The Lodge(Reboot)

Yeah with the Tenrou Island and Grand Magic Games Arc he escalated to at least my top five favorite characters period.
Ivory will go out for animal blood a good majority of the time, since she doesn't really like killing humans for it. She's versatile in that aspect.
Okay, well I made an attempt at posting. Ian is just going to be a lazy vamp until I figure out something else...
*Sigh* Shiiiiiit. So I fell way behind, and can't keep up. At all. Gonna slip out of here. Sorry all. ;~; Life is snagging me, hardly have time for my other RPs.
I apologize, but I'm going to have to drop this as well. I'm really sorry, I've just got a lot on my plate at the moment and can't seem to keep up with this roleplay. So, I decided to stop while I'm ahead (or to stop before my character grows to be of any specific importance to this.) I apologize and wish to see you all in future encounters. :) Good bye!
Well I'm sorry to see you go. It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully you can get things straightened out. Take care Cinder!

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