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Realistic or Modern The Mating Games

Salo watches as several people introduce themselves, Idiots, friends mean death. Salo broke off a thick stick used to wak to unconsciousness. He made his way across a belt of trees until positioning himself behind people talking, ready to strike. Though ready to fight, staying wise and not fighting first would be the best move.

@AceXCrossix @Keiser
Emily decided sitting on the ground wasn't going to help her situation so she began to wander. She saw a pretty muscular guy holding a stick. He looked like he knew what he was doing. She walked up behind him and innocently tapped him on the shoulder and stepped back a bit. "Hi" she said cheerfully and gave him a small wave. ((@jole875 ))
"Killed a gang leader and ran away from guys who tried to rape me. Somehow I was kidnapped and sent to this place. Now here I am, walking around aimlessly with a random guy," she stated deadpan. He wanted to know about her so now he knows.

Suddenly, there was a snap of a tree branch behind her. Reed whips around to find nothing, but she was still cautious. The noise was too loud to be something small. And either way, she had her dagger ready posed in her hands. Being a thief for 9 years has its cons. She was stationed to steal the jewels of a wealthy shop once and boy did they have many security systems. That was the worst. Reed had barely escaped due to blood loss from a bullet. "Hey pretty boy, did you hear that?" she asks Joel.
He nodded at her story. So she also had a horrible past, huh? Glad to know I'm not the only one. His toughts were interrupted by a crack in a near tree branch. He immediatly looked over there and saw a guy. He knew he was prone to attack, so he ignored it.

He then said randomly
''Well, we should get going.'' he then got near the ggirl and slightly wrapped his arm around her waist, pushing her slightly forward, before whispering to her ''There's someone there. We have to leave.'' as they walked forward.
Just as they took a couple steps forward, she elbows him in the ribs and flips him to the ground. "Touch me again and whoever that person was wont be the first to hurt you," she warned walking away. Reed left him behind laying there and continued to do whatever she needed. Damn boys. She had almost been raped and this guy was taking things as a joke. The faster I find out whoever is my 'soulmate', the faster I would get out of this place, were her thoughts. Maybe pairing up with pretty boy was a mistake. He would probably take advantage of her like everyone else and then leave.
As they were walking, he felt a strong hit in the ribs and he slammed on the ground. His anger had taken control of him. I try to help you and you do this stupid action?! He slowly got up, not getting his sight off her. He grabbed a medium sized rock and threw it right in between the hip bone and the femur bone. His days of training baseball weren't for nothing. That hit could easily even make her leg sting for days. ''Bon voyage, Reed!'' he shouted to her, before running away, follow the crosses she had made. He had thirst, and he needed to cure that.
Reed fell but managed to grab a low tree branch before her body collapsed on the ground. "Asshole.." she muttered along with other curses. So it seemed that he did leave her. Not that she cared anyway. The guy can look after himself. I'm more better off alone. She began limping towards a tree, falling midway, knowing she wouldn't be able to make it to a safe place by sundown. Well bring it on game makers. They know she would rather die here then go back to her life in hell.

She pulls up the jeans she'd been wearing to reveal a purple bruise. And it was growing larger by the second. Not only was that where he had thrown the rock at, but it was where the bullet hit. "Hope you rot in hell pretty boy.." Reed brought herself to say and tried again to stand up. This time, she succeeded in both ways. Standing up and finding shelter. A cave was in view just about a half a mile from where she stood.
Aaron looked around as everyone picked at their locks and made their way into their own directions of choice "Good now im alone. i can finish this on my own" he said as he got up to get to work. Aaron looked at each direction he could go toward into the forest or off toward the rest of the meadow "Well i guess i better take the forest then he said to himself as he made his way toward the patchy area of forest "Where is everyone? I would at least like to get everyones opinion on this game" he looked at his mark on his forearm. He was branded with a moon and was expected to fall in love with someone he didn't even know let alone think he could like. Aaron set off toward the forest where he had seen everyone else make their way toward "Well heres to living like my parents!" he yelled out loud as he entered the forest "Time to live my life trying to make the creator of this hellish games life a living....well hell" he said as he set to work to make a fire in an open space he had made with his sword at his side. he was glad they let him keep his fathers last gift to him before this game started. Aaron continued to chop away at the trees until he had enough fire wood "Alright now for the fire part" he said as he turned his sock into string and tied it around a branch.
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Leviathan pulled up one eyebrow as the girl suddenly spoke in an angered tone with him. He wasn't used to be spoken to that way, not by a girl and let alone a girl that was below his league. It didn't suit her at all as she seemed so innocent and sweet. Slowly his thin lips curled up, because her words had a lot truth in it. His clear blue eyes observed her a bit better as she offered her help for the second time. "So you follow me around and insult me and now you expect me to accept your help? Why would I do that?" He said back, though he had not really taken her words as an insult. He knew he needed the help, but he would not just give in that easily. He was a Wexamir, Wexamirs didn't need help.
Aria sighed, leaning back and pressing a hand to her eyes. "Sorry, I am not my usual self. This game is stressing me out. I don't think anyone in here would want me and as soon as I find food and a friend I am good." She said to him. "Honestly, I have always been around people and I like being around people, so I followed you. You seemed, somewhat sad, so I guess I wanted to make you happy." She said, regaining composure.
The sound of the gun shot rang through the air. Ryan began to walk into the woods scanning around the area. He saw a water source from the corner of his eye after a few moments of looking around. Check. As he continued to venture, Ryan spotted a sharp stone on the ground. He picked it up observing it. There was enough space for one of his hands to grip it at the dull end and stab something with the sharp end. Yes, something. He didn't plan on stabbing someone..unless they attacked him. His hand gripped the stone. A sharpened end meant that the small stone had been broken off from a larger one. Ryan chose a random direction based on the best tactic Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, and started his journey. Along the way he encountered rather large stones and observed them. None of them seemed to have some kind of missing piece. Eventually he stumbled upon a rock. Literally. He tripped and landed on his arm. Ryan got up. It was okay though because he had found the biggest rock yet. It was like one of those caves in the movies! Wait, so that meant that there was a possiblity that a bear was housed in it. His hand matched the broken off stone to a now dulled out larger stone puzzle piece. Yeah this was it.
Levi nodded shortly as the girl started to apologizes for her behaviour. See, sweet and innocent. He listened to her words carefully, no matter what ass he was he would always listened to someones talking with great interest. You never knew if you could not use the words against them at some time. "I see" He replied. She was the complete opposite of him, so it seemed. Talkative, happy and maybe a tad bit naive, an easy prey, but he had to stop thinking like that. Here in this game being hostile wouldn't help him any further. "I am poor company though" He admitted and accepting her to stay by his side with that. He would never say it outloud, but he might need her help after all. He looked around again as she had mentioned that they had passed a lot of food already though he still didn't see what she meant.
Aria smiled a little bit. "To me, any company is good enough." She said with a grin, leaning off the tree. "Besides, with a problem solver such as yourself things shouldn't be to hard." She said to him, putting her hands on her hips. She had this big wide grin like she had won a million dollars and it stayed firmly plastered to her face. "Now then, let's go find food." She said.
Leviathan put his hand back in his pockets half turning to continue walking in some random direction. They also would have to find some place to sleep, since who knew how long they would stay in this arena? Her big grin and positive personality was starting to affect him a bit as he smiled more genuine. "And a place to sleep" He added to her food search. It was not even afternoon, but it was always better to look now than having to search for something last minute. They were lucky it was not cold in the forest, only a bit humid.
Aria nodded. "So first order of business, finding a spot to camp. I was thinking back by the river. It might have some fish we can try and grab, for an easier meal." She said, thinking out loud. She was a girl scout back in the day, well, for a very short time, but still. She had leaned how to survive and the first step was keeping her hair out of the way. Quickly, she gathered up her hair and made a bun using only her hair, being able to hold the locks away. She smiled and him. "Ready?" She asked.
Try and grab? Really? What did he look like... like some poor homeless guy? He ignored the thoughts in his head and nodded slowly as he changed his direction back to the river. She did have a valid point that it would be a good place to camp, if not for the fish than for the supply of water close by. He watched her pick up the hair and make them into a messy bun that would make his mother roll her eyes probably. No matter what circumstances a lady always needed to look her best, she would say. "Ready when you are" He just muttered as his feet took him back to the little river.
Aria nodded and put on another large grin before saying. 'Let's go!" And raising her left hand, walking a bit ahead of him. She had a slight bounce in her walk, happy that she had found someone else. She always liked helping people, especially grumpy people, except when they where just flat out rude to her, then she would rather go find someone else.
Reed made her way over to the cave in the clearing. It wasn't small nor was it big. More like it could fit a small treehouse in there. She stumbled the whole way and sat herself down by the wall near the cave entrance. Her leg was still throbbing from the blow. It wasn't really that painful anymore, but it still stung. She rested her head on the cold bare wall and slowly drifted off to sleep. Her breathing leveled and she regained more energy.

Location: Arena

Time Stamp: 12:00 PM
Ryan peered inside the cave. Okay, how could he check if there was something in it? He made his way to some pieces of wood and began rubbing the wood together after doing other preparations. Soon smoke was being emitted from the friction. Got it. Ryan raised a stick up and put it toward the fire. He looked back toward the cave entrance and noticed a girl...sleeping? Was she there that whole time? Well he didn't blame himself if he hadn't seen her because he came from the other side of the structure.
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Reed awoken to a rustle and was quickly on alert. She saw a fire and some guy staring at her. "STRANGER ALERT!" She grabbed for her dagger and threw it next to his head. It wasn't meant to kill him, it was just a form of polite greeting where she came from if he asked why she threw the dagger. Reed struggled to stand up but eventually did so, standing in a defensive fighting position if he made a move. Why was she met with so many guys in the arena? Where the heck were all the girls at?
"WOAH, WAIT!" Ryan put his hands up with the torch still grasped in one of them. "You see that cave you're right next to? Did you ever check if there's a bear in there? Cause that's what I'm about to do. Shouldn't people be helping each other anyway?" He made his way to the cave entrance. That was a nice greeting. A moan sounded within the cave. "Or maybe not. Someone in there already? My bad then" Ryan said turning around walking back to his fire.
Leviathan sighed and shook his head, before following the girl. His strodes were long and elegant as he was taught, he had to carry himself with confidence through every situation. It wasn't long until they had reached the river again and he looked at his far too expensive watch. Why take something like that with me? It was useless and yet he couldn't part with it for some reason. 12 pm it read and he put his hands back in his pocket again. "It is lunch time" He said randomly towards the girl in front of him. He wondered for a short moment about what he would be eating back home. Probably something with Salmon like the girl had said, which made him grin for a short moment only.
Aira smiled at him. "So if it's lunch time, then we catch lunch. But for that, we are going to need a fire." She said. She sighed. "Do you want to take to catching fish or do you want me to do it?" She asked, rubbing the back of her head as she thought about which would be easier. Gathering wood would probably be easier than trying to catch a fish.
As he ran to the water, he finally reached it. He started to drink it like a puppy that's been in the desert. He sighed and walked a bit into the forest, grabbing some sticks and a rock. He had found some quite big quicks, like of the handle of a hammer. He sharpened them with a rock, to make them like wooden knifes. He kept one in his hand and one in his pocket, in case. He started to roam around, trying to find someone shortly after.
Catch fish... Hell no. He was no savage or beast, he was a sophisticated male. "I will take care of the fire" He stated. He did go survivaling once and camping a few times so he knew how to make a fire. Though all luxury was still available to him even during these trips, like a huge tent and decent beddings. He sighed as he picked up some small twigs and a bit larger logs that were dry enough. Every now and then he looked up to see how the girl was doing with her catching fish. He made a small pile of the wood safe on the dry flat rocks so they would not cause a forest fire. He towered some of the smaller twigs in a pyramid together underneath it was a bedding of moss and grass. He took a bit of moss and a lighter from his pocket, since smoking was one of his addictions. He used the little flame to set the piece of moss on fire and placed it in the middle of his twig pyramid. With some blowing he encouraged the flames to spread and slowly the fire started to grow, which brought a victorious smile to his face. See that, fish girl, even a snob like I can do something.

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