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Fantasy (。◕‿◕。)The Lunar Lotus Inn(。◕︵◕。) [All Are Welcome~]


Two Thousand Club


? No God-modding or Controlling another person's character without their permission.

? Leave all drama back at the door and keep it out of the roleplay.

? Rules will be added and/or removed at random if needed.

? Since this is basically a simple walk-in roleplay. Your characters will normally always be accepted and you may immediately post. The only time I will message is sometimes I actually will say accepted if not, will tell you that you might need to change or remove something that might be overpowered for a character or won't make sense with the timeline. Ex: being born before the inn was made but yet knew it was going to be made is a big 'nono'.

? Have fun!~

Go to Character Sign-Up for profiles. Although this is walk-in, it still requires profiles for knowing what/who your character is.

Fear was finally finishing with the dishes when a glass slipped out of his soapy and wet hands. "God dammit..." He muttered. He cleaned it up and noticed that the fire was starting to run low, he knew there was still firewood outside that needed to be chopped. He walked outside and started to chop the firewood.

(Hope this is a somewhat decent start...)
Takara Hiroji


Spending most of his entire time within the large lobby of the inn, a young white haired male would be humming to himself a light tune as he wandered from one corner of the room to the next with a small spray bottle filled with some type of light blue liquid and in the other hand several white cloths that he had been wiping down the tables with. As it was, the tables themselves were already cleaned however; this young male always preferred to keep moving and keep the entire place as tidy as possible, he was the owner of the whole place after-all. Even though he may had been the owner of the place, he was never one to just sit back and let his workers do all the labor and let himself just sit back and do nothing. He had always wished to show his workers that he was on equal ground with them and their own job title was just nothing more then a title and it made them nothing different compared to himself.

This male's name was none other then Takara Hiroji himself, the owner and one of the head chefs of the Lunar Lotus Inn. Also known to many guests who had ever arrived at the establishment as just a strange man who held way too many secrets behind him. Just as Takara had continued on his daily routine around the lobby, he would only come to a halt when the sudden sounds of what seemed to had been chopping had caught his attention. With a single arched brow, the male would immediately head his way over towards one of the windows at the lobby simply to check outside for what the sounds were coming from. Just as his own silver hues had scanned the slightly darkening surroundings of the night outside; the very first thing to catch his eye was none other then one of his own current co-workers that had gone by the name of Fear. He had signed up for the guard position but as well as one of the bartenders for the inn as well; chuckling at the sight as to how he had been chopping wood for the fire. Just the sight of this, would have Takara return to his duties until either guests would arrive or another co worker would actually require his assistance.
Fear was happily chopping away at the wood logs when a noise was heard. It was a little mew, Fear looked around and spotted it. A golden cat with black spots and a white belly! It was so adorable!!! Fear slowly walked up to it and the cat did the same. The cat sat down and Fear copied the motion as he started to pet the cat. He picked up the skinny golden cat and brought him inside.

"Mr. Takara I need to ask something of you." He said his attention never leaving the cat.
† Caliban Maleth

In an off, rather odd, rhythm the sound of splitting wood guided the travelers course. Certainly the wood did not split itself and so the sound promised company and reprieve from another night of being alone with his thoughts. Well his thoughts and that incessant voice, Caliban reminded himself with a frown...

A bend in the road later and a conservative Inn came into view. A sigh of relief escaped Cali, he didn't mind the darkness of nightfall, but the chill that accompanied it was hardly enjoyable. Coming through the door a soapy clean indicated that his dusty traveling cloak was out of place. Shooting the nearby man, a tall white haired specimen, an apologetic smile the traveler brushed the worse of the dust off and headed for a table near the window. “Apologies, I fear they don't keep the roads quite as clean as this establishment.”

Before anyone could interject the man slipped into a chair and made himself comfortable. “Some spiced wine would help chase the chill from my bones and weariness from my feet if its not too early to intrude on your hospitality?”

As he settled in, another fellow entered. This one seemed on more familiar terms and was carrying a cat of all things. Amused Cali waited for the unusual scene to play out.
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Alaric had been walking through the woods for about a day on his travels to research the area. He felt himself getting tired, despite his athletic build he had been wary from his travels, and extremely tired of walking. He was beginning to feel the despair filling and dreadful feeling you get when you're lost alone in deep dark woods. He would mess with his hair, now regretting his decision to come survey the local area for his research novels he's been writing.

As he was about to give up he saw the light of the inn in the corner of his right eye causing him to light up in hope as he darted over to the outside front of the in. "Thank god I finally found somewhere I could rest. I though I was beginning to get lost." He smirked for a moment before composing himself back to his normal cold look and heading inside of the inn. He glanced around the inside of the Inn before he took a seat by himself to rest for a moment, before he'd order anything.
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Joselyn was traveling. You wouldn't know that just by looking at her. Clean amongst all the foliage and dirt. She had been walking some miles from the last town. The woman wasn't tired by any means she just wanted to relax. A dirt road caught her attention. Standing at the beginning of the road she heard sounds. The sound of each heartbeat. They lulled her like a lullaby. Closing her eyes she remembers briefly her last couple of victims. Some very notorious brigands that weren't so nice.

Cheeks flushed she opened her eyes and headed down this very road. Some minutes later she came upon a quaint looking tavern. She did notice the sound of wood being chopped then it ceased. A brow raised momentarily as she shrugged it off. She came upon the door finely and raised a hand to open it.

Lightly pushing into the door as her steps were silent unless those beyond mortal means then they would hear soft shuffling. Light steps. Violet hues gaze about seeing the lovely looks of the establishment. Some scents danced to her nose as she wiggled it a little. Pleasant and clean.

Stepping from the door as it shut she looked around for a booth. She noticed three people about or there may be more. For now she would be quiet. A booth off to the left caught her attention as she slid into one of the seats and sighed.
Fera was out in the forest picking ingredients for the meals to be made. She knew her was around these woods pretty well and only went where she felt safe. She collected her ingredients in a birch wood basket. Fera wore a cloak to keep herself warm in the chilly air of this part of the woods. She was alone for her little companion was off elsewhere, but Fera was enjoying this nice solitude. "I can go for a swim before I get back" Fera thought to herself.

Henry was sitting on one of the bar stools. He spun around on the stool enjoying his childish fun. He suddenly stopped and stared at the door with an empty look on his face. He hopped of the stool and walked over to the door. He stood there staring. Henry looked like a doll while he was standing there at the door. His eyes void of any emotion, his body stiff, his aura was blank. He just stared at the door waiting.
Fear noticed the guests and put the cat on his shoulder. The cat must've had perfect balance because it never fell off as he got the spiced wine. He put the glass on the table. He quickly moved on to the next table. There a woman was sitting and as he walked up to her he started to notice some of her features. Her black hair and violet eyes. Most notable was her fangs, they were hidden except for people who have been around them. You start to notice the abnormal jaw alignment and the strange bumps caused by the swelling of cuts caused by them. "Hello ma'am may I get you something? The tears and blood of the innocent I think would interest one such as yourself, wouldn't you agree?" He said in a joking tone.

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Actually in this moment she did appear more human than her normal pallid skin. Raven tresses were about to the small of her back. A hand raised to ruffle them as that very hand fell to her clasp. Undoing the clasp of her cloak as it fell precariously off of her shoulders. A simple brow raised once more as she looked at him.

Joselyn shook her head with a small smile. Her fangs weren't utterly long by any means. They were a suitable length. With years of practice they aren't there seen when she speaks or smiles. Joselyn spoke softly as she looked at him,"No, I'd like some spiced wine please. The aroma is pleasant enough." A soft British accent carried with her words when she spoke. The accent indicated from a time prior to this.

She is a couple centuries old give or take. The woman didn't know about this place until she happened to see the dirt road. She doesn't stay in places long if nothing of interest catches her attention for the time. There wasn't any need to stay in one place if no roots were to be planted.

She was going to give this place a feel for it to see if she may stay for a few days. One may never know at all. Either way her little request of wine was good enough. She doesn't eat or drink. The smells are what she aims for. Plus offering the look to those who are blind to the unknown.​
Alaric quietly glanced around the inn looking at the different people before pulling his bag off of his back and putting it on the table, pulling out a book. He would flip to a page marked with a page holder and begin to read.



Takara Hiroji


Once returning to his usual routine of walking around the large lobby of the inn; cleaning the tables one after another with the strange blue liquid and multiple white cloths; it hadn't been long before the sudden noise of the front oak door to the establishment had swung open ever so slightly only to reveal that Fear was stepping right inside with what had looked to be a small golden feline before he would even approach Takara with a rather curious question. It wouldn't had required a genius to figure out what the question was going to most likely be before the young white haired male would simply respond with a single nod of his head and his usual warm smile. Not long after, one after another; guests would start to make their own entrances into the large inn as each of them seemed to had taken a seat one place after another; one of which a male had made his own way over towards one of the stools to grab a drink, another being a woman who was being greeted by Fear currently, the last being yet another male who was taking a seat who looked to simply be relaxing.

Letting a low chuckle leave his lips at the thought that the inn was getting customers rather quickly this evening, just as Takara would've began to approach one of the new guests the first to catch his eye was none other then a much younger male child who was rather familiar. None other then Henry, a little helper who had seemed to had enjoyed being around one of the maids of the inn who had gone by the name of Fera. As he had stood there by the door in such a stiff motion, Takara couldn't help himself but to approach the little child from behind before tapping his shoulder and speaking in his usual warm and caring tone of voice. "Hm? Henry? Are you waiting for Fera? Don't worry, she'll be back soon. I think she had stated that she was going out to grab some ingredients for something and she'll be back. Anyway, if you need anything at all. You know I'm always here to help with anything you need." With his kind tone of voice, Takara immediately headed his way over towards the stools where the two males had taken their seat since the woman was being greeted currently; either way, he would greet her personally later as well and welcome her to the inn as his usual way of letting guests know if they needed anything, he was there to assist them as well.

Just as he had approached the two males, the white haired innkeeper had made sure to place a single hand upon his back while the other over his abdomen before he would bow deeply in respects towards the two men at once.
"Welcome to The Lunar Lotus Inn, gentlemen. My name is Takara Hiroji. Owner of this establishment. Is there anything I can do to assist you two gentlemen? A drink? A room? Some food?" Just as he was speaking, after rising up from his bow, he had already immediately remembered that the first male who had come into the inn had ordered some spiced wine. Nodding at that, he would do just that as he had grabbed the man a cup and prepared his drink while he had awaited for the two guests to inform him if could be of any other assistance.
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"The spiced wine...alright I'll be back for that in a moment." At that moment the cat jumped off Fears shoulder and onto the other side of the booth. It put its front two paws on the table and started to play peekaboo with you. You could've sworn the cat was smiling at you.

Fear went to the other guest on his way back to the bar. He had just pulled out a book and started to read. "Excuse me sir but would you like something to drink?" Fear asked.
Henry stopped watching the door and went back to his stool at the bar. He looked at his small teru teru doll and began to play with it. He just sat there quiet and odd the usual for when Fera wasn't here.
Alaric would quietly think for a few moments seemingly deciding on what he wanted as he put his book down. Upon seeing the white haired man he would carefully examine him as if he were some sort of patient on a operating table. "I'll take a cup of your best Red wine. I'm curious but what do you have in the eating department?" He was seemingly ignoring fear, but responding to him at the same time. Alaric was slightly infatuated by the man's violet eyes and beautiful skin, Alaric was attracted to both genders but ignored any feelings of attraction or other feelings of that sort.
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Offered another smile as he took her order. She wasn't sure if he was jesting or serious about the other offer. Chuckling a little to herself as the cat itself stayed in his place. The cat was sitting across from her. A smile remained as she watched the cat bob up and down as if playing a game.

Shrugging away her cloak as she reached for it to tug it from behind her. Once done she folded it neatly and placed it in the seat next to her. Quickly her attention went back to the feline. Reaching out a hand across the table as she scratched the cat's chin lightly which caused a purr as a positive response to her chin scratching. It caused another soft chuckle from her.
"I'll see what we have to eat." Fear ran a hand through his golden hair, something about the man in front of him was different. He liked it though. Fear walked to the bar and got the spiced wine. The red wine however he would find in the cellar. He hated the cellar...it had a weird vibe to it that he didn't like...he quickly got the red wine in a silver bucket full of ice. He grabbed a menu and the wine. He gave the man the red wine and the menu.

The golden cat jumped up onto the table. Its paws were silent as it walked towards you. It jumped down into your lap and got comfy. It happily purred when it achieved its goal.
Kynnye causally played around outside of the inn door, the sweet sound of music trickling out of the building made her want to dance and sing. Humming with the beat she playfully hopped around in a strange little dance. What a night she thought to herself, so pleasant out well at least to her, she didn't know if it was to anyone else.

After a little while she pushed a large chopped piece of wood next to the door and sat down on it. It wasn't comfortable by any means but Kynnye didn't mind at all. She sat and wondered what kind of travelers where going to come in tonight and perhapes maybe some of them would like to trade.



Takara Hiroji


As Takara had awaited for either of the two males to request something from the white haired owner; he would simply keep his usual smile patiently awaiting for the some sort of answer, all the while; even if he hadn't made it fully obvious physically from how he had stood there. Takara had made sure to take in the scent of each of the new guests that had arrived into the establishment. He had simply done so to get a simple idea of who and what types of guests he would be dealing with for the evening and for however longer they had decided to stay in general. Soon while he had awaited for the answer, watching as to how Henry had approached his way over to take a seat upon one of the stools, Takara couldn't help himself but to turn his attention slightly over towards the small child before simply nodding his head to him as though he were stating a 'hello' to him silently for the time being. Right as he had done so though, listening as to how the navy blue haired man had stated that he had wished for the best red wine and questioned what they had on the menu for foods. The young male had immediately gripped the closest red wine bottle from behind him while making sure to keep his direction faced towards the guests before him; setting up the racks with the bartenders here at the inn for the large number of years he had lived here, Takara had come to practically know where each of the bottles of different drinks normally is placed to the point that he no longer requires to fully look at where they are placed. With a single grasp holding upon the bottle, the other gripping a clear glass cup. He had poured the man his dark drink before handing him a large menu with the multiple different dishes from human dishes to mythicals as well. "Do take your time sir. Go through the dishes and let me know if anything catches your eye." As he had stated this, his attention was soon enough turned over towards Fear once more once he had stepped behind the counter with Takara as well to grab his own drink for the female guest. "Ah. Fear, how is the miss over there? Does she require anything of assistance as well? Or do you have her covered?"

Alaric would look at the menu carefully sipping the wine from his cup. "Thank you." He would say as he carefully thought about all the different items he saw on the menu. He had managed to be broken from his trance a while back irradiated in himself slightly for getting distracted by Takara's odd angelic like beauty as he thought of it. But he was focused once more so it didn't matter.
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Henry looked at Takara and said "I want to eat bacon" in a childish tone. He looked at the Innkeeper with puppy dog eyes hoping for some yummy food. Henry propped his head on his left hand waiting for a response. "Also Fera is almost here" Henry added. Just like clockwork Fera made her way to the inn. She said hello to Kynnye before making her way inside. Her purple hair was wet and she wore a brilliant smile. Fera made her way to the Bar and handed Takara the birch basket. Inside the basket were varying ingredients. Fera then pulled out her notepad and wrote 'So we have some travelers I hope they like the fresh ingredients'.
"The missus is fine and so is the gentleman. If you wouldn't mind going cooking his food while I go smoke for a hot minute I'd appreciate it." He said as he walked out of the bar with his pack of cigarettes. Something about the way he moved you could tell he was aggravated but his voice remained respectful. As it always was for the past fifty years. Fear nodded at the man who thanked him and walked out of the inn. He sat down in the grass next to Kynnye. "Hello there. How are you this fine day?"
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At the bar, Nef tended to the glasses. He cleaned them with such precision and grace that each bottle and glass looked stainless. Scratching his cheek, he looked at the radio next to him. He let out a huge yawn and rubbed his eyes. He seemed to be tired. He felt like dancing would help. Walking over, he started the radio and started to dance and tend the bar in graceful synchronization.
Hisan said:
"The missus is fine and so is the gentleman. If you wouldn't mind going cooking his food while I go smoke for a hot minute I'd appreciate it." He said as he walked out of the bar with his pack of cigarettes. Something about the way he moved you could tell he was aggravated but his voice remained respectful. As it always was for the past fifty years. Fear nodded at the man who thanked him and walked out of the inn. He sat down in the grass next to Kynnye. "Hello there. How are you this fine day?"
Kynnye smiled at Fear and sitting like a little child kicked her feet playfully as she sat. She couldn't quiet make out what he looked like in the mix of dim light and night time dark.

She tilted her head and smiled pleasantly "I'm doing wonderful today, you?"
Alaric had a slight smile when he had heard the little boy ask for bacon, giving him a great idea of what he wanted to eat. He soon realized the smile on his face causing him go back to his same cold expression pausing before putting the menu down. "I'd love a BLT sandwich if you could make me one." Alaric would stretch his arms in the air before sipping more of his wine. He had been quite happy that the little boy had been asking for bacon to eat, or he himself might not of realized he really wanted a BLT.
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