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Futuristic The Mobile Infantry

Option 1. If anything, they probably picked this area to fly to in order to test willpower, and they still flew West and came from the East; the geography doesn't change that.
Eh East, given the way humans walk we're probably walking in circles anyway. I don't remember us actually doing anything to check that.

Option 1 was chosen with 4.5 vote(s) O.o in total.


You refused to give up, after all one cannot be an indecisive leader in war !

Despite the pain and injuries, you made it though by fighting through the mountains.

As you placed one foot in front of another , you felt as if you were 80 years old. 

It didn't matter if your joints were on fire, it didn't matter that you were being harassed by clouds of insects who found something to bite , it didn't matter that you were in a half starved state soaking wet with rain or your sweat.

What did matter was that  you didn't give up, you could not take the walk of shame; not now, not when your so close to graduating.


Courage and determination were forged in you by fire as you scrambled, slid and bled your way through those mountains.

A few weeks later, starving and injured you stumbled into a camp of hunters.

The shocked hunters gave you food and water, and told you were you were.

You had traveled in the wrong direction ! 

The hunters were happy to give you some aid and gave you directions to the nearest base .

The hunters pointed westward and you set off immediately.


It took another month before you were able to get back to base.

But as you walked into the base, head held up high , you showed no fear and no weaknesses  .

You knew who you were and what you were capable of.

Hearing your story, the trainers knew that you'd make a great marine and everyone talked about what you had done! 

You still have the scars on your body to prove that you had endured this final test.


A few days later, you graduated from basic and it was the best day in your life ! 

Your family and friends proudly watched as you marched up to the podium to receive your golden globe lapel pin.

Your finally an elite marine of the MI  !


+ Guts increased greatly

+ Glory gained


Rico's stats:


Guts: 13

Leadership :8

Shooting: 9

Fighting: 10

Technical: 10

Stealth: 10

Glory : 23%


Squad: none, you haven't been given a squad yet

Power armor: None , you haven't been given power armor yet


Alignment  : + 20% light .

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Power Armor :


From that point onward, you started your training to be more then just a corpsman , more then just an elite marine , you were being trained to be a Mobile Armored Elite Marine.


A lot of your training dealt with learning the ins and outs of the Powered Armored suit and the standard armaments that they use .


Wearing the armor feels like your wearing your own personal tank.

Thick, durable metal plating covers you from head to toe.

The boots and gauntlets sport extra reinforcement over the toes and knuckles, great for operating in any kind of liquids on any kind of hostile environment , from the toxic clouds of Venus to the icy cold methane environment of Titan  .


Over the right shoulder sits a mini MRLS rocket launcher, capable of launching highly explosive mini-rockets, accurately at incredible range.


The cannon is belt fed ammo from the armor's bulky backpack, and holds enough missiles to take down a garrison of troops.


The backpack also carries a huge arsenal of grenades , enough to lay down a barrage that would rival an artillery barrage.


Clamped to the armor's thigh is a heavy laser pistol, the Neoblaster MKVII from Tech-core Dynamics  . Laser weapons discharge a bolt of concentrated bright plasma that would rip apart most alloys on contact and cause explosions upon impact .

They aren't projectile based weapons such as the AEK-9371 from Aerostar S.A. or the SR-4700 from Detonics Global.

Laser weapons are usually reserved for the best units in the empire due to the raw destructive power that they can bring upon the battlefield.


Also included in the armor , on the left forearm , there's a  panel and you have access to the Oracle , a highly advanced computer console with a constant feed from any Imperial vessels in orbit.


Thrusters are set into the backpack, legs and shoulders give the power armor the ability to jump, hover and fly.

This greatly expands your mobility across the battlefield despite carrying a few tons of ordinance and armor on you.


The powered armor, with an elite marine inside is one of the deadliest things in the known universe !




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After a few weeks of intense training and brain dumps ,

one day the trainers decided to split the recruits into two teams for a huge mock battle.

It was a game of CTF, or capture the flag. and each recruit had a paint cannon mounted on the shoulder of their armor.

This was the first time you were able to use the armor in something similar to a real fight instead of a boring simulation and you and your squad mates were pumped to test out the power armor.


The armor's jump jets were removed and you had no weapons other then the paint cannon and your fists. Each suit was set to automatically shut down if it was hit with paint or if your suit was struck by another suit.


They split you into the red and blue team. You were on the blue team .


At the start of the battle, what did you do ?


  1. I volunteered to guard my team's flag
  2. I led the charge to get the enemy's flag !


OOC: After 12-28 hours the choice with the most votes by different users will be selected. If there is a tie then the first reply will be chosen out of the tied choices. 
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Option 1 - Defence

To attack is to have the advantage. You may choose the when, the where and the how of the battle. To defend is to give away the initiative, to react. It takes a cool nerve and the patience of a saint to maintain an effective defense yet even then it may still not be enough. Let the yahoos and the desperate to die have their fun. I will walk the harder road and witness the might of the enemy waste itself on my steel fists.

Option 2 Won with 2 vote(s) . Option 2 is the winner of the tiebreak as it was the first reply.


As soon as the trainers echoed out a rifle shot, the match begun !

At first you thought to yourself that you should lead the attack, but then doubts nagged your mind.

Should you attack?

Wasn't defending more interesting and more difficult ?

After all , you would be reacting to the enemy's initiatives, and that is far harder to do, given the fog of war in this small battlefield.

Ultimately, after you saw red paint flying towards your position,  you had resolved to take to the offensive, for you wanted to lead from the front.

As you took each step towards the enemy flag, the ground shook in concert with your squad mates who also were joining your charge.

The area to which the training was conducted wasn't all that large, only a few hundred meters across.

Within seconds, the air was thick with red and blue paint shot from shoulder cannons that could easily cover an entire truck with blue or red paint in one shot.

You turned your head around quickly, only to see that only a part of your team was charging headlong into the enemy with you.

One teammate to the left and another to the right , as you charged and you surmised that the rest of your team was staying back to defend the flag.

You with held your fire and screamed for your squad mates to do the same, knowing that you only had so many shots to use before your magazine was empty.


As you barked your suggestion, several red team enemies popped up immediately after hearing your shouts and fired.

You reacted instantly as the second volley from the enemy missed your power armor as you somehow dodged left and right, smoothly as if the armor was an intrinsic extension of your body .

Unfortunately, your squad mates weren't as lucky . 

They were also to the right and left of you, as they took fusillade of paint upon their power armor.

They both fell as the ground trembled as tons of metal impacted upon it. 

  Your squad mates were unable to move their power armor since they were hit.

You inwardly groaned at this, knowing that you would have to attack, albeit alone upon the red team's flag against several defenders.


What do you do now ?


  1. You pushed forward screaming out a battle cry ! Now is not the time to show weakness ! 
  2. You dove for cover behind the fallen trooper to my right, firing at the enemy and calling for backup ! Better to attack the objective as a team, then to attack alone.


OOC: After 8-28 hours the choice with the most votes by different users will be selected. If there is a tie then the first reply will be chosen out of the tied choices. 


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Option 1. The cover Is only flesh, this Isn't a movie, so that "cover" will get torn through by the barrage of enemy paint ballz, If not eventually the paint will drip onto you. Best to charge full sprint sword in one hand and firearm In the other Screaming," FOR TALOS !!!". Taking as many of them out before reinforcements arrive. So, CHHHARRRRRRRGEEEEEE THE SORRY WHORESONS !
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This is a practice match using paint and fists, not an actual battle with bullets and shrapnel.

 What are you, on about...?


....I don't remember mentioning anything such as bullets or shrapnel...
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Option 1 Won with 2 vote(s)


You decided then and there to push forwards , consequences be damned as well as the doubts that lingered in the recesses of your mind.

  The only path to victory is to charge on forwards without ANY hesitation !

As the enemy was reloading for another volley ,your adrenaline fueled scream stunned them as  you slammed into the first enemy Power Armor with a superman punch, sending the enemy sprawling into the mud.

Another enemy marine jumped over his fallen squad mate, swinging his fists at your face plate wildly as he screamed a few choice words. 

You deftly dodged to your right side  as his wild attack missed you by a mere few centimeters and unfortunately ,you tripped over his fallen comrade and fell .


As you fell, you sensed that the enemy was going to attack by the way you saw his two legs and his body profile shift as well as his shout of victory .

You used the momentum of your fall to roll away , just in the nick of time before an iron fist slammed into the ground in the spot that you had just vacated a split second ago.

You quickly took advantage of the missed attack and then snapped both of your legs forwards and leapt back up, just as the enemy recovered from the missed attack.

You then put up your fists in a boxing stance and feinted right and then snapped left as you dodged yet another wild left hook from the enemy.

You could read the ID number on that metal fist , which read in comic sans 5 pt font " 360_n0sc0pe " that just missed as you then quickly seized the opening.

You swung, huge left hook as a  kidney punch to his exposed side, you struck him , HARD.

You could hear his grunt through his suit's speakers as he crumpled into the mud.


Looking up , you can see that your team and the enemy team engaging right AT the enemy flag.

Several teammates were fighting right at the flag area, taking pot shots at the enemy who were hiding behind a few buildings. 

Unbeknownst to anyone, you had broken through.


What did you do ?

  1. You opened fire !
  2. You charged in, fists flying !
  3. You stealthily circled around.



+ fighting increased


Rico's stats :


Guts: 13

Leadership : 8
Shooting: 9

Fighting : 11

Technical : 10

Stealth : 10


State of your powered armor :  Has not been disabled yet by an attack .

Squad status : Unknown,  two down, but due to fog of war,  you do not know how many are left .

How much glory you have gained :  +23%

Alignment : +20% light


OOC: After 8-28 hours the choice with the most votes by different users will be selected. If there is a tie then the first reply will be chosen out of the tied choices. 
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Option 3. Circling around to gain an advantage is always a good idea, and it's difficult to blast people apart with one explosive/paint rocket if they aren't even near each other.
Option 3

Not sure how successfully I can sneak in several tons of amour, but finding just the right spot to hit the enemy with surprise could be the game changer. Actually what is the effective weight of the amour, might be really important if I want to climb things or not disappear into a quagmire of mud?
Option 3

Not sure how successfully I can sneak in several tons of amour, but finding just the right spot to hit the enemy with surprise could be the game changer. Actually what is the effective weight of the amour, might be really important if I want to climb things or not disappear into a quagmire of mud?

2 tons roughly when fully loaded . Its not a mech, if it was then the field of battle might be a bit larger.... I'm sure an EVA-01 unit wouldn't have an issue stepping on these armors O.o .

Similar to the Space Marines from Warhammer really . Just *not* as advanced however .......yet O.o .

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