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Fantasy The Marysue Fest (Always Accepting!)


The Forgettor

The Marysue Fest

Perhaps I have, but that matters not!

Welcome one and all to the Marysue Fest! The grand idea where all around the universe, Marysues have come together in their absolute perfection and made everything a perfect, amazing, absolutely fantasticallyextravagantsparklydesudesu place!


Are you an orphan? No worries! It just means you're going to become a McEdgy EdgeEdgeton!


Are you bullied and called ugly by everyone at school and cut yourself and cry? Never fear! You'll becoming a boy magnet in no time. In the darkest times, you'll meet that one amazing boy who loves you for being you!


Sparkly rainbow hair, along with heterochromia, along with the fact you're half-vampire, half-dog, 2% cat, and somehow also have divine powers? You'll become a

To all those boring, normal people? Pshaw. They're gone in a flash 'cause they're too bORRRING to be here!

This universe is a crazy one. This magical desudesudesudesudesu kawaiiiIIII place is just the right area if you want to be with your special snowflake kin!

Now, just sign right here and you'll be teleported off to a generic highschool! Of course, you won't learn anything there because you are perfect and awesome, but there you will find ROMANCE, DRAMA, CUTE BOYS AND GIRLS, AND MOST OF ALL

BELOVED MARYSUES LIKE YOUUUU! So what do you say? Will you come on this crazy journey?

kawaii neko-chan woke up from her bed She fell off from her bed an made toast and ran out with it in her mouth even though she'll be REALLY early to go to school but becuz she's a gud shudent se wantd 2 anwyas

"omg omg omg omogm omogmgogmogm o ferst dai ov school!!!!" she scremed someow without her bread faling offf

suddenly she remembered she could fly and teleport and reverse time and all this other things

and so she repeated the process until she got bored
Infinite the beyund wus flyin, flauntin' such omnipotens!!!!!

Everone saws hims in the sky wif his silva wings but he flew to close to the suns and they melted. A golden pair took its place but it clipped, finally triple platinum wings grew like his albulm "Adolf the yellow nosed reindeer". He landed down with all the grace! And everybody who wasn't desu peed their pants on the spot.
Snooow shadowblaze Kurasaki woke up and ate breakfast, killing 10 people in the process.

"My life sucks" He says as his demon severventsfeed him and clothe him. He flys out of his mansion, killing 20 people in the process. He goes to greenland and sets it on fire with black fierr, then flies back and crashes through the roof, killing 100 people in the process. "I hate my life" He says.
Lilliane walked out of her home, her heels clacking on the floor and the moment she did, all da fanboys started running towards her. She giggled and did da laughs, before ice surfing to da skool. "Well, dat was today's workout for da day" She flipped her hair, as she did, her cuteness having no end. Those who didn't think she was da qtie would transport to the inner circles of hell and be eNSLAVED. Finally she made it to da school where more fanboys followed her.
omega sunshine overdrive ultra hypr meme friend of god's son's daughter's neighbor's wife runs out of his home with da toast in mout "iyaaaa chikoku chikoku!" he then remembers "oh yeah" he transforms into da unciron and flies away all da girls look at him and he eats his pants



The one in the middle looked around and said "GREEATINGS EARHTLFIUNGS HWEE BREAING THE GAWD-EMPERAH'S HOLY RELIGIONN! WOAULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN OUR CHURCH!??!" and grinned sadistically.
"Go, meh servent end became denk!" Heh herd Lenny sey. "In teh nem of Lenny I shell become teh denkest possible." Jaxon sed. He wuld du anyting for Lenny, he was teh God of memes. Wen Jaxon herd teh God of memes lev, he jump off teh roof he wes on and yulled. "IN TEH NEM OF LENNY I SHALL NET TEK DEMEGE." And he did net tek demege. Insted, he welked in the stret, looken to became denk.
Birdsie said:

The one in the middle looked around and said "GREEATINGS EARHTLFIUNGS HWEE BREAING THE GAWD-EMPERAH'S HOLY RELIGIONN! WOAULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN OUR CHURCH!??!" and grinned sadistically.
suddely kawaii neko-chan was there

she puffed up her cheks and did a tsundere blush

"no way!! im the goddess of goddesses u should go to MY temple!!!!" she said, before crying "dos no one luv me?"
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Seijiki said:
suddely kawaii neko-chan was there
she puffed up her cheks and did a tsundere blush

"no way!! im the goddess of goddesses u should go to MY temple!!!!" she said, before crying "dos no one luv me?"
Suddenly, another Space Marine in Terminator armour appeared and yelled "HERESY! THERE IS ONLY DA EMPEROR!!!" and then opened up heavy fire upon Neko-Chan using his Bolter Minigun, unaware of her power.

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Lilliane stopped da ice surfing and came to a hault in front of da Spac Marinees. She looked at them firing at da young girlie and looked back at da girl herself. She flipped her hair which caused boys to go wild and folded her arms, giving a tsundere pout towards the soilders. "Whatcha think ya doing m8?" They didn't know that she was the goddess of memes, next to Lenny ofc.
Snoooow shadowblaze Kurasaki slices a space marine in two with his black steel swords that can cut through anything and is indestrucable, and eats his heart (cus he iss half demon and half vampire and half cat)
Birdsie said:
Suddenly, another Space Marine in Terminator armour appeared and yelled "HERESY! THERE IS ONLY DA EMPEROR!!!" and then opened up heavy fire upon Neko-Chan using his Bolter Minigun, unaware of her power.
kawaii neko-chan sobbed even more before Lilain came up she ran 2 the othr gurl and sobed hr hurt out and said dat "guy wit gun hurt her" and that Lilain neded 2 help hur

@P r i n c e s s
[QUOTE="P r i n c e s s]Lilliane stopped da ice surfing and came to a hault in front of da Spac Marinees. She looked at them firing at da young girlie and looked back at da girl herself. She flipped her hair which caused boys to go wild and folded her arms, giving a tsundere pout towards the soilders. "Whatcha think ya doing m8?" They didn't know that she was the goddess of memes, next to Lenny ofc.

The Space Marines looked confused. "Wut? We just spreading the Emperor's holy word!" and showed her this poster. Then one of them explained. "The God-Emperor is an ultimate, omnipotent being that rules over the omniverse. All against him is heresy, and we shall purge it. His glorious, ongoing Great Crusade is a quest to conquer all of the omniverse!"

The God-Emperor wants you!

To join the Space Marines!

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"time for my daily dsoe" he took out a bag full of memes and sniffed " good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats ✔ some goodshit rightthere right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit" he transformed from unicffron to mememememe lrod "i am ethan bRADBEBRYRRY" he burned a house down
His gretness caused a earthquake. "NU! ALL HALE MEH, TEH DERK LERD!" Teh Derk Lerd yulled, suddenly creshing to where teh releges peple were. "IF YU WERSHERP MEH YOU WILL BEH MOST PRAISED IN TEH UNDERWERLD!" Heh yulled again, hepeng he wasnt let to teh perty

(Dear lawd, I cant keep up with all the posts!)
Infinite the Beyonds theme song played before he went to the Dominican Republic and slapped ass for everyones sake.
Seein the poster, Snooooow shadowblazekurasaki becomes overwelmed with emotions. So much so that he goes to hell to bring the space marine he killed bacl to lief. "ALL HAIL THE GOD-EMPEROR" hE shouts
Impocractes said:
Seein the poster, Snooooow shadowblazekurasaki becomes overwelmed with emotions. So much so that he goes to hell to bring the space marine he killed bacl to lief. "ALL HAIL THE GOD-EMPEROR" hE shouts
"ALL HEIL TEH DERK LERD!" He yulled in respense. "Liek I sed, if you wership me you will became most high in teh underwerld. Tat can beh interpreted in two weys." He sed again, winking.
Impocractes said:
Seein the poster, Snooooow shadowblazekurasaki becomes overwelmed with emotions. So much so that he goes to hell to bring the space marine he killed bacl to lief. "ALL HAIL THE GOD-EMPEROR" hE shouts
ChronosCoded said:
"ALL HEIL TEH DERK LERD!" He yulled in respense. "Liek I sed, if you wership me you will became most high in teh underwerld. Tat can beh interpreted in two weys." He sed again, winking.
The Space Marines looked at Shadowblazekurasaki and said "YEA, DAS MY BOI! FOR DA EMPEROR!" and then looked at the heretic that just proclaimed some dark lord and wanted them to worship him. They all aimed their Bolters, Flamers and Bazookas at him and fired, yelling "DIE, HERETIC! PURGE! KILL! DESTROOOY!"
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Lilliane picked up the smaller child and held her like she was her own, which caused more fanboys to die of the cuteness overload. She felt someone smoking onlt the dankest memes, which was like a blessing to her (the goddes of meme) which gave her moar powahs, so she blasted them with ice shards into oblivian and dey ded in the quantum space plane. "Aint nobody got time fo yo bs"
ChronosCoded said:
"ALL HEIL TEH DERK LERD!" He yulled in respense. "Liek I sed, if you wership me you will became most high in teh underwerld. Tat can beh interpreted in two weys." He sed again, winking.
Infinite the beyond became depressed all of a sudden, The dark lords third wheeling made hin cry. Infinite the Beyond lookd dam sexy tho. Capn ginyu then showed up and did a beautiful pose.
[QUOTE="P r i n c e s s]Lilliane picked up the smaller child and held her like she was her own, which caused more fanboys to die of the cuteness overload. She felt someone smoking onlt the dankest memes, which was like a blessing to her (the goddes of meme) which gave her moar powahs, so she blasted them with ice shards into oblivian and dey ded in the quantum space plane. "Aint nobody got time fo yo bs"

kawaii neko-chan snifed and turned towards teh space ppl

"ur gona maek me late 4 school

r u a delinquent or r u just crazy"

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