Story The Life of a Mob Boss

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club
Yeah, so I originally wrote this as a post for a roleplay I'm taking part in. For some weird reason, I was struck with a extreme bout of literary muse and decided to write a introductory post that is the equivalent of an chapter of a novel. It is easily the largest post I ever shared here on RPNation, so I decided to post it here. I might write some more.

Be sure to leave any constructive criticisms or just general thoughts and opinions down below.

Part I
In a sprawling metropolis, the streetlights illuminates the landscape. The sound of rain hitting the black asphalt and concrete is deafening, but the busy people going about their nightly activities don't seem to care. All of them dressed in deep black clothing, from above they look like a colony of ants as they quickly scatter to and fro. On the ground, a young man who wares a tattered suit is sat against the remains of what appears to be a sprawling skyscraper. The man is clearly malnourished, his gaunt cheeks barely able to stretch any more as he looks towards a cardboard sign next to him that says "Homeless. Please spare any money?". No people seem to take notice of this man, worse yet, some seem to be actively ignoring him. That is, until a woman who's clothing consists of vibrant amalgamations of colors notices the man. Because of the bright colors, she is easily discernible in the crowd of drably dressed pedestrians. The woman is also wearing a sunhat, the brim obscuring all of her facial features. While the homeless man cannot see the face of the woman, somehow he knows she is blindingly beautiful.

After a moment of staring at each other, the woman bends over and kisses the homeless man without a word. While the homeless man was sure he had felt the warm embrace of a woman before, this time felt like his first. Instantly, his body is thrust into a state of euphoria. His tattered, broken business suit is transformed into a new one which now consists of the same blindly colorful colors of the woman. All of the pedestrians seem to disappear, with the woman in the sunhat being the only other person in the man's sight. Though the homeless man has just met this woman, he wants to cradle her. He wants to spend the rest of his life with this woman. He wants to have children and grow old with that woman. He wants to...

All of a sudden, all of the man's hopes and dreams are dashed in a single instant as a bullet lodges itself into the woman's head, throwing blood and other undesirable substances onto his face. The man stares on in unadulterated horror as the woman's body falls to the floor, lifeless, her face so destroyed that she is nigh unrecognizable. Right before the man scrambles to the woman's side, a similar bullet lodges into his head.

In a instant, the whole world turns black. Nothing can be heard but the deafening sound of rain...


Boss, we've finally met that person.
The one that's been so eager to meet our friends?
Where are you?
The usual place.
How would you like us to entertain your guest, Boss? We could introduce him to Eric, if you want.
No. Keep him there, I want to find out if he has any other friends we should meet.
Okay Boss, anything else?
Yeah, get the T and the B and prepare our guest, I'm on my way.
Consider it done, Boss.
The sleeping Kaden began to stir from his sleep, the sound of his phone vibrating against the wooden nightstand echoing throughout the room. After looking over at his still sleeping wife, then at the digital clock on the same nightstand (which read 3:45 AM), his head jerked back towards his phone, the screen bright with a message notification. "Dammit, I thought I told these assholes to stop messaging me about business so late at night...", he mumbled to himself, sitting up from his very comfortable, albeit slightly oversized pillow.

His annoyance instantly ceased, however, as he read the message. To himself, he said, 'So they finally made some goddamned headway, huh?'. After a few moments of sending messages back and forth with the sender, Kaden had all the information he needed.

He carefully climbed out of bed, trying his best not to wake his still sleeping wife. Groggily, he retrieved his phone from the nightstand. He then walked over to his closet. After quietly shutting the door, there was a muted flick as the entire room illuminated itself. What seemed like hundreds of pieces of clothing filled the room. One side being various business suits, other types of formal wear, and the occasional pair of jeans or tee-shirt of some kind; Kaden's side, the other side housed different dresses and other kinds of lady things; Jade's side. Shakily, Kaden grabbed a pair of stone washed jeans and a comfortable black turtleneck, along with some sturdy black boots. It was rare occasion for Kaden to wear anything other than formal attire, but he had a feeling that where he was going, there wasn't going to be a formal event of any kind.

After getting dressed, Kaden sauntered to the far end of the closet where there seemed to be a huge metal safe. After fiddling around with the electronic number pad for a few seconds, Kaden stepped back as the large metal door swung open to reveal a mountain of money, a few rifles, a expensive looking watch, a modest yet impressive diamond necklace, a bottle of pills, and a blood soaked picture. Without even batting an eye at the money or rifles, Kaden retrieved the watch and slipped it onto his wrist. As he prepared to close the safe, though, his eyes wondered over to the blood soaked picture, haphazardly thrown towards the back of the safe. The picture was one of a teenage girl holding a bottle of milk to the lips of a baby curled up in a blanket. After a few moments of gazing at the picture in thought, Kaden put it down, now turning his attention to the bottle of pills. On the side was a label that read PROZAC - ANTI-DEPRESSION MEDICINE.

Kaden stared at the bottle for what felt like ten minutes before unscrewing the lid and taking out a single capsule. He tilted his head as he stared at it, Do I still need these? Do I still miss her?, he thought.

"Fuck that." He put the pill back into the bottle and then put the bottle itself back into the safe before slamming it shut. A cha ching emitted from the safe, signifying that it had re-initialized it's locking mechanism. After exiting his bedroom, Kaden entered a long hallway with various doors leading to different rooms. As he quietly tiptoed through the hallways of his stylish abode, he noticed that one door was cracked open, it was the door to his daughter's room. Gingerly, he cracked the door open slightly more to reveal a small girl sleeping soundly, dreaming about flowers and unicorns, no doubt. A small smile flashed across Kaden's face as he closed the door and continued down the hall and descended the step into his garage.

The motion-detecting lights spurred to life as Kaden entered the large space. Cars of all make and models littered the room, from sports cars, to luxury cars, to antique classics. Walking past most of them, Kaden picked the keys to one of his favorites, a black Porsche Panamera. Kaden's back vibrated with the soft purring of the vehicle as he waited for the automatic garage door to swing open. Normally, he would have his chauffeur drive him around but he couldn't be bothered calling him.

Some say the streets of New York are never empty, and Kaden found this to be the case as he traversed the massive maze of buildings. He loved the way New York looked at night, the way thousands of lights lit up the city. Sometimes, he liked to look at the pedestrians walking on the sidewalk and wonder, What are all of those people doing? What could they possibly have to do this late at night? Maybe that girl left some lingerie at a friend's house, maybe that man lost his fiancée's wedding ring and's trying to find it...

Kaden's pointless hypothesizing was brought to a stop as he pulled up to a huge nondescript warehouse. He removed his keys from the ignition as another man, dressed in a tight-fitting black business suit, opened his door for him. "Welcome, Boss. The rest are waiting for you inside, along with our... guest."

Kaden nodded as he exited his car and strolled into the warehouse. The dank interior of the building barely allowed any outside light to penetrate its interior. The place was kept illuminated through the help of a few industrial light fixtures.

In the center of the large, empty warehouse, were stood six men. Well... actually, five men were standing, one was tied up with thick rope, hanging upside down from a ceiling beam and gagged at the mouth with a piece of duct tape. Almost in complete unison, the five men, which were also wearing business suit, said "Good morning, Boss!". The man hanging from the ceiling simply let out muffled scream as Kaden approached. One of the five men, with stark white hair and carrying a aluminum bat and a book bag of some sort stepped forward. "We caught him trying to get one over on ol' Pete in Queens. On our way here he also admitted to jumping the one from last week, too."

Kaden simply nodded as he nabbed the bat from the grey haired man. The upside down hanging man wriggled slightly as Kaden stepped closer to him. The man didn't have any shirt on, so Kaden could see various bruises and lacerations that his own men had probably inflicted as retribution.

Kaden slowly knelt down so that he was at face level with the bruised man. "Shh, shh. I'm not going to hurt you as long as you tell me what I need to know. Now I'm going to take this piece of duct tape off your mouth so that you can talk to me, okay? You scream, and I'll make these fine gentleman here fill your stomach with hot lead. I know it's probably hard for you to think since all of your blood is rushing to your head, but I'm gonna' need you to nod your head if you understand what I am saying."

Suddenly, a wet spot began to appear in the man's groin region.

"Oh, shit!" Kaden yelped as he took a step back, stumbling over his own feet in the process. Being upside down, the urine traveled down the man's body, then began dripping onto the ground. Kaden's men began to laugh, much to his chagrin. "Shut the hell up. All of you but Ross leave go outside and jerk each off or some shit. My... wet friend and I are going to have a little chat."

All of the men, except for the one with the white hair left the warehouse. Kaden knelt back down and removed the duct tape, revealing the man's severely bruised upper lip. Kaden also realized that the man's right eye was so swollen he could probably barely see.The hostage quietly stared at Kaden, obviously terrified but sizing him up all the same.

Kaden brought up a hand to itch the back of his well groomed head. "One man wets himself and everyone turns into fucking comedians. You would think I pay those bozos to laugh, eh?"

The man continued to stare at Kaden, not saying a word. "You're right, I don't pay them to laugh. I pay them to protect me and my assets. But I guess you already know that, don't you? You should, on the account of you attacking my drug couriers. Tell you what, though, you tell me who you're working for and I let you go, scot-free! No other question's asked! I just need a name, one name, and that's it. How does that sound?"

The continued to stare at Kaden, intent on not answering his questions.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I'm sure this'll be an terrible ordeal for us both. You know, I was at home enjoying my beauty rest when my men told me about you. All I really want to do is go back to my wonderful family, but I can't do that until you give me the name of your employer."

The tied up man, narrowed his eyes at Kaden and slowly shook his head before spurting out, "F-fuck you!"

Ross then pulled out five large rolls of duct tape from the book bag he was carrying. "Boss, I don't think he's willing to play ball. Should I?"

Kaden clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Never let it be said that I'm not a benevolent person. Go ahead Ross." Then, without a word, the man known as Ross began wrapping the man, head to toe, with black duct tape. Kaden shook his head patronizingly, "You know, Ross, I don't want to do this to him, but he's not willing to tell us who he's working for so I guess there's no other way. It's such as shame, though, this bat is so shiny. Now it's probably going to get all this disgusting blood on it."

Ross chuckled a bit as he continued to wrap the duct tape around the man, and applied another small strip to his mouth to keep him from screaming too loudly. Ross slowed down a little when he got to the man's crotch, but he eventually wrapped it up all the same.

After Ross was done applying all five rolls of duct tape to the tied up man, he looked like a caterpillar in a black cocoon. Stretching his arms, Kaden prepared to explain his plan to the man, "Now, you just interrupt me when you're ready to give me the name of who your working for. Until then, I'll just be practicing my home run swing. At first you won't feel it as much, you know, with the duct tape and all, but every few minutes or so my associate here will remove a layer of duct tape all the way until you hear and feel nothing but this metal bat hitting your soft, delicate body. Hmm, the last time I swung a bat was when I was at a Yankees game. They were gracious enough to let me bat a few before the game. Too bad they got shut out that game, 9 to 0..."

Then, Kaden hefted the aluminium bat and swung it as hard as he could. The man let out a muffled scream, but Kaden could tell he probably didn't feel the full brunt of the impact. He was probably more scared about the idea of getting hit with a metal bat, more than anything. Kaden continued like this again, and again, and again, for two minutes.

Breathing heavily, Kaden knelt down. "Whew, you still don't want to talk, eh? Ross, remove half of he duct tape, I want him to feel these next ones."

Ross them unwrapped half of the duct tape, exposing the figure of the man slightly more, but still providing enough protection so that the man's bones wouldn't be decimated by the force of the bat. "Batter Up!"

This time around, the man's cries were noticeably louder. Kaden could see more dents in the duct tape form with each swing. After two more minutes of constant swinging, Kaden fell onto his butt, exhausted. In between his breaths, he could barely manage to say "You... my friend... are quite the handful. But seriously though... you're gonna have to give me the name of your employer if you wanna make it out of here with all... well, most of your bones intact..."

As soon as Kaden went to remove the duct tape from the man's face, he spat the largest glob of saliva from his mouth. The battered man's aim was right on, because it hit Kaden right on his cheek. The man chuckled a little, "Fuck you, fuck your bat, fuck this duct tape, fuck your whole group of weirdos! You think I don't know about you, about your reputation? It doesn't matter what I tell you, you'll kill me anyway! Camillo's Heir never leaves any loose ends, right?!"

Ross slowly pulled out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and handed it to Kaden. "Here ya' go, Boss. Want me to just off em' now?"

"No. Ross, would you be so kind as to remove all of the duct tape?"

"If ya' say so, Boss..."

"I just fucking said so, now stop yapping and do what I fucking told you to do, Ross!" Kaden snapped, startling Ross a bit. "I get woken up at 4:00 AM in the fucking morning, I try to be merciful, and this is how this asshole responds?! You think you're so fucking clever, huh!? We'll see what's so fucking funny when every bone in your trifling body is shattered into pieces!"

Unable to contain his anger, Kaden pushed Ross out of the way, who was in the middle of undoing the duct tape. He was only halfway done, so some parts of the man's body was still partially covered. "Boss, wait! He's not gagged!"

The man loud out a blood curdling scream as Kaden's bat connected solidly with his left elbow. A sickening CRACK could be heard as the man's arm turned in on itself like a folding chair. Next, Kaden sung for his kneecaps, causing the man's legs to bend at awkward angles. Ross attempted to stop Kaden, but was pushed away. "You have to stop, Boss! His screaming will wake up everyone in the entire neighborhood!"

Kaden's normally clean, slicked back hair was now disheveled, covering his eyes which were bloodshot red due to the sudden increase in blood pressure. "Oh, you're worried about him screaming? That's an easy fix!"

Like a wild animal, Kaden relentlessly attacked the man's rib cage. Ross flinched as he heard the bones in the man's chest splinter. The hostage sputtered for air, the fractured bones in his chest had no doubt pierced his lungs and other vital organs. Laughing hysterically, Kaden hoisted his bat for one final swing, "Ha ha, who's laughing now?"

But before Kaden could deliver the final blow, the man managed to eek out some words from his blood drenched lips. "You... know, I have a... son. I... just... wanted to... feed my son."

There seemed to be a lapse in Kaden's rage. "You should've said that sooner..."

A nauseating sound was heard throughout the whole warehouse as Kaden caved in the man's skull with the aluminium bat, bending the bat twenty degrees.

"I want this space spotless by sunrise! Dispose of the body and the bat, can have anyone finding the murder weapon, and someone clean up all this blood and piss." Kaden snapped, after a few moments of deafening silence.

Then, with a huff, Kaden exited the warehouse as quickly as he had arrived. As he started the engine to his car, he could swear he heard his men arguing about would would clean up the urine, but he couldn't be bothered going back into the warehouse.

With a loud SCREECH, Kaden darted off back towards his home.

When Kaden finally returned, his watch read 5:30 AM. 'Great, now I'll barely get any sleep. I promised the family I would take them to the casino today...', he thought as he quickly removed all of his clothes and put the other items back were they were. He sneaked back into bed, pulling the covers over his body.

It was all for naught, however, because after what felt like a few moments after he closed his eyes, his wake-up alarm went off. "Motherfu-"

And so, begins the day of a mob boss.​
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