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Realistic or Modern The Library (OPEN)



There is a tale about a library. The Library.

The Library isn't like any other old library, thought, it's magical.
1. The Library is huge. It's much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside. Those who have entered The Library and managed to get out have described it's infinite amount of hallways and shelves. It's very rare to be able to find the same hallway twice, it's almost like the library is constantly shifting and changing.
2. The Library is completely filled. The Library has practically every fictional book, story, and poem ever written piled up inside its tall wood and stone walls. There's not a story you can't find there. Finding it again, though, is the hardest part.
3. The Library is immersive, literally. Every time you open a book you are transported into the story and forced to live it with the main characters. To get out of the story is the hard part, though. You must find a copy of the book within the book, and open it. The book could be anywhere in the story, so you must have a sharp eye. Also, only people present to the book opening are transported in/out.

You might think The Library sounds great, and you might wish to find it. But, you can't. The Library finds you.
Now, don't spend your life looking through every library you find, you'll know The Library when you see it.
It will call to you, and if you choose to enter it's large wooden doors, you'll be in for the adventure of your life.

Now, the The Library isn't as innocent as it seems.
The Library is quite dangerous, and if you do not follow these rules or heed these warnings it could be terrible consciences:
- You cannot take a character from the story out of the story with you. If you do, they will instantly deteriorate. The same goes for any objects as well.
- If you can't find the book in the story, or you destroy the book in the story, you're trapped forever.
- Any injuries received in a story will follow you out to The Library.
- While in The Library you have no normal human needs, but in the stories you do.
- You do not age in The Library, but you do in the stories.
- Only those who are chosen to see The Library can see it.
- Electronics from the outside world do not work in The Library or stories.
- You can't leave The Library until it decides it's done with you.


Please don't post here until we begin! Post in the OOC.
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