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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

@Jack in the Box As it is now, you can't be accepted. You need to elaborate on everything. Only listing his height on appearance is not good, think about adding weight, eye color, hair color, description of his complexion, his build, his physical strength, any distinguishing marks like tattoos, scars or birthmarks.

The manipulation of energy is already possessed by at least two characters (i.e mine and one of abyss') so while I personally will not stop you from picking that, I'm going to tell you that your character might not get a lot to do. He won't be able to add to the group much, and therefore might not be a very fun character to play.

Your personality is very barren. Give some examples of what he likes and doesn't like, hobbies, how he'd react to some things, habits both good and bad, etc.

Your backstory is also severely watered down. When did his parents die? How did it affect his childhood? Who were his friends? What were they like? How come they became friends even though he was so timid? Who picked on them? How did they pick on them? What happened after he shocked his bully? Did the government come after him? Did he kill the bully? How did the bully react? How did he avoid detection when he was electrifying everything? Where did he run away to? How did he survive on his own? How did he practice his abilities? There's just so much you can add.

And even the "He has a fear of being alone" part can be added to his personality, not to other. Besides, emoticons has nothing to do in a character sheet. That's like putting an emoticon in an essay.

Don't use this as a list of tasks though, I'm just writing these questions to help you think about what you could add. This is a detailed roleplay, so expect to have to write a detailed character sheet. Something like 2-3 paragraphs in both personality and backstory.
Lame post is lame, sorry I've been in a bit of a creative rut, writer's block and all that jazz. Either way I promise things will pick up soon.
I'm here, I've got my post halfway through the works but progress is rather slow going and life is very busy.
So, just wanted to poke my head in here and apologize in advance if my writing goes to shit. Some stuff's going on in the real world, and has proven to be quite taxing mentally. I've decided that I do still want to continue RPing, despite knowing that I may not be "all there". If my writing does end up suffering, and makes anyone want to pull their hair out, please let me know so I can either fix it, or drop the RP until I've got my shit together. :P

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