The Lost Children Of The Fifty States IC


How long has it been now? -Cosmo 2023
Marth peeked around a corner and saw a man in all black, he looked fat and scary so he turned away and scurried off. He was pretty scared but he was taught not to scream, not to whine or anything. Still. No one was around to order him right?

Last time he cried out, he had been hung up only by his tail and hair while a heated barbed wire whip was snapped onto his back seven times. Course he didn't remember it but it had happened. 

Now he was running off away from big scary fat things dressed 

in all black. He jumped up and was caught on the sensor, the door opening for him as he hid stepped inside. 

Looking around, the lights snapped on and the small child heard footsteps bouncing off the walls outside of the room. He frantically looked around before he saw a area to hide. He went and climbed the counter, knocking a few glass vials, one falling into his area he was going to go.

Marth jumped right into the big crate and landed on the vial, glass sticking into his right arm and elbow causing him to hiss. He stood and closed half of the box's lid when the door opened and he ducked back down.

For the brief moments the door was open Marth heard loud banging noises followed by screams and he put his small hands around his head as the thing walked around the room, seeming to be looking for something. 

All Marth could do was shake in fear as he hid under the two closed flaps of the box as he tried not to cry out in fear and pain.

@sitanomoto @Z Greatest001 @DankestMemer

"The bastards took my kid..." Magdalia mumbled to herself as she hides along a wall, "James Bond" style. Her eyes zipped across the halls, hoping she would spot a weapon, or anything she could use to protect herself. A white box was placed next to the open door of a research room which she knew too damn well. She cracked her knuckles, preparing for any attackers.


She dashed to the box as she heard a voice call out "Maggy, come back! We won't hurt you. We just need to talk to you!". "I find that hard to believe." She thought. She slowly opened the box. The scent of revolting chemicals filled her senses and she began to feel queasy. She squeezed her nose so that she couldn't smell it anymore. She took out a glass beaker. "This could work. I could.... uhhh.... hit someone in the face with it and hope it breaks?" She guesses.


A tall man with a long nose walks though the hall. "Maggy? Maggy?" He calls out as Magdalia hides behind the frame of the door next to her. "I can hear you, Maggy. Come out. We're not gonna hurt you. Just PLEASE work with us. We used to be friends." He shouts. Magdalia feels a deep impulse to reply. She fights with herself and eventually gives in with her urge. "No. We were never friends. You killed my son before I even had him, and now you're going to kill me." She grumbles. "Now, Maggy! You're STILL mad at us for that? It was 5 years ago! You should learn to not keep grudges." He replies in a matter of fact manner. The scientist pulls up his lab coat as he searches for Magdalia. He stands in front of her. "To make sure you don't do this again, I'm gonna have to knock ya out. This will only hurt a little." He chuckles a bit as he takes out an injector. 
"NO! NO PLEASE!!!!" 

Kino's small fox ears flattened against his head as he listened to Jazzy's screams. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he endured her cries of pain and anguish. He heard another scream of pain from Jazzy and then a quiet sob emitted from his chest as he hugged his tail closer to himself. 

"Alright, Alric. You can send her back now. We've done all we could do today." 

"You think the mods will really work?" 

"She'll be asleep soon, and then we'll check her brainwaves to know for sure." 

There was a door opening, and a groan from Jazzy as they brought her back to the cell next to Kino. The scientist and guard stood back and looked at the small child, then the scientist knelt next to Kino. "Hey, Kino." He said quietly. 

Kino looked at the man in the lab coat and he relaxed. Johnathan was the only white coat that didnt terrify Kino. He was always so kind to him and to Jazzy, and Kino knew that he would never hurt any of the subjects any more than he had to. He didn't like it, and that made Johnathan better than most of the other white coats who enjoyed sticking syringes and knives and needles into people. 

"Is s-she okay, Johnathan, sir?" Kino whispered. 

"She's alright." 

"Can I s-see her?" 

"Of course." 

Kino scooted over to Jazzy and put his hand on her arm. Her breathing was ragged and shallow, but she was breathing and that was good. 

"Doctor." A voice said from behind the man in the white lab coat. 

"What, Alric?" Johnathan said, turning around and looking at the guard. 

"Magdalia escaped again." 

"Who do they have after her?" 

"You know." 

"Oh god, she'll never come with him." 

Both the scientist and the guard left the room, closing the iron door behind them. 

Kino looked at Jazzy and put his hand on her head. "J-jazzy?" He whispered. 

"Unnnh...." Jazzy groaned and opened an eye. She looked at Kino and smiled weakly. "Hey Kit. You okay?" 

"I'm more w-worried about y-you..."

"I'm alright.... I've got one hell of a headache and..." She coughed. "Kit?" 


"C'mere..." She held out her arm and kino curled up against her as Jazzy put her arm around Kino. He snuggled into her warm embrace and he sighed as she held him in a protective manner. 


Johnathan ran down the corridors and followed the sound of Magdalia Day's indignant comments and the scientist that was assigned to her cackle. "MAGDALIA?" He called out, and he hoped for the sake of her life that he wasn't too late. 

[Side note: I will be making a character sheet for Johnathan even though he is a temporary character, as he is important (ish) to me] 

The scientist (who's named Dr. Hedrinne and is assigned to Magdalia) pushed the needle into Magdalia's arm. "Now, now. Maggy. You have to behave or this will keep happening." He explained to an unconscious Magdalia. The tall man folded the lanky 17 

year old girl into his arms as he slugged her back to the lab. "Maggy got out again. We need to get better locks soon." He breathed in slowly. He unlocked Magdalia's cell and gently put the sleeping girl onto the hard floor. Magdalia slowly awakened. She widened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. I'm back in the sh*t hole." She whispered to herself. "Could you speak a little louder, Maggy?" The doctor said in psychotic voice. "Stop calling me that...." Magdalia cringed at the nickname he had given her. "What? Maggy? I think it makes us closer. I don't get why we need to fight." He looks over at her. "I hate you....bastard." She gives the "shade eye". "Now, now, Maggy. You shouldn't say such cruel things to me." He laughs at her as he gets out an IV-like machine and rolls it over to her cell. He sticks the IVs (or whatever they are) into her head. "This will hurt. Feel free to scream...not too loud though or I will have to turn off your ability to speak....and I do NOT want to do that." He turns up the IV machine and starts to fiddle with the buttons. He plugs the machine into his computer and starts typing. Magdalia starts screaming her lungs out. "I HOPE LIFE BITES YOU RIGHT IN THE ASS!" Magdalia cries out. "Now, Maggy. What did I say about being mean? I'm gonna have to shut you up." He mumbles this as he quickly pressed buttons and silences Magdalia's screams. Magdalia silently cries as she rolls into a ball. 
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Juniper sat in the very back of her cage, a small little smirk on her lips - her go to poker face. The only way someone would possibly be able to see through her facade is by watching her cat ears; they twitched nervously every time someone screamed, whimpered, gasped or anything and her tail swished anxiously on the floor in front of her, the tip of the tail flicking  every now and then. She had a system, a way to tell when something bad was going to happen to her; she listened into what was happening in the building around her. If one person began crying and screaming then it was all down hill from there, the torture wouldn't end until everyone was feeling some type of pain. 

Soon a man would come in, probably will a saccharine smile on his face with hunger in his eyes as he would open her cage, she of course would have to grin in response and crawl out of the cage in the disgustingly sensual way he wanted her to. After that she'd.....she'd have to..... And then she'd..... A small tremor shook down her spine as she gritted her teeth to the thought. There had to be a way to get out of here.
"Now, now, Maggy. I think I'll bring the voice back on. Don't freak out. I'm warning you." The scientist explained slowly as he cranked up a button. "Now, I have to leave for a bit to....get something. Behave." He walked out of the room. "Hey..." Magdalia whispered to the girl with the cat ears who was in a nearby cage.
Dr. Johnathan walked back into the room with Kino and Jazzy and he smiled as he saw how Kino was snuggled up against the redhead girl. His questioning could wait. He walked out of the room again and followed the sound of Magdalia Day's screaming, and then the eerie silence that followed. He walked into the room where Juniper and Magdalia were sitting, both confined, and sat down into the chair where Dr. Hedrinne had previously sat. He put his hands in front of him and smiled warmly at Magdalia and at Juniper. "Hello Ladies." He said kindly. 

As one of the only scientists not an insane maniacal pervert he wanted to be on a good page and know all of the Test Subjects. "It would be insensitive to ask how your day was going, but I brought you both something that might ease the pain or at least keep you busy. You can both say it's an intelligence test when asked about it, and then mention my name if the questions persist." He pulled a couple of items out of his pocket and smiled. In one hand was something for Magdalia and in the other was something for Juniper. In the hand that held Juniper's object was a ball of yarn. "There'll be something for you in the center when you untangle it. It's quite a remarkable knot, much like the Gordian knot of myth, except this time it's much smaller and denser. The faster you untangle it, the faster you'll get to the prize." He rolled the ball through the bars of Juniper's cage so it touched her tail. The other object was what looked like a Rubix Cube, but different colors adorning the sides: pink, Purple, neon orange, baby blue, lime green, and black. He scrambled the cube so that it was a hodgepodge of crazy colors and then tossed it to Magdalia. "Miss Day, this is for you. when You have solved all six sides of the cube, it will pop open and you will be able to get the reward inside." He stood up and unplugged one of the IV's connecting to her arm. "Don't worry about these tests, They'll be over soon." He left before Hedrinne could get to the room without a trace other than those two puzzles. 

Magdalia stares down at the cube that Dr. Johnathan gave her. She intensely unscrambled it, making absolutely no progress. She heard a distant whistle which she knew very well belonged to Dr. Hedrinne. She quickly hid the cube under the carpet Dr. Hedrinne gave her to try to befriend her 2 years ago. The doctor held an animal that looked like a cross between a snake and a lizard. She noticed blood all over Hedrinne's coat. He strides over to Magdalia's cell and sits down. "Do you know what this is, Maggy?" He points at the reptile in his hand. "I don't give a shit." She replies. "Well, then. That sucks because you'll be receiving it's genetics, soon. It's a skink, if you were wondering." He pushes his glasses up to his nose. He walks over to his computer and sits in his chair. He takes out a swiss army knife and cuts the skink with it. He methodically watches as green liquid oozes out of the poor thing's arm. "You're sick...." Magdalia yells at him. "You just don't get it." Hedrinne says in a matter of fact manner. He puts a tube underneath the creature's arm. He wraps his handkerchief around the skink's wound. "I'll throw him out later..." He mumbles to himself. "Or I could dissect it..." He adds. He pours the tube into a pod in his computer. "First, I need to filter it, so you don't get sick, so my boss won't get angry." He looks over at Magdalia. He nudges a beaker on his desk and it pours all over his computer. "Oh crud! Oh crud! OOOOh crud! The boss is gonna kill me. We're gonna have to delay the process." He yowls. He takes out a walkie talkie.

"Boss, we've got what I call a 'Code 2952'." He says, slowly.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in your office. I gotta make sure that Magdalia Day doesn't get out, again."

"Yes. She got out."

"I know, I'm trying, 

"Okay, see you soon."
Dr. Hedrinne runs out of the lab.
Juniper scoffs at this Dr. Johnathan character. Help them? She no longer thought that anyone on or off this earth could help them anymore. Just look at them, they're fucking freaks with animal parts and even if they did get out theres no telling whether they'll be accepted into society or just given back to these asshats in this hell hole. But either way she took the yarn and began trying to untangle it, all the while being extremely peeved at the fact that she'd been given a goddamn cat toy as a puzzle. Whatever was inside of this thing better be good, because she knew how to throw one hell of a tantrum. When Dr. Hedrinne came in she purposely ignored him and casually played with the yarn, getting some leeway but not much. Dr. Hedrinne was feared by most but she personally thought he was a pussy. All the scientists were a bunch of bitches when it came to this boss man they talk about all the time, well Junipers met this boss and he's not such a menace as they say. Sure he has a cruel sense of humor, doesn't know how to be gentle and has an iron fist when it comes to his rules, but get a few purred compliments and a lot of well placed hands and he's putty in your hands. Juniper was his favorite, she just knew it. He would always send one of his minions to bring her to him for "close monitoring" when really all she was was acting as his own personal lap dog- lap cat? Either way, her position was the key to survival, as fragile as it was. She had to be careful to keep character around the bossman or else he would get angry and his anger was no joke. One time she'd casually asked if she could go outside, just once to see what it was like....Lets just say, she'd never been thrown across a room like that before in her life and if the whole 9 lives thing is true then she was down to 7 left.

Magdalia looks over at Juniper with a mischievous expression. "Hey. Wanna escape with me?" Magdalia asks, very nonchalantly. "We may not be able to get out but it's worth a try." As she finishes this sentence, Dr. Hedrinne returns to the lab with a fat man in a monacle. "I can fix the old thing. No worries BUT you'll have to transfer the subjects to a colleague's room. Or just leave them here but the noises may frighten them." The man explains, quite lazily. "No, no. It's fine. I'm sure they can handle it." Hedrinne claims. ((OOC: I may make a little CS for Dr. Hedrinne.)). "I have to go obtain another skink. The first one won't work as well anymore." Dr. Hedrinne sighs, as he puts his bloody lab coat onto a hanger and takes a new one out of a closet which held many tubes of strange liquids. "Notify me when you've finished." Hedrinne demands.

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