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Fantasy The Lost Kingdom | CS


Boink Bean
Interest Check | OOC

Full Name:
Social Ranking:

Distinguishing Features:

Personality: (6+ Sentences)

In Depth
Biography: (Optional)
The Princess
Full Name: Olivia Lee Paradesa
Byname: Princess | Oli
Gender: Female
Age: Nineteen
Social Ranking: Royalty
Description: Olivia stands 5'4 with a petite build. Her hair is a natural auburn color with hints of blonde and ginger. Her eyes resemble the sea, a beautiful, soothing blue. Her skin is fair and flawless, despite the sprinkle of freckles across her rosy cheeks. She is often seen in nude colors, yet she is rarely allowed to leave her castle due to being the only daughter of the king and queen.
Distinguishing Features: Her beautiful blue eyes, a tattoo she hides on her back.
Personality: Olivia is a wild heart, often finding herself despising her castle, kingdom, and her social status. The young princess strives to feel as free as the people in her kingdom, to feel the grass of the forest below her feet. She can often come off as abrasive and sarcastic, yet under her tough exterior she truly cares for her people. Olivia is a free spirit, not caring what others think of her. She often gets into trouble, as she doesn't think all of her actions through. She is a tad clumsy, and melts for children and small animals.
Olivia has an intense sweet-tooth, finding the world is much better with more icing. The young princess also enjoys being around the dragons, finding their presence comforting and calming. They happen to enjoy her company as well, yet none of the servants can understand why.
Fears: Letting her family down | Dying | Commitment
Habits: Olivia often chews on the skin of her thumbs | She also twirls her hair, as well as picks at her dead ends if she is nervous
Kin: Her father - King Maxius
Her Mother - Queen Anastasia
Her older brother - Faro
Crush: None
Relationship: Single
Child(ren): None, yet she hopes to have some in the future.
coded by: lorde

Her Brother
Full Name: Faro Alexander Paradesa
Byname: Faro
Gender: male
Age: Twenty
Social Ranking: Royalty
Description: Faro stands 6'1 with a muscular build, often giving off a rouged and mean appearance. He has black, short hair that is often combed back neatly. His eyes closely resemble Olivia's, often reminding people of the ocean. His skin has an olive tone to it, yet is flawed with various scars.
Distinguishing Features: His scars. Similar to his younger sister, Faro has a tattoo of a dragon in the same spot of his back, yet a different dragon.
Personality: Faro is often seen as harsh and cold-hearted. He resembles his father in many more ways than one, and civilians often praise him for being so proud. Faro is very blunt and doesn't sugar coat anything, he would prefer telling the hurtful truth than lying to someone. He is extremely proud of his traditions and heritage, finding anyone who doesn't follow traditions to be a disgrace.
Faro prefers his food is be more salty, and doesn't particularly enjoy savory. Faro resents his sister for being able to own the crown once their parents step down, while all he will do is go to war to protect her.
Fears: Failure | Loving someone
Habits: Faro has a short temper, and when he is angry he will shake and have to walk away to somewhere quiet.
Kin: His father - King Maxius
His Mother - Queen Anastasia
His younger sister - Olivia
Crush: None
Relationship: Single
Child(ren): None.
coded by: lorde


Jade Quantinna

Full Name: Jade Quantinna
Byname: None
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Social Ranking: Lower Class


Description: Hair that is such a dark brown it's almost black and eyes that are such a dull green that they're almost grey, Jade is very pretty. She has skin that is surprisingly pale considering how often she is outside, but her flesh is also, reasonably, littered with scars. Her build is athletic, and while she is not short, she is only 5'6.
Distinguishing Features: Aside from the multitude of scars littering her skin, her most obvious trait is the tattoo of a wolf (what else) that she has on her left upper arm. The tattoo is pictured below.


Personality: Jade is very shy, and she prefers to keep to herself and her dogs. However, this doesn't mean she isn't tough-- she trains dire wolves for the Gods' sakes. And although she is socially awkward, she does like to help people. She cares about others' safety, and doesn't like when people get hurt. Jade is very loyal to the family she serves, and would gladly die for them if they asked it of her. However, she hates when her dogs don't return to her, but Jade knows the reality of her job is to see the dogs die every wartime. Jade is more serious than she is funny, but if you can get her to open up she gets much softer. Jade is very determined, never backing down from a challenge-- she says she can tame any wolf and she will.
Fears: Jade is very scared of losing her job, as it is the only reason she gets up every morning.
Her biggest phobia, however, is aquaphobia, as she is unable to swim. You will never hear her admit this-- it is one of her biggest secrets. Her second biggest phobia is claustrophobia, and although she isn't as secretive about it, she still doesn't like to admit it.
Habits: Aside from bouncing her leg a lot when she's sitting down, Jade has a habit of spacing out or forgetting what the conversation is about. She is very down to earth, but if you bore her in a conversation she checks out very quickly. She will occasionally try to play it off, but most of the time she will openly admit that she wasn't listening.

In Depth

Kin: A father, Mother, and a younger sister
Crush: None
Relationship: Single
Child(ren): None
Biography: Jade 's story is nothing impressive; she has no significance but the fact that she was recognized by the royal family for her skills with dire wolves.
Jade grew up on a small farm on the outskirts of the kingdom, where her mother and father worked together to grow different crops each year to make enough money to eat. Jade's father often went out to hunt while her mother stayed and tended the crops, but they made enough money and caught enough food that they got by. Her family paid the tax and was allowed to keep their land.
Jade only began to stand out when she started going out into the woods. After her younger sister was born, her mother was often busy caring for the baby and her father was busy doing work, so Jade ran off into the woods to play.
These forests were filled with, as most forests were filled with, dark creatures that would happily prey on small girls such as Jade. Sure enough, Jade heard the sounds of an animal crying, whimpering in pain. Jade ran through the brush, forgetting her own safety for the sake of whatever animal needed her help.
Jade didn't remember that there were creatures able to use that exact lure to draw her in.
Sure enough, Jade burst out from the bushes into a clearing where a pack of Nephs were waiting. The creatures whirled on her, and saw in the tiny body their next meal. Jade froze in place, until one of them lunged, jaws open. She covered her face with her hands, thinking in her final moments of the family she was about to leave behind. She may have been young, but somewhere inside of her she knew that what she saw that morning was the final image she would have of them.
But the impact never came. A bark came from behind her and something leapt over her head, intercepting the Neph, whose mouth closed on air as it was thrown backwards. A pack of dire wolves all jumped into the clearing, flying over the bushes to land on the dirt. There were now almost twice the number of wolves as there were Nephs.
Later, Jade would realize that they had been drawn by the animal cries too, but for now she was blinded with the idea that they had come to save her. A single wolf turned its head to look at Jade, the small girl shivering as she kept her hands hugged to her chest. The wolf blinked once, then turned back to the Nephs that the pack was about to attack.
Jade ran away, hearing the sounds of growling and flesh tearing behind her.
When Jade got home, she was barely able to speak as she told her family what had happened. Her parents weren't sure what to think-- wolves, saving a human girl? It didn't make sense. She must be making it up. But Jade knew what she saw, so she snuck out that night with a portion of her father's meat stores.
She made her way back to the clearing where she had been attacked, looking around for her heroes. She was disheartened when she didn't find them there, so she sat down in the dirt, waiting.
Jade didn't know how much time had passed, the meat she brought slowly melting as it was out of the chilled environment her family preserved it in. But finally, a howl sounded nearby, and dire wolves once again crashed through the brush. Jade leapt up, excited, but the wolves growled at her. They weren't the saviors she'd pictured them to be, after all.
Scared, Jade threw a piece of the meat to one of the wolves. Then another. Then another. The wolves were thrown off by this. One of their prey was giving them an offering of another prey? The wolves ate up the meat, then looked up to the girl for more. When she began to run out, she saw her window of opportunity closing. She walked towards one of the wolves, reaching out to touch it, but it growled at her and she backed away. She threw the last of her meat into the middle of them and ran back home.
Jade began sneaking out every night, taking meat and going to visit her furry "friends." And over time, they became more and more trusting of her. After a couple of weeks she even was able to touch them.
Her parents knew of her nightly adventures, and were horrified when they found out just what she was doing, but nothing they did could stop her. She just kept going to visit her furry friends, until finally she began training them. Teaching them things and learning their ways. Jade became the wolf girl to her family, and then to the village, and later to the kingdom. The wolf trainer at the palace, an elderly man with no family, learned this and took her under his wing. After years of being taught by the man, he told Jade that he needed to find his own way, and he left the palace.
The part he didn't say, and the part that Jade knew without his specific mention, was that the man was leaving the castle to die. Jade became the official wolf caretaker.
Jade still keeps in contact with her family, but they don't have much free time and neither does Jade, making them unable to visit each other.
Jade doesn't mind herself, as she grew apart from her family during her apprentice-ship with the caretaker before her, but she feels anger for the sake of the other servants who are oftentimes unable to visit their own families.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Calhoun Gervasio

Full Name: Calhoun Gervasio
Byname: Cal
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Social Ranking: Lower Class


Description: With curly brown hair and green eyes, and were it not for his muscular form, Cal would be quite the pretty boy (still kind of is). He has tanned skin, which is covered in scars from scratches, bites, and burns earned from of his many years of raising, training, and caring for the dragons. He is fairly tall, standing at 6'0 even.
Distinguishing Features: Cal is covered in scars and, more importantly, burn marks, from his many years of training the dragons. But even more obvious is the long dragon tattoo wound around his right arm, the head at his inner wrist and the tail landing in the inside of his elbow.


Personality: Like his mother, Cal is an outspoken man, willing to tell people exactly how he feels about them. Cal is, also like his mother, more loyal to the ones he loves than he is to the royal family. Cal is very polite to people he doesn't know, but loves teasing his friends. Cal is very friendly, and wants to be everyone's buddy. Additionally, knowing that he's a pretty-boy, he loves to flirt. Cal doesn't like to admit his faults, but learning from his mother's mistake he knows when to call it quits. Cal hides sorrow deep within himself, something he wouldn't be willing to admit, but when it's brought up he can go into depressions for days. Otherwise, Cal is a generally happy and friendly person.
Fears: More than anything, Cal is afraid of dying alone, body not found until all that was left were the bones.
Phobia-wise, Cal has Phasmophobia, or the fear of ghosts. He admits it, and tells people that they should be afraid of ghosts too. He thinks that there are a number of people who walk the earth after their death for a number of reasons; none of them good. He will talk for hours about the threat of ghosts and how humans should leave alone the things they don't understand.
Habits: Cal has a habit of running his hand through his hair, particularly when he is stressed or thinking too hard. He taps his foot a lot, sometimes not knowing he's doing it and seeming impatient and rude.

In Depth

Kin: His only family he has left is his father, who still lives in the kingdom in a fairly nice home, paid for by the royal family as a sort of retirement home.
Crush: None
Relationship: Single
Child(ren): None
Biography: Cal was born into the dragon taming business.
Calhoun's father was the dragon breeder before him, his grandfather before that, and his great grandmother before then. So it was only natural that, as his father's only child, Cal became the next dragon keeper.
Cal spent his entire childhood living in the 3rd floor of the dragon hatchery (the second floor holding their supplies), the same place that all of his family lived. His father and mother slept in one room, Cal in another. There was a third, 'guest bedroom', but the family mostly used it as an extra storage space.
Cal began learning how to care for dragons from the moment he opened his eyes. He learned to hatch them, to feed them, to train them for battle. To teach them to fly, to teach them to be ridden. Cal was practically a pro by 15. It was at this moment, when he had his confidence bolstered too far, that his mother died.
His mother was a tough woman, a proud dragon caretaker who served the royal family only because she had to. She had high expectations of herself and her family, and usually was proved right. So she thought that taming a fully grown dragon from the wild would be easy. Spoiler alert: it wasn't.
Cal agreed that her plan was a good idea, and when she asked him not to tell his father what she was doing-- "it'll be a surprise!"-- he went ahead and agreed. What was the worst that could happen?
Cal waited for hours for his mother to return to their home. His father asked if he knew where she was, and Cal said she'd gone on a stroll. His father knew better, but he couldn't say anything.
After two days, Cal's father went on a stroll of his own. He returned with a face full of sorrow and the sword that Cal's mother had owned.
Cal kept the sword as his own, making a new sheath but maintaining the blade. He carries it with him to this day.
After two more short years, his father decided he was too consumed with grief and moved into the 'retirement home' that the kingdom gifted him for his years of service, leaving Cal as the new dragon trainer. He still visits his father occasionally, but the man is not entirely in his right mind. Cal mostly just lets his father live out his life on his own, taking care of the dragons in solitude.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat


Full Name: Delilah Seren Embers
Byname: Seren
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Social Ranking: Lower Class

Description: Seren is 120lbs, and stands at 5'10", she has long black hair, and a thin build. Seren has many scars along her back and shoulders, and a white scar along her right cheekbone.
Personality: Seren is very closed off, keeping away from others. She prefers to spend her time thieving with her 7 month old dragon, Ajax. She is quite clever, and often talks her way out of harmful situations. She always keeps Ajax hidden if she's out in public, as she's not exactly allowed to be keeping dragons. Seren often finds herself to be quite a pessimist, and doesn't play well with others.
Fears: Seren has a deep-seated fear of water, as she nearly drowned in a fishing incident in her youth. She has also always been wary of royals, as they tend to be careless when it comes to casualties in the lower-class.
Habits: Seren fiddles with her blade often, and enjoys carving words and pictures into trees or tables.

In Depth
Kin: None
Crush: None
Relationship: Open
Child(ren): None
Biography: (Optional)
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