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Fantasy The life of a lab-rat

Jesse's eyes followed Vinny as he ran across the beach and into the woods. The stupid kid was going to get himself injured... or worse. 'Dumbass...' Jesse hissed.

When she was released from Ivory's grasp she managed to stay on her feet in an unsteady landing, reaching her hand down afterwards to nurse her throbbing leg. With her other hand she swept away the dark strands of hair that had fallen onto her face and craned her neck to watch the half robotic girl chase after the boy.

She had no energy to run off after him, so she was restricted to silently hoping that the cyborg girl would keep him from ending up as another human stew. A frown made its way onto her face when she caught herself being concerned with the boy's welfare, but she quickly waved it away. There was nothing she could do for him now.

'You foolish boy!' she thought crossly as she hobbled over to a sun-bleached log, half submerged in the sand by time and wind.

Jesse winced as she lowered herself to sit down onto the smoothed bark but was mostly relieved just to be off her feet. Thinking about the boy reminded her of the condition of her arm so she decided to chance a peek beneath the bandages. It was beginning to smell bad, not a reassuring sign, and she would need to replace the bandage. Perhaps the spare shirt in their supply crate that the deceased girl would not be needing.

She glanced towards where Miziki was and glared...fox-girl would probably object to it just out of spite.

As she said, she was an unwanted blight to the rest of the group. It would probably be best to go solo, but she was not in the best of conditions to do well on her own with the threat of bloodthirsty creatures in the forest. She would have to wait a bit.

'Just put up with their shit for a little bit longer...' she grumbled to herself.
Kito watched the entire argument, feeling helpless throughout. He had no idea what he wanted to say, or what should of been said. All he knew was that some words were exchanged and it ended with Jesse being thrown down without effort. Miziki was still with him, she was one of the few people he could actually count on in this hell. She stood up for him, and she was nearly attacked because of it. The same thing happened back at the lab, she stood up for him and got hurt in the process. Maybe she was right, Jesse would only bring more harm to the group just so she could have a chance, however small it may be, at survival. Kito only turned his head as he watched her basically limp over to a log and checked her bandages. Underneath, were the wounds he inflicted onto her.

The least he could was help in some way. He got up and walked back to the front of the beach. He found his old shirt and tore off a sleeve...then the other. He slowly walked back over to Jesse and didn't say a single word, or even looked at her as he handed her the long strips of cloth. Maybe she could use those as bandages. He didn't even bother to listen to what she said as he too ran straight into the forest. He only hoped it wasn't too late.

@Mitchs @Juju @Scattered Ambitions @JustCallMeAimee

Lilly's eyes flashed open, as she sat bolt up right in the sand. Her heart was beating rapidly, as she had just awoken from another nightmare of needles, pain, screaming. so much screaming, she put her hand to her head and groaned a bit. knocking it a few times as to get the screams out of her head. after that was done with, she glanced around with her blind eye, trying to get a feel of where she was now. There seemed to be sand under her fingertips and stuck on her bum. standing, slightly wobbly and probably looking drunk to anyone. she brushed off the sand, to her imagination she was probably on a beach.Since the sound of crashing waves now hit her ears, great no walls to cling to for a guide. Focusing her ears, she tried to grab the sound of anyone talking nearby, that could maybe help her figure out exactly what was going on. She couldn't remember anything from the moment she had awoken. "Hello! is anyone there?! privet, kto-nibud?!'" sighing for a moment, she sat back down in the sand. Hoping this wasn't a private beach and someone woud come by soon


I hope this starter for my character makes sense to everyone elses xD​
Jesse had watched Kito's every move in icy silence as he placed the scraps of cloth upon the log beside where she sat. He didn't speak a word, and neither did she, but perhaps it was for the better. Most things Jesse said lead to an argument in one way or another. Then, as swiftly as it had began, Kito left towards the forest to look for the runaway kid.

Was this some sort of offering of forgiveness? Trying to make her believe that he was somewhat stable. Or perhaps it was all a show so that he looked good in front of the others.

She spent a long time just staring down at the mound of cloth, watching as the salty breeze stirred the torn threads. After a while she let out a sigh and slowly unwrapped the stained bandage around her arm. Beneath it the wound was definitely better than it had been a couple of days ago, but the slashes had been reopened from her 'encounter' with the cyborg girl and stung when she exposed it to the open air. Retrieving her water bottle from her pocket, she twisted the cap off and tilted it down above her wound. Pink threads of water ran down her arm as she washed out the wound before disappearing into the sand in a darkened splotch. Once she was finished she discarded the old binding and re-wrapped the wound in a makeshift bandage made from the scraps of Kito's shirt. It wasn't the best, but it would do.

Now that Kito, Patchface and the boy (she didn't know the names of either) were gone she found that the scene had become terribly bland. In her boredom, Jesse picked up a piece of driftwood and examined it with half-interest. The ocean and sand had smoothed the old wood and had twisted it into an interesting shape. There were more like it scattered around, but she was too exhausted to collect them right now. Perhaps she could make something out of them later?

She was pondering a certain sculpture when a voice caught her attention. Placing a hand on her brow to block out the sun, Jesse turned her head to find a girl sat on the sand. Her cries for help were beginning to annoy Jesse so she leaned down to pick up a piece of driftwood and threw it towards Miziki, aiming for the wood to crash against her head.

"Oi, Foxface, can you shut up that girl over there?" She shouted over. "She looks to be in mild distress."

@Mitchs98 @Calalily
Calalily said:

Lilly's eyes flashed open, as she sat bolt up right in the sand. Her heart was beating rapidly, as she had just awoken from another nightmare of needles, pain, screaming. so much screaming, she put her hand to her head and groaned a bit. knocking it a few times as to get the screams out of her head. after that was done with, she glanced around with her blind eye, trying to get a feel of where she was now. There seemed to be sand under her fingertips and stuck on her bum. standing, slightly wobbly and probably looking drunk to anyone. she brushed off the sand, to her imagination she was probably on a beach.Since the sound of crashing waves now hit her ears, great no walls to cling to for a guide. Focusing her ears, she tried to grab the sound of anyone talking nearby, that could maybe help her figure out exactly what was going on. She couldn't remember anything from the moment she had awoken. "Hello! is anyone there?! privet, kto-nibud?!'" sighing for a moment, she sat back down in the sand. Hoping this wasn't a private beach and someone woud come by soon


I hope this starter for my character makes sense to everyone elses xD​
Juju said:
Jesse had watched Kito's every move in icy silence as he placed the scraps of cloth upon the log beside where she sat. He didn't speak a word, and neither did she, but perhaps it was for the better. Most things Jesse said lead to an argument in one way or another. Then, as swiftly as it had began, Kito left towards the forest to look for the runaway kid.
Was this some sort of offering of forgiveness? Trying to make her believe that he was somewhat stable. Or perhaps it was all a show so that he looked good in front of the others.

She spent a long time just staring down at the mound of cloth, watching as the salty breeze stirred the torn threads. After a while she let out a sigh and slowly unwrapped the stained bandage around her arm. Beneath it the wound was definitely better than it had been a couple of days ago, but the slashes had been reopened from her 'encounter' with the cyborg girl and stung when she exposed it to the open air. Retrieving her water bottle from her pocket, she twisted the cap off and tilted it down above her wound. Pink threads of water ran down her arm as she washed out the wound before disappearing into the sand in a darkened splotch. Once she was finished she discarded the old binding and re-wrapped the wound in a makeshift bandage made from the scraps of Kito's shirt. It wasn't the best, but it would do.

Now that Kito, Patchface and the boy (she didn't know the names of either) were gone she found that the scene had become terribly bland. In her boredom, Jesse picked up a piece of driftwood and examined it with half-interest. The ocean and sand had smoothed the old wood and had twisted it into an interesting shape. There were more like it scattered around, but she was too exhausted to collect them right now. Perhaps she could make something out of them later?

She was pondering a certain sculpture when a voice caught her attention. Placing a hand on her brow to block out the sun, Jesse turned her head to find a girl sat on the sand. Her cries for help were beginning to annoy Jesse so she leaned down to pick up a piece of driftwood and threw it towards Miziki, aiming for the wood to crash against her head.

"Oi, Foxface, can you shut up that girl over there?" She shouted over. "She looks to be in mild distress."

@Mitchs98 @Calalily
Miziki Kurone

Once everything was said and everyone had ran off after Vinny Miziki moved further up the shore and sat down with her knees up to her chest, blankly staring at the ocean. She hoped they'd manage to find him, she couldn't help but feel partially responsible for him running off. But once again it all boiled down to Jesse. Sure, Jesse wasn't the only one at fault, but if she could learn to be a little bit nicer and stop playing the victim all the time she'd be tolerable. Though she was sure with Kito and the rest running after him they'd find him and he'd be just fine. She glanced over to Jesse ever so often, just watching her. She heard someone else wake up, and was going to actually go check on her, when she was hit in the head with a chunk of wood. "
Ow! What the heck!" She shouted, not entirely sure what hit her. Though she defaulted to Jesse, especially considering she was trying to get her attention. "For your information I was going to." She replied.

With that she pushed herself up and walked over to Lilly, "
Hey, it's okay. You're not alone. They dumped us all off here." She told her, hoping the knowledge of not being alone would calm her.


Vinny ran and ran into the woods until he couldn't run anymore. At that point he just sat down on a rock, and cried quietly. Soon enough he felt tired. Then he felt really tired. Then he felt really, really tired. Then he was leaning back on moss covered stone. Then he was asleep.

Kito wandered through the woods for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, he was able to spot a sleeping Vinny on what appeared to be a rock with moss on it. Kito took a seat next to Vinny and waited for the others to show up. He thought that if he left with the boy, the others wouldn't know and would keep searching. Hopefully, everyone would get here soon. As long as the boy didn't run off, again everything would be peachy keen.

@Scattered Ambitions @JustCallMeAimee
Isune said:
Kito wandered through the woods for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, he was able to spot a sleeping Vinny on what appeared to be a rock with moss on it. Kito took a seat next to Vinny and waited for the others to show up. He thought that if he left with the boy, the others wouldn't know and would keep searching. Hopefully, everyone would get here soon. As long as the boy didn't run off, again everything would be peachy keen.
@Scattered Ambitions @JustCallMeAimee
Ivory looked around slowing to a stop. She heard a low gruntled sound almost like a growl, her eyes narrowed and she looked around. Then saw it, yellow like animal eyes peering out at her, it growled and automatically she stepped away. The wold followed it muzzle stained a dank red. "Shit..." She mumbled as it seemed to bare down getting ready to pounce at her.

A satisfying 'clunk' sounded as the wood collided with Miziki's head before bouncing off to land on the sand. It was made even better when the fox hybrid became aggravated by it. 'Perfect' she thought. Jesse laughed as she watched Miziki cross over the sands to stoop beside the new person, but soon stopped when the movement began causing pain to her bruised side. After that, things seemed to dissolve back into the typical gloom.

To keep herself entertained, Jesse watched as two seagulls squabbled over a red string of flesh left behind from the dead girl.

"Shit" Jesse muttered while one of the birds took off with the bloody prize. "The lab-coats really don't care about us any more." Angrily, she dug her foot into the sand and kicked it away. No matter what the stupid fox-girl may wish, she wasn't going to die on this godforsaken island. As she thought of this the grim realization that dark would soon be settling on the horizon sank in, along with the fact that none of the other freaks had bothered to start a fire or make a shelter. Sure, Kito had mentioned an area to make some hovels, but they would need something that would benefit them in the short-term. 'Besides' she thought with an uncertain glance towards the looming forest. 'Whatever is out there will have gained an appetite for human flesh... what's stopping it from trying another?' She thought of the little boy being hounded down by whatever beast had attacked the dead girl, but forced herself to shake off the image.

After first testing out the strength of her leg, Jesse stood up from the log and began piling some of the driftwood into a tent-like shape. They were too big to be kindling so she bundled up some dried seaweed and looked at it suspiciously. It might work... but how could she get a spark? She could ask the dragon to do it... but Jesse was loathe to do that option unless she needed it. She sat down beside the unlit fire, twirling a stick while she thought about her options.

Suddenly an image of someone twisting a stick onto a log appeared unannounced in her mind, causing her to look down at the wood in her hands as if it had just sprouted wings. That could also work, though she didn't know whether or not she had ever done it before.
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