The Liberation of Zeus.

@Anno Bane @Deadkool the thread is here. I'm not 100% done, so leave faction empty. And do me a solid and tag everyone else.

@DramonFire geel free to make a character. The factions are complete, as well as some super steroids/drugs. Enjoy.
Good. I will be telling all news here, such as I have a firm grasp on the Loco leader and may have his cs posted by tonight, so pay attention.
Heh, I'm interested what kind of leader Arcer will be serving, I'm pretty exited about the roleplay as well, the setting in particular is waht caught my eye
The Loco leader Char is born.

I shall have the Free Arc leader done sometime today.

Oh! @theunderwolf I made a thing. Give it a once over and see i you would like to join. And @Yonsisac because he's a friend.
Understood. I still have to make the leaders anyway.

Free Arc leader has been created.

Moon Walker leader and Friends leader shall be finished Saturday. Moon Walkers may be done Friday, but no garuntees.
I'm actually pretty hyped, I'm especially interested in playing the righthand man of that loco leader, it should generate some very interesting situations :3
Sorry beo lost Internet!

Hmmm interesting! will read once i get some sleep xD
I'm up. That means that I shall work on the final peader asap. And I might make my own character to join you all. Then it shall start. @theunderwolf it is starting today, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get your character involved no matter where we are.
Hey Beo im sorry but i think i cant join been REALLY busy and not that active sorry :/

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