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Realistic or Modern The Living Dead


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(If worth noting)

Unusual Marks:


Cause of Death:
Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:
The Nightmare:
(The experience they had after dying/before reawakening)

"The name's Naomi."
"Nineteen. But what's it to you?"
"Guys, girls, who cares if they have g'looks?"
"If you really wanna know... I was a dirty dancer. If you see what I'm getting at."

Dark brown
Unusual Marks:
"I have two dots on the back of my shoulder and what looks like a gash on my heart."

"Some people call me a bitch. I guess they're right."
"Most of the time I'm pretty chill."
"Sometimes I can be a bit of a hothead. Can't blame me though, that's just who I am."
"I like making friends but fuck the fake ones."

Cause of Death:
Followed into a back alley and stabbed.
Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:
Her friends are absolutely devastated, but her family doesn't know.
The Nightmare:
Naomi wakes up, the wet gravel pressing against her bloody skin and the rain pouring down on her awkwardly positioned body. She looks around, disoriented from what happened. But, what did happen? The girl gets up, her entire body aching, as she sees a shadow slowly walk to the opening of the alleyway. Naomi opened her mouth to call for help, but nothing came out. She tried to run towards the shadow, but only found her feet cemented to the ground below her. Shadows began coming in from every direction, and although they had no faces, it was almost like they were mocking her. They grew bigger, their cold darkness smothering Naomi like a blanket; suffocating her until she could see nothing but two men at the end of the alley, staring right back at her.
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William "Casper" O'conners






Very pale blue



Unusual Marks:
A beauty mark/mole beneath his left eye and several other ones scattered about. He has a scar above his right thumb from cutting it on broken glass, and a much larger one from slicing his abdomen on the top of a fence.

Cause of Death:
Hit and run car accident (Died in the hospital from internal injury)

Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:
Mother: A 38 year old woman with her heart permanently stuck in a romance novel, Paige Saunders is a hardworking woman who dreams of a better future and is willing to search for it across the country. She and William were very close, with a relationship more like best friends than parent and child, though niether of them can decide if that made things better or worse. The death of her only child has left Paige devastated, and she struggles to find some way to cope with that lose.

Father: WIP

Other: William did have some friends, but he didn't really hang out with them frequently. If it weren't for social media and the news, it wouldn't have surprised anyone if he dissapeared from the chat room for a few weeks... so yeah.

The Nightmare:
“For as long as you remember me, I am never entirely forgotten”.


Ivy Williams
Waitress & Hotel housekeeper

Unusual Marks:

Upon first meeting her Ivy is a graceful young woman with a kind smile. She's an open book who carries her heart on her sleeve. She doesn't mind helping others and doesn't like seeing people in bad situations. If she figures that she can help she'll do it. She isn’t a complete pushover though, Ivy was taught that people take advantage of kindness Ivy isn't someone who is quick to judge. She doesn't listen to rumors for the most part. Eve would rather judge someone based on her own knowledge rather than what was heard somewhere else.

She doesn't believe in lying or sugar coating to some extent. Ivy doesn't completely tell the truth one hundred percent of the time but she doesn't make lying a habit. To her fun is lying curled up in front of a fire with a glass of wine and a good book. After having her son the club life began less exciting. Ivy takes her job serious to the point where she tends to overwork herself. She's a perfectionist and stern when it comes to her work.

Despite being a kind person to a fault almost, Ivy can be quite fierce when she needs to be. People tend to take her kindness for a weakness and she ends up putting her foot down. She's not one to let others walk all over her. Ivy is protective of her friends and family like any person is. She's always looking out for them. Someone would describe her as a mama bear. She finds comfort in nurturing and caring for those who are important to her.

Ivy is an indecisive person . She has a hard time making a decision about the simplest things, like what color top she wants to wear or what she wants to eat . She has a stubborn streak. It's hard to change her mind when it's set on something. Ivy is a confident woman, she’s not one to cower easily.
Open-mind || Honest || Extroverted
Indecisive || Perfectionist || Bull-headed
Likes: Mystery Novels || Coffee || Fall || Learning new things | Dislikes: Bigots || Being left in the dark || Big dogs || Messes

Cause of Death:
During a party Ivy was tossed into a lake, tried to tell her friends that she couldn’t swim but sadly they only thought that she was trying to avoid getting wet
Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:
Barbara & Francis: A barber and a nurse who always made sure that their child would succeed in life. They were a close knit family. The lose of their child devastated them. Francis buries his feelings with work while Barbara is open with her emotions.

Lucius - Her older brother by eight years. The two of them were always joined at the hip. She would follow him like a lost puppy but he loved it. They could alway count on one another. Her death came as a shock to Lucius and he refused to believe it for the longest time. He’s accepted that she’s gone and staying strong for his parents.

Imani - Her older sister by four years. They weren’t very close but loved one another nonetheless, even if they didn’t show it. Their relationship was restrained. Imani felt as if her sister was coddled too much. Despite this they would always help each-other out. Her death didn’t seem to affect Imani much, she’s holding her emotions in just like their father

Jaylen - Her 3 year old son. He wasn’t was planned child but a welcome surprise. His father wanted nothing to do with him so she took to raising him herself. Jaylen was the apple of her eye, the bond between them was unbreakable. Her death left a different little boy in its wake. He doesn’t fully understand that she’s gone. He’s constantly asking when she’s coming back, thinking that she’s gone on a trip. Jaylen has been left with his uncle

Nikki - Her bestfriend and first cousin. They’ve known eachother since diaper days. The two of them were like sisters. They lived together before Ivy’s death. Nikki feels guilty since she was the one to convinced Ivy to come to the party with her. She had gone to get drinks and when she returned she found her bestfriend dead. She’s struggling to pay bills since she and Ivy went half when she was alive

The Nightmare:
She was running as if the hounds of Hell were after her. The ground beneath her began to soften, becoming a goo like substance under her bare feet. Her feet began to sink into the ground, the tar like substance stubbornly holding on to her feet. She pulled with all that she had but when one foot was free the other sank lower. Eventually her body began to tire, she couldn’t hold on for much long. Her legs were stuck, she could move no more. Ever so slowly she was pulled beneath the surface. Like quicksand the substance took her slowly. She clawed at nothing, trying to find something to grab onto. Soon her hand was the only thing visible and then that was taken as well.


coded by lorde
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Jordan Orme




Student/Store worker/Drug dealer










Curvy and toned

Unusual Marks:
Scar on ribcage and a light scar over her eye as well as multiple bullet wound scars in various places


-Easy going
-Anger issues



Cause of Death:
Shot several times when her supplier was attacked at a club she had gone to with him

Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:

Mother- they never really got along, her mother barely knew her. But it's still devastating to lose a child.

Boyfriend- they had a good relationship but it was more friends with benefits. She's kind of grateful that she no longer has to deal with him. He mourns her but it doesn't devastate him

Supplier- he supplied the drugs she sold and took a particular liking to her. He was actually falling for her and her death devastates him more than her boyfriend and mother. Especially as he was the cause of her death and she died in his arms. He also now has to find someone to replace her

Best friend- Although older than Jordan she was like a sister to her. They were basically inseparable and she was the only one who didn't judge Jordan for dealing. She has a child that Jordan was basically the second mother to and he hasn't been told she's dead yet.

The Nightmare:
Awaking with a jolt, Jordan sat bolt upright, wincing at the aching in her body. The first thing she noticed was everything was dark. Not pitch black. Just extremely dark to the point she couldn't see anything but black silhouettes. Rising to her feet, she tried to figure out where she was but with no discernible objects she was unable to. Still struggling to figure out where she was, she tried to move but found her feet wouldn't move. Looking down she noticed her feet had appeared to sink into the floor below her, rendering her immobile. Panic seemed to take over as she desperately tried to pull her legs free, only managing to cause herself to sink more. So preoccupied with trying to free herself, she didn't realize the shadows around her beginning to pulse and move, morphing into grotesque figures. They moved closer with her blissfully unaware until a loud shriek echoed throughout the darkness. Looking up in alarm, she finally noticed the figures now within arm's reach. She screamed as they reached for her, clawing desperately at her skin as they grabbed at her and an excruciating pain overtook her.​
large (2).jpgName: JD
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Drug store clerk
Eyes: Dark brown, black
Height: 5’10
Build: Mesoectomorph, leaning toward a muscular build
Unusual Marks: Lots and lots of freckles!
Cause of Death: Poisoning

JD is occationally spontaneous, and wildly comedic. He can be a real nuisance to the people around him, but he tries to make up for it by being altruistic. In hard times, he believes the most outspoken voice is the one that's kind. He might steal your snacks, bully you into letting him play your games, but that's just how he shows affection! (Or so he says…)

Virtues: "If you're not angry, you don't care enough."
Vices: sour candy, sour gummy jello shots, four lokos, video games, being belligerently annoying, PUNS
Likes/Dislikes: Loves basketball, attention, and (respecting) women. Loathes cigarettes, 9-5 jobs, and birds.
Family/Friends/Situation for the ones left behind:
Mariah Garcia, his parole officer. Meeting him four years ago, she grew attached to the lost and remarkably charming kid. Determined to not let him fall through the cracks, she tried to inspire him to do more with his life while he was alive, and she would be devastated to find him gone.
The Nightmare:
His eyes snap open and he takes in a shakey breath, overwhelmed with fear as he gulps down the thick, muggy darkness that surrounds him. Sweat beads up over his top lip and his forehead, building before rolling down his temples and cheeks. The hair on the back of his neck itches uncomfortably.
His hands fly out into the inky black, scratching at the darkness. His nails tear over splintered and decrepit wood, something small and buzzing falling through on him each time he scratches the wooden cage. He wants to scream.
His right arm shoots with pain and he recoils back from the wall of wood, a thousand horrific thoughts scrambling through his brain. Something from within him snaps. A pale light pokes from under his skin. Bone. His bone.
A wave of sirens battle in the distance. He doesn't breathe, he doesn't dare to. Painlessly, his bone drives itself from his body. Blood pours in silent ribbons down his shirt, through the bed of the coffin. The sirens separate into dissonance and his fingers catch the light unnaturally, leaving trails as he moves them.
Dripping blood, the moonlight in his forearm rises to a blaze before all he can see is white.

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