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Fantasy The Library

"All I usually eat are fruits, vegetables, meat and wheat." Fysi nodded remembering the times that she had eaten those too. "What do you usually eat?" She thought for a moment having flash backs of her past habitats. But the memories she had best was when she was on earth, she was able to eat many different kinds of foods. "Sweets...Jams are one of them. Jams are made from fruits..." She answered. "Foods on earth are really tasty..."

Ian intently listens to locks explanation. He never bothered to learn much about the magic of his world and would be of little help when it came to that part of his way home.

"The way home may be different for everyone but I doubt that the curator will allow anyone to just leave after going through the trouble of tearing a holes into the multiverse. That said, we have no idea how powerful that person is and how many allies of his own he has."

He turns to Micheal and Matoi.

"We all want to get home as fast as possible but rushing things without a plan will only get us killed. Your plan to create an alliance against the curator is good but try to be a bit more low profile. The last thing we need is to lose whatever value we have for our captor."

Ian then returns Duncan's smile "I am Ian."

He also has yet to notice Treilin.

@Thatonechillgirl @Saturnity
Micheal and Matoi walked away from Ian. "We are doing good so far with this alliance plan,but how can we spread the word though? said Matoi "Flyers?" said Matoi again "No, remember, this is a infinite labyrinth and god know how many people are stuck here." said Micheal "Do we need to stir up attention?" "I dont know, we can nap on it." said Micheal "Ok, lets find a beds." Micheal and Matoi walk into another hallway
"Hmm." Jared said with a smile. "I intend to try these "jams". Made of fruits, you say?" He walked to the door and opened it, holding it open to allow Fysi to get through.

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Feeling a slight tub at his robe, Locke turned and noticed the short, blue creature that had been so ferocious earlier, when they'd been addressed by The Cartographer. "Uh..." With a mental curse, Locke chided himself on his racist- Provided that was the correct term - attitude. He might as well get used to speaking with others not of the same species as himself. "Hello. I am Locke- what is it that you are called?"



It took several moments for Treilin to register that the young mage was speaking to her, and once she did, her body froze. Fighting the urge to flee in embarassment, the Tideling slowly shifted her gaze up at the human, her eyes fixating on his face. The fact that he did not attack her on sight unlike most of the sapient races on her world gave her a boost of confidence.

"L-Luck..." she enunciated, her native accent marring the name awkwardly, "I'm named Trilin Il'Udura Murcisstil... or only Trilin."

After a slight nod of her head to her new acquaintance, she realized she was still clenching his robe and promptly let go, dropping her hand behind her back in embarrassment. Turning her head, she acknowledged the other humans and non-humans in the group while grasping her hands behind her back.

"I apuligize if my cution errlier alurmed you," she gave a faint fanged smile as her confidence kept her going, Trelin's bright orange eyes dancing among the unique faces in the small gathering. "A habit learned frim my world."

@Gaaron01234 @Traka

((The mispellings in the dialogue are my attempts at writing her accent. If it's too hard to read let me know and I'll stop))
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The God of Fire, he says? How could such a deity...? Ah, no matter; it's an entertaining idea!

"Why, it was either Duncan or Flamespitter Ashenbone III. Obvious choice", Duncan said to Locke, smiling and casting a glance at the approaching blue creature. Grown bold, have you? Overcoming shyness, or sloth, certainly was the right choice.

He watched her examine their clothing and became raptly intrigued and amused by her attitude; then Ian introduced himself and Duncan looked at him with a delighted, stupid smile.

Oh, where did the mirroring humans go? Might they be as absentminded as the lizard; with fluttering, happy minds? If only I had a mind like that. But my attention stays ever glued to singular objects and topics, never deviates, never shifts. Like that one time when Baalsarutep invited me to a game of cards and Bob "accidentally" flipped the table. Beer was spilled all over Lucy and I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she licked herself clean, just like a cat. Hm... What might have happened to Thunderpaws? Perhaps Bob ate the poor thing.

A strong accent broke Duncan's engrossment. "Oh, don't worry much. It'd be rare for somebody to be alarmed by your... cushion? Caution, of course!", he said to Treilin, then adressed the group. "Anyhow, if you're planning to rebel, I'll partake. Until the time comes, how about we keep ourselves sane? Do people play any sort of games in your respective worlds?"

@ResonantStorm @Gaaron01234 @Saturnity
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"I intend to try these "jams". Made of fruits, you say?" She watched Jared walk to the door. She stared at him for a moment confused of what is he trying to do, holding the door for her. "I suppose you need to go to the place they call cafeteria in order to do that..." She said with confusion. @DwlfTheDuck

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