at his lips for a few moments, then he turned away from the other mutant and wandered off aimlessly, deciding to observe the sparks that travelled through his hand. A faint, light blue glow lit it up, and the bones there could be seen as his energy travelled in a slightly more focused manner through that part of his body.


It was a quiet and undisturbed observation until he heard someone whispering his name, and out of the corner of his eye he could see someone standing in his way. When he looked up, he was greeted with a bloodied and eyeless face of someone he knew was not supposed to be here, causing him to become startled and stumble back in fear.


The voice screamed at him, demanding and accusing, and out of a reflex, Andrew thrust his arm forward and sent several arcs of electricity crackling through the air towards the person in front of him. However, after the flash that accompanied the expulsion of his energy there was no longer anyone standing in front of him and he was left alone again, the branches of electricity fading into little wisps that ended up disappearing completely. He was left there, eyes wide and his breathing heavy for a while, and when he came back to his senses he just stood there and brushed a palm over his face, not bothering to check if anyone had noticed what had happened.

Everyone here had their own kind of hardship to deal with. This was his.
Aurora nods and waits smiling watching him walk off before sighing and continues to wait. Scars didn't come back until later, as the two go to a quiet room to have a conversation and clear things up with the two
Jekyll turned around to see if Daniel was still asleep, to Jekyll's surprise Daniel was no longer leaning on the wall but instead was right next to him. Daniel's fist was just an inch away from Jekyll's chin and Daniel had nearly knocked him out. Jekyll immediately fell a few steps back and stood there stunned. He couldn't comprehend what had happened. Now suddenly Daniel was next to him and had nearly upper cut Jekyll.' Was Jekyll at fault for this ? Was Daniel just taking revenge for Jekyll's thanklessness ? ' though Jekyll.

Jekyll's questions soon got answered. It seemed that Daniel had misunderstood Jekyll for a thief. Well Jekyll did act like one, after all his entry was indeed very inconspicuous. Jekyll didn't react and just let Daniel speak.This wasn't because Jekyll didn't have anything to say but was worried what Might Daniel think. Jekyll wanted to give a reason for his shady entry, he wanted to tell apologize to Daniel for his previous rudeness but he just couldn't muster any words. Jekyll felt a urge from inside, he wished to run away. Jekyll was was confused and didn't know what to do or say. He was worried that whatever he might say would come out as rude. Jekyll looked to his left then right, maybe searching for someone's help but there was no one.

Then Daniel asked Jekyll "Where have you been anyway?". Jekyll didn't know the answer to this himself but Daniel's tone was different. It soft and sweet. Suddenly Jekyll didn't feel scared of Daniel. For some reason he felt more comfortable. Now Jekyll even got the courage to speak. He wanted to and now was finally going to. Jekyll moved his lips as if forming words and soon spoke in a low tone.

" Sorry.."

" I don't...I just...don't know. "

Jekyll sighed with relieve and even gave a gentle smile.Jekyll would usually just smile at awkward situations or when he didn't know what to do but this time it was a genuine one. His little triumph over seemed to have given him more joy than he expected.

( just don't know ids for where I have been )
Felice slips back into the warehouse, taking some of the bags from Dante and his clones refusing to look Dante in the eye for the time being, knowing it'd be something threatening. She soon puts a smile back on her face hoping she'll gain some favor from the others for bringing them the items they had asked for as well as a few other goodies. "I'm back!! And bearing gifts!" She calls out as she sets the bags down, back in a good mood as she lets the agent she spotted earlier move to the back of her mind, that was something she'd have to discuss with Trev later. It was inevitable that they would have to move on eventually anyways especially since Erik knew of everyone's locations at the current moment but she had no intention of keeping it that way, not anymore.

She looked around the warehouse for a moment before finally spotted what she was after. She makes her way across the large room and pulls a table she found to the middle of the room. She starts to set some of the items on top of it, she separates the items everyone had requested so they could pick them up as they pleased. She looked over the items for a moment making sure she hadn't forgotten anything, given herself a nod in a slight approval as she was sure she hadn't. She hoped everyone would be willing to be involved in this small get together she wanted to have tonight. She wanted to know everyone by more than just a name since she was finally giving herself the opportunity to do so. She pulled the radio and batteries out of one bag leaning against the table slightly to install them as she waited to see if any of the others were to acknowledge her presence. Little did she know it seemed that there were two more people in the group that she hadn't seen since her first arrival.
"I'm back!! And bearing gifts!"

Andrew turned towards the warehouse doors from where he was standing when he heard Felice's voice ringing throughout the interior of the building, sighing with relief at the sight of the three mutants that had gone out to get food for everyone and feeling glad that there was something that would take his mind off of what he just experienced just a few seconds prior to their arrival. "Good to see you, shapeshifter," he greeted with a smile as he joined Felice at the table, sitting down with his legs crossed and his hands resting on his knees as she set out all of the things she'd brought for the group. "I'm guessing everything went okay, right?" he asked simply out of curiosity even though he figured there wasn't really a need to, picking up one of the two packaged shawarma wraps set out on the table and biting into it with a quiet and satisfied hum while he closed his eyes and savored the taste, swallowing what he'd eaten and opening his eyes a few moments later.

"Man, this is really good... Thank you so much, Felice," Andrew told her with unmistakable delight in his voice, his smile stretching wider than it had before. "You only just got here, and you're already the greatest person alive."

"To be honest, if I were you, I'd take Trev's advice and avoid fraternizing with someone who- in your exact words- 'only just got here'." The electrokinetic mutant let out a sigh at the familiar voice and turned to look back at Jason as he reached over and took his own shawarma wrap, giving Felice one glance without so much as a "Thank you" of his own before turning away to leave. Meanwhile, Andrew didn't even bother to call him back and simply turned back towards the female shapeshifter with a slightly awkward chuckle that was accompanied by a shake of his head. "Please try your best to excuse him... Jason can be pretty frank when he wants to be," he said with another smile, wanting to keep the mood bright as opposed to letting it grow somber again.

Amber was having a nice time, staying in her own spot for a while. Everyone else was talking, but the fact that she hadn't slept well was making her crankier than usual, so talking wasn't something she wanted to do much of while she was in danger of snapping at others, and loosing control. She had amused herself by creating small little balls of energy, and then dissipating them into the air as she waited for food, and friends.

The sound of the door opening caused Amber to look up, smiling as she saw the group returning with food. Getting up from her spot against the wall, she walked forwards and patted Andrews back. "Don't suck up too much Romeo." She whispered, smiling evilly at him before looking at Jason. "And you should be nicer to the new group member. She isn't going to bite anyone." She said, taking a shawarma wrap from the table, and inspecting it. "Well, it's food." She mumbled to herself, and took a bite, smiling as she swallowed. "Not bad rookie. This is pretty good. Name's Amber by the way." She said, giving her the natural ten gallon smile and head nod that Amber gave everyone.

In order of mentioned interaction

"Don't suck up too much Romeo," Andrew heard Amber whisper with an accompanying pat on his back and malicious-looking smile, which caused him to flush a light shade of red as he let out another uncomfortable chuckle and turned his gaze down towards the table. As for Jason, he stopped in his tracks and turned towards the audiokinetic mutant with an empty facial expression as she told him that he should have been treating Felice more politely, giving an openly carefree shrug in response. "Oh, I don't know. She could be a dog with a bad bite, so to speak, given that she is a mutant who can turn into just about any animal she wants to," he replied flatly, though he decided to stick around for this little "get-together" that the newbie decided to set up for them and stood between Amber and Andrew while biting into his shawarma wrap.

"Though, I gotta admit... This is some pretty good shawarma." Jason's meal was made even better by the fact that he was able to heat it up to his heart's content by focusing some of his energy up to his hand, keeping it nice and toasty for his own convenience.

In order of mention/interaction:

Felice looks up at Andrew makes his way over and thanks her and she gives a modest shrug and a chuckle at his best person ever comment. "No problem. I'm glad they're delicious" She looks at Jason as he grabs his shawarma along with delievering a smart-alec comment. She simply rolls her eyes before looking over at Amber as she makes her way over, raising an eyebrow curiously as she hadn't met her before her trip to the store. "Felice, if they didn't already tell you..." She looks back at Jason as he speaks up again and snaps her teeth jokingly in his direction. "It's true, my bite is worse than my bark, but I obviously mean no harm to you guys" She watches as he enjoys his food for a moment before turning her attention back on the radio. "I'm glad it's good, though I'm afraid I can't take any credit for it's taste, only it's delivery" She dials through the white noise and occasional song before finally reaching a station worth listening to. She grins as she hears Santana's Black Magic Woman play satisfied with keeping the radio on a classic rock station. "Perfect, it's been too quiet and gloomy in here. Hopefully some music livens it up"



@Everyone Else
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