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Fantasy The mercs of Kivuli

Vera didn't remain awake for long, enough to remove the lightweight metal plates that covered her back as well as her breastplate before setting it near the fire to dry as she was too tired to clean it properly. Leaning up against a fallen log, she managed to catch the elf to say that they were after a pendant with a ruby in the center. Most like some magical artifact considering his description. Nodding slightly in response, the woman soon fell asleep, the warmth of the fire comforting against the air's chill.
"I didn't think you had it in you, elf!" Asterion said with a chuckle. He had been nearly asleep when the dwarf awoke from his coma, but the minotaur didn't think much of it until the elf got up and moved past him. He stood slowly, holding his sword and his shield in hand just in case. It was dark, and they were in unfriendly territory, so he wanted to be ready for anything. "What's the idea?" He asked, starting to walk toward the carriage. He moved slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible as he approached it.

Asterion stopped next to the door of the carriage, looking behind him at Eldruir and Aldus. He nodded his head to the side, motioning toward the door. Your move, he said with a look but no sound.

@String Theory @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro
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"Only within reason. Doubly since I don't the real story that's unspoken of." Aldus replies to Eldruir as he gets up, his sword at hand but in its scabbard and leaving his shield behind. In all honesty he expected an explanation or two about all once this bit of unpleasantness was over. That, and he was going to try to keep things from getting out of hand. Despite how lax he occasionally was there were some lines even he was hesitant to cross, even if the dwarf had done nothing but come across as completely crass and lacking in any speaking skills. He just hoped this would be quick.

The human kept a slow, quieter pace as he approached the wagon after Asterion. This was sure to be unpleasant business. Aldus walked up to the wagon door, but looked back to his other companions. 'May I?' said the raised eyebrow of Aldus towards his companions, figuring things would start off less hairy if he was the one who opened the door.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
Eldruir nodded. He feared that he would go too far if he took the lead in this. Inside the carriage the dwarf stirred. His head was pounding and dried blood caked his nose and stuck to the floor. He slowly righted himself to a sitting position and opened his eyes. "Wh- Where di..." He mumbled drunkenly. "Where did he go?" The dwarf brought a hand to his face and brushed away some of the blood, helping to clear his vision slightly. "Where is that BLASTED elf!" He roared. He struggled to his feet just as the door began to open.

@StoneWolf18 @Frostbite @JayKuro @CoreyXIX
With a quick, deep breath Aldus opened the wagon door while he motioned for the other two not to step much further until he had a least one chance to say something to the dwarf. Gods know what would happen if the other two had been within eyesight of the rising dwarf. Now that he had some time to stew in his own injuries he really looked like quite a mess with that injury on his head. "It's just me for the moment." Aldus says to the dwarf as he took a step specifically to block the dwarf from seeing much of the outside. If he wasn't going to be completely honest some white lies to keep things from getting out of hand were his best option for now. "The elf's not on the wagon right now. Want me to take a look at your head?" the human asks in an attempt to stall the dwarf for a few moments with the hopes that some of his rage would subside. "I could probably help with the worst of it. That looked like a nasty strike."

@String Theory @Frostbite @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro
The dwarf was growing more aware of his surroundings by the second. He focused in on Aldus and directed his rage at the only person he could. "An' just what in the name o' the gods do ya think you're doing!" He bellowed, taking a heavy step towards the paladin. "You'd better have that bastards long-eared head on a post!" The dwarf reached for his weapon but found that it was gone, taken by Eldruir while he was unconscious. "Wha' is this? Are you lot mad? I'm the one payin' you ungrateful bastards!"

Eldruir remained outside for the moment, happy to give Aldus a shot at a peaceful resolution but highly doubtful that it would prove successful.

@JayKuro @Frostbite @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18
Kiyoko watched from afar smiling as he found another source of entertainment. He hadn't heard of what they were planning to do but it probably wasn't good if they left him and Vera here. 'They're treating me like I've never seen something like this before.' He thought backing up against a tree not going to sleep yet. He heard the dwarf shouting spcurses from where he was but the rest he couldn't make out.

He eyes started to droop a bit and he soon went back into a half consiousness state, staying alert in case anything happened.

@CoreyXIX @String Theory @StoneWolf18 @Frostbite
As much as Aldus wanted to smirk at the dwarf acting like he was about fight then the deflated realization his weapon was gone, he knew it would only make things worse. "What, you think I'm pleased with how things are going?" the paladin retorts to the dwarf with a small shrugs. He had a feeling he knew a few ways to help with this, but had keep a charade going for the time being. At least here he could mix in a bit of the truth while he did so. "I sign up for a mission only to have one of my 'companions' brain our driver, dump him in the carriage, and generally act as suspicious as mortally possible." he then remarks, his displeasure plain in his tone of voice. "I may only be alive for the blink compared to most other races but even I can tell something's amiss, and I know for a fact that the thing you want us to seek is at the center of it. That knife ear's head isn't on a pike yet because I'm questioning him here and there, but he has yet to say anything of value." Now, it was time for him to make this quick. "I'm the only person in this group of madmen that's not yet turned against you. Right now we haven't much time, but if you help me I can help you. How about it?" Aldus offers in an attempt to get him to comply a little for his questioning.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
The dwarf studied Aldus with a skeptical eye. His fists clenched and unclenched and his nostrils flared. Finally he let out a huff and turned to the back of carriage. "I knew the elf was gonna be a problem." He grumbled, facing away from Aldus. "His kind got some kind of familial pride in it or something. I heard there was some dispute over the ownership but I don't really know much 'bout that, I just go where I'm sent." He turned back to Aldus quickly. "If that elf is still here you have to kill him now!" He said, lowering his voice, though not by much. "He'll bring more of his kind and they'll slaughter us all!" The dwarf's massive beard covered most of his face but there was a hint of genuine terror in his voice.

@CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
Finally, progress! Aldus had to admit he was rather surprised by the dwarf's terror since it seemed to come completely out of left field. What in the Nine Hells was going on around here? Was it the stereotypical dwarven xenophobia at work here? Or was there truly something far more sinister at work here? He suspected the 'slaughter us all' was likely fueled by a lot of the former but Aldus still tightly clung to the idea that some suspicious things were happening and he was likely just another pawn in the game. For now the dwarf needed to keep thinking Aldus were firmly in his corner. But when this was over the paladin knew at the very least he would need to say a prayer or two of forgiveness from Kelvar if this game advanced too far. "I'll do something about as soon an opportunity presents itself, okay?" he says , looking into the dwarf's eyes as he tries to be reassuring. "I can't just quite rush out there now since it would quickly lead to my death, but I'll figure something out real quick." Aldus then lets a sigh of relief, knowing that this went far better than expected. "In the meantime, I recommend staying put. Want me to heal your head wound before I go back out to deal with this?" Aldus knew wounds could often be very bad, even if they didn't seem so. Luckily, he had some healing magic to assist with it.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
Kyev rode into the outskirts of Almsmuth about an hour before sundown. The fading orange light of sunset through purple clouds did a surprisingly significant bit in covering up the rundown look of the wooden shanty town pressed up against the walls of Almsmuth. Along the main road there were a few larger wooden building and shops, but the crowded together huts and hovels surrounding them was a testament both to the general xenophobic attitude of the dwarves within the city, and of the greed of this particular town. Still, for a dwarven city near human lands, Almsmuth wasn't so bad. Kyev thought to himself as he rode past the first couple inns. He knew that it was too late to get into the city today. Plus, it was always a good idea to scout out an area before riding into it. Pulling up his horses near an inn/tavern called The Flaccid Rooster, he was approached by a number of the innkeeper's men. Large fat and muscle brutes. He asked one of them if he could speak to the owner and after a few minutes a swarthy dwarf with beady eyes and a large brown mustache came outside.

"Halle! Well met. I have journeyed a long way and my horses are tired. Your inn is the only one I have seen with a stable. How much for a room for three days as well as food and protection for my horses?"

The innkeeper noticed the strange clothes Kyev wore and the furnishings on his elaborately stitched saddle.

"One silver Anvil for the room, three copper Beards for each horse, four for the big one, and call it ten beards for the guards."

After haggling with the innkeep for a few minutes, Kyev gave him two silver Clouds (significantly smaller coins from the eastern country of Ankanar than the large dwarvish Anvils) and they shared a drink. As any honest deal with a dwarf ought to end in a headbutt or a mug.

After seeing to his horses himself, Kyev talked with some of the patrons a bit. While normally a surly folk, especially in a rough neighborhood like this, the dwarves in the tavern quickly warmed up to Kyev's friendly yet taciturn nature (something dwarves understand typically better than humans) and he learned a fair bit about the area. Making his way up the short stairs to his room, Kyev mentally composed his plans for the next day. He knew it would take a couple of days to become familiar with the area, but that was the best way to find work. Keep your ear to the ground and become a part of your environment. As he set his sword beside his leg and his head upon the pillow, he smiled to himself. After days of sleeping in the open with only a rock and his horses sides for a pillow or warmth and no fire, (not wanting to attract attention to himself in unfamiliar country so near a population center, especially while travelling alone) this was the most comfortable he'd been in a while. Still, the bed and blankets reminded him of his own jyrt back home, his wife's supple body and tender warmth, back when she was young and loved him, the smell of Kairug fermenting above the lintel, of bows seasoning in the work-tent of Sevyan next to his own, the smell of horse, mutton fat, felt wax, and the soil of his homeland, things left behind long ago. With feelings of nostalgic loss, he faded off to sleep.
With his back to the carriage wall, Asterion waited patiently and listened to the two speaking inside. He wasn't sure what to do, letting them figure it out themselves. He glanced from Eldruir to the inside of the carriage, turning his head and looking over his shoulder to get a narrow glimpse inside. Unfortuanately, he couldn't see either of them. He looked back at Eldruir, nodding his head when it sounded as if there might be a good outcome. He relaxed slightly, his arms sinking to his sides and his sword tip resting on the ground. He turned the opposite way slightly, keeping an eye and an ear on their dark wooded surroundings.

(Sorry for taking so long, I wasn't sure what to say so I was just gonna let you two work it out but i wanted to bump)

@CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @String Theory @JayKuro

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