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Fantasy The Long Night Lore


One Thousand Club
The kingdom
In the first century, a kingdom was located in the heart of Europe. The people there were considered some of their time's strongest and wisest people. It was said that God may have blessed them. Their kingdom was vast, spanning from the edges of what is now Germany to coast of Romania.

They lived in peace until a hundred years ago, the Romans under Julius Caesar started a campaign to take control of the kingdom. For a hundred years, they fought, losing more and more of their kingdom as the years past. The Romans used their slave monsters to break the kingdom’s lines. By the end of the campaign, a hundred years later, all that was left of the kingdom was a couple of cities near Romania’s shoreline.

Their king…. The last king became desperate. God, if he ever truly existed surely didn’t care about them, so he looked elsewhere for help, much against his best friend and advisor’s wishes.

His searches lead him to a figure. The man looked like the definition of handsome and alluring but had an evil heart and a foul aura anyone could sense. He said he could help the king if he simply obeyed him and drank from him. The king desperately agreed.

After drinking the stranger's tainted blood fire poured through his veins. His canine teeth elongated. His nails grew a few inches and became sharper than any sword. He felt unbelievable power go through him. While he could be out during the day he was much stronger at night

He returned to his people and single-handedly pushed the Romans back, killing most and capturing the rest. His Generals were amazed by the power. The only one who was skeptical was his friend.

He proceeded to give his blood to his Generals. He diluted the blood, lessening its effect so that they couldn’t surpass him and stay subservient. The only ones he gave his full blood to were his wife and children. Only they would have the power to defeat him.

Within five years, over ninety percent of the kingdom were these creatures. Those who wouldn’t change became second-class citizens. Their once proud lands became baron and dead. People from surrounding villages had a habit of disappearing at night. The non creature population tried and failed to leave. Those once humans were just too strong for them.

Their time would come as The Order Of Light. A group that hunts and kills monsters, not caring about what they are like. Invaded the kingdom, destroying most of the population. Those who survived the attack scattered throughout all of Europe and Asia. TOOL proceeded to burn the kingdom to the ground along with any information about the kingdom, purging it from history.

The King escaped the initial attack only to be confronted by his once friend. His friend admitted to being the one who let TOOL in to end this madness. The friend was cut down easily by the king. His final words. “ My bloodline will end your curse.” The king laughed at that. “ And Mine will end yours.” He said their families forever in conflict.

The youngest prince Valius Draqul watched as his kingdom burned. He vowed vengeance on TOOL and the Mortals. Even if it would take him more the rest of eternity.

The Order Of the Light

An order formed in 4000 BC. It was made up by a collection of groups throughout the Mediterranean. Humans being plauged by monsters stunting any form of growth beyond hunter gatherer.

These groups put aside their differences and became as one using a far more ancient tounge to speak to each other. Together they were able to push monster hordes back further and further until it was the monsters living in fear. There were of course those that continued to pose a threat such as the Greek Daemons or the snow walkers or the far worse Nephilin

They were dogmatic in their beliefs. The only good monster was a dead one. They would slaughter whole villages of peaceful beings just because they weren't human. Or even kill humans for harboring them including their own men.

By the time of the Long Night they became curropt and broken into factions. Their once powerful strength divided enough for Valius to crush them. With help from within
this lore is really cool... gives me some good ideas for a character!
Question: Would the new order include humans and monsters against Valius ruling over everyone or just humans? The first order (TOOL) was very much against all monsters, but would the new order put aside their differences in order to stand a better chance against Valius or are they still resolute in being against monsters of all kinds?
TOOL'S Monster Codex. Will be added to as we go on. If anyone would like to add their own they can

Vampires have been seen across Europe, Asia, and there have been reports in Africa though none of our agents have found any.
This is a blanket term used for various sub species. All of which drink blood and have an aversion to sunlight, some have religious weaknesses though doesn't seem to apply to all

Such as the Strigori of Persia a type of worm that infects humans and others rewriting them to become apart of their hives. Abdullah Bilal was able to destroy their last known hive at the cost of his entire team.

The Daemons of Greece. Not much is known about them other than hearsay. Allegedly they don't just drink blood but devour their victims souls. They have been a constant throne in our sides

Vampires of redacted
Back in TOOL'S Prime many of these people would joins us but after their king made a pact with a devil they became curropted. By the time TOOL sent in their soldiers to deal with the situation everyone was either a vampire are already dead. The only ones that got to safety was a mother and her son. After TOOL defeated them losing two thirds of our forces at that time and we saw what was going on in the kingdom ot was decided to wipe it from history. From what we know they were all destroyed.


Considered to be a type of shape shifter Werekin are animals. They can transform into any number animals. From wolves to birds. They are considered dangerous though on nights with a full moon they become unstoppable. We have had reports of werekin in villages going on rampages during a full moon.

Born of the most foul of Magic. When the souls and bodies of damned men are summomed back to the mortal realm. These revanents must feed on the living to regain their own flesh. According to our scholars they are weaker compared to their previous selves. Their souls are cast into oblivion permanently purged . They are under the control of the person who brought them back.
Hadn't thought them through basic idea.
They are primarily nocturnal. During the day time they sleep in such a state that they look like statues. They can't see during the day. And at night their eyesight only makes out shadows of people and object. If a person moves or speaks they are able to pinpoint their location.

Their wings are webbed like, carnivore in nature usually feasting primarily on forest creatures such as deer, rabbits, even bears.

They are pretty slow if someone isn't oblivious they can easily avoid them. Tribe oriented. There can be up to fifty of them per tribe.

Basic appearance

If anyone wants to add any lore to them they can

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