The Local Warmonger Returns!


All grown up
Hello folks! Haven't visited you all in awhile and I must request for forgiveness on that part, but real-life, school and some health issues have been preventing me to catch up with everything at the pace it was going/happening. I am glad that I am back now, though I will not be terribly active as I want to be I will be watching any RP's that I am doing and such. Thanks for viewing this and hope to get back in contact with you all. Cheers and see you all around. ( :) )
Well hello person I definitely did not talk to on TS! Its so great to welcome a perfect stranger back to the site! I hope you, with all of your mysteriousness, that you have an awesome time joining new roleplays and even with your stretched schedule, I hope you will have to time to do whatever you love, and have a great experience here on the website! No matter how many times you take your leave, you will always be welcome. Remember that.

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