• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Little Things - Submissions


Horse Doctor
Roleplay Type(s)
"Harmonious" - Mili and Yamato Kasai
The Little
And lastly
  • Requirements
    fortem posce animum mortis terrore carentem
    Thank you for wanting to hop on board! Take your time with your application and tell us if you need a bit more time.
    Remember to read and follow the rules before applying. If you haven't found them, click on the "Lore" text above. Everything you need for the RP, including magic, locations, groups, etc., is written there as well. If you are feeling lost, you can read the character sheets of the GMs for inspiration or ask us directly in the Interest Check thread! You can use a template to your liking or no template at all, as well as include additional sections in your CS.
    Full Name: (Please, remember that it has to make sense with your history)
    Species: (Human or seafolk)
    Age: (20 years old or older.)
    Type: (for humans: spelless or witch with type of witch) (for seafolk: current, if they belong to one)
    Occupation: (Jean, sailor, salvager, unemployed, musician, doctor, fisherman, underwater boat assistant, etc.) (If you want to work at an established location, absolutely feel free to ask us! Certain jobs, such as a judge, high ranks in the Bureau of Relic Guards, a representative of the Corona de Logu and so on, are not available due to the narrative. If you're not certain, ask away.)
    Significant tool: (Every self-sufficient character in a setting like this should have a weapon or tool, right? Give us an idea of such weapons or tools like enchanted daggers, chains, playing cards, brooms, ect. Nothing too flashy like a giant staff or greatsword.)
    Appearance: (Can be as detailed as you like, but please write down a proper paragraph.)
    Abilities: (for spelless: do they have any special skills, are they physically fit?) (witches: please, describe how they use their magic and a maximum of 3 spells that you expect them to use) (seafolk: how do they use their seapower?) (remember to read the "Lore")
    History: (If you are interested in having your character already be familiar with another player's character or an NPC, don't hesitate and ask! Someone will definitely know you in Tubero, even if you are a complete newcomer! We love it when we get to discuss! Keep in mind that you can't be overly familiar with Sardo Ramene.) (At the end of this section, please, remember to write down your character's present position in relation to the plot.)
    Heartstrings: (minimum 0, maximum 7)(Explained in the "Lore")
    The end
    Plot hooks: (Here is where we’d get an idea of what invested your character into the mystery of Sardo’s death and the impact on the community who adored him and his family. Did they just read the paper article and become saddened and shocked by this news? Did they once know Sardo as a fleeting public figure? Are they a witch or Jean who frequented his establishments and noticed his absence? Are they a Seafolk and heard of the important Relic that is now missing from the ocean?)

    Elevator pitch: [Help give us an idea of your characters narrative ideas and goals. At least 3 sentences, something you’d use to summarise your character if only given a few minutes.]
Code by Nano
  • Basics
    Full Name
    Azure Current
    Male | He/Him
    Employed by Danilo and Pietro, Works at Ghisoni Barbiere
    5'2" (157 cm)
    110 lbs (50 kg)
    Strawberry locks fall gently to his waist, at times appearing golden in the sunlight. He generally keeps it tied up into a high ponytail most days. His piercing golden eyes stare out at the world with mischief, shaded by thick eyelashes. His flawless, porcelain skin tends to burn easily in the sun and there is always a natural flush in his cheeks; a button nose sitting above full lips that always seem to be curled up into a smile.

    His lithe and willowy build is defined by lean muscles from when he used to live under the water; they have softened some since moving to land but he keeps active around the barber shop and at times he will go for walks around the town.
    With quick smiles and a laid-back personality, Aurelian comes across as a charming person. He is quick to try and use this charm to defuse situations or calm those that are angered. Aurelian is never one to back down from a fight and will meet any in-coming challenge with his head held high. Once he sets his sights on something, hardly anything can deter Aurelian from reaching his intended goal. Though his trust is hard-won, once he grows to care for someone he would do whatever it took to keep them safe. He is a stead-fast friend and is quick to jump to the defense of those that he cares for.

    There are times when Aurelian digs his heels into the sand and refuses to back down, even if it means his own life is at stake. When it concerns the people he cares deeply for, Aurelian would toss his own safety aside and rush head-long into danger to try and keep them safe. Often times Aurelian gets the urge to press someone's buttons just to see how far he can push them before their patience snaps, especially those that present as cold or distant; he can't help but want to break their icy exterior. His proclivity towards dramatics can also wear on the nerves, a skill he wields with glee. Aurelian avoids talking about his problems like it's a game of tag. Instead of confronting his negative emotions in a healthy manner, he simply shoves them down and refuses to address them. This, of course, can lead to his bottled up feelings over-whelming him and causing him to break down.
    Sweets, Sunsets and sunrises, The feeling of the breeze sweeping over his skin, His hair being played with, Reading, Drawing
    Crowds, His scars being stared at, Anything sour or spicy
Code by Nano
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Species: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Female (She/Her/They)
Ethnicity: Spanish/Greek on her mother's side, Japanese on her father's.

Type: Witch / Ito
Occupation: 'Odd-Job for hire' (somewhere between unemployed and self-sufficient. What most would call a drifter.)

Significant tool: A tightly bound enchanted chain she wears around her neck as though nothing more than a simple fashion accessory, a gift from an old 'friend'. It allows her to channel her spells efficiently as they would otherwise become dangerous very quickly due to their blood-letting nature.

NEXT: 002


Height: 5'8" Weight: 56kg
A tall, refined, and slender build, able to vaguely conceal the toned muscles beneath any article of clothing. Primarily situated in her upper torso and calves. The body of someone experienced in hand-to-hand combat at least to a semi-professional degree. Her tan skin and delicate features seem in harsh juxtaposition to the many piercings and most of all large tattoo pieces along her arms, back, and neck. Able to be hidden via a long-sleeved jacket with a high-rimmed collar but something she doesn't seem overly bothered about doing unless where such a shocking thing would raise unneeded aggravation from those around her.

Abilities: Nyx has a rather chaotic and messy way with spells due to a lack of proper training, more so due to the treatment of witches in her previous country. instead relying on her physical abilities first and foremost and spells only when low on options. She is incredibly fit physically and can best most in pure hand-to-hand combat.

Brash, Mysterious, Quiet observer, and Calculating however her quick temper often causes trouble she could easily have avoided. A huge soft spot for small animals. Her scary expressions lead those around her to avoid or minimize contact, but upon going to get to know the girl she's rather loud, cheerful, and friendly. Mostly acts in such a way due to the preconceptions people have toward her appearance. "Old habits die hard."

Nyx's father was born the grandson of a powerful yakuza family, however, due to being the youngest of two siblings he had greater freedom than his elder brother and mainly handled petty groundwork and mucked around most of the time rather than worrying about inheriting the full-on title. Her mother, an Italian lady, met him whilst overseas and the pair quickly fell in love. However, due to the family name and strong ideals, their relationship would never be approved, and even land the woman in danger, leading the pair to keep their love a secret. Nyx (not her birth name I'll add, she chose it later in life as an alias.) was born and raised with love from her mother and father for the first few years of her life, however, the forbidden relationship of her parents was discovered when she was only 6 years old, the passing of her uncle leading to her father needing to take up the family title and in turn marry a woman of his grandfathers choosing and produce a male heir, his adamant refusal and reveal of his lover eventually led to her mother being killed in a 'tragic accident' all too thinly veiled as a direct order from her grandfather.

Fearing for his daughter's safety after such an event her father took up the title given to him and the pair moved back to the family's main estate. Her father tried to raise her as best he could but as his life got busier and dealings of the 'family business' became darker he gradually distanced himself. Nyx, being a young girl in a male-dominated family line, one with many seedy dealings mainly within the intimidation of people who owe money, not to mention being an illegitimate child at that, was not exactly raised in a loving environment.

If nothing else, many of the lower-ranking members of the family would often babysit the girl, albeit leading to her picking up quite colorful language. Her father soon grew cold towards her, citing her appearance reminding him of her mother and thus pushing her away. When she turned 8 her father had married a woman picked out by her grandfather, and soon received a half-brother who was given most if not all of the attention, losing any real parental love she once had for all. As this would tend to do with any child she began to lash out, surrounded by violence already she pushed herself to learn what fighting skills she could from her hap-hazard 'family' of men. Determined to prove herself to her father, or at the very least get his attention. Getting her first tattoos at only fourteen years of age, a symbol of being accepted into their ranks. At the very least by the group that raised her if not her own flesh and blood. By this time the rag-tag group of men meant far more to her than that man. However, the passing of her grandfather and her father's subsequent rise to head of the family led to many issues, rival yakuza gangs took the chance to target the 'weakened' group, and many of those she cared about lost their lives as expendable lower ranks in territory disputes.

Her own lashing out got worse, and soon her ties to the family were in name alone. A sixteen-year-old roaming the streets, carrying out odd jobs for whoever would pay the best. Only when she bumped into an older Spanish woman, a witch, things started to brighten. The woman became a guide to the rambunctious and violent youth, helping her to work through her emotions, and showing a more beautiful side to life besides the gritty and dark one she was all too used to. During this time stories of her hometown, its lush woodlands, and soft beaches drew the girl in, far different from the cold and muggy city she had grown up in. With the old lady's help, she embraced more of her mother's heritage and began to practice the language from what little she knew from early childhood, with a goal to visit there someday. At eighteen she joined a sailing company as a cargo guard, bouncing from ship to ship as needed, making quite the name for herself with her fistfighting prowess but more unusual use of ito witchcraft mixed into it. Keeping her past firmly concealed to avoid getting mixed up in more trouble or worse off, recognized by someone with yakuza connections. Upon turning twenty she finally decided to part ways from Japan's main trading routes completely, joining a foreign crew with no goal of returning, and after sailing for many seasons, she ended up here, in Sardinia.


THE END: 003

Plot hooks: Nyx had all but arrived in Sardina's port a month prior to the shocking murder now creating shockwaves all throughout the island. Though she had little to no personal knowledge of this man the unexpected and clearly shady occurrence has put the girl on high alert, and perhaps will lead to forming some new and stronger bonds with those she has recently encountered whilst trying to avoid suspicions being placed on the 'mysterious outsider'.

Elevator pitch: A stubborn but passionate girl working to create a future for herself worth living and a potential place to call home. All the while avoiding the many dark corners of her past and trying to form new bonds.
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She's with me. Does her job and does it well. If you've got complaints about her in the pub, tell me. What she does outside is none of my business.
  • Basics
    . . .
    Full name
    Vivianna Amato. She also has other nicknames she goes by. The main ones being Viv, Vivie, and Ai, although Ai is only a name used by people who are close with her.
    Human, she’s part Italian on her mother’s side and part Japanese on her father’s.
    Female, bisexual
    25 years
    Vivianna works as a barback at The Leon. Regardless Vivianna doesn’t have much to her name as she’s rather reckless with her money.
    5'0" (152 cm)
    93 pounds (42 kg)
    Vivianna is a small and unusually scrawny woman in her mid-twenties. Vivianna makes little effort to maintain her appearance and only does so for special occasions. Her messy hair is jet black, and is often either tied in a sloppy ponytail or left to flow down her back. The most recognizable feature of her face is her black eye color and her eye bags which never seem to go away. The way she presents herself to others is reflective of her personality, real and honest. Her voice is rather monotone, almost tired sounding, and the expression she always has on her face is stoic, unchanging, sometimes she almost looks annoyed which may prevent others from attempting to interact with her. She almost never smiles or shows any real emotion externally, even if her internal thoughts would suggest otherwise.

    In terms of clothing, Vivianna dresses in a rather masculine manner. Often wearing very baggy shirts and pants that are either black or some other dark color. Otherwise she will often be seen in poorly put together suits and ties, causal caps or her work uniform. Vivianna will almost never wear bright colors, extravagant outfits or makeup. Regardless of the occasion you will never see Vivianna in a dress. Lastly, Vivianna prefers hats above all else, as when she’s wearing them those who look at her won’t have to gain a full view of her face.

    Vivianna is exactly the person you’d expect her to be upon looking at her. She’s straight-forward, brutally honest and is rather measured when it comes to interacting with people. She doesn’t get worked up easily and can work with almost anyone. Vivianna is rational and fairly clever, she can make the most of a bad situation. Despite all this though, she is nothing short of a mess, which is a side she’d never show to those around her. She drinks and smokes quite a bit to deal with stress, to the point that if you run into her outside of work she will always have a cigarette on hand. Vivianna doesn’t think much of herself at all, in fact she makes no effort to care for herself. She often struggles to find value in the things she does, and because of this she abandons things quite easily and does little to maintain her relationship with others unless she has a real reason to, this is especially true for romantic relationships. Her unkempt appearance and disregard for feminine expectations often push men away. When she’s drunk, she becomes much more impulsive with her decisions, losing her usual measured nature. During these moments she is very careless with her money and blows through her paychecks, usually through gambling, and lands herself in debt or other unfortunate situations. She has racked up lengthy tabs at the places she frequents and is very infamous because of this.

    Like stated before, Vivianna is patient when it comes to interacting with people. She doesn’t hold grudges, and you’d have to consistently test her in order to get her to do so. She’s willing to stick it out if there’s some sort of benefit to the conversation. Otherwise she would leave without saying anything if there’s nothing to be gained. If there’s one thing that consistently gets under her skin though, is people who poke their noses where it doesn’t belong. Vivianna won’t snap in anger, but she has little tolerance for people who pry. In addition to this she has little patience for overly touchy people, and will be quick to tell them off if they get too close to her. If in the event that Vivianna does end up with a grudge against someone, she will avoid conversations with them of any kind, and will only interact out of necessity. Vivianna is a relatively forgiving person, but until you do apologize, she will be quick to let you know of how unsatisfying it is to be in your presence.

    Because of her past, she will naturally be more guarded towards law enforcement or even those who are closely associated with anyone within that group. When it comes to small talk or conversations of that sort, Vivianna is not against them. She isn’t exactly the most talkative person, but she won’t be annoyed by banter. She’s more of a listener than a talker. Finally, Vivianna does everything to not stand out. She just wants to get by without any disturbances or her life in Italy following her. Though this goal of hers may be hard, especially with how easily rumors tend to spread for people like her.

    Alcohol, smoking, gambling, playing the guitar, oil painting, cold drinks, very spicy foods, classical music (although she doesn’t ever say she enjoys that kind of music), cats, nighttime.
    Physical contact, surprises, large gatherings, nosy or loud people, constant or unnecessary questions, dogs, sticky candy/gum, the feeling of makeup, jazz music (because jazz songs are just too long), swimming, boats.
Code by Nano
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♫ Nessuno






Matia Astori


Human Witch | Oti Councillor




Investigative Journalist

Significant tool

"The writer's mate", an enchanted pen that records it's surrounding at will and takes notes on it's own.



With her big, blonde hair and golden jewelry Matia certainly turns heads. She is often admired for her beauty and fashion sense - to her own chagrin. She would rather people talked about her academic and professional achievements - not that she'd give up her beloved updo or her adventurous wardrobe to encourage that, but still. But no matter what fashion trend she had fallen victim to recently, Matia never leaves her house without the worn and treasured notebook in which she meticulously records her thoughts and newest insights.



Matia is no expert magician by any means, but she does know how to play her magical cards right, and when it comes to investigating, she has quite a few up her sleeve. Adept at using her magic inconspicuously, the spells she uses to search crime scenes or pressure suspects during interrogations are often mistaken for a keen sense of intuition — not that she doesn't have that too. She just…always seems to know where to look or who to talk to.

Whispering Threads: Detect and track residual energy left behind by magical spells or beings, helping her to follow leads and uncover hidden information.
Connoisseur of human nature: See/Interpret a person's aura to gain insights into their emotions, intentions aiding her in investigations and interviews. Useful to sift out potential suspects or get a clue if a person is lying to her.
Metamorphosis: Alter her appearance or disguise herself as someone else, allowing her to infiltrate restricted areas or gather information without drawing attention.



Matia Astori is a woman of unyielding determination and unwavering independence that sometimes borders on stubbornness. The spirited investigator-at-heart has never liked to stick to convention, instead, she much prefers to follow her instincts. Leaving the safety of her parents' nest at a tender age to join the Guard, of all things, may only be the first in a series of bold steps on her life's journey, but it describes her character very well.
Guided by her sharp intuition and fueled by a fiery spirit that refuses to be confined by societal norms or conventional expectations, she follows her own path with a fervor and thick-headedness that often leads her into uncharted territory.
Matia's Nonna lovingly dubbed her "curious cat" and even in her adult years, her curiosity knows no bounds. Yes, she cares about truth and justice a lot, but the one thing that will get her attention above anything else - is a good story. Her high self-esteem and curiosity often lead to Matia digging a little too deep and finding herself in sticky situations. It also often leads to her counterpart snorting and stomping off when her questions get a little too probing.
She's pretty sociable and charming when she wants to, but her admirable qualities can sometimes be overshadowed by her occasional overconfidence and bullheadedness, which can make it difficult for others to truly get along with her. When talking to her, she sometimes seems to have her eyes and ears everywhere else but the conversation she's having. She just has a bit of a hard time paying attention, if she deems something not that interesting. But who can fault her, there are just so many interesting things going on in the world!
Despite the challenges she faces and the risks she takes, Matia remains undeterred, driven by a sense of purpose that propels her forward with unwavering resolve, even if she doesn't always land on her feet. She doesn't need to take center stage as a detective, as long as she finds out who did it, you know?



A Sard through-and-through, Matia was born and raised by the well-respected Astori family in Cagliari. Befitting their name and the likeness of a hawk that adorned their family crest, her parents kept close watch over her and her brother Perdu's lives. This prim and proper upbringing successfully swayed her younger brother to stay in the comfortable confines of their conservative parents' ideals. Matia however — not so much.

Her rather spirited nature often led her down unexpected paths. To the dismay of her parents, she decided to leave home just days after her high school graduation ceremony at 18 years old — to become a Guard. This kind of hasty and quite passionate decision was not at all atypical for Matia. She was all too often guided by gut instinct and - as she termed it fondly - female intuition.
During the two years of attending the military academy in Cagliera, she spent day and night studying and graduated with flying colors. It wasn’t long after she joined the guard of Tubero, however, that the Guard's usual procedures began to clash with Matia's temperament. Not every member shared her ideas about conducting investigative work and - driven by her determination to uncover the truth - she frequently embarked on solo investigations. In the end, she overstepped the mark and was dismissed from the guard, after she defied direct orders to investigate a high-profile corruption case involving a prominent member of the Guard itself, uncovering damning evidence of bribery and collusion. She accepted this with a frustrated snort, as she was convinced that she ought to be more effective on her own anyway. Matia had no penchant for being bummed out, so she wagered her bets and at the age of 22 began to study magic at the College of Councillors in Cagliari, in hopes that this could tip the scales in her favor. She also chose to study Literature at the local University at the same time, which - as it would later turn out - proved to be a lucky choice.

Only a few weeks after graduating college, the attentive reader could spot Matia’s first adverts in the Custas Vegadas. "Matia Astori - The one you call when the Guard falls short." Her career as a private investigator soon took off and she made quite the name for herself. With time Matia became known for being two steps ahead of even the Guard at times.
Her keen sense of intuition and magical proficiency weren’t the only things that kept Matia ahead of most other investigators in the city. Bistra D'Ambrogio, owner of Matia's favorite Café Ambrosia, was not only a dear old friend of Matia's, but her connections to customers make her a valuable source of information and rumors within the community. They met in college and while Matia herself was a bit distracted by her new-found passion for writing, Bistra went all in on learning the ways of magic and enchantment. Matias and Bistras dorm room always seemed to faintly smell of questionable spells and potions and even in later years, Bistra loved experimenting with enchantment.
It was during this time that she began to establish her network that spans across virtually every corner of Cagliari and which she fosters to this day. Her connections span the lively streets surrounding The Leon pub to the enchanting atmosphere of the Sweetrose Potionarie, and even delved into the darker alleys where rumors whispered their secrets.
She knew to keep her head down on the way to the Leone pub, as quite a few of the characters on these streets had been on her unfavorable side — and it was common knowledge that this only meant trouble.

About two years later, Matia was now 24, it began to become clear that the cases she tended to accept - the interesting ones - were not putting enough bread on the table for her and the two cats that she had adopted, Dolce and Vita. And so Matia decided to join her passion for investigating mysteries with the writing skills she developed in college to become an investigative journalist. After all, when you risked your life on adventures for a living, why not earn some money by telling people about it?
Bistra gifted „the writer’s mate“ to Matia when she was accepted by none other than the renowned Custas Vegadas to join their ranks as an investigative journalist. The peculiar, but extremely useful, enchanted pen had since proven it’s worth many a time.After publishing some very successful stories, her idiosyncratic nature began to get in her way again. She insisted on pursuing leads that her superiors deemed too risky or controversial, challenging the status quo of the paper's editorial direction. Her tendency to disregard protocols and pursue stories independently hardly helped her case. And so Matia once again got her way and left the prestigious newspaper of her own will, in hopes to write her own stories.

That was about five and a half weeks ago. Since then she rattled off all the smaller newspapers and publishing houses in the city and, with more effort than she was used to, managed to keep her head above water by publishing a handful of small articles. Dolce and Vita would have to do with the cheap cat food for the time being. However, this should not give the impression that the rumor mill had become rusty. No, quite the opposite...



The news of the untimely demise of Sardo had reached Matias ears long before the ink on that morning’s edition of the Custas Vegadas had dried. Her eyes had been on Sardo for weeks, so albeit saddened- she wasn’t all too surprised to learn of his death. Just the circumstances around it, especially the involvement of Piscadori, baffled her. And so, as Cagliari was shaken by the news, Matia was already knee-deep in the investigation of this tragic - but oh so interesting - turn of events.

Every good murder mystery needs some investigating. Matia is a more feminine and less involved take on the classic detective. Her connections and resourcefulness make her a formidable force in solving the murder mystery, and she just might be able to uncover information the Guard might struggle to find. Yet, she prefers to work alone and struggles to cooperate with others. This could be just the opportunity for her to grow, no?



Owner of Matia's favorite café. Old and dear friend of Matia and one of the few people that get her. Gifted Matia her pen. Also serves as a highly useful information source.

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)
They exchanged a few words back when Matia was part of the Guard. Despite her strained relationship with the Guard, she respects him.

Toni loves when she visits the Leone, but Matia knows to keep visits to a minimum. She values him as a valuable source of information.

Matia's younger brother. They have a typical sibling dynamic. Matia feels protective of him. He is sometimes jealous of her. And he thinks she's brave.

Matia's parents. They didn't talk to her for two years after she left home. They still have a strained relationship. They congratulate her on her successes, then urge her to get married quickly.

Matia's cats. Dolce is white, Vita is black. They are siblings. Matia would die for them any day. They understand her better than most people, probably.

♡coded by uxie♡


NAME: Matia Astori

SPECIES: Human Witch | Oti Councillor

AGE: 27
OCCUPATION: Investigative Journalist

SIGNIFICANT TOOL: "The writer's mate", an enchanted pen that records it's surrounding at will and takes notes on it's own.


With her big, blonde hair and golden jewelry Matia certainly turns heads. She is often admired for her beauty and fashion sense - to her own dismay. She would rather people talked about her academic and professional achievements - not that she'd give up her beloved updo or her adventurous wardrobe to encourage that, but still. But no matter what fashion trend she had fallen victim to recently, Matia never leaves her house without the worn and treasured notebook in which she meticulously records her thoughts and newest insights.


Matia is no expert magician by any means, but she does know how to play her magical cards right, and when it comes to investigating, she has quite a few up her sleeve. Adept at using her magic inconspicuously, the spells she uses to search crime scenes or pressure suspects during interrogations are often mistaken for a keen sense of intuition — not that she doesn't have that too. She just…always seems to know where to look or who to talk to.


Matia Astori is a woman of unyielding determination and unwavering independence that sometimes borders on stubbornness. The spirited investigator-at-heart has never liked to stick to convention, instead she much prefers to follow her instincts. Leaving the safety of her parents' nest at a tender age to join the Guard, of all things, may only be the first in a series of bold steps on her life's journey, but it describes her character very well. Guided by her sharp intuition and fueled by a fiery spirit that refuses to be confined by societal norms or conventional expectations, she follows her own path with a passionate fervor that often leads her into uncharted territory. Matia's Nonna dubbed her "curious cat" and even in her adult years, her curiosity knows no bounds. Yes, she cares about truth and justice a lot, but the one thing that will get her attention above anything else - is a good story.
Her admirable qualities can sometimes be overshadowed by her occasional overconfidence and bullheadedness, which can make it difficult for others to get along with her.
Despite the challenges she faces and the risks she takes, Matia remains undeterred, driven by a sense of purpose that propels her forward with unwavering resolve, even if she doesn't always land on her feet. She doesn't need to take center stage as a detective, as long as she finds out who did it, you know?


A Sard through-and-through, Matia was born and raised by the well-respected Astori family in Cagliera. Befitting their name and the likeness of a hawk that adorned their family crest, her parents kept close watch over her and her brother Perdu's lives. This prim and proper upbringing successfully swayed her younger brother to stay in the comfortable confines of their conservative parents' ideals. Matia however — not so much.

Her rather spirited nature often led her down unexpected paths. To the dismay of her parents, she decided to leave home at 16 years old — to become a Guard. This kind of hasty and quite passionate decision was not at all atypical for Matia. She was all too often guided by gut instinct and - as she termed it fondly - female intuition.
It wasn’t long after she joined that the Guard's usual procedures began to clash with Matia's temperament. Not every member shared her ideas about conducting investigative work and - driven by her determination to uncover the truth - she frequently embarked on solo investigations. In the end, she overstepped the mark and was dismissed from the guard, after she defied direct orders to investigate a high-profile corruption case involving a prominent member of the Guard itself, uncovering damning evidence of bribery and collusion. She accepted this with a frustrated snort, as she was convinced that she ought to be more effective on her own anyway. Matia had no penchant for being bummed out, so she wagered her bets and began to study magic, in hopes that this could tip the scales in her favor. She chose creative writing as her minor degree, which - as it would later turn out - proved to be a stroke of luck.

Only a few weeks after graduating college, the attentive reader could spot Matia’s first adverts in the Custas Vegadas. "Matia Astori - The one you call when the Guard falls short." Her career as a private investigator soon took off and she made quite the name for herself. With time Matia became known for being two steps ahead of even the Guard at times.
Her keen sense of intuition and magical proficiency weren’t the only things that kept Matia ahead of most other investigators in the city. Bistra D'Ambrogio, owner of Matia's favorite Café Ambrosia, was not only a dear old friend of Matia's, but her connections to customers make her a valuable source of information and rumors within the community. They met in college and while Matia herself was a bit distracted by her new-found passion for writing, Bistra went all in on learning the ways of magic and enchantment. Matias and Bistras dorm room always seemed to faintly smell of questionable spells and potions and even in later years, Bistra loved experimenting with enchantment.
It was during this time that she began to establish her network that spans across virtually every corner of Cagliari and which she fosters to this day. Her connections span the lively streets surrounding The Leon pub to the enchanting atmosphere of the Sweetrose Potionarie, and even delved into the darker alleys where rumors whispered their secrets.
She knew to keep her head down on the way to the Leone pub, as quite a few of the characters on these streets had been on her unfavorable side — and it was common knowledge that this only meant trouble.

About two years later, Matia was now 24, it began to become clear that the cases she tended to accept - the interesting ones - were not putting enough bread on the table for her and the two cats that she had adopted, Dolce and Vita. And so Matia decided to join her passion for investigating mysteries with the writing skills she developed in college to become an investigative journalist. After all, when you risked your life on adventures for a living, why not earn some money by telling people about it?
Bistra gifted „the writer’s mate“ to Matia when she was accepted by none other than the renowned Custas Vegadas to join their ranks as an investigative journalist. The peculiar, but extremely useful, enchanted pen had since proven it’s worth many a time.After publishing some very successful stories, her idiosyncratic nature began to get in her way again. She insisted on pursuing leads that her superiors deemed too risky or controversial, challenging the status quo of the paper's editorial direction. Her tendency to disregard protocols and pursue stories independently hardly helped her case. And so Matia once again got her way and left the prestigious newspaper of her own will, in hopes to write her own stories.

That was about five and a half weeks ago. Since then she rattled off all the smaller newspapers and publishing houses in the city and, with more effort than she was used to, managed to keep her head above water by publishing a handful of small articles. Dolce and Vita would have to do with the cheap cat food for the time being. However, this should not give the impression that the rumor mill had become rusty. No, quite the opposite...


The news of the untimely demise of Sardo had reached Matias ears long before the ink on that morning’s edition of the Custas Vegadas had dried. Her eyes had been on Sardo for weeks, so albeit saddened- she wasn’t all too surprised to learn of his death. Just the circumstances around it, especially the involvement of Piscadori, baffled her. And so, as Cagliari was shaken by the news, Matia was already knee-deep in the investigation of this tragic - but oh so interesting - turn of events.

Every good murder mystery needs some investigating. Matia is a more feminine and less involved take on the classic detective. Her connections and resourcefulness make her a formidable force in solving the murder mystery, and she just might be able to uncover information the Guard might struggle to find. Yet, she prefers to work alone and struggles to cooperate with others. This could be just the opportunity for her to grow, no?
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(art taken from pinterest, real artist unknown)
Full Name: Anna Ricci
Species: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Female (Lesbian)
Type: Ito Caster
Occupation: Unemployed Cook
Significant tool: Set of Chef’s Knives

Appearance: A short woman, around 5’2, with masses of curly red hair down to her shoulders. She has a broad face, square jaw, large nose and a big smile designed to charm and overwhelm. Anna dresses with great flair and great joy, revelling in femininity. She favours bold colours, heels, heady perfumes, and makeup that draws attention to her dark eyes. Unless she’s at work, gold jewellery hangs from her ears and around her neck. On more formal occasions or during the summer, she likes to wear a hat, usually an ostentatious one - she feels a hat should make a real statement. In mannerism, bearing and size she fills the room, walking with a straight back and talking with sweeping gestures. Her hands are calloused and covered in small scars, a byproduct of her profession.

Abilities: Anna is an Ito Caster, with a First level in the Caster trade, specialising in culinary magic. Anna likes to experiment with imbuing food with properties traditionally incorporated into charms, such as fleeting spells for keeping one warm, relaxing the muscles and aiding in maintaining clear skin and healthy hair. However, in the course of her work as a cook for other businesses, she mostly uses magic to keep food from spoiling, speeding up cooking times, and other tricks to make her work and others’ go smoothly. Outside of culinary magic, she likes to tinker with casting on clothing and makeup.

Personality: Anna likes people; more often than not people like Anna. She’s charming, quick to laugh and has a confidence that manages to put other people at ease. There’s nothing calculated about her outgoing nature - if Anna is talking to you, she genuinely wants to get to know you. And she wants to get to know everyone she meets, with an open-mindedness that has gotten her into trouble more than once. Anna has never minded that though - she likes trouble, and is willing to take any excitement she can get.

On her days off, and frequently after work, Anna is out at a bar or pub, listening to music and dancing. Always, she arrives at a bar alone, and always she leaves with someone - to head home, or to go and hear the next band play at the next bar. In her nights out, Anna soaks up gossip like a sponge. However, in recent months, after coming back home to her childhood town, Anna been spending less time out and more time with her sister and niece. She’s devoted to her family, and hates feeling useless, a combination that has her being so helpful her sister sometimes finds it irritating. Despite her feelings of duty and love, Anna also considers herself someone who needs excitement, a desire she channels into big nights out and, hopefully, the stress of life as a professional cook.

Any time not spent with other people is spent with food and magic, experimenting in the kitchen. Food is, as she likes to say, the great love of her life. The more methodical aspect of her personality allows to tinker with recipes and get down into the details of creating the perfect meal. Beyond that, Anna likes to get creative - it’s the only true outlet she has. If Anna cooks for you, one-on-one, it’s as good as any confession of love. She just happens to be the sort of person who gives out confessions of love easily. At work, she lives for the adrenaline and chaos of a dinner rush, a thrill that outweighs the long hours and stress of her profession. Without a job, Anna pours her time into other people, helping at her family, dancing all night, or lingering at cafes and bars.

A tendency to obsess has been channeled to her craft - for the most part. That obsessiveness manifests in other ways too. Anna has a stubborn streak only matched by her competitiveness - more than once a night out has ended with a fight. Still, arguing brings her a lot of joy. Alongside that, Anna has an inability to take a hit. If someone doesn’t like her, and she thinks they should, or she likes them, she takes it personally. It’s the only gap in her otherwise watertight self-confidence, which (modtly) allows her to shrug off disrespect from bosses and customers. It’s also a quality that goes hand-in-hand with a certain naïve romanticism, which leads her to dream as working as a cook on a Jean ship, and to a habit of falling in love at the drop of a hat.

Likes: Hearing live music, dancing, having a new recipe finally click into place, listening to people talk, a crowded bar, wearing a new dress or lipstick, coffee, the feeling of exhaustion after a long shift or a night out, cats and birds, warm colours, adrenaline rushes, the smell of the sea, heights, the Blue Flamingo (and Astra and Levi Pink’s singing), good perfume, swimming at night

Dislikes: Being laughed at, dogs and any animal larger than a dog, giving gifts, diamonds and emeralds, a bad haircut, a bad meal, condescension or patronisation, shellfish, cold weather and cold weather clothing, under seasoned food, getting too drunk, candy, long silences, small spaces, constricting clothing, stasis and boredom

History: Anna was born in Tubero, to a middle-class family, living with her parents, Beatrice and Nico Ricci, her sister, and her maternal grandparents. Growing up the house was noisy, messy and held together only by here mother’s dedication to housework and her father’s strict parenting. Her mother, a kind woman who bestowed her neuroticism on her oldest daughter, is an accomplished potion-maker, whose work life led her to having children late. Her father is a spelless man, five years older than his wife, who worked as a defence lawyer until his illness and death at age sixty-three. For the most part, Anna got along well with her parents, though they clashed over her lifestyle, and her decision not to pursue the law, as her father wanted.

Following her graduation from non-magical school, Anna chose to attend the Technical School of Cooking and Related Magic. She spent her summers apprenticing at various restaurants in Tubero, and her nights getting out and exploring the town. During this time her grandmother, and then her grandfather, passed away, devastating Beatrice. In this period Anne’s relationship with her parents grew more and more strained, but her relationship with her younger sister strengthened. However, Camilla’s connection to her family and Tubero itself was always stronger. After Camilla’s graduation from non-magical school, she decided to achieve a First level specialising in potion-making, and then apprenticed with her mother and at Sweetrose Potionarie.

After graduating from the Technico, Anna moved to the capital, Cagliari, in order to work at various high-end restaurants. She returned home infrequently, with her last visit being for her father’s funeral. It wasn’t a life-style that suited her. The use of magic was either restricted, or used in ways that Anna found tacky, and she found that drinking and partying was leading to shifts she worked hungover and frustrated. Eventually she heard her sister, Camilla, was having a child, which she used as an excuse to quit her job and rush back home. After all, her sister was raising the child with only the help of her elderly mother and her husband, a sailor who loved her but spent most of his time at sea. Anna felt a duty to her, and a longing to return home to the town she knew so well, which led her to burn a few bridges with former employers and coworkers back in Cagliari.

Upon moving back to Tubero, Anna has found herself temporarily jobless and entirely friendless. She’s spent many a night out at the Blue Flamingo dancing and charming everyone she can, but has found the relationships she’s built up there to be shallow and flimsy in the light of day. Currently, after weeks of trying to get a position at the Blue Flamingo, she has switched her efforts over to the Leon.

Camilla needs her help. While the money her husband brings in is helpful, and she and Beatrice run a sought-after freelance potion-making business, this doesn’t leave her with enough time or money to raise her child. Beatrice, currently fifty-nine, is one year past her husband‘s death, and finds comfort in helping raise her granddaughter with both her children in the home.

Anne spends her time with her sister, wandering around the town, or trying to find entertainment.

Heartstrings: 4
  1. Share a genuine emotion, passion or secret
  2. Accept a meal she has prepared
  3. Take her on a nice day or night out
  4. Prepare a meal for her

Camilla Adorni:
As Anna’s sister, and strongest relationship in Tubero, they got along very well. Camilla is a year younger than Anna, and just had her first child, Elia. Her husband is a Jean, and currently on a long trip, leaving Camilla with only the help of Anna - which she’s glad to have. Camilla is a potion-maker, and currently is working freelance and on commission in order to both raise her daughter and get money coming in. A calm, responsible woman with a sociableness and obsessiveness to match her sister.

Plot hooks: Prior to Sardo’s death, and the closure of the Blue Flamingo, Anna frequented his establishments. She was shocked by the idea of his murder, and saddened by his death, being familiar with him as a figure if not a person. Anna eased off on the partying after his murder, though morbid interest has led her to keep her ear to the ground, desperate to catch any rumour or bit of gossip that might hint at his fate. Due to her familiarity with Tubero’s nightlife, she knows the impact of his death, and is curious about its cause.

Elevator pitch: Anna is a currently unemployed Ito witch and cook, currently moved back home to help her sister raise her child. At the current moment, Anna’s primary goals are, in order of importance: helping and caring for her family, getting a job, and getting some friends. She’s devoted to her family, and adores her niece, making her feel pressured to find employment in order to support them. At the moment, she’s harassing The Leon for a position as a cook, though her true ambition is to work as a Jean. Beyond that, Anna likes to have fun and meet new people, particularly trying to make new friends in her childhood town. Her overall narrative arc will likely focus on the connections she makes with others, and I’d like her social life to get her drawn into the mystery of Sardo’s death, particularly due to her love of adventure.

Note: Please let me know if coding is mandatory, or if there’s anything wrong - otherwise Anna is done! This is my first time applying for a group roleplay, so please let me know if this isn’t the proper etiquette.
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Like a moth to a flame, we yearn for guidance amidst life's shadows. I aspire to be the gentle hand leading souls towards the light they seek.
  • Basic
    Sister Sybilla
    . . .
    Full name
    Sybilla De Luce (si-BIL-ah DEH loo-CHEH)
    Oti Witch
    26 years old
    Deaconess, Church of Tubero
    170 cm (5'7")
    60 kg (132 lbs)

    Draped in the purity of pristine white, Sybilla emits an aura that is both captivating and unsettling. Her robe, fashioned from the finest silk, billows around her form in ghostly whispers, adorned with a subtle display of crosses and delicate floral patterns. In the interplay of light, the care woven into its fabric is revealed, while ornamental trims grace its edges, sleeves, and neckline with the artistry of botanical motifs.

    Light seems to bend around her, casting subtle prisms of color that flicker and fade with each step she takes in her plain black slip-ons. A light veil, reminiscent of gossamer, drapes over her head and shoulders, cloaking her features with a mystical charm. Adorned with lace as fine as a spider's web, a dark headband, embroidered with intricate patterns, holds it securely in position, veiling her gaze from sight.

    Her adornments are minimal; a rosary with a cross pendant rests at her neckline, reserved for moments of prayer and devotion rather than vanity. Alongside, a silver ring encircles her finger, a token bestowed upon taking her religious vows, a symbol of her dedication to God. Its design is understated yet refined, with clean lines and minimal embellishments.

    Apart from her religious uniform, Sybilla, tall and slender, exudes a quiet strength, her movements fluid and unhurried, as if she exists outside the constraints of mortal time. Beneath the veil, her complexion glows with a ghostly luminescence, like moonlight cast on freshly fallen snow. Strands of pale, blonde hair cascade around her like a mist, each strand shimmering with a spectral sheen. Her features are delicate yet hauntingly beautiful, from the graceful arch of her brows to the soft curve of her lips, tinged with a hint of pink hue.

    Contrary to expectations of a soft, wandering gaze, her eyes are instead pools of azure, muted and indistinct, as if seen through frosted glass. Despite holding a faint glimmer of light, there is an underlying sense of detachment, as if she views the world through a cloud. However, her gaze holds a depth that belies her lack of sight, as if she can peer into unseen realms. There is a quiet acceptance in her expression, like she has long since made peace with her condition and finds solace in the darkness.

    But perhaps the most striking aspect is the Thurible she carries, a mystical item that seems to pulse with an energy all its own. As the Thurible swings gently from side to side, it emits a soft chiming sound, the bells adorning its frame ringing out in a melody that reverberates quietly through the air. As the smoke from its magical incense curls and twists around her, she almost appears like a graveyard phantom. One cannot help but feel a sense of both awe and unease. Yet, beneath the surface, there lies a gentle soul, eager to lend aid and guidance to those who seek her counsel.


    "Her tireless dedication to the teachings of our Lord is a testament to the grace of God. Blessed are we to have such a devout soul among the congregation.”

    Raised to prioritize love and understanding, Sybilla exhibits a deep sense of empathy and compassion. She often puts others' needs before hers, seeking to alleviate their suffering and promote healing. Combined with her perceptive nature cultivated by aura-reading abilities, Sybilla excels at reading others’ emotions and noticing subtle shifts in mood and energy. Additionally, as a result of Sybilla’s childhood environment, loyalty and devotion are ingrained in her character. She demonstrates strong willpower and self-control, adhering diligently to routines and practices to improve herself. And although she talks passionately about religion and encourages exploration, she maintains a respectful approach, avoiding imposition.

    As a deaconess, Sybilla embodies support and nurturing care. Her childhood challenges proved necessary for encouragement and assistance, and she draws from those experiences to her community through pastoral care, counseling, and an attentive ear. She tries her best to create a safe, understanding, and non-judgmental space for people to express themselves but offers gentle honesty when asked for her opinion.

    "Oh, she's a beacon of light in the church. I've seen her time and again, listening to the woes of others with a heart so open. Her ability to connect with people on a deep, soulful level is truly remarkable. You can't help but feel understood and accepted."

    Ultimately, Sybilla sees life as guided by a greater purpose, believing that all unfolds as intended by God. She navigates life calmly and optimistically, finding joy in simple things and pursuing knowledge. She immerses herself in books, engages in discussions, and eagerly explores different perspectives. This thirst for knowledge often leads her on tangents and to become intensely focused on a particular subject. While she can sometimes appear impulsive and obsessive in her studies, she eagerly shares her insights and draws upon knowledge to address problems and seek solutions.

    However, underneath that curious, optimistic exterior lies deep-rooted insecurities stemming from her blindness and childhood abandonment. When alone, Sybilla grapples with feelings of loneliness and abandonment, exacerbated by her blindness. As a result, she seeks out the company of others to alleviate these feelings, tying her sense of worth to the relationships she forms. Combined with her inquisitive nature and caring disposition, these insecurities make her clingy and overly intrusive at times, overlooking the need for privacy in personal matters. Additionally, despite her confidence, she fears rejection and regularly views herself as falling short of an unrealistic ideal. Questioning her purpose in life, Sybilla finds solace and relaxation in her faith and the presence of others, yet doubts continue to linger about fulfillment and identity.

    "A blind nun? What kind of a sick joke is that? She's just stumbling through life, sticking to her superstitions like a drowning rat to driftwood. Must be comforting, pretending to have all the answers. But deep down, she’s just as lost as the rest of us."

    Furthermore, her sheltered childhood within the monastery has left her naive and easily misled. Believing in the inherent goodness of people, she often overlooks red flags and makes excuses for people's behavior – her blind trust in authority figures, particularly within the church, further exacerbates this. This trusting nature, stemming from strong faith and belief in redemption, makes her vulnerable to manipulation, resulting in a total disregard for common sense and intuition to help others and forgiveness for even those who have proven untrustworthy.

    “Nice girl, but a bit too wrapped up in her church bubble. Always seeing the good in people, even when they're clearly taking advantage. Makes you wonder how someone so smart can be so easily taken in by all the mumbo-jumbo.”

    Helping others Philosophical discussion Learning about personal lives Giving advice Songs & singing Crowds Banter Fresh pastries Herbal and floral scents Cleanliness Interesting textures Physical contact
    Second-hand smoke Profanity Isolation Alcohol Loud environments Others touching her cane Scent of blood Feeling lesser-than
Code by Nano
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Sincere apologies to anyone working with him.
  • Basics
    . . .
    Full name
    "Amadeo Rubellite"
    between Currents (previously: Sanguine Current)
    25 years
    Toymaker, seamster and owner of the antique shop 'Gilded Memories'
    175 cm + 5-8cm depending on the heels (5'8" + 2-3")
    67 kg (148 pounds)

    Amadeo thrives on the idea of being the odd one out in a crowd of blank faces. A clown, a star, a freak; it doesn't matter how one may describe his appearance or his clothes. As long as people look at him, he's done his job correctly.

    So it's no wonder that his glossy black hair is streaked with bright purple, yellow and pink. Standing out regardless of his hairstyle, which is usually a high or low ponytail. Firm lips and piercing eyes are pulled up in a perpetual grin that is glued to his face, promising that an unsupervised moment with him will end in something being broken or missing. His irises appear to harbour the same iridescent violet as his long nails, suggesting a possible magical influence, and given that Amadeo is a loyal customer of Sweetrose Potionarie, this is quite a likely assumption. With long legs and sleek shoulders, Amadeo carries himself with an elegance and authority befitting his family quo, but buried beneath his hunched back and dragging feet when unmotivated or bored, it quickly disappears.

    Much of his wardrobe supports his loud lifestyle, sprouting exciting colours and mismatched patterns that he prefers to interchange without much rhythm to it. His heeled boots are sure to announce his presence and generally it's not uncommon to see him change his clothes several times a day. His accessories in particular seem to come and go as he sees fit. However, one thing he would always disapprove of is hats. They don't go with his hairstyle or face and have always quite annoyed him. Amadeo does own a fedora, but even that one is in daily danger of being recycled so that he can make something more useful out of it.

    Eccentric would hit the nail on the head, but not quite right.

    Always with mischief up his sleeve, Amadeo knows which lines to safely toy with and which he should mostly avoid if he wants to stay in good grace. Appearing, at first glance, rather cheerful and open, he always knows the latest gossip and is eager to share it and other, more helpful, information with any newcomers or strangers.

    At the same time, however, Amadeo never seems to take anything as seriously as he should. He jokes around, shrugs off problems and lazily enjoys the mundane things life has to offer, even when the urgency of a situation tells him otherwise. The moment someone asks him for a favour and he's not in the mood, it is as if the seaman's friendliness has vanished into thin air, his stubbornness to be uncooperative stronger than any current. Even when he is successfully persuaded to help, he takes a kind of sadistic pleasure in teasing and waiting for the very last, almost too late, moment to grant any request. Amadeo certainly enjoys having power over someone, though he rarely goes out of his way to create such a scenario of power imbalance himself.

    Undoubtedly, Amadeo loves being at the centre of the action, basking in it like a cat in the sun. In a way, he is almost childish in this respect, constantly demanding attention and becoming worse when it is withheld. Breaking social etiquette, brashness and making others uncomfortable are just some of the 'harmless' ways he does to regain their eye. This, not surprisingly, earns him quite a few naysayers about his attitude. Ironically, it is also these people who disagree the most with his attitude that Amadeo delights in clinging to. He annoys them, agitates their minds and pokes at their shells until they either break or he gets bored; the latter more likely. After all, his concentration is rather fickle, losing interest as quick as he gains it. His memory is also unreliable. Amadeo forgets things easily, only to remember them at inconvenient times. Faces are also something that Amadeo has difficulty recognising, usually using their clothing as a means of re-identifying them —if he even bothers.

    Despite his own playful and sometimes friendly nature, Amadeo doesn't bond with others quickly. He is sceptical to a default, and does not expect kindness to come without a price. People are never straightforward, and he doesn't want to be caught blindly by their potential schemes. Being helpless or clueless is something he despises, but being used and discarded like an old toy is so much worse than either of those options.
    cold weather conditions (snow, rain, hail), children, his own creations, threateningly looming in dark corners, milk, bright colours, dancing, gold, marbles, savoury food
    wood splinters, the smell of motor oil and alcohol, leather, sand in his clothes, pineapple, being sticky or itchy, most of his relatives, gum, spice
Code by Nano

A small but rather homely shop, filled to the brim with old collections and oddly specific tools. It's messy, disorganised and, frankly, impossible to find anything once you've misplaced it. But the owner, Amadeo Rubellite, promises that if you are really looking for something, you will find it. No one is quite sure how the seaman finances his business, as the doors to his shop are more often closed than open, and the new entrepreneur is usually seen giving things away for free, but it seems to be holding on for now.
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“If I’m being honest, I prefer bows. Some witches I know are weirdly fond of their hats. But as for me, it’s impossible to wear both hats and ribbons, so I choose ribbons!”
  • Basics
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
    . . .
    Real name
    Zarina Corsentino
    Rina or Zee
    Human (Ito Instiller Witch)
    Twenty-five (25)
    Female (She/Her/Hers)
    A full-time medic for the Guard and an ex-part-time pianist for Blue Flamingo (until they open again.)
    152cm (5’0”)
    40kg (88 lbs)
    A woman of short and sweet stature, she is built with a full chest, slender waist, and graceful limbs. She is petite and has the posture of a woman well-versed in mid-society etiquette. With her porcelain complexion, she could sometimes be mistaken as a real-life doll. Her keen emerald eyes are something she inherited from her late mother. Her father would often remind her of this fact. While her mother bestowed her with beautiful viridescent eyes, her father blessed her with thick, wavy ebony locks. In specific lighting, it can be seen as a darker shade of brown, but its actual colour is jet black. It is long and well-kept; it stretches to her upper thigh.

    Zarina’s everyday public wear often includes bows and skirts with subtle ruffles. She doesn't shy away from bright and colourful tones; her wardrobe is filled with dresses. She can rarely be seen in pants; she's extremely fond of wearing skirts and the girlish charms they exude. It is a wardrobe fitting for the daughter of a high-ranking Guard. She is well-supplied with the clothing she wishes to wear. Often, she can be seen with a ribbon tied at the back of her head, supporting the same colours as her dress.
    Zarina Corsentino is a kind and gentle soul. Her colleagues describe her as a polite and altruistic lady. Her father prides himself on how he raised her and how people spoke of her. She greets every stranger with a dimpled smile and a well-mannered greeting, and people often find her respectful and warm. With her infectious smile, she greets everyone she walks by with a warm greeting, as it is her firm belief that kindness is free to give and comes with no charge.

    Once you have earned her loyalty and trust, she will devote herself to taking care of you and prioritising your every need—not like an overbearing mother but more like a lovesick puppy trying her best to cheer you up. She will return it tenfold once you have shown her kindness and loyalty.

    She is also a woman of religion. Despite her ancestors' different beliefs, she would still like to honour her mother’s faith and religion through silent and private prayers while following its holy principles. Most of her principles are driven by this religion. She firmly believes that goodness must be passed without question.

    Despite her short and sweet demeanour, she is a feisty little thing when it comes to highly stubborn patients and those who poke at her short stature. She will most likely greet the perpetrator with a sweet smile and honeyed venom dripping from her voice. Her patience is often challenged when she meets those kinds of people, and afterwards, she can’t help the internal guilt for her slight show of anger.
    Swimming. ☆ Summer/Sunny days. ☆ Stargazing. ☆ Animals, all types of them. ☆ Helping people. ☆ Praying privately. ☆ Sweet pastries. ☆ Playing the piano. ☆ Dancing. ☆ Sketching people, animals and places. ☆ Reading romance and classic literature. ☆ Floral perfume/scents. ☆ Cooking. ☆ Ribbons. ☆ Clean things and spaces.
    Alcohol. ☆ Cigarettes, specifically the smell. ☆ Spicy food. ☆ Being used as an armrest. ☆ Violence. ☆ The cold. ☆ Conflicts and confrontation. ☆ Greedy people. ☆ Poking at her height. ☆ Mud. ☆ Staining her dresses. ☆ Thunderstorms. She has Astraphobia.
Code by Nano
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I'm gonna explore every corner of the world, both land and sea!
  • Basics
    FC: 37 | Reverse 1999
    Full Name
    Elsie Avonlea
    Azure Current
    Jobless, as she didn’t spend much time on land. Irene would secretly give her a little money to buy something, but Elsie mostly saved it instead of spending it. But after the incident, she decided to find a job, as she would be spending more time on land.
    5'1' (155cm)
    94,7lbs (43kg)
    Often mistaken for a pretty boy with long hair, Elsie possesses a remarkable delicacy in every aspect of her being. Her slender, petite frame seems as fragile as a wisp of wind, leading many to assume she is still in her adolescence, unaware that she has already celebrated her twentieth year. Resembling her mother, Elsie's fair skin is akin to the smooth, moist texture of a newborn's, radiating a natural, healthy glow.

    Her hair, left untamed, cascades down her back, nearly reaching her knees, a lustrous reflection of the sea's azure depths. Despite its length, her hair remains effortlessly beautiful, its waves undulating like the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean. Whether she is swimming beneath the waves or floating atop them, her hair moves gracefully, mirroring the sea's serene movements. Elsie's eyes, the mirror of her soul, match the color of her hair, inviting others to gaze into the depths of her being. They shine with a blend of tranquility and joy, as if reflecting the calm expanse of the ocean on a peaceful day. Staring into her eyes is akin to peering into the heart of the sea itself, a mesmerizing experience that leaves one feeling both soothed and captivated.

    Elsie's preferred attire is a loose dress devoid of fancy frills or extravagant embellishments, chosen primarily for its comfort rather than fashion. While some may find her choice of clothing unconventional, Elsie sees it as the most practical option for her daily activities. Elsie always wears a golden two-line headband adorned with a delicate leaf decoration, a functional yet stylish accessory that keeps her long, sea-colored hair from falling into her eyes. When on land, she often gathers her hair into a ponytail to prevent it from getting tangled or caught in her surroundings, a habit born out of necessity. Elsie also enjoys the simple pleasure of having her hair braided by Irene Piscadori, which she cherished most and often leaving them intact for days on end.

    On one occasion, a comical incident involving Alessi's bowler hat happened. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she had adorned herself with the hat, striking poses before the mirror with playful abandon. Yet, Irene's gentle admonition swiftly brought her back to reality, the hat deemed incongruous with her attire. Though a momentary pout graced her lips, it quickly dissipated with the arrival of Irene bearing a bowl of Elsie's favorite cookies.
    Elsie, a young seafolk, is driven by an insatiable curiosity and a boundless thirst for knowledge that encompasses both the land and sea. Her love for learning is as deep as her affinity for the sea itself, and she approaches every topic with a voracious appetite for understanding. Questions flow from her tiny mouth like a never-ending stream, sometimes simple and straightforward, other times complex and thought-provoking. In Elsie's presence, there is never an awkward silence. She is a constant source of conversation and inquiry, always eager to share her thoughts or seek out new information. Like a chirping bird, she can be both endearingly cute and delightfully noisy, her voice a lively addition to any conversation.

    With her exposure limited to the sea and her youthfulness in tow, Elsie possesses a simplistic view of the world, seeing everything through a lens of innocence and optimism. To her, life is a vibrant spectrum of colors, where even the darkest shades of black are simply hues within the greater rainbow of existence. Trust comes easily to her, as does forgiveness and attachment, her heart open wide to the people she encounters. However, this often leads Elsie into situations where her naivety becomes a double-edged sword, bringing misfortune as well as unexpected joys. Yet, despite the setbacks she faces, Elsie remains steadfast in her conviction that everything happens for a reason, finding solace in the notion that there is purpose to be found in every twist of fate.

    To those around her, Elsie is seen as either a sweet little sister, cherished for her innocence and purity of heart, or an easily fooled little girl, vulnerable to the whims of a world she struggles to fully comprehend. Her pod, particularly her father, harbors concerns for her well-being, cautioning her against venturing onto the land for fear that her trusting nature may one day lead her into irreparable harm. Yet, despite their warnings, Elsie's belief in the goodness of humanity remains strong.
    Books, her window to everything
    Sea animals, even the scary and deadly ones
    The sun, a love hate relationship, she likes the warmth and light, but she can’t stay under it for long
    Irene’s cooking, Elsie prefers the land’s food than her own kin’s
    The grass after the rain
    Anything with blue
    comforts her eyes
    Collecting things from the land
    Her father’s lecture, the yapping always goes from her right to left ear
    Horse, she has an unexplainable fear of them
    Footwear, it feels weird to not able to touch anything with her barefoot... dirt can be cleaned, but the sensation of blending with the earth is irreplaceable
Code by Nano
I want to escape...
  • Basic
    Enzo Santini
    Kenzo Tenma, Monster
    Full name
    Enzo Santini (EN-zoh san-TEE-nee)
    37 years old
    Jean, Clerk of the Landlocked
    177 cm (5'10")
    65.7 kg (145 lbs)
    Enzo's lean form stands with a noticeable slant, his weight shifted onto the right side of his body. As he walks, each step he takes is accompanied by a subtle metallic clicking sound that seems to come from his right leg, reminiscent of the jingling spurs of a cowboy.

    Haunted by hardship, a pair of dark, frigid eyes underscored by dark circles lurk beneath Enzo’s tangled mane of black hair. His voice carries a distinct roughness that seems to have weathered years of use and every word he utters is tinged with a grating quality, as if it's been rubbed raw by a lifetime of use, and the faint scent of alcohol lingers on every breath exhaled.

    A gray officer’s cloak, with frayed edges and the aroma of tobacco and soil forever infused, hangs from his shoulders, serving both as a garment and concealment for the knotted sleeve of a white, sweat-stained shirt punctuating his non-existent elbow. The only touch of refinement within his appearance is offered by a pair of brown suspenders holding up his navy blue trousers and a shoddy fiddlers cap; the latter he wears begrudgingly in compliance with social norms, as he cares little for hats after donning a helmet for years.
    Enzo functions as well as anyone else. He wakes up on time, handles work efficiently, and regularly holds conversations. But something is always missing from the smiles and pleasant greetings he extends. His actions express warmth, but his eyes are cold and distant, reflecting a vast, alpine wasteland where he stands thousands of miles from anyone else. Day-to-day life is a necessary repetition, a distraction fueled by the basic instinct of self-preservation to combat the thoughts in his head, and all else is an act of denial of the anguish ravaging his brain. Yet nothing has ever truly soothed his tormented soul, not even liquor and its numbing warmth – the closest thing to comfort he has.
Code by Nano

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