The Mating Games


was Acexcross



Appearance: (Realistic)

Marking: (Just the name will do; CHECK THE OVERVIEW)






Sexual Orientation:
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Emily White










Emily doesn't know who her biological parents are, but she doesn't mind because she has loving foster parents. She couldn't have asked for a better home to be adopted into. School on the other hand wasn't always that pleasant. She was bullied a lot and had very few friends, many of the kids viewed her as strange due to her elaborate imagination. In high school she had a boyfriend who she was head over heels for, but discovered that he was cheating on her and she cried herself to sleep for months. However, she awoke one day and refused to be sad anymore. She promised herself she wouldn't cry over him again.


She is often described as "having her head in the clouds". Sure, Emily can be a bit distracted and seem a little like an air head, but that's far from the case. In reality, Emily is just a helpless romantic. She wants everyone to love each other and just be happy. Emily always have a smile on her face and is probably the sweetest person you'll ever meet. Many kind find her annoying because she's always happy-go-lucky. Mean people don't appear to bother her, but occasionally she'll be worn down enough and she'll break down. She is a very emotional and sensitive person.


Baking, Animals, Singing, Children, Helping others.


Mean people, Messes, Sadness, The color yellow


Gullible, Naive, Falls in love easily

Sexual Orientation:

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"Can we get this over with? I want to go back to my drawing."


Aria Claire Jhonson








Aria grew up dealing with her parents getting divorced. Her father was an alcoholic that

used to blame Aria for their problems and for being tied to the horrible woman who actually cared about her.

She was often beat on and confused her brain into thinking it was actually her fault even though she had

nothing to do with it. Since then she had found a way to express herself, even though

she keeps everything inside to protect others from pitying her

or thinking she was weak. She now is

going to collage to become an art major and she lives on her own.


Aria is a sweet and gentle girl who is always looking at positives, though sometimes

she can get a little sullen if she is not meet with the same level of enthusiasm.

She is the one who tries to get everyone happy and keep moral up,

but she can't really even keep herself that way.


Stars, Chocolate, Apples, running fast, drawing, singing, protecting others.


Bugs, muscle pain, artichokes, mango's, telling her secrets, crying


She feels the need to protect everyone from her past

She keeps everything bad to herself

She isn't very strong

~Sexual Orientation~



Caroline McGee










Caroline grew up in a small town. She was raised mostly by her mother since her father was in the Air Force and she only saw him once in a blue moon. The absence of a father, however, didn't seem to affect her much. Caroline knew that her dad was fighting to keep her safe and understood why he was never there. She had always been a bright girl. She got good grades in school and always helped around the house. Most would have said that Caroline was the perfect daughter, but she wasn't.

When Caroline was in high school she would sneak out at night with her buddies and get stoned. Her mother didn't find out about her bad habits until Caroline ended up in the hospital for an OD. Thankfully the doctors were able to bring Caroline back to life and sent her to rehab. After 3 years in rehab Caroline came back a new person. She's still the great daughter that she was before, but now she seems distant almost as if part of her is missing.


Caroline used to be a friendly and charismatic girl, but after her encounter with death she had turned into a serious and quiet person. Caroline keeps to herself most of the time and speaks with her actions instead of with words. She isn't mute, but for some reason or another she can only mumble a few words. Many believe that something happened during the time she was away, but there is no proof to validate their theories. Nobody knows why Caroline changed. Therapist called it post dramatic stress. They said that Caroline needed to face her own demons in order to go back into being the energetic and sociable girl she was before.


Being alone//Reading//Classical Music//Pasta//Stuffed Animals


Being in crowds//Loud sounds//Being in the spotlight//Talking//Chocolate Pudding


Insecure//Temporarily Mute//Push-over//Coward//Has trust issues

Sexual Orientation:

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I'll join as a girl

Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 17

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-29-17-09-07--1459981834.jpeg.1f485c1b8be9134bbf923f2ec32816e4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/2014-12-29-17-09-07--1459981834.jpeg.1f485c1b8be9134bbf923f2ec32816e4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marking: X arrow

Bio: Ruby was born poor. With nice Scottish parents and a happy life till... Now she is the right age to compete in her first year at The Mating Games. And she just arrived.

Personality: Kind, Brave, Caring, Sweet, Silly and Stubborn (so a Scottish tomboy)

Likes: Sweets, Roses, Her family, animals and getting out with the one she loves asap

Dislikes: Vegetables, Crab grass, the Rich and weeds

Flaws: Anger issues, Protective and Is hard to get her to fall in love

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual




  • 2014-12-29-17-09-07--1459981834.jpeg
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Name: Salo Hazan

Age: 18

Gender: Male 6'5"



Marking: O arrow

Bio: Salo is a man of thick militarized background. From a young age he was trained to be strong enough to serve the people as a soldier. Not much about him is known except that in basic training he broke his leg and was sent home. Now he has given up on life really, for his entire life was built up to becoming a soldier for his country.

Personality: Hostile toward most, will do almost anything he must to complete challenges. He has honor. If faced with death to protect others he would stand proudly and fight. Doesn't know how to talk to girls.

Likes: Strength, nobility, honor, being treated better than a drill sergeant has his entire life.

Dislikes: Possible threats, those that wish to get in his way. Thieves, and anybody that thinks they can take him on.

Flaws: Easily tricked and taken advantage of. He isn't the smartest guy ever and his experience with women is little to none, easily seduced.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
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Name: Ryan Anderson

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Kings crown

Bio: Ryan got in the habit of physically fighting other guys during his playground days. They did not bully him, but his friend. All Ryan wanted to do was be like his father when he grew up. He wanted to fight for justice and started at such a young age. Eventually his mother stopped his fighting and was able to clarify that he did not need to fight all the time in order to reach his goal.

According to some of his peers, Ryan was a “saint” due to his good boy behavior. He never intended to resemble such a person. Ryan just wanted to stay out of trouble so that he could avoid the situation his uncle had been in years ago.

Ryan Anderson was the fourth child out of six from the General of the Air Force and a neurologist. He enjoyed the free plane rides as well as the intense martial arts lessons his father and mother would allow him to partake in. Ryan’s family, martial arts classes, and grades were the only people and things in his mind that mattered at the time. The family was pretty peaceful, almost perfect, until an anonymous death threat was sent to the General. Ryan and his siblings were rapidly sent to their uncle’s house and left with him. They were only going to stay for a few nights; however, their parents died in car crash two days later and the threats ceased. Their uncle ended up trying to raise them.

The Anderson siblings didn’t make their story known. They just continued to live their lives on trying not to remember the tragedy.

Personality: Ryan is resourceful, fun-loving, adventurous, and brave. He is also intelligent, athletic, and determined. The good-hearted, innocent guy enjoys staying optimistic as well as protecting his loved ones. Although his daring side usually gets the best of him, Ryan is a selfless, practical being frequently content with whatever is presented to him.

Likes:– Playing the guitar, playing the drums, martial arts, parkour, relaxing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, playing other sports, reading, hiking, listening/making music, and having fun.

Dislikes: – Doing nothing, fights (though he likes to practice his fighting skills…yeah weird), drugs, drama, and people with negative connotations.

Flaws: He’s...too innocent. Ryan is also very self-critical.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
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Name: Reed Dawn Ryder

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Queen's crown {It's the only one left anyway :T }

Bio: Reese was a runaway. She abandoned her home when she was little and came across a a gang leader, who at that time, took pity and brought her in. Years later, she became a thief, stealing whatever she could to make a living and not have to be punished by her leader. But, after one night, things changed when they all became drunk and was about to do things to her. They tied her up wanting satisfaction. Somehow, she managed to escape the ruckus and ended up murdering her boss to escape. Never did she see his or any of their faces again. And it has haunts her dreams til now.

Personality: She's a carefree girl who is never seen with anything stylish, always wearing jeans and a tee; most commonly known as a tomboy. She's also known to put up a facade so people won't worry about her and it usually gets her into lots of trouble. When not seen daydreaming, Reese would wander off alone into some mysterious world of hers and let her adventurous side take over. In occasions, she has different personalities when talking to people. Like if they're annoying, Reed'll just flip them off with sarcastic comments.









-Annoying people

-Being bored

-People scaring her


-Weak against dominant people {especially guys}

-Doesn't like talking about her past; has trust issues

-Afraid of getting jump-scares

-Is really dense

Sexual Orientation: Hetero/Straight
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Name: Aaron Pendragon

Age: 20

Gender: Male




Bio: Aaron was the first born child of the last occurring Mating Games and has been entered in said game since the ones holding this game had thought it would be funny to make his parents watch as their son goes through the same thing as well as putting him through unimaginable torcher along the way. The makers of the game have given him the mark of the moon telling him "Soon we will find the sun you can shine for Boy!" and then injecting a tracker into his body. Although the games have had yet to start as they are still looking for all of the contestants he waits to finally win and get out with or without his soulmate. He trains daily trying to perfect his sword style to face any challenge the games creators throw at him.

Personality: Aaron has been a very kind man with a keen sense for when he is in danger. he has always been someone never to run from a fight and will not back down when things get tough. Aaron will protect those in need no matter who they are or what they've done in the past. In short Aaron tries to be everyones "Hero of Justice".


  • Reading
  • Exercise
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Training
  • His Fathers sword
  • His mothers cooking
  • Action movies
  • Romance movies
  • Adventure
  • Girls older than him


  • Outlaws
  • Rude children
  • Dirty Police
  • Cats
  • Sea food
  • Crime in general

Flaws: Aarons flaw is that if he sees someone in trouble he has to help even if he has no reason to he will go and help anyone in need. He also tells everyone his name is Aaron Stevenson even though his father had his name changed to Pendragon to give his son a name to look toward, a name to work to being worthy of.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
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Joel Roy







200 lbs




As a child, Joel went to slight military camps. He never went full on, tackling to go to a war, but he recieved the training. His father didn't want him to grow up to not serve for nothing so he was forced to do so. At an end, even tough he didn't have the best toned body ever, and where he could actually fight his dad and win, at the age of 16, he dropped out, starting to live a normal life. His father was proud of him, and that made him happy. You could say he lived the american dream after all the pain of work and training.


He is a very energetic person, helping anyone he comes across. Many people say he's a great person to be around with, but, sometimes, when concentrated in something, he completely zones out, only focusing on what he has to do, since the military training teached him that way, and that way he is. Overall, Joel is a kind and honest person.



+Making people smile



+Big adventures


-Cocky people

-People that think they're tough



-Lets emotions take control of him

Sexual Orientation:



Name: Leviathan Wexamir

Age: 21

Gender: Mae



Yang (only one left right?)

Bio: As a child he grew up happily and careless, at least to the outside world. His parents spoiled him as they had their own sucessful compagny and made quite some money. They were part of the upperclass for a very long time. His mother even was played some role in the decision making about the former Mating Games. Last year his father made a deal with someone, causing that person to fall to bankruptcy and losing everything he has. This year the person decided to take revenge, with the help of a close friend. They made sure that Levi's father would make a deal that made them fall from grace and lose their precious upperclass status. However that was not enough, since they were not the only enemies the Wexamirs had. His mother is confinced that having her son in the Mating Games is pure payback. Levi himself is not sure to what to believe whether it is poor coincidence or vile payback.

Personality: He is very calculating and makes quick decisions. He hates failure and expects everyone to do perfect. He has a sharp tongue and will not think twice about sacrificing someone for his own good. When he wants something he will get it and he doesn't care much about how he will get there. However he is not greedy or materialistic. He will not hesitate to give his opinion and thinks people should listen to him. He is a born leader and hates to be put in place. If you can keep up with his arrogant and cocky behaviour long enough you will find it is just a mask for an real insecure boy that is desperate for his fathers approval. He hates showing this 'weak' side, where he actually cares a lot for others wellbeing (especially ladies). However his true, loving side, had been painfull chastised out of him over the years.


- debates

- money/luxury

- reading

- Tennis

- water/swimming


- people that tell him what to do

- physical effort

- Being trapped/restraint

- Darkness

Flaws: Where should I start? His pride, his arrogance. He can be very manipulative and he would rather save himself than anybody else. He is very narcistic and egocentric.

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

(If I am allowed to take the last spot. This is a really interesting roleplay idea. If I have to edit anything, just let me know :P )

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