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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom The Legend of Zelda × The Golden Wars


mermaid space witch & franchise trash

The Players


  • Please refer any and all questions about character creation to me in the Out of Character tab in order to keep things neat!

    In order to join, you need a character. Feel free to ask any questions you have when it comes to building one, too. While this tab has some options, remember that you aren’t restricted just to what you see… But it is a good place to start. We don’t need to fill every one of those slots, nor do we even need them all in the main group. I’ll make it work wherever the characters fall.

    Also, each person can play two characters – but at least at first, let’s say only one of them can be a sage. This may change depending on the number of people who join, but we’ll see. Speaking of playing a sage, please keep in mind that your character won’t know that’s what they are when we begin. That being said, they’ll probably have some connection to their future title, be it race, magic, etc.

    Statistically speaking, Hylians are the most common race. I’m gonna restrict just how many of certain races can join, as well. For example, I didn’t originally include Gerudo in the race list because no one really knows that anyone lives out in the desert.

    The code for the character sheet is under the far right tab and the character info is in the middle one. If anything isn’t working or you just generally need help with the BBCode, hit me up. You’re allowed to alter the format and add information as long as you do not remove anything and the content is still clear and readable.

    Generally speaking, you get
    three strikes on a character sheet before I reject them completely. Under some circumstances, I may flat-out refuse a character without a chance for revisions.

    If your post is rejected, that’s strike one. You’ll be asked to revise whatever is wrong and let me know when you’ve done that. If it’s still not right, you’ll get another notice to revise as strike two. If after that, it still isn’t appropriate, you will be rejected and unable to join with that character.

    To signify that you have been accepted or need to fix something, one of the following markers will be added to the bottom of your post:

    Congratulations! Your character XYZ has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

    Please revise X, Y, and Z and PM me when you’re done. This is strike #.

    Unfortunately, this character does not meet standards and will not be accepted.

    Since you can join as two characters, this goes for both applications. If one is accepted and the other is rejected, however, there will be something of a probation time before you can apply with a new character for your second. That way we don’t get stuck on character creation for a million years.

    Also if you’re gonna play two characters, please put them in different posts just to keep things organized.

    As characters are created and claimed, I’ll mark them as taken. Parts work on a first-come, first-serve basis, following the approval of your character sheet.
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Zelda, Princess of Hyrule

She dreams of swirling darkness -- the evil of both men and monsters. She sees the faces of familiar strangers; fates tied together with red threads and silver ribbons. Her people are cut down needlessly and blood spills over sand.

She tells her father and he says she is imagining things. She knows he is wrong. There is danger near.


art by


  • Name: Her Royal Majesty, Princess Zelda Daphne Hyrule

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Race: Hylian

    Occupation: Princess of Hyrule

    Personality: Proud and determined, Zelda tends to bury her sensitive side beneath formalities. Despite her teachings having told her that patience is key, she often prefers action to reaction and sometimes makes rash decisions. Combative and with a short temper, she is sometimes considered spoiled. The problem is, she is often right (at least when arguing with her family) but her advice often goes unheeded. Despite all of this, she is deeply caring and passionate. She puts the needs of others before her own and often makes self sacrifices for the happiness of those around her.

    Skills/Powers: Gifted with magic ever since she was a child, Zelda occasionally has prophetic dreams and visions. She has also shown some ability in telekinesis and defensive magic, but only under extreme duress. She is still learning what the bounds of her abilities are, but they are considered a blessing on her from The Goddesses.

    Story: Born to young, happy parents, Zelda was praised and lauded as a child. Even after her brother was born, promptly removing her from the line for the throne, she still enjoyed a great deal of attention and affection in her youth.

    Particularly close with her mother, Zelda was raised knowing that even if she was never destined for the crown, she was important nonetheless. However, as she grew older, and her mother passed away, she developed a contentious relationship with her father. Knowing her own strengths and intellect caused her to rebel against his rules. She rejected his requests for her to be quiet and submissive. She listened to her brother's lessons on strategy and wriggled her way into his sparring lessons.

    When they were younger, she and her brother were both quite close. However, as they've gotten older, they've drifted apart as he has delved further into his grooming for the crown. To stave off the loneliness, Zelda took to disguising herself and sneaking out of the palace to interact with the people.

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A Boy Named Link

The precise time, place, event, and other such details always escape him, but the feeling - the irrational conviction that in the shadows lurk beasts of darkness born and to darkness calling... that lingers throughout Link's waking day. The nightmares make him jumpy, and while it takes more than that to spoil his easy-going disposition, he can only do so much to hide the effects of too many poor nights' sleep. As night comes closer he can't fear that which he can't remember, but when sleep washes over, he is reminded of the premonitions of coming trouble. Every morning when he wakes, it is with the sensation he should be doing something important.


drawn by ruebird

  • Name: Link

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Race: Hylian

    Occupation: Blacksmith's Apprentice


    While Link is many things - unfailingly kind, unerringly quick-thinking, unshakably driven - he is above all brave, at times to a fault. He will often throw himself into difficult tasks, not out of ignorance of risks, but rather in spite of them. He has a heroic streak a mile wide which influences him to take burdens upon his own shoulders, and that in combination with his headstrong bravery can land him in suicide missions.

    This bravery does not extend into the realm of

    All of this does not wash out his other qualities, of course. He is a compassionate boy, always fixating on what he can do to make people's lives better as naturally as breathing. His general reluctance to speak means he often shows he cares with actions, which on one hand are much more likely to truly impact the lives of others. On the other hand, he isn't very good at communicating and therefore does not handle conflict or misunderstandings well.

    Link is an apprentice town blacksmith; he is not and never will be a scholar. But while he doesn't have a mind for numbers or for books, he is a quick learner and thinks on his feet. Link is adaptable, ever the problem solver, and relishes in picking up new skills.

    He's highly goal-oriented, as well. While he is for the most part easy-going, when a conviction
    does set in he gets tunnel vision, and he is constantly working towards something. When he completes one of his objectives, he'll set another. He doesn't need a plan, really, but if there isn't a clear Point A and Point B he'll be caught off guard and have trouble pulling it together.


    ForgingTraining in the art from a young age, working in a township with a guard which needs arming, and a certain inherent talent have made Link a gifted smith. He is especially proficient with weapons, but he has a soft spot for small trinkets.
    Hunting & TrackingLink never thought to leave the town walls and go hunting until he realized he was afraid to do so - another enduring mark his mother's death left upon him. In his typically brave fashion, he challenged that fear by facing it, and has grown very proficient with his bow and arrow. However, the monsters are always in the back of his mind, tinging the practice with a mix of fear and black anger.
    PuzzlesA simple metal puzzle involving several differently shaped blocks was one of the first things Link's uncle taught him how to make, and the sentimental value made it his favorite toy for a very long time. This exposure sparked a love for games of logic, though the numerical often elude him while the spatial come easily.


    Some of the most formative years of his life are the ones he hardly remembers. He was only a toddler when his father began to slowly fade away, the once strong man reduced to a whisp and then thin air - or so it seemed to Link. His concept of terminal illness - and, indeed, of death - was rather shaky at the time. He does remember clearly the effect it had on his mother. Lilah stopped everything when Rafi died. Her son would pester her for attention, but she would just role over in bed and sometimes begin to cry. It didn't take long for her sister, Milah, to come in, tut, and gently escort the broken young woman and the toddler to her home.

    After about a year, she seemed to be doing better. She found work, regained interest in things she used to love. Why, she even began hunting again.

    Unfortunately, things were changing in Hyrule. While she was out one night, monsters overcame her, and she only just escaped. Link had stubbornly refused to go to bed until she returned, so he recalls sitting in the kitchen with his aunt as she knit - and he recalls the spatter of red on the floor when Lilah finally stumbled in.

    Link was a child. The hushed whispers and grave faces confused him. But he was not gormless; he surmised, at some point, that like his father, his mother would not be seen again.

    Milah and her husband Irah were kind people, if a bit no-nonsense; Link was well-loved but never in danger of being spoiled. He was already used to receiving care from them what with his mother's emotional absence; aside from the Lilah-shaped hole in his life, little changed. He grew up well, as they cultivated hard work, humility, and responsibility in him.

    However, they have always assumed somewhat thoughtlessly that he will take over the blacksmith when his uncle retires. He greatly enjoys the work, but lately he has felt the need for something... more.


Congratulations! Link has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

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Rosa, Daughter of Knights

Fires do not burn as bright as stars, but when the sun sets, and the stars shine, there is none else to keep one warm and chase the darkness away but the flames of the close fire.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/rosa1.png.db862adacdb981b6f8099892ae1ba774.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/rosa1.png.db862adacdb981b6f8099892ae1ba774.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

art by


  • Name: Rosa Cervena

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Race: Hylian

    Occupation: N/A


    Rosa is a strong believer in self-amelioration, even at the cost of her own health. This is painfully evident by how far she is willing to take her training, to the point of perfecting her form through nothing but hard work and perseverance. While she knows she has friends to depend upon, it is rare that she would even ask them for help. Favours, maybe, such as helping her buy another training dummy, but never direct help. She regularly burns the midnight oil, and it is clear by the rings around her eyes.

    Even so, Rosa carries herself with some sort of indomitable spirit. Tired as she looks, she still somehow finds the energy and ability to stand and go through life without as so much as a yawn. Her willpower to keep on standing and going on is remarkable beyond belief. Even as friends and foes stand in her way, if she can muster up the strength to even push them aside, she will. There is something within her that disallows her from simply just giving up without putting up proper resistance.

    Even as a member of a rather well-off family, Rosa does not carry herself with an attitude that would befit such a class of citizen. She dresses in threadbare clothes, and is strangely quite amicable, despite of her tendencies to go wild with her hot-bloodedness, to everyone, of every walks of life. It is also accountable that she is able to switch between polite and formal tones of speech to relaxed and a more natural way of speech in split seconds.

    Not unlike her closest friend, she, too, leaps into danger mindlessly without so much as a thought of her own safety, and suffers directly from it, since she does not exactly possess a brawny build. She still gets into trouble enough with the local kids by falling for taunts easily, despite of that fact.


    Though a self-taught sword wielder, Rosa is quite impressive nonetheless in the art of wielding a blade, and is remarkably talented at replicating the sword strokes of master swordsmen through merely watching them.

    What she lacks in mental flexibility, she makes up for it with know-how and application. She seems to have an affinity with gadgets and some of the new types of weaponry in Hyrule, such as cannons, and has been found tinkering with bombs during her free time.


    Daughter to Rosso and Rosea Cervena, both of whom were Knights of the King's Legion, and had momentarily retired for Vermell to give birth to their daughter and raise her. Rosa was more or less raised by her single father and a household of maids and servants. Having lost her mother at the same time when she was born, her father played both roles for too many years for her to be undeniably grateful to him. So she tried to overtake him as a way to repay him back for his love. While she strove to surpass him, to take his place as a knight of renown to the service of the Royal Family, and to make him proud, he chose to stifle her dreams and ambitions, unwilling to lose his one and only child to the world that had already taken his wife.

    Despite this, Rosa decided to learn the art of wielding a sword herself, and placed an order for a sword not unlike her father's to be commissioned for her own use. After being denied by the blacksmith, who had undoubtedly heard from her father, she went to his nephew instead, the boy named Link, and pleaded with him to be her weaponsmith. Their odd friendship started from there onwards, and Rosa has since started to regard Link as an invaluable friend to her.

    Not too long ago, her father had departed at the call of arms from Prince Altis. Rosa, in a moment of anguish and frustration, challenged her father to a duel, demanding that she should be taken with him to see the world, and not be confined within the walls of the town. She was defeated, with not even a glimpse of hope at her side, by the superior swordsman. Sulking and nursing her bruises, she followed his instructions to stay at home. At least, for now, she did. She tirelessly trains day to day now, waiting for the right moment to set out into the outside for her own adventures.

    Et Cetera: Anything else you want to add

Congratulations! Your character Rosa has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!



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Syviis Reyynore

That place is filled with a darkness that swallows even time. Not many Hylians are capable of going there without their mind being shattered. So think long and hard about it 'hero', do you really want to see what's in the shadow of the royal family?

  • Name: Syviis Reyynore

    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Race: Sheikah

    Occupation: Assassin and spy for the royal family. Sage of Shadows.

    Personality: Due to her training and occupation, when in combat Syviis is cold and calculating. If ordered to cleanly take down her mark, she will ensure to take care in her blows and ensure a swift death. However, if the opposite's ordered, she will do so without any signs of remorse.

    Outside of combat and work in general, Syviis is almost a different person. The Sheikah is surprisingly laid back taking on a more relaxed and joking air. If you're friend's with her prepare to be teased, picked on, pestered, etc. If Syviis isn't finding some way to irritate you, chances are she doesn't like you. Or perhaps just doesn't know you yet.

    In the presence of the royal family or her superiors, will carry herself with an air of respect. If not a little caution at times. A fellow Sheikah becoming a mark, while rare, isn't unheard of. Especially in times of rising strife.

    Skills/Powers: Syviis' entire life has been spent being trained in the art of stealth and assassination, her weapon of choice being a short curved sword. She's surprisingly accurate with a variety of throwing weapons but has taken a liking to using Senbon. These needle-like weapons combined with knowledge of the body allows for making strike with literal pinpoint accuracy. However a thrown senbon won't strike with the same level of precision as a melee blow.

    Her mentors noticed from an early age that shadows would seemingly migrate towards the young Sheikah in training. While they don't yet offer full invisibility, the added concealment does make her harder to spot. One of the reasons she was chosen to focus in assassinations.

    As her training continued, she discovered a new ability within the shadows: the creation of illusions. While these illusions aren't anything all the spectacular yet, just small shapes scurrying out of the corner of someone's eye. It's proven to be plenty to toy with and confuse opponents. Though she's aware of the potential this ability could have if she could just figure out how to expand on it.

    Whether it's another gift she was born with or a result of so much training and working in the dark, Syviis' vision in darkness easily outclasses an average Sheikah.

    Story: Born into the Sheikah, the so called shadow of the royal family, Syviis was trained from an early age to be able to serve the royals of Hyrule. When her unusual affinity with shadow was discovered, her training shifted from preparing to be another hidden body guard like her parents to more deadly profession. Know what the harsh training would do to his normally caring and upbeat daughter, Syviis' father tried to persuade the tribe leader to change her mind on such a decision. But it was to no avail.

    Syviis spent the following years training in a more secluded location than where the tribe normally dwelled. The harsh training and rarely being able to see her family made things difficult for the young Sheikah, but she pressed on not wanting to be considered a disappointment. She knew what she was training to become. Syviis would become the darkest in the shadow of the royal family. Agents who the House of Hyrule would never dare to acknowledge existed. Assassins, spies, kidnappers, interrogators. If any of them were somehow caught they would merely be branded traitors and abandoned by the family they served so loyally. But she was told they were a necessary evil, to secretly go out and remove threats to the crown and Hyrule itself.

    At age of 20, Syviis completed her training and was recognized as an adult among her tribe. While her missions have been few and far between, she did prevent a potential attacker from getting anywhere near the princess Zelda.

Congratulations! Your character Syviis has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

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Sir Meyus Harrow

The closer you get to the Light, the greater your Shadow becomes.


Image found here, as I couldn't locate an artist.

  • Name: Meyus (may-uhs) Harrow

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Race: Hylian

    Occupation: Chief Investigator of the King's Guard, and Future Sage of Light

    Personality: Due to the nature of his job, Meyus tends toward the cynical. He's often interacting with criminals or would-be criminals, usually attempting to mislead or even outright lie, and that has colored his perception of the world. 'Paranoid' isn't quite an accurate description for him, but it's not terribly far off; the guardsman treats almost everyone with a certain level of suspicion, and as a result he can be distant emotionally when he's not working his charm.

    But he's as steadfast as a rock in loyalty, once Meyus has determined someone is worthy of it. His darker sense of humor will even begin to show, a sometimes off putting trait to those unprepared for it, and he'll laugh as joyfully as any other. He is also remarkably headstrong, a characteristic of mixed review: his tenacity drives him to finish any given task, but he has a difficult time budging in him opinions, which has put him at odds with his superiors more than once.

    Skills/Powers: Meyus Harrow is a hardy warrior, and while he is far from the most accomplished or skilled fighter on the battlefield, he can certainly hold his own.

    The arena in which he shines is in investigation. In these times of war and trouble, the Hyrule Royale family's safety is always a matter of the highest priority. The Guard for the most part being a reactive service, Meyus Harrow leads the proactive side, seeking out through any and all means those that would do his Majesty harm. To that end, his powers of observation are top notch. He also has a decent gift of gab, being able to put most people that he interviews (whether they're aware they are being interviewed or not) at ease.

    Notably, as of the beginning of this story, Meyus has exhibited no magical affinity whatsoever. However, he has an almost preternatural ability to see his investigations through to completion, bringing all but the most enigmatic of crimes and criminals 'to light', as it were.

    Story: Meyus was orphaned at a young age, his parents both casualties of a moblin attack on an outlying village of Hyrule's capital city. For several years he wandered the streets of Castle Town, foraging what he could from kind hands or behind careless backs. He learned to see, to really notice, what was around him, and moreover what everything meant. If the miller was bringing a larger store of flour to the baker, Meyus knew the fat bread maker would be more experimental with his baking, which in turn meant more discarded failures than usual. And that meant the poor boy would eat better.

    His observational skills would also regularly save his hide, and more than once he avoided a fight with older more experienced street urchins because of them. But he couldn't avoid every confrontation. A fight would invariably find him from time to time, and both his failures and his successes taught him something that he could employ the next time.

    But the streets didn't provide a satisfactory life to the growing boy, and Meyus was determined to do something with his life. So when the Hyrule army held recruitment in his 16th year, he was one of the first to sign up. His time on his own, harsh as it was at the time, served him well during his training, and he was quickly snatched up to serve as squire for a prominent Guardsman: Sir Ogden Fraet, lieutenant of the King's Guard.

    During his five year stint as Sir Fraet's squire, Meyus gained further notoriety, especially in aiding Fraet in his investigations. Thus, when Meyus reached his 21st year, he was knighted and brought into the Guard. In the ensuing years, thanks in large part to a successful investigation that exposed an attempt by a small criminal cartel to infiltrate the castle and kidnap the prince, he was promoted to Chief Investigator, where he has spent the last four years bringing to light every kind of criminal activity against the throne.

Congratulations! Your character Meyus has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

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Looks like one, raised by another. A stone body to hold a twisted monster at bay.

art by WHOEVER

  • [ The basics. ]

    Name: Tiggan

    Gender: Male

    Age: 45

    Race: Goron

    Occupation: Bandit

    Personality: Unlike the majority of his race Tiggan is far from friendly. Due to not being raised around them he never absorbed their culture. He's a heavy duty introvert, rarely making himself known to people, and hiding his face when he does. Despite his lack of connection to the rest of his race he prefers to hide what he is, in order to not 'disgrace what they truly are'.

    Though he can seem cruel, and even sadistic at times, he's not at his core. Though he'll deny this if anyone ever brings it up. He'll hurt people when he can, usually because he needs something, but there are one group he wont harm. Children. He hates the sight of it happening as well, though he'll usually deny that as well. Though while he's around no children will ever be harmed, if its in his power to prevent it, and if its not then he'll prevent as much harm as he can.

    Skills/Powers: Oddly enough Tiggan is a skilled swordsman, though not fast, due to both his armor and rock hard skin he rarely needs to take the defensive, and as such is primarily an offensive fighter with blows that can be devastating due to his natural strength.

    He's also quite good with his fist, much better than with a sword, and a bit faster. Quite strong his punches are deadly, though he rarely goes all out.

    He also possess's a somewhat odd ability. He possess some magical talent, though he isn't trained with it. But when he rolls fast enough he can sprout spikes from his body.

    Story: Though its not known 'how' Gorons are born, Tiggan remembers being held by soft arms when the sky was grey, in the evening. He doesn't know how he'd come to be raised by Hylians out in the woods. Nor did he ever want to. His early life was quite different than other goron children. He was taught to run rather than roll. Thus he has a bit of trouble in that regard. He was also raised to believe that its proper to wear clothing, and does that regularly. He never quite knew what his adoptive parents did. His parents were named. Reiagh, and Ezweld. Two well known bandits. It wasn't till what they considered his 'teen' years that he joined their first raid.

    Raids were a large part of his teen years, mainly ramming carriages onto their side, stunning most of the occupants and allowing the group to put a swift end to what could have been a prolonged battle. His strength played into a lot of raids as he got older, becoming the front man for them by charging through whomever was unlucky enough to be in front of him. His first encounter with children came during his fifteenth raid. When he found a girl of roughly seven sobbing over one of their victims. Despite the orders from their groups leader he couldn't bring himself to do it. The first time they accepted it, and the girl got away. Though this happened several more times, and the group slower grew less tolerant. Not because of the mercy, but because he bcame less and less effective during their raids. To make things even worse he played the most pivotal role in them. Causing more and more bandits to lose their lives.

    When he reached adulthood he had to make a choice. He was brought to the aging leaders tent, where he was ordered to do two things. One of the bandits had slipped into a local town and kidnapped three children. He had to either watch them slowly lose their lives, or do it himself, making it quick and painless. He chose a third option, and that day he took several lives. The entire band of bandits to be specific. Adoptive parents and all. A day he tries to forget. Though this event could have been a stepping stone towards redemption it turned out to be a steep hill towards Darkness. He used the camp as his sole base of operations. Setting up traps around it and charging when people fall to them. He wears the large set of armor that his former leader had once worn, due to it being the only thing that fits him.

    Et Cetera: Anything else you want to add


Lily Loudfall

Of the Sea, this alone may be said: only one thing is Predictable about Her, and that is Her Unpredictability.


Found here

  • Name: Lily Loudfall

    Gender: Female

    Age: 7

    Race: Zora

    Occupation: Crown Princess of the Zora Realm

    Personality: Most children, when confronted with wave upon wave of strangers, in strange places no less, might fall into themselves, silent and introverted. Lily is the very opposite: "stranger" is a foreign concept to her, and she will approach the roughest looking miner or the most arrogant noble, stick out a hand, and introduce herself as their new friend. Lily is perhaps not so much brave, though others might certainly confuse the behavior as such. Rather, she is unconcerned. For if all are her friends, what need has she to worry?

    A pleasant girl, it would be a strange thing to see her upset or angry. Only the best of adults, Parents, can truly speak about the fury of a young child, for none are as unabashedly cruel as a vengeful child. On very rare occasion Lily will find the reason to be so, though she becomes very apologetic and remorseful afterward: a distressing sight for those around her.

    Skills/Powers: Lily is in possession of one of the most subtle and yet one of the most powerful magics in all the Goddesses' creation: the wide eyed wonder and enthusiasm of a small child. She does have some small amount of skill in Water Magic, but while she may be able to improve upon it with concentration and practice, she has little patience for either right now.

    Story: Lily's history is a short and simple one. Born to Druma and Cecilly Loudfall, king and queen of the Zora Kingdom, Lily has led a very sheltered if unnoticed life. Her parents often pay her little attention. Not for lack of love, mind: there's plenty and to spare. But the responsibilities of the leaders of a kingdom facing unbalanced economic and political scenarios are great, and they have been able to spend little time with her. So Lily, sole heir to the Loudfall line, is left in the care of her nursemaids. They are a caring bunch, if easily fooled, and love the princess as well as they can.

    But a child's curiousity must be satiated, and wandering the refined caves and water systems of the palace does little to ease it. So Lily will sometimes wander off, simply exploring, until some kind soul finds her and returns her. She has been fortunate: thus far, her father's soldiers and her mothers handmaidens have been the ones to spot her, and she has always been recognized.

    In Hyrule Castle Town, however, few Hylians might recognize the princess as anyone but another Zora. So, as her family was leaving the Hyrule Palace from a goodwill visit, Lily wandered away from her caretakers and into the town streets. Each nursemaid assumed that another had care of the girl, so her absence went unnoticed until the entourage reached their home.

    Which is where Lily enters into this tale, a single day having passed since her family left the palace, and while they still traveled back to their waters.

Congratulations! Your character Lily has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

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A woman of self-sufficience. She has become one with man and nature. The most civilized beast in the wild.

  • Name: Maxwell Teller

    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

    Race: Hylian

    Occupation: Hunter (Earth Sage)

    Personality: Generally very light-hearted and jovial. She is a people person. She knows when to slow down and take in the world around them, and when to move, because life will move on without you. She generally enjoys the world and all it has to offer.

    Skills/Powers: She is very good with a bow, as the hunt often. She is also quite adept with a knife, but more for cutting and precision rather than combat. Still, she can put up a fight with a knife. Her time in the wild has made her nimble and acrobatic. She is also an artist. Finally, she is knowledgeable in survival skills (building camp, firemaking, fletching, etc.)

    Story: Max's parents died in a house fire when she was 14. With no where to go to and no one to depend on, she learned how to survive in the wild. She learned how to hunt first, and over time grew better and better. The hut she lives in is one of her own design and build. She generally lives away from the city and from people, and as such has developed a love for nature and the world.

    Et Cetera: Despite living away from man, she is still quite intelligent. Not genius or anything, but she can hold her own. She often will spend money she earns from selling her prey to buy books, which she has a rather large collection of at her house. She's also not entirely disconnected from civilization. She may live outside of real estate, but she still has connections to people within the city. She is know by quite a few people, and has friends. She just chooses to live in the woods and plains, rather than in the city.

Congratulations! Your character Max has been accepted and marked. Welcome aboard!

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