The Marked [Inactive]


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Princess Haku submitted a new role play:

The Marked - When chaos rises only the marked can save it

A world in ruin and chaos where the dead begin to rise and beast of legend come from the shadows and rise from the underworld. The only hope is for the five marked ones to unite. They are human in appearance, but are
descendants of the beast of legend and can harness their powers. Four of the marked are together, but they require mastery of their powers and the fifth marked, who is the key to uniting their power. Their are others who pursue the fifth and the other four to harness their powers...
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Haku looked at the sky. It was grey and foreshadowed something more than just rain. She brushed her snow white hair out of her face and walked to the parkn home was quiet and boring. Haku wanted to ait under the cherry blossom tree and take in its sweet scents as it bloomed at its peek here in the middle of spring. A tiny fairy child danced on her leg and Haku giggled. The fairy seemed shocked to be seen then came up close to Haku and pinched her nose. She recoiled. A fairy came and bowed apologetically at the childs mischief and flew away child in toe. Haku soghed. Thats what made her abnormal and the strange mark on her back.
Flying high above the cloud, Ian sat in her plush chair and glared outside her jet's window. The privet jet, a fifteenth birthday present from her parents, had been her home for the past year. Well that and a bunch of five star hotels. Accompany her on her little adventure was her witch of a best friend Sol. And her tutor, who wasn't so much as a tutor as he was one of the most powerful angels to ever fall, Light. Although he did keep her up on her school work.

"You need to brush up on your trig Ianthe," Light said as he slipped a math test in front of Ian with a big red B- on the top.

Point in case.

Ian glanced at the test and then her eyes were back out the window.

Light chuckled as he put the test back in his bag. "You should be more happy Ianthe, Sol finally finished her locator spell, soon we will reach the fifth mark and her powers will be yours.

This time Ian met Light's eyes. "I've been waiting so long for this, hopefully none of the other marks have found her yet. I want this to go as smoothly as possible."

"It will as soon as Sol wakes up, she's been sleeping or half the day"

Both Ian and Light turned to the back of the jet to see Sol laid out on the chair in deep sleep.

Ian sighed as Light chuckled.
Ember looked around her and sighed. What a spirit can do if she can't talk to people... she thought. The girl spirit was seriously bored. It had been months since she died. No one seemed to hear her, it was boring. She was sitting on the ground. It was raining but the spirit was not wet. Rain was passing trough her. Please make this boredom end! she thought again.
Sitting quietly at a secluded pub was a rather usual event in Colm's schedule for the last couple of days. Things were slow, nothing really happened, he had no goings on where to find this 5th marked person. Last he heard about it was through a wandering mercenary who claimed to have seen them, not the most trustful resource though. He signalled the bar tender over to his seat in a careless fashion. The bar tender put down the cup he was cleaning and walked his way. "Well if it ain't you, what do you want?" The bar tender said in a relaxed and calm tone. "Oh you know, what I usually have, water." Colm smiled at him, he was never a man to ruin his one and only liver. "Very well," he said and grabbed him a glass and filled it up. He set it down and began to speak again. "Who are you? You have a ominous presence about you." Colm looked up and smiled at the bar tender. "How rude you ask, I am a simple traveller, haven't I stated that before in our last conversation?" The bar tender sighed and went to talk to the other customers. He emptied the glass into a metallic bottle he carried around and slowly exited the pub.
Ember started walking around in the rain but since she was a spirit, she was just unable to open any doors or other things like that. She was looking for someone who would see her but it looked like no one could. Being a spirit, the worst thing ever... she thought.
New place, new people, same old story. Ian's jet had touched ground an hour ago. And after checking into a hotel, followed by a quick shower ad a fresh change of clothes, Ian and her friends were off. The tree had skipped a cab ride in favor of walking just in case Sol got any ideas about taking a nap in the taxi. She had already fallen asleep twice since they departed the jet. Ian sighed, such a lazy girl.

"You said the 5th mark was close," Ian said turning to Sol.

"Um-hmm," Sol confirmed smiling proudly. The young witch stopped twirling the necklace around her right ring finger and held it out. It spun in a study counterclockwise motion. "She's very close. But I can't see the exact location."

Ian had no idea how Sol could tell, to her it just looked like any old purple gem hanging from a black chain. But if Sol said the 5th mark was close, then Ian believed her.

"Oh!" Sol said was she hooked the necklace back around her neck.

"What?" Ian asked.

"It would seem that a marked one is close by," Light smiled as he pointed to a window.

Ian spun around and caught her reflection. "Oh," she said reaching up and covering her right eye which had began to glow a faint blue.

A gift, that was what Light called them when he had given Ian her eyes. Being born with cataracts, new eyes really helped her. But that wasn't all they did. The blue one would glow when the marks 1-4 were within a seven block radius. But the green one, her left eye, now that one was special. It glowed only for the 5th mark. Ian had never seen them glow before.

"Will you look at that," Sol cheered. "We found the 5th mark and now another one is close by. This must be our lucky day, lets go find this marked one."

"The less marks we are involved with the better," Ian said dropping her hand. She blinked a few times and the glowing stopped. "We should avoid this person by all cost."

"I think we should go with Sol's idea," Light said piping in.

Sol's eyes lit up. "You do!?"

"Of course. We should see what we're going to be up against. And who knows, this mark might lead us to the 5th."

"Or the mark could warn the 5th and we're back to square one," Ian really didn't see how any of this would help them. She suspected that the two just wanted to have a bit of fun. She also suspected that they would look fr the mark anyway, no matter what Ian said. "What if this person finds out what we're up to?"

"He or she wouldn't even know who we are," Sol said, her eyes pleading.

Ian sighed. "Fine."
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As Colm hit the streets he began to notice rain fall from the skies. He hated rain very much, it made his eye patch soaked and would usually result in a painful rash. However the rain was soon something in the background, a presence was within him, but not seeable by the normal human eye. This sort of presence was that of a spirit, he lift his eye patch slowly revealing his hidden mark which allowed him to see spirits. The pupil glowed in the minor darkness and unveiled to him that a young grey haired girl was within his presence. He smiled and stared the spirit in the eyes, "well, well. Why do you look so down young lady." Colm let out a small chuckle and put the eye patch in his left pocket.
Huh? Ember thought to herself. She looked up at the person who just talk to her. "You-You can see me?" she asked, thinking she was just crazy and started hearing things. Can he really see me or it's just a bad joke? she asked herself again.
Colm smiled widely, "Of course I can see you, my eyes never deceive me." He walked slowly right next to the girl and stared into her eyes and began waving his hand in front of her face. "See, no joke. My name is Colm, what might yours be?" He walked back a bit and stuck out his hand, offering a handshake.
"My name is Ember..." she said. "Well, it was... When I was still alive..." she sighed before shaking his hand with the best handshake she could since she was a spirit. She gasped when she saw that she was able to touch someone.
Colm didn't actually expect her to give him an actual handshake, but he was slightly shocked when he felt the palm of her hand. "Well then, I didn't think I could make physical contact with a spirit. Hmm, you must be something different, or maybe I just died from a stroke." Colm shrugged a bit and wiped his wet hair out of his eyes. "Regardless, it is fancy meeting you Ember. Sayyy, you wouldn't know anything about this 5th marked person would you?"
"A 5th marked person... No sorry... I don't even know what are marked persons..." she said. Some of her white/grey hair felled down on her face. "If I knew, I would help, of course." She tried to take her hair but she couldn't touch it.
"How are we going to find the nearby mark?" Ian asked as they down the street. It had started to rain and some people people had abandoned the streets for the safety of indoors. Fortunate for the trio, Light was always prepared and Ian, Sol, and Light were safe under the cover of three umbrellas.

"I could try another locator spell," Sol suggested.

"No, You just learned it and it'll take too long," Ian said.

"Okay... I could make a tracker doll... no that wouldn't work either. I would need something of theirs."

Light had stopped walking when he spotted something interesting. Across the street a boy was talking to a girl. Now, that wouldn't have been interesting if everyone else didn't just passed right through her. Light smiled.

"What's wrong?" Ian asked, both girls stopping when the realized Light had.

"That girl, she's a ghost."

Ian and Sol looked around. "What girl," they both asked.

"The one across the street, with the white hair. That boy with the eye patch and red hair is with her."

Again both girls search.

"I don't see anyone," Sol said.

"I don't either, I only see the red headed boy" said Ian.

"Of course you two don't, she's a ghost."

"Oh I get it," Sol said becoming excited. "You can see the dead because you're an angel.

Light nodded. "You got it,"

"And you said that that boy can see her as well?" asked Ian.

Light nodded once more. "Right again."

"You don't think..." Sol started.

Ian smiled and looked across the street at the boy. "This might be our lucky day after all."
Colm paused a moment and began scratching the top of his head. "God this person is a pain to find, well I might as well keep looking. The mercenary said they were around here somewhere." He looked into the spirits eyes and smiled a bit. "Hey, if you want you can help me look that would be cool. Honestly I have been quite lonesome, wouldn't mind a helper. Might look a little crazy when I talk to you though, since I am talking to a ghost."
Ember laughed. "I have a really good hearing," she said. "When you don't want anyone to hear just whisper my name and what you want to say to me... With that you might not look crazy," she said, still laughing. "And of course I would like to help!" She was seriously happy that someone could see her. "Anyways, it's not like I have somewhere to go..." with that she sighed as more hair felled on her face. "What a pain," she said to herself as she tried to take her hair again.

Sol knocked right into the red headed boy, her umbrella flying right from her hands.

"My gosh! I'm am so sorry," Sol said to the boy. "Rain always brings out my clumsy side. This is just not my day!"

A few people stopped to ask if they were okay.

"Yes, no broken bones or anything," Sol giggled and thanked the people who had stopped before turning back to the boy. "Are you alright?"
Ember backed up a bit. That girl had something weird. Ember was not sure of what but that girl was strange. "I-I don't trust her!" Ember said. With that, she looked at the girl, trying to find what was so strange about her aura.
Colm feel to the ground into a large puddle, splashing into it and drenching his clothes. "You bloody klutz, now I'll have pneumonia for sure!" Colm slowly arose to his feet but shut his marked eye tightly before doing so. "Who the heck are you!?"
"Sol," the teen said reaching down to pick up her umbrella and his eye patch. "And again, sorry for knocking into you, especially in this weather." Sol flipped the umbrella upright so that it covered her She then held out the boys eye patch. "What happened to your eye... umm, what way your name?"
Colm let out a long sigh and grabbed his eye patch and applied it on his face. "This eye? Um, I got a serious infection and never healed properly so I can no longer see out of it and it's pretty nasty looking." He looked into Sol's eyes as she told him her name. "Sol eh, well you can call me Colm. Just be more careful when running on the slippery pavement."
Colm's hand brushed up against Sol's as he took his patch. The second that happened Sol felt a rush of power surge through. A power very pure, and very strong. There was no doubting it now, this was one of the marks. But witch one? Sol really wanted to know but that would require a spell, and the young witch had no time for that.

"I'll try too. Then maybe the next time I run into a cute boy, I wont risk giving him pneumonia," Sol tossed Colm a wink. "Anyway, I should get going. I'm staying at the Grants Hotel. If you're in the area, remind me that I owe you one for the cloths."

With that, Sol waved goodbye and was on her way.
Colm shook his head and once the lady had left he removed the eye patch once again. "How strange," he said in a shivering tone. As the cold got to him he decided to maybe go to that Hotel the girl was talking about. "Hey, um... I'm going to find a place to stay and try to get some rest." He said to the spirit making a hand gesture to signal he was going. "If you want I guess you can come there too, but I don't think you need sleep do you?"
Ember looked up. That girl... There was something strange about her aura... She is not human... Ember thought. She realised that someone was talking to her. "Well, I still depend on some human caracteristics. Sometimes I need to sleep," she explained. "Oh and by the way, I can't fade trough stuff."

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